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UI Feature Feedback Request


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  1. Able to seperate buffs/debuffs on player / target
  2. Shows the asborbed damage from SI healers in the combat logs
  3. Ability to export character to text file - that shows character settings, gear, progression (boss kills), pvp stats - so can be used to upload to a website that can generate an online profile
  4. Able to hide any UI frame when in combat
  5. Ability to "See better character procs" this was an addon in WoW (PowerAura's) something simalliar


If i think of anymore ill post, but so far with 1.2 i am happy, these are mere improvements to what currently exists or additional to what does not exist ... yet

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- An option to turn off the portrait pictures

- A visual cue when a % chance skill procs (instead of a giggle)

- separate scale control for the main map

- the ability to separate buffs/debuffs from the target frames and make them bigger or change them to side-scrolling bars

- option to disable error text

- option to hide companion head-slot

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1. More quick slot bars


2. a toggle on screen to stop and start combat log. This shouldn't be a permanent option on screen in case some don't want or need it, but if we can turn this on once in preferences>combat log, then maybe have a small toggle option on the edge of the mini map or somewhere similar, it would save me and other raiders time stopping and starting before and after operations from the esc> preferences >combat log options.



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- Separate buffs, self-proc buffs, and debuffs please. Especially the situational proc buffs, there are lots of those in the game for all classes and all of them are critical for combat and usually got a very short duration and are hard to see/notice.


- seperate the resource counter (energy/ammo/heat) bars, eg so one is able to move the hp and char window to the top and leave the combatimportant resouce counter somewhere in the center.


- add a grid to help allign windows in UI customize mode, incl. a "snap this window to grid" button

- when in customization mode a window is selected it gets an overlay that hightslight that window and shows it name, add an option to fade or turn off that overlay because it makes alligning windows very difficult.


- add a way to load/safe keybinding profiles or at least an option to export the current chars keybindings to all other chars on the same account.


- add some color schemes. Maybe even a dynamic colorscheme that adjusts itself to the chars dark/lightside points? Which would be a cool feature for someone like me, playing a lot of different chars on the same UI profile.


- add a scale option for secondary windows, having them on global scale only sux, because now you have to adjust their size first and cant change them afterwards unless you want to readjust all others primary windows again one by one too.



Great job on the customizable UI, I was truly impressed once it came live. (though at least a pre-version of it should have been there since release)

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1. Fix bug that occurs when putting gathering skills into the hotkey buttons (not sure the term for it). But when you put drag the gathering skills into a button slot, then use that slot to access the missions, only tier 1 missions are available, leaving you unable to switch tiers.


2. Clean up crew skills UI. Leaving the list of craftable items in a giant list is crazy, especially when a fair amount of the items are RE'd. Collapse the RE'd items into a drag-down menu, with it's original item as a base, having it closer resemble the design it's based on.


3. The sorting of crew skills shouldn't reset every time the planet is switched. Also, sort things in a more consistent manner (when sorting by level, RE'd items are all over the place).


4. List stats from an item in a consistent manner. Always prime stat, End, secondary stat.


5. A way to check equipment of other characters in your legacy, so I can see whether I should send the armor I found with character A to character B who needs it.

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First let me say that your UI team deserve raises. After the massive disappointment that was 1.2, the UI is about the only thing that actually managed to under-promise and over-deliver. So kudos to the UI devs. With that said, there's always room for improvement. Here's my own wish list, in no particular order:

  1. Additional color schemes. Blue isn't bad, but I like color-coding by toon.
  2. Give all health windows the same options. Currently some (focus target, target of target) are missing some options, such as text or horizontal flip. Implement the full feature set on all windows, please.
  3. Widen the scaling range. Being able to change individual window sizes is nice, but the range is relatively small. I'd like to be able to bump some windows up to as much as 200% of their original size.
  4. Add more ops frame fill order options. Currently ops frames fill left-to-right/top-to-bottom. I'd like to be able to change that to suit the ops frame's placement on the screen. In my own layout, left-to-right/bottom-to-top would be a more intuitive option.
  5. Increase maximum height for the quest tracker window. I currently have mine set to the maximum height, but there's enough room for one more quest in between my tracker and minimap. Let me make use of that space.
  6. Implement snap-to-window for associated windows. Mostly I'm thinking of cast bars here--there's no reason I can think of that target and target-of-target should have completely independant cast bars. Make it a bit easier to position them relative to their associated health window.
  7. You've already mentioned more hotbars. How about also making hotbars snap to one another for easier massive button bar block creation?
  8. Allow the users to modify the UI. I'm not asking for macros/add-ons here, just the ability to change the UI art and element placement within windows. I like ultra-minimalist UIs, and I doubt your art team is ever going to take the time to make a no-border variant of the UI. But I would, if you give me the ability to do so.
  9. Not exactly solely a UI request, but related. First, you should always appear as the first entry in your ops frame group (the F1 slot.) All other members should follow in the F2-F4 slots. Having two different hotkeys to target yourself is counter-intuitive and can make keyboard-based heal target selection more difficult.
  10. Add a refresh button to the crew skill mission selection window. Having to either log in and out, or jump into and out of my ship just to get the missions I want to run is silly. Or, better yet, just display all of the possible missions for any given grade at one time and let me pick which ones I want to send my winged monkeys on.

Edited by Melva
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I would really like to see four things added to the current UI customization:

  1. A "snap to grid" option to allow better alignment of elements in relation to each other.
  2. A "target of companion" unit frame. Currently the only way to see the companion's target is to target the companion. This would help greatly when your companion is tanking and you only want to be attacking their target.
  3. Allow all unit frames (player, target, companion, target of target, etc) to be flipped vertically. This would allow us to actually see health/resources going "down" or "up".
  4. Allow "portraits" to be removed from all unit frames (player, target, companion, target of target, etc).


Thanks for reading.

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This is the single most important thing that needs to be added, and is probably already in the works but still, here it is: Scale and move the debuffs/buffs inside the raid frames units frame.


Filterable debuff for your target. I'm not just talking about the simple, I don't want to see this or that, I would also like to create groups for debuffs, so when there are two debuffs of the same effect, only one is shown with the longest remaining duration.


Border color coded debuffs on target depending either on type of the debuff (force, mental, etc...) or based on source (player, party, ops, other).


Own debuff display on enemy nameplates, very useful for dot classes.


Fix issue with cast bar, when sometimes it does not always properly update. For example, if you switch to a target that is already casting a spell, you don't always get a cast bar for the target.


The chat has way too big border, needs a lot more simplified or scalable border, so it can be moved to the corner of the screen, so the text is in the corner.


Movable edit box for the chat frame.


Ability to left click or alt left click or something an item, so it's name pops into the Name field of the BUY tab of the GTN interface, so you don't have to always type in somethings name that you want to sell, just so you can see how much are the current going prices.


The little icon that indicates when you are in combat, it should show when you are going to get out of combat, if you don't do anything that'd reset that timer.


Scrolling Combat Text. So damage can be moved to the side of the screen, where it is not obstructing the view of more important stuff.


Allow searching in the inventory.


Have a restack button in the inventory that makes the same stackable items stack together.


Move the PvP currencies to the the top of the Currency list. So you don't have to scroll every time you want to look at your PvP commendations. (collapsing Planet commendations only work once per session)


These are more full blown features, but they are still somewhat related to the UI:

Equipment manager that allows quickly switching complete outfits.


Ability to look at guildies crafting crew skills from the guild tab, even when they are offline.

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Make bars have a auto hide/show based on a state such as stealth, cover, heroic moment, or modifier key being pressed.


I have one bar with 1,2,3,4 keys bound, and another bar with shift+1,shift+2,shift+3,shift+4 bound. What I would like to do is have these bars take up the same physical space. 1,2,3,4 bar appears by default, and when i press the shift key that bar hides and the other appears. And then when I go in stealth, both those hide and another bar appears that has a different 1,2,3,4 bind with different stealth-only abilities.


Its all about screen realestate, why do I have to have 50 buttons on screen all at once?


Also, the ui needs a layers system, why does hotbar 4 go over the main bar, but hotbar 2 goes behind. And after 1.2.2 the casting bars are now appearing behind the portrait bars. Casting bars are also not symmetrical, reversing it should reverse the direction of the live movement.


Large tooltip needs an option to bind to cursor.


You should be able to use companion hotbar abilities, even though the bar is collapsed, if you have them hotkeyed.


Hotbars should have an open to only show on mouseover.


Power Auras, useful when looking for a proc before using another ability.


An option to remove the minimap filters button and the zoomin/zoomout button, the filters should be the same as world map.


The ability to move the location text independent of the minimap.


in-game combat spam, and bigger chat window and bigger quest window.


Aggro meter and separate DPS meter that you can configure with number of bars, bar size, color bar by name, direction, opacity, background or transparent background, this is probably the single most important thing if you are not going to let us make our own mods. If we are going to a gear treadmill and raid progression, then we need live in-game dps meters to easily optimize our skill rotations.

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More fluid, less static. And what's with the two windows only at any given time stuff?


You're in the (clunky, semi-useless) mail window and you have your equipment window up next to it. You realize you wanted to add something as an attachment so you bring up the inventory and poof, windows close and realign and you probably lost the mail you had been writing.


Or fun stuff like trying to report a bug. You bring up the bug, report away and when you're nearly done, a companion returns from crafting and one of the generously allotted 2 windows at a time just automatically goes away. Probably your bug report and the 5-10 minutes you spent entering it with it.


The OS has great window handling, and the game has hideous throwbacks to the DOS age when each program had to reinvent windows on its own. How about window handling that's from this decade? Or at least, the decade before this? Thanks. :)

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Release the UI API to the modding community, and do it yesterday.


No matter what you guys do to the UI you will never touch the custumization imagination your entire community could bring.


1.2 was nice, but not close to what anyone coming from (the game that will not be named) will tolerate for long.


I think this guy said it best... Worry more about what needs to be in the game and just open up add-on/community modding, in the long run its better and cheaper for u =P. Threat meters, dps/heal meters need to be in the game for competitive reasons.. (this is why most mmorpg's are successful because at the end of the day its the competitive aspect it brings to the table, just look at the most popular games people talk about today Lord Voldemort aka the game that will not be named and L.o.L, both highly competitive.. )

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I'd like to change colors and be able to zoom in on item previews.


Also an option for the logging out for inactivity button to show up above everything else (And to always show up. Been kicked these last few times without it popping despite doing stuff on the game :/)


Nexdine - You can turn off the only two windows and turn on the ability to move them around in the UI Editor. They're just not turned on to start.

Edited by Jenemi
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Heroic Moment bar - an additional mini-bar that comes up when you hit "heroic moment", and includes all the abilities that are only usable during a heroic moment (including legacy unlocks).

-This bar would only pop up when you're using heroic moment (would be hidden otherwise).

-It would be auto-populated with all your HM abilities.

-It should be smaller (similar to WoW's pet bar), but contain enough slots to hold all obtainable HM abilities.

-If the player is able to move/shift the abilities around (not really necessary), and if a player has completely removed any of the abilities from the bar (which is likely accidental), it should auto-populate those "missing" abilities into empty slots.

-If on the other hand, the layout is static, it might be neat to display all possible abilties (including ones not obtained, which could be simply greyed out, and mention the unlock condition upon mouseover).

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Until the UI can be customized even a little something like this, I'm not happy.


What features of bartender do you feel are missing that are vital? If I was a dev and saw that link I'd think I got most of it, the UI now has movable bars that can be arranged in rows and columns, as well as being scaled. The only major Bartender features I can think of that are missing is snap to and pixel specific placement.

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I would like to see the ability to add text to ALL instances of HP bars, including the focus frame and the one floating above people's heads (even though that second one isn't strictly part of the UI.)
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* More slots

* The ability to have more rows in the center action bar

* At the very lest simple macros. Like chat macros so I can just press a button and have my guild's vent info automatically entered.

* I don't know if this counts as a UI feature but a ready check would be awesome.

* Some way to make de-buffs more noticeable in raid frames.

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Heroic Moment bar - an additional mini-bar that comes up when you hit "heroic moment", and includes all the abilities that are only usable during a heroic moment (including legacy unlocks).

-This bar would only pop up when you're using heroic moment (would be hidden otherwise).

-It would be auto-populated with all your HM abilities.

-It should be smaller (similar to WoW's pet bar), but contain enough slots to hold all obtainable HM abilities.

-If the player is able to move/shift the abilities around (not really necessary), and if a player has completely removed any of the abilities from the bar (which is likely accidental), it should auto-populate those "missing" abilities into empty slots.

-If on the other hand, the layout is static, it might be neat to display all possible abilties (including ones not obtained, which could be simply greyed out, and mention the unlock condition upon mouseover).


Oh yeah this one!



Makes it so!

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I would like to see


1. GUILD MAIL to all in guild


2. COPY AND PASTE into guild mail and out to a word doc


3. GROUP PICKUP instant travel to the group with no cool down (or very small one)

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Option to remove the small "Lock" button on the main hotbar (too easy to accidentally click it and then have your abilities start flying off of the hotbar).




Heroic Moment bar - an additional mini-bar that comes up when you hit "heroic moment", and includes all the abilities that are only usable during a heroic moment (including legacy unlocks).[/i]


and ^^This^^

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Addons there is no possible way the Dev team can implement everything for everybody but addons can. Addons grow the community and help the playerbase better immerse themselves in the game. The decision to not have a dungeon finder was bad idea. Someday it will be recognized that not having addons was also a bad idea. Hopefully sooner than later.
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Glad you are working on another hotbar, and customizing buffs/debuffs (so much squinting!).


1-10. Improved TAB Targeting!!! Start with the nearest person in the direction of the camera (always on opposite side of the toon from the camera) and expand outward in a cone. Reset TAB to target nearest again after x seconds where x can be set in preferences. I should always be able to tell ahead of time how many presses of TAB it will take to target the enemy I want.



11. Would love a way to separately scale target's health numbers so it's easier to read.

12. Get target's guild name in their frame near/next to distance and class.

13. Ability to rearrange the ops frames via click and drag (e.g., so I can get the two tanks on the bottom, healers on top, dps in the middle)

14. Make is easier to click target. Bigger boxes, nameplates, etc.

15. Camera zoom customization. It sucks when you are trying to pass the huttball and can't because the camera auto-zoomed in on you because you stepped in front of some object.

16. Chat ping (instead of map ping, which can cause WZ group to overcommit). So you type "/cping 4 inc left" and everyone gets a sound that prompts them to look at the chat.


Here are my favorites from the thread:


Friendlier companion bars

Target a friendly and attack their target when you press an attack button

Edited by LarryRow
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• Bug fixes to the UI so that it works correctly and doesn't require a double ctrl+u to get it looking right or get the selection working again.

• More hotbars.

Edited by llesna
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