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UI Feature Feedback Request


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  • So much of the hatred of CC in this game stems from a basic lack of understanding of how the resolve meter works. There should be a personal resolve bar on the screen. Using the current default interface it should be under the Energy/Force/Ammo bar.
  • Players would take particular note of this bar and how it works if it flashy when it was full. Think Street Fighter.



Target Marking


  • I would like the ability to disable seeing marks that the op leader puts up. Especially when they put a mark on me.
  • I would like to have my own target marking system which no one else can see.
  • An auto-save function for the personal target marking so that for example a healer from my guild always receives the same mark without having to set it at the start of each warzone.





  • The ability to permanently disable auto re-queue for warzones. The lack of this feature is exacerbated by having to reform groups to re-queue.
  • Having to reform groups after every warzone is a bit of a joke, this one isnt going to surprise anyone but this really should have been implemented by now.
  • The concept behind Dammaz Kron is brilliant, such a feature would be a great addition to swtor.
  • The "Throw the huttball" ability is very confusing to new players and often makes them the object of ridicule this can be alleviated by having a large button which is similar in size to a portrait on a targeting panel (not an actual quickslot). Experienced players will want the option to specifically bind "throw the huttball" to a key as they normally do, and hence will want the option to disable the new noob friendly button I have suggested.





  • "Borrowing" ideas from addons like this one would be vast improvement over the current GTN.





  • I'm sure alot of people have pointed out the current buff display is lacking but a specific feature I would like to see is the ability to trigger a graphic or text somewhere on the screen when a certain effect is detected. Since this game is so heavily proc reactionary this or something similar is an absolute must.





  • 10 items in an inventory row, 10 items in a vault row, 8 items in a mail. FIX THIS. :D
  • Autocomplete names from my legacy in mail address field. Not just guild.



I'll try to come up with more and post them in a new post later.

Edited by Daitakk
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I think we had this discussion 100 times during beta:


PLEASE DO NOT implement a full UI manipulation / scripting scheme as some of these people are demanding.


It seems what many people want is the ability to have UI scripts to tell them everything they need to do and when they should do it. "Press key 3 to use your now available proc ability, Dave." Healbot was one of the worst things ever to happen to MMOs. If you can't play your class without the UI telling you how to do it, then go practice.


I love what you did. The only additions that strike me as highly desirable at this point are:

  • Option to remove portraits
  • Snap-to functionality
  • Save keybinds


Reskin and much of the other stuff is nice, but really it's just gravy.

Edited by Zhadara
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You are off to a great start. I would suggest the following:


1: A snap to grid capability or at least a set of coordinates to allow for precise alignments

2: Make buffs and debuffs separate elements and separate both from player / target bar

3: Add numeric timers to buff / debuffs

4: Add ability to change or "mod" just the appearance of the various compnents. Ability to add art or change textures would be fantastic but limit to appearance only changes.

5: Ability to use different fonts.

6: Add companion boxes to the operations frames.

7: Add health text to party frames

8: Ability to remove portraits from all frames

9: Separate the lock and bar selector controls from Bar 1.


On a separate note:


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE overhaul the GTN UI. Make the various filters work correctly. Please let us click and drag items to a search box instead of having to type them. PLEASE fix the level boxes so you can tab. This component needs a LOT of love.


For the Mail UI, PLEASE add alts to the auto-lookup that is currently guild only in the TO box




PLEASE add keybinds to the UI profile when you save it

Edited by Selethar
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Release the UI API to the modding community, and do it yesterday.


No matter what you guys do to the UI you will never touch the custumization imagination your entire community could bring.


1.2 was nice, but not close to what anyone coming from (World of Warcraft) will tolerate for long.




Wow has been letting people do it for years. I still have no idea why you'd want to start 5 years behind the competition.

Edited by Ragnafrak
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There have been many suggestions that I support but here's four of my favorites.


Either add target frames to the operation frames or add a separate assist frame with targets. The operations leader should be able to load and arrange the assist frame for all members of the operation.


Dual targets (hostile, friendly) would be very useful for healers who would like to do some damage between heals.


Ready Check!


Roll sort for the master looter. The master looter should be able to offer an item and the rolls should be sorted. Four and eight man groups are managable but sixteen (and larger) could use the help.

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Buffs/Debuff/Procs. I would love to move each individual Buff/Debuff/proc for my character and my target to anywhere on the screen and scale it. For me moving my Procs is most important. After watching my Fraps videos to critique my tanking I noticed I do not use my procs when I have them in a timely fashion and waste several GCD before i use the proc. The visual clues just dont cut it for me, I would love to move the icons to a place on my screen where I focus more while I am tanking.
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Release the UI API to the modding community, and do it yesterday.


No matter what you guys do to the UI you will never touch the custumization imagination your entire community could bring.


1.2 was nice, but not close to what anyone coming from (the game that will not be named) will tolerate for long.




I was gonna hit you with a huge list of what could be improved according to my opinion, but the truth is that no amount of directives is gonna let you satisfy me and the next guy at the same time, let alone the whole community.



Please, please, please:


1) Realize that you are trying to bite much more than you can chew

2) Mod makers are free manpower. Why do you keep saying no to them?

3) In my neighborhood there's this "know-it-all" kid who owns a great foot ball, but ends up playing alone because he keeps trying to make everyone play by his rules only. Hint

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Make the informational part of the UI elements take up a bigger portion of the frame. Right now your frames are 90% bright blue frame, 10% stuff I need to be able to grasp at a glance.



I miss my simplistic, unadorned, background- and texture- lacking, mismatch colored, yet perfectly aligned and superinformational World of Warcraft MOD UI.


There you go. You made me say it. I hate you now

Edited by Urkanan
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I want appearance customization for the UI. I can waste hours and hours modding my UI with different styles, colors and set-ups, if you would just let me. The blue gets old, you know. It doesn't even look very Star Wars.


Edit: I also want to see my procs more clearly. You know what I hate most about MMO's (except for the gear-based PvP)? It's the fact that you miss out on all the cool combat scenes going on because you have to keep an eye on the bars to see if something useful is off cooldown, if something procs, if I got interrupted or not, what my health is and what debuffs and buffs I have on me. So much for choreographed combat.


Guess I could capture video footage and watch the visuals after the fighting is over...


I know you want us to keep our eyes on the action, since you try creating visual cues for procs - but how can I tell if my barrels glow red when my whole character is flashing of different colors like a freaking disco-ball from all other effects in the game?! Tone down the prevalence of ability effects. I never once saw a character glow of green, gold or red when they used any tech or Force power in the movies.


MMO's don't need effects to be visually pleasing. WoW does it because they lack all other visual aspects.

Edited by Athrins
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The ability to pick which UI element is on top and which is on bottom.


For example the large UI tooltip is hidden behind other UI elements when I mouse over something, I'd like to be able to put the tooltip on top so it displays over my inventory frame instead of behind it - same applies to the cast bar.


Also, the ability to snap UI elements to each other so they line up and move with the element they're attached to would be a great addition.

Edited by DarthTexas
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I'm actually finding the new UI customization interface very buggy. After clicking on the UI customization menu once and fiddling with the UI, I then cannot access it again without quitting and re-starting the game. The UI cuztomisation option disappears from the menu and the menu goes see-through and rather than clicking on menu options, it acts as if my cursor is hovering over my action bar (which is underneath the menu).

Also, even if I do manage to highlight the UI menu options when this is happening, nothing happens like I haven't pressed the menu option!!

Apart from the problems though, I think it's quite a cool feature considering we can't use third-party mods and addons. :)


Okay, now down to the constructive suggestions rather than the feedback


would like to be able to see percentages/number of character/enemy health/force on the bars themselves rather than having to mouse over to see this info.


Someone else suggested clickable nameplates; this gets my vote.


Also my other suggestion (which I suggested in the suggestion box earlier today!!) is to allow us to customise the draw distance within the graphics settings, because currently as I'm driving along on my speeder, the grass grows a few yards in front of me.


I would like more horizontal action bars!! Call me lazy but I prefer to have all the abilities I use down the bottom of the screen.


Most of my suggestions are very minor. I'm sure I could think of more off the top of my head but these are the main ones that I think about when I play (especially the draw distance thing /nudge nudge).

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At least 1 more action bar. Would be nice to have a bar for Heroic moment/Fistcuffs abilities.


The ability to snap quest tracker to warzone maps.


Display numbers/change buff locations for Focus target.


An option for a stripped down cast bar for target/focus target. The current cast bar model scales down poorly.


The ability to flip and rotate more of the bars (like the menu bar... a flip option would make having it at the bottom more visually appealing


Scaling of the escape menu, notifications, prompts not tied to global scaling. I got around this by manually scaling everything else down, but would be nice to have their own local values.

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UI is fine for me.. but

-Allow Free Movement. Example i press w i run where the camera is facing. I press a, i strafe left of the camera, I press d, I strafe right. If i press A i run towards the camera.

-Allow the Cam to locked to the mouse movement via a button, like Alt.

-Release a UI Editor Client for more advance users to make their own UI.

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1. Don't ask people to work for free as your UI designers without credit like they would get if they authored mods. Yes, your UI designers aren't very good at MMO design yet, but in the time it takes you to read this thread you could have gone through all WoW modes with more than 100k downloads on curse, decided what you could implement and done that.


2. Fundamentally your UI design question is 'what makeup should I put on this pig?'. Convert it to a programming problem in either language design, or language implementation. Go from there. I'm sure if you're desperate a local university will be happy to offer you free labour to make it a student project to implement LUA on top of hero engine, and you can basically copy that.


3. You've received multi page lists from several of us over time, really nothing has changed from september or closed beta. It's all stuff that should have been implemented before launch was even considered, the game as it is just highlights the fact that you did a terrible job testing.


I'll quickly reiterate:

UI features that this game is sorely lacking can be broken down into several categories.


'Data'. dps meters, self buff timers, self debuff timers, spell flashes for procs. That sort of thing. However you want to visualize it, you don't provide data on screen that a large chunk of players need, want and are used to from elsewhere. Any sort of game news, uptime, downtime, patch notes etc. that should all be in game (from the Galactic News Network for example). Any time useful information is conveyed to players from the dev tracker (dark council and jedi master paparazzi) it should show up in game for players to see. They should never need to visit this webpage that actually regressed in usability with the last update.


Convenience: This is an area you're always going to do horribly in, because everyone is annoyed by something different, so there are a plethora of these mods. Timers for speeders, 'auctioneer' type data aggregations (which I don't count as all that necessary like the previous paragraph as it's not real time, and not critical to success or failure on encounters), item search across character and accounts (given how horrible you've been at implementing other searches I'm not exactly hopeful here), items that give best in slot lists or stat weights, atlas loot sort of things, etc.


Given that you've basically not even bothered with trying to implement critical information from the data section, and don't seem to even be aware of the convenience data I find it odd that most of your focus has been on the layout side of things. It's like your team leads don't have a clue how people play MMO's and are therefore prioritizing bizarro world things. There need to to be minimalist UI layouts (get rid of all the pointless stuff on screen), which should have been the default. You waste a lot of UI real-estate on non usable gaps between portraits and bars etc. You need more action bars, obviously. You needed more action bars in september. You need context sensitive action bars (disable this bar if I'm in raid combat, but have it out if I'm solo, now that you've added 7 buttons for companion stuff), the editor generally supports that, but is somewhat lacking in usability. Map notes, square maps, a bigger map that can be put on screen with gathering nodes marked. Please finally get rid of the developer art on the maps or fire whoever thought using the same coloured icons for everything was a good idea, and then fire whomever let it stay in game this long. Grid + clicque, vudu, x-perl, titanpanel, auto mark CC'd targets, etc. etc. etc. If you seriously think you're going to get anything from the forums other than a basically long list of things you can find implemented elsewhere you're missing the point. Start with what everyone else has, then do better. You still have to get your UI up to 2003 standards, until that happens basically all of the feedback you are going to get can be summarized as: get to where EQ was in 2003, then we can move forward to where WoW with all of its mods is and was, and then we can worry about what EA can do to improve on that. If you actually need us to tell you that, you should fire a lot of people in leadership.

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Please allow ops groups to be broken down into more than groups of 4 vertical. Also, please separate the Ops from the UI.


I'd rather have 4 groups of 2 so I can have them closer to the bottom instead of the twin towers in the center of my UI.


Example below:




This is currently not possible unless you have all 4 ops frames visible, but it's still only an ops group of 8 people (2 groups).


Also, can we have more than 4 bars? That would be awesome.

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I would like to see some form of Graphic Reminders that can be changed and assigned to different procs, like Power Auras, or what WoW implemented with cata. Many times I have my head buried in my Sorc's Buff bar to see when my consumption proc would come up. I know there is a visual on the character now, but its so small and usually not obvious enough, so even being able to have like a symbol that will appear in some place on my screen (that we would be able to choose through the UI editor) when an assigned proc happens would be wonderful in my book.
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