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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Naboo is beautiful so definitely put that in, and Yavin 4 on SWG was always mysterious and wonderful so put that in too!. In SWG you could explore yavin 4 and find ancient jedi and sith temples and all kinds of ****** stuff.
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why do people keep asking for Dathomir... you all know at the time this game takes place there are no Dathomir witches... 3000 years to early for them... no Night sisters either 3600 years to early for them... right now according to lore Dathomir is just an empty planet with maybe a few scattered tribes of humans from the out rim living there... nothing even remotely interesting happens on Dathomir for another 2600 years when the sith build a small school there
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Yavin IV





Player cities please, give people another opportunity at real world PvP without necessarily bribing them with promises of gear. Defending player owned towns/bases is allot of fun.

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Ryloth, Naboo, and the Kashyyyk system including the world of Trandosha.


I'm sure you could do something really awesome with the Trandoshan/Wookie rivalry. It just seems to scream for some kind of open world (open system!) pvp and dynamic questing area.

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To be honest James, I'd like to see some more expansions on the current ones to give them more life.


However if I had to choose a planet to see in game, I'd have to say Manaan comes to mind, the Selkath Homeworld.


Another great choice would be Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Raxis Prime, or Genosis.

Edited by spectreclees
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Dantooine, one of the most iconic Star Wars planets. Alot of Jedi and Sith mysticism there. Also, though not technically a planet, Yavin 4 might be kind of neat, we could see what's in those temples, what they're like right after their hey-day of Exar-Kun. As one of the nexus points for stories in the Star Wars universe, it would be great to discover what is lurking there and what mysterious secrets did Exar-Kun (or even Naga Sadow) left behind. Could these secrets tip the scales in the current galactic conflict?


Certainly there is even more to the story of this place than what we have been led to believe.


Please wait on Kahyyyk, include it when Wookies get released as a playable race, not before. Include an entire starting area for Wookie classes and then the level cap areas where the galactic war is raging.

Edited by Razyr
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is looking for your feedback on the game's development once again. This week he's looking out to the stars... and the planets of the Star Wars universe.


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account (@JamesOhlen), but if you're not on Twitter, his question is below and you can give your feedback here which will be passed on to him.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


"What planet in the Star Wars universe do you want to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is not currently in the game?"


You can name any planet you like, but remember, planets in The Old Republic can be fully explorable (like Coruscant, Tatooine, Hoth etc) and/or destinations that are seen as part of a Flashpoint or Operation (like Taral V, Denova, Kaon, etc).


As a reminder, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen. You can also follow our main account @SWTOR.


Csilla the homeworld of the Chiss:


I think there is a lot to explore about why the Republic and Sith Empire essentially lost contact with this key ally. I think that what you've done is created an opportunity for a story.

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I'm torn between planets that would have interesting story like Hauun Kal or Dathomir.


Or planets that would introduce interesting new landscapes like Falucia or Kashyyyk.



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I'm torn between planets that would have interesting story like Hauun Kal or Dathomir.


Or planets that would introduce interesting new landscapes like Falucia or Kashyyyk.




you know at the time this game takes place there are no Dathomir witches... 3000 years to early for them... no Night sisters either they were founded much later when the exiled witches started grouping up and they didn't unite completely like you see in the clone wars till like 3600 years after this game takes place... right now according to lore Dathomir is just an empty planet with maybe a few scattered tribes of humans from the outer rim living there... nothing even remotely interesting happens on Dathomir for another 2600 years when the sith build a small school there

Edited by Liquidacid
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One thing I would really enjoy is expansion of content on the existing planets- namely Korriban, Nar Shadda, Corellia, Corusant, and Voss(in no particular order). The environments created so far are enjoyable and all, but there are large percentages of planets that haven't been explored. or could be happily revisited. With that being said, I would also like to revisit Kashyyk, Dantooine (of course), Onderon, Dxun, and ESPECIALLY Lehon. Would be very interested in seeing what has become of the shattered Rakata people.
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