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Everything posted by Nexdine

  1. I was almost about to blow a lot of money on one of these - like an idiot, I assumed they'd a) be on all the time and b) change the sound throughout the stronghold. Instead it seems to be a pointless trinket you have to click to start. What a waste, glad I didn't waste any credits on the GTN.
  2. If it isn't 110% now, it should be fixed. It's not otherwise a very attractive mount, but it comes in handy if you start a new character. Granted, these days you can get a fast mount earlier than ever before, but still. It was a reward for referring 5 people. It should still be there for those who have.
  3. They may have terms in the EULA that prohibit forcing them to, but a) EULA's are not generally legally enforcable and b) it would be the least they could do for their fan base to compensate people. People who pay for a subscription when they don't have to are really the people you want to keep happy. People have paid for 30 or 60 day subs. Not 29 or 59 day subs. There's a principle involved, and the entire EU lost a day. Realistically, people who have lives can only go online and play between 5 pm and midnight, that makes up "a day" for the purpose of this discussion. I'd be happy with a single day extension personally. Just for the principle of the thing. The update was screwed up, and it should be on EA BIoware, not their customers.
  4. Is it even legal to sign up with a fake address and stuff to Amazon Prime? Oh well, I'll live without the walker I suppose (not in a country where Twitch - or Amazon - prime is available.)
  5. Like I said, it is rather implied that they provide service since they charge us for service (those of us who sub.) Just arguing the merits and such, I'm not frothing at the mouth or anything.
  6. Well, obviously anyone sane or slightly so counts a day as the waking hours they have time to play. So really, most of us who sub pay 50 cents for 4 hours a day, or 0.125 bucks per hour. For some people, it can be 25 cents an hour if they have two hours to play. I'm not really up in arms about it - I can afford it. - but the fact remains I lost a day to play out of my 60. Why should I be victimized because of Bioware's failure to restore service after the "agreed upon" maintenance window? In every other computing based facet of life, a service level agreement exists, and it is rather implied here also since they charge me per day that they can provide service every day. Otherwise, they could change their subscription model so that one day out of my 60 only gets taken out on the days I log in. In that case, they can have days of downtime... it wouldn't count against my total. Fair's fair, and all that.
  7. Actually it's 7 hours and counting on the downtime in total. And yeah, unironically, it's pretty much time for Bioware to tack on a day of sub time for every European who couldn't play today because the service was down all night. People pay for 30 days or 60 days, not 29 or 59. Granted one day isn't much in the grand scheme, but 50 cents is 50 cents.
  8. Old thread, but I'm currently pondering which of my characters I'll take from 50+ up through the story. The Gunslinger was my first character and love in the game, and especially now that you can finally get the guns I've literally wanted since 2011 - now called the Hunter's Blaster Pistol Mk-1 - I'm happier than ever with the style and coolness of dual guns. But playing the Sniper just feels more... weighty. As OP said, having the sniper rifle hammer out some powerful shots just feels more epic. Decisions, decisions. I'm leaning to the slinger, though.. just for old times sake.
  9. Let me also say that I've been away from the game since before the 4.0 release and I feel very much at home here on the forums. The same high level of vitriol and complaining about playing time being wasted on updates and how Bioware EA is incompetent and it's all a plot... ahh, home sweet home.
  10. ESO came out some three years after SWTOR, so one might speculate that they started from a more stable base. But speculate is all it is.
  11. Get real, people. The game is built on top of a Hero Engine from 2005 or so. It took 5+ years to make the game. During that process they (from what I recall reading) basically rewrote tons of the engine to be able to do the game in the first place. I can't even begin to imagine the rats nest spaghetti the game has become over 6 years of patching, mending, cutting, pasting and adding to it.
  12. It was a rather dull ending over all I thought.
  13. I'd love to see it come back also. I could really use the Elara Dorne customization, #10, which apparently you could get there. Really nice look.
  14. The "open collapsed" feature for the crafting window was a solid step forward, and the sorting in alphabetic order also is helpful. However, to truly be excellent it should remember where I leave off when I close the window temporarily. Ie, I'm crafting item X from the list and have that visible. Then I have to close the window to unclutter the screen for some reason, and when I open crafting again it has reset to fully collapsed so now I have to find the item in question in the list again. Ideally, it should remember and retain any changes made to it during that gaming session - so if I go back to it after closing it, it should be where I left off, with the same item highlighted. In the longer run, having a free text search for an item or keyword would also be awesome, but if at all possible, please change "always start collapsed" to "always start collapsed on log-in, but track and retain the state/changes of the window until logged off".
  15. There are in fact quite a few, especially now with outfit designer. All the green armor sets that the armormech can do look very much like the iconic Star Wars trooper armor sets, and there are numerous options in both white and metal look. They can now be applied to slot 1 as an outfit, and you can still get good stats from whatever armor you're actually wearing. If you then add all the dyes in the game to the mix, you can do dozens of variations of trooper armor just with those things.
  16. Whenever you see a "listen to your customers" thread, what the OP really meant was "do what I want you to do". Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people play this game and they all have opinions of their own. Most of them are also idiotic opinions or seriously wrongheaded ones. The developers have a view of the game that players don't, players tend to lose their **** over the most trivial nonsense - "oh, my ability now does 0.003% less damage? RIOOTTTTT!" or "What?? I have to do something else besides spam lightning storm, and actually adjust my play style? RIOTTTTT!!" Just play the game or don't play the game. If you don't like it, get out. If you have a suggestion that's specific and actually makes sense, make the suggestion and hope they agree. If they don't, then you still have the choice of playing or leaving.
  17. I don't even play my Sage much at the moment, but even when crafting she makes me rage - "Thank you for trusting meee" in that little child voice. Makes me wish my guy was Sith. Skadge is fine, though. I mean, yea, in absolute terms he's a hideous monster, but I use him quite a lot since my BH is a healer and he's dependably awful. At least he's not annoying, just brutal and disgusting.
  18. Previously expressed! Great! So you mailed all the players in the game? Sent a warning to the people who had already exploited (in game)? Or did you just post it here on the boards, where a minute fraction of the playerbase even reads the threads? I mean, I read them, and post in them, and even hang out on the Reddit subreddit, and I was not even aware the exploit existed until the servers started restarting... because I was busy playing the new content. Not reading boards. I didn't exploit (though how you can call the developers failing to enforce limits they had set by setting them incompetently leading to people playing ahead an exploit is also questionable) but I do understand people who realized they got in and could get going on more new content. I doubt one in a 100 of them realized you'd consider it an exploit. Because communication about the state of the game right now requires people to literally haunt the boards to try to find information, and if they're not that interested in minutiae most probably don't. Obviously it's your game and you can punish people as you will, but this reflects poorly on you more than it does on the players who were just playing the new content and found a way to get at more of it before you deigned to let them...
  19. Best thread/post I've seen on the forum yet. Kudos for the research. The numbers tally perfectly with my experience, sunk about 1000 tokens into the machine and got a few measly junk boxes beyond the rep. Ergo, useless once rep is achieved. These could be a lot of fun if they dropped various items that were all BoL and none of the items could be converted to credits - but fun and useful. Right now, they're useless.
  20. I spotted him on top of a container in the Ziost space station in live.
  21. It would be nice. I have my doubts if it will be implemented, but I would definitely welcome it. Yes, one can go to Nar Shaddaa or Tatooiine but I dislike both those strongholds. Too big, too impersonal, and just in general I can't warm to either of them. Coruscant is easily my favorite, even though my best equipped and first SH was the Kaas one; the views in Coruscant are awesome. In Kaas, not so much.
  22. Personally I think it would be nice if they dropped more rep items than contraband. Also, credit boxes might be fun to get to offset a little of the cost. But basically, they don't need to change all that much, they just need a rebalancing again. At first they dropped too much. Now they drop nothing. Solutions might include reducing the amount of rep items they drop, but increasing the scrap boxes somewhat? The sky's the limit for these, really, with a little attention. They could also drop some other fun things, like seeker droid speed boost items, or crafting missions, or single-use jawa "good job" and other similar things, single use friendly ball tosses, a very rare gambling specific title - I dunno, "Incurable Optimist"? etc etc. There are tons of items that would work for rewards that are fun, cosmetic or don't alter gaming balance or give people new abilities, or make really rare items easy to get due to a blizzard of cartel certificates. Right now, only an idiot who enjoys wasting credits play them beyond the rep items, because you get nothing else, basically. I maxed my rep on a machine and must have blown through 1000 tokens in total just to see what you could get, and I got one or two junk boxes and literally nothing else besides rep or the occasional token back to try again. And that's beyond useless.
  23. I dump all the potentially useful stuff to the GTN with the default price. Decent greens and blues all go on the GTN. You'd be surprised how often it sells, because people want to gear their companions or whatnot. I agree that 2 days should be the default. There should also be 5 and 10 day options, both should soak up a considerable amount of money in listing fees however. That way, people who want to use 10 days would be locked in to having the item in there for 10 days or else eat a 5000 or 10000 or whatever fee if they retract it early. That would keep casual listers away from those time frames, but allow long-term sellers to list things. Obviously a time-out of the sale or a sale would return the money.
  24. Could we request that you cancel it quietly? Kthanks, bye.
  25. Reassuring to see nothing has changed since the early days. "Omg my primetime!", "biofail!", "give us compensation!"... yawn.
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