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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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Going to add that you can still level completely via PvP LFG-finder once you get to Fleet, can't you?


Yes, this is true. You can indeed reach Level 50, without leaving the fleet, once you clear the starter worlds.


Which I think quite a few people do.


On my server, the busiest section of the fleet is the Combat area, not the GTN area. Tons of people standing around the PvP Mission Box and PvP vendors.

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Did you ever quest in the Duskwood zone before WOW implemented a LFG tool?
No, I don't play alliance, so there was very little reason to go there other than exploration

How about the Plaguelands?

Or the Burning Steppes?


And I quested in both of them after they added lfg as well; no actual difference in the number of people in those zones from my dk and druid alts (in the 3-4 months prior to the lfg tool) and my mage and hunter alts (several months after lfg, and several months after cata released, respectively)


edit: I waited quite a bit before starting my goblin hunter... if I had played my goblin hunter immediately after cata launch, I have been playing in more populated zones, since there were quite a few people doing the new quest lines (I did some of them on my shaman main, when I was way past the level for them and ran into quite a few people). But that's an outlier due to the expansion, so isn't all that relevant.


When I say there's a negative impact on the community THAT is what *I* am thinking of, my experience with a game both prior and after a LFG tool was implemented.
Except that didn't happen... the zones were dead long before the lfg tool entered the picture. Edited by ferroz
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I deny that there are any effects on the game from the tool. Demonstrate that this is true, or stop pretending that it's the case.


To get extra rewards, to be able to do daily & weekly pve quest´s is not an effect?....


If people refuse to use that tool they miss out on gear, badges etc.


How are your experiences relevant? The claim was that it doesn't happen... at all ... to anyone. I'm saying that what you've said is false, because I have had it happen, repeatedly. Your experience doesn't have any relevance, unless you're claiming to have been present in the groups that I had that occur in...


His experience is very relevant and those fact´s that he brought up are a clear sign of the bad design at wow´s dungeon finder. If the LFG would be so awesome as you claim it would be, then Blizz wouldnt need to hand out extra items and points if you queue up.


Fact is, the tool is so horrible designed that Blizz must force players into using it, else no one except a small minority of elitist´s would.


The idea that it was "everyone for themselves" has been common in mmo pugs since before WoW was released. I'd say that it started changed in late velious/early luclin in EQ and by the time PoP had released it was pretty much the norm.


That behaivour was not present at vanilla wow, sorry to say but you are wrong.

Edited by RachelAnne
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i love how people yell about a cross server LFG tool will kill community. What community is there on a the fleet with 17 people @ 730 pm est? What community as i leveled my shadow from 19-50 since leaving coruscant dropping every one of my heroic +2 ,and +4s... b/c i couldn't get one person to even respond let alone say no to me asking to group up to do some missions on the wonderful planets i ran around on ... alone.


I'd love to see what taral V was like or jeez how about hammer station... so yeah bring on LFG tool bioware.. at this point playing this game has been like playing a single player experience. Oh i'm sure it's my fault though.

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To get extra rewards, to be able to do daily & weekly pve quest´s is not an effect?....
No, getting badges and gear is certainly not an effect that people have to tolerate (having to tolerate it means that it would need to be a negative effect), caused by the lfg tool, and by cross server in specific.


If you want to use that as a counter argument, you need to show that the lfg tool, specifically one that's cross server, caused a negative effect on the game.... you need to show cause, not just show a correlation. You also need to show that they can't be totally avoided by simply not using the tool, and that it's intrinsic to having any lfg tool (or of adding cross server in general) because otherwise it's not a given that adding a cross server lfg tool tool to swtor would cause that effect.


In your example is "rewards, to be able to do daily & weekly pve quest´s" ... that not a valid argument because you can totally avoid those rewards and daily and weekly pve quests by simply not using the tool.


If people refuse to use that tool they miss out on gear, badges etc.


His experience is very relevant and those fact´s that he brought up are a clear sign of the bad design at wow´s dungeon finder. If the LFG would be so awesome as you claim it would be, then Blizz wouldnt need to hand out extra items and points if you queue up.
No... the calim is that it never happens in wow. If I can give a single counter example of it happenging, his claim is false. His experiences are irrelevant to that fact.


Fact is, the tool is so horrible designed that Blizz must force players into using it, else no one except a small minority of elitist´s would.
No, we casual players love using it.


That behaivour was not present at vanilla wow, sorry to say but you are wrong.
Certainly it was present. It was also extremely common by the time that TBC rolled around, pretty much the norm by early wrath (well before cross server lfg).


You probably just stuck to playing with your friends rather than doing much pugging and therefore missed it. That behavior had been common in MMOs, even before wow launched and made the genre mainstream.

Edited by ferroz
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I still don't understand why people blame the tool for behavioral problems. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.


X-server LFG tool is not the problem. Can't fix people. Jerks will b jerks. So remove the tool? That's BS.


Actually that's a good analogy. Many countries, including mine, do not allow guns to be owned/used unless you have a vetted license. X-server LFG is not currently in game i.e not available currently (illegal if you like) so if you want to use it go to a game that allows it, similar to moving to a country where you can have a gun, if you want one.

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i love how people yell about a cross server LFG tool will kill community. What community is there on a the fleet with 17 people @ 730 pm est? What community as i leveled my shadow from 19-50 since leaving coruscant dropping every one of my heroic +2 ,and +4s... b/c i couldn't get one person to even respond let alone say no to me asking to group up to do some missions on the wonderful planets i ran around on ... alone.


I'd love to see what taral V was like or jeez how about hammer station... so yeah bring on LFG tool bioware.. at this point playing this game has been like playing a single player experience. Oh i'm sure it's my fault though.


I have had the same problem on my server when doing heroics while leveling and at max level, its nothing but pin drops and crickets and the zones have people in them. I offer to pass on all loot and still get no response at all. So now I solo them, I mean I still ask for group in general because playing this game in a group is where it shines but I don't get disheartened about it anymore.

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If the LFG would be so awesome as you claim it would be, then Blizz wouldnt need to hand out extra items and points if you queue up.


ehhh... you really never read the patch notes did ya? The extra items were given to the role that was least represented in the queue... Most always tanks and sometimes healers because they were constantly in short supply and making queues for dps too long...


That problem was caused by the Wrath babies that didn't want the responsibility of trying to tank or heal and just mindlessly wanted to blow their loads as dps on runs... I met literally hundreds of dps that had tank offspecs but refused to tank because threat was all jacked up in Cata till they buffed it...


They also stated they would give bonus valor because they wanted to promote grouping by using the LFD tool... its kind of like how Swtor gives bonus exp when grouped.


Fact is, the tool is so horrible designed that Blizz must force players into using it, else no one except a small minority of elitist´s would.


Actually the exact opposite is true. We elitists wouldn't use it because we would do speed runs for valor points with guildies and couldn't be bothered with the lesser players... you have your facts completely backwards on this one...

Edited by Jaxarale
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To get extra rewards, to be able to do daily & weekly pve quest´s is not an effect?....

If people refuse to use that tool they miss out on gear, badges etc.


His experience is very relevant and those fact´s that he brought up are a clear sign of the bad design at wow´s dungeon finder. If the LFG would be so awesome as you claim it would be, then Blizz wouldnt need to hand out extra items and points if you queue up.


Fact is, the tool is so horrible designed that Blizz must force players into using it, else no one except a small minority of elitist´s would.


That behaivour was not present at vanilla wow, sorry to say but you are wrong.


You do know you can use the tool with all guild or friends and get the same rewards? I do that often in our guild. The only exception to this would be the "'cache" reward for pugging as a tank or healer in pug runs. Which in themselves are nothing to write home about. Extra gold and maybe a chance at getting a pet. There is no "forcing" players to use it tho. Sure, they add extra incentives and rewards for using the LFG, but those rewards and incentives are for a purpose and donot penalize the player at all.


And I can think of several examples of jerks and selfish players I ran into in Vanilla WoW. How much you use the tool will depend on what you want to experence in the game at max level. Those in a harcore raiding guild may not use it at all. OR atleast there would be no reason for them to other than to get some extra valor points. It is possible if you want to to take that route and are in a hardcore raiding guild, to do no LFG runs at all and at the end...you will be geared better than the casuals who use it.


In the next expansion, WoW is removing the valor point gear and instead are going to let players use them to improve the gear they have. And the dungeons will drop nice pre-raid blue sets so as to help prepare the player for the raids.

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Yep, it's a business and it needs to be profitable. If it's not profitable, the company will stop supporting the game and nobody will be able to play it.


If you don't like paying companies to entertain you, why are you here?.


Apply this philosophy to music and tell me its your favorite band, artist, or group.


Commercial =/= good or quality. Often we associate something being really commercial with the opposite and for a reason.


Why is anyone here really? The way I look at it is though hardly anyone would admit it, most people who spend alot of time on a game's forums rather than on the game or doing something else is because they want to like whatever game it is.


Now let's take the flip-side.


You do realize there are currently 2 different levels of flashpoint and operation content, right? Story mode and Nightmare mode. The game developer can "dumb down" the Story mode side of things for the masses of lesser skilled players while amping up the challenge in Nightmare mode for srs gamerz.


I'm not a fan of multiple difficulty levels in a massive multiplayer online game as I think it cheapens the content for everyone playing it. Seriously, who wants to come out and say "I suck at hand eye coordination and or am a slow learner, therefore I play easy mode" in an online game. Nobody does and thats why you see people trying to justify their failings with "I don't have the time" or "I have a life" with games that take little to no time to beat today. I've watched the term "casual" evolve from someone who sincerely dosen't have the time to a politically correct version of "bad" in online games. If you're clamoring for easy mode in an online game, then maybe you aren't an online gamer.


A groupfinder tool doesn't have to impact the challenge of the game.


You're absolutely right, a game maker could put a groupfinding tool in their game and remain unapologetic about the game's difficulty. Unfortunately, I've yet to see that happen.


A game has to have players to be successful. If players quit because it's impossible to find a group (on many servers) or it takes longer to find a group than run the content you found the group for, there won't be a game.


I sympathize with the not being able to find groups but think its a problem that runs much deeper into the basic design of this game and a lfg tool is like trying to dress a wound to the jugular with a ten cent bandaid.


Aside from that, you're basically defnining a game as a business. Otherwise you would be saying that everyone needs to be able to be a grand master chess player and or ALWAYS have someone to play with for chess to be a successful game. I'll never beat someone like Kim Ga Eul at starcraft. I'll never find people to play alot of games with whenever I want every hour of the day. Does that mean these games suck? This whole notion that everyone needs to be a winner and catered to during every waking and non waking hour in video games has driven me to other more lucrative hobbies lately so I guess I can't complain but will anyway.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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To get extra rewards, to be able to do daily & weekly pve quest´s is not an effect?....


If people refuse to use that tool they miss out on gear, badges etc.

That system already exists. The dailies? What if someone wants that gear without wanting to do the dailies? Also, what's stopping you from LFGing the channel to find groups, like you do now, and than use the LFD for the tokens?


His experience is very relevant and those fact´s that he brought up are a clear sign of the bad design at wow´s dungeon finder. If the LFG would be so awesome as you claim it would be, then Blizz wouldnt need to hand out extra items and points if you queue up.

Blizzard created a system where casuals could get nice gear, that is all.


Fact is, the tool is so horrible designed that Blizz must force players into using it, else no one except a small minority of elitist´s would.

It's so horrible they discontinued it! Oh wait, they didn't. It's so horrible they dumped the whole LFR idea. Oh wait, didn't do that either. Hmmm, so why is it still in the game? You'd think if it had such a negative impact on the game they would just take it out instead of expanding on the feature. Seriously, are you gonna try and convince us that Blizz forces people to sub as well?

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I have said my stance is that X server may become needed for the level up game but it should be single server for everything level 50... hard modes and operations should not be X server.


IMO that is a compromise that needs to be considered. What do you people think of that? If you disagree with my opinion below please state why.


I understand the need for community... and I got each of my 3 guild invites after playing flashpoints. (Left the first one because there were never more than 3 people on... After being unable to play for a week and a half I found myself guidless and have not seen anyone from my 2nd guild sense). It does help you meet some cool people.


Problem I found was when I look at my friends list from people I liked playing with... most are either too high or too low to play with now. We have different lives and are leveling at different paces thanks to our different schedules, lives, priorities etc.


That different pace seems to mean that no one wants to do the flashpoint that I am supposed to be doing at my level, Boarding Party. I have tried 3 times to get a group, both in the fleet, flying to Tarris and LFMing there, and /who ing people my level then feeling very rude when I sent them an out of the blue whisper. At this point community is NOT being built by my multi hour attempts at finding a group that has failed. And I am missing the content... content I bought the game for in a way because I wanted to play the stuff with a KOTOR Connection. Being a tank who has not tanked much prior to this game… I really don’t want to solo my way to end game then wipe groups because I have not learned what I was supposed to learn while leveling up.


At level 50... as hard as it might be the join a guild option becomes valid. Once you are there you don't need to worry about being outleveld. (outgearing happens much slower) and that gives the chance for community to form. So HMs and such should be single server only in the name of community. Even PUGS can lead to long term teams and community and I see the arguement.


In my experience with pre X server WOW the low level stuff was easy to find groups for. People were starting and playing alts all the time. Past the first 1 or two places it became realy hard to find 5 people (would be 4 in this game) that wanted to do the same place because mains were out leveling it and alts did not play to that point as often… much less 5 people of the right group role makeup. (4 for this game but the point stands). The higher stuff was easier because it was a slower leveling process, and people who got characters to that point were going all the way even if it was hard to find a group for pre raid gear up instnaces... it was possible most of the time.

I briefly played post X server… and was not to impressed by how easy the instances were… and the community clearly got worse when it didn’t mean a blacklist from grouping… but what I am seeing now is that I can’t find a freaking group for content that I really don’t want to skip. I am seeing the same pattern so far.

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Apply this philosophy to music and tell me its your favorite band, artist, or group.


Commercial =/= good or quality. Often we associate something being really commercial with the opposite and for a reason.


Why is anyone here really? The way I look at it is though hardly anyone would admit it, most people who spend alot of time on a game's forums rather than on the game or doing something else is because they want to like whatever game it is.


I buy music. I do not copy music. I buy everything from Led Zeppelin to Halestorm. If I'm going to put the music on my MP3 player, I buy it.


If I don't like a group, I don't buy their music. When I encounter their music on a free medium such as OTA radio, I frequently change the channel.


Maybe I'm missing your point?




I'm not a fan of multiple difficulty levels in a massive multiplayer online game as I think it cheapens the content for everyone playing it. Seriously, who wants to come out and say "I suck at hand eye coordination and or am a slow learner, therefore I play easy mode" in an online game. Nobody does and thats why you see people trying to justify their failings with "I don't have the time" or "I have a life" with games that take little to no time to beat today. I've watched the term "casual" evolve from someone who sincerely dosen't have the time to a politically correct version of "bad" in online games. If you're clamoring for easy mode in an online game, then maybe you aren't an online gamer.


Whether or not you are a fan of multiple difficulty levels seems irrelevant for this game. It's in and by all accounts it appears that it's going to stay in.


Personally I don't have a problem saying, "I suck at this so I'm not going to do it". I suck at tanking so I don't ever subject a random group to me doing it. I'm adequate at DPS and good at healing and I will run those types of characters through groups. Nobody is perfect at everything. An inability to accurately analyze one's own challenges and faults is a character flaw.


I'm not clamoring for easy mode content. I'm asking for a way to get into content without having to wait longer than it would take me to run the content. There is a HUGE difference. Actually, I'm in a guild and we're moving right on up the ops content at a very steady and consistent pace. I like the challenging content. I don't like waiting, doing nothing, until there are enough people around to do it.



You're absolutely right, a game maker could put a groupfinding tool in their game and remain unapologetic about the game's difficulty. Unfortunately, I've yet to see that happen.


Has BioWare nerfed the difficulty of the content yet?



I sympathize with the not being able to find groups but think its a problem that runs much deeper into the basic design of this game and a lfg tool is like trying to dress a wound to the jugular with a ten cent bandaid.


The problem is that we don't know how many players servers are capable of hosting under BioWare's technology. If we look at Fatman as an example, and assume it has to be "balanced" for primetime loads, then we can expect single-server LFG to support max level grouping pretty well at primetime, lower-level grouping moderately well at primetime, and extremely limited grouping outside of primetime. That's really bad for an MMO.


If BioWare can't find a way to make the tech support a whole lot more concurrent players at primetime, X-Server will be necessary.


Aside from that, you're basically defnining a game as a business. Otherwise you would be saying that everyone needs to be able to be a grand master chess player and or ALWAYS have someone to play with for chess to be a successful game. I'll never beat someone like Kim Ga Eul at starcraft. I'll never find people to play alot of games with whenever I want every hour of the day. Does that mean these games suck? This whole notion that everyone needs to be a winner and catered to during every waking and non waking hour in video games has driven me to other more lucrative hobbies lately so I guess I can't complain but will anyway.


I never said the game sucked. I never said everyone needs to be a winner.


I will say that a game that advertises itself as an MMO ought to feel like an MMO. Part of that feeling is being able to group with people the majority of time you want to without having to move heaven and earth, or wait over an hour, just to do it.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I have said my stance is that X server may become needed for the level up game but it should be single server for everything level 50... hard modes and operations should not be X server.


IMO that is a compromise that needs to be considered. What do you people think of that? If you disagree with my opinion below please state why.


I understand the need for community... and I got each of my 3 guild invites after playing flashpoints. (Left the first one because there were never more than 3 people on... After being unable to play for a week and a half I found myself guidless and have not seen anyone from my 2nd guild sense). It does help you meet some cool people.


Problem I found was when I look at my friends list from people I liked playing with... most are either too high or too low to play with now. We have different lives and are leveling at different paces thanks to our different schedules, lives, priorities etc.


That different pace seems to mean that no one wants to do the flashpoint that I am supposed to be doing at my level, Boarding Party. I have tried 3 times to get a group, both in the fleet, flying to Tarris and LFMing there, and /who ing people my level then feeling very rude when I sent them an out of the blue whisper. At this point community is NOT being built by my multi hour attempts at finding a group that has failed. And I am missing the content... content I bought the game for in a way because I wanted to play the stuff with a KOTOR Connection. Being a tank who has not tanked much prior to this game… I really don’t want to solo my way to end game then wipe groups because I have not learned what I was supposed to learn while leveling up.


At level 50... as hard as it might be the join a guild option becomes valid. Once you are there you don't need to worry about being outleveld. (outgearing happens much slower) and that gives the chance for community to form. So HMs and such should be single server only in the name of community. Even PUGS can lead to long term teams and community and I see the arguement.


In my experience with pre X server WOW the low level stuff was easy to find groups for. People were starting and playing alts all the time. Past the first 1 or two places it became realy hard to find 5 people (would be 4 in this game) that wanted to do the same place because mains were out leveling it and alts did not play to that point as often… much less 5 people of the right group role makeup. (4 for this game but the point stands). The higher stuff was easier because it was a slower leveling process, and people who got characters to that point were going all the way even if it was hard to find a group for pre raid gear up instnaces... it was possible most of the time.

I briefly played post X server… and was not to impressed by how easy the instances were… and the community clearly got worse when it didn’t mean a blacklist from grouping… but what I am seeing now is that I can’t find a freaking group for content that I really don’t want to skip. I am seeing the same pattern so far.


I agree cross server LFG should not be for hard mode Flashpoints, I donot however agree they should not be for Operations. Normal modes for Flashpoints and Operations is what it should be for IMO. Because Flashpoints and Operations is what the end game content is in TOR. Leave the hard and nightmare modes for the hardcore gamers to run. I am not so sure it should even work for 4 man heroics..as those can be a pain sometimes to get to , depending on where you are. But it would'nt bother me if they did cover those. But for now, I been able to solo the heroics I want to run on my Jedi Shadow.

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In all fairness, SWTOR already has this.


I'm on a PvP server, so seeing other people out in the world, is kind of important. Yet, from Level 1-41, I have only seen the other faction 4 times. 3 of the times, it was Level 50's out and about murdering lowbies. So not exactly a fun or enjoyable experience. The only time I have engaged in semi-fair open world PvP, I came across a pair of Level 32/33 Imps on Alderann. I was Level 37 at the time. We fought for a few minutes, then I left them alone, and they waved as I left.


That being said, yesterday, I was on Quesh. There were 5 people on the planet. On Hoth last night, there were 13.


The worlds often feel dead because they are so massive, everyone is scattered about, and, if you come across someone, it's usually in passing on the road to your next mission objective. And for Open World PvP, well, let's just say there isn't any.


So, I would pose this question to you, how will having an LFG tool make the situation any different than it already is? As it stands right now, most planets are empty anyway, and if you do happen across someone, they are doing their own thing, stealing your mission objectives or a Level 50 opposing faction just waiting to slaughter you.


I welcome an LFG tool. ASAP!


So you don't need a LFG tool, as you can already level completely without one. Problem solved.

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No, I don't play alliance, so there was very little reason to go there other than exploration




And I quested in both of them after they added lfg as well; no actual difference in the number of people in those zones from my dk and druid alts (in the 3-4 months prior to the lfg tool) and my mage and hunter alts (several months after lfg, and several months after cata released, respectively)


edit: I waited quite a bit before starting my goblin hunter... if I had played my goblin hunter immediately after cata launch, I have been playing in more populated zones, since there were quite a few people doing the new quest lines (I did some of them on my shaman main, when I was way past the level for them and ran into quite a few people). But that's an outlier due to the expansion, so isn't all that relevant.


Except that didn't happen... the zones were dead long before the lfg tool entered the picture.


Thank you for proving my very first original point in this thread. It simply doesn't matter what "facts" you're provided, what "examples" you're given. You've got your own emotional judgement in place and all your insistence on "explanations" from those who do not share it is nothing more than a means to beat a dead horse into the ground.


You will get a LFG tool. /thread

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So you don't need a LFG tool, as you can already level completely without one. Problem solved.


Do you really want a tank in your hard mode group that has not leveld up tanking for groups? How about a healer? That is what happens when groups are not readily available to do appropriate level group content. [/color]

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There are many more dps than there are tanks or healers, so it matters not that they are putting in a lfg tool. If you are dps you are going to have a lengthy queue time is my guess. And if bioware does not implement some sort of policing of "bad" behavior in xlfg then your queue times will be even longer as a healthy percentage of tanks and healers just won't use it. I play a healer and consider myself to be pretty patient but having to heal a dps character that queued as a tank to shorten his/her queue is just not fun, especially when said player has no idea how to tank. Not to mention the terribad attitudes that will inevitably show up in xlfg( least that has been my previous experience). It got so bad in wow that I just stopped using lfg altogether and just ran with my guild and friends. I hope that doesn't happen here but human nature being what it is, it likely will. If we are lucky it won't be as bad.
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If it has to be explained to you, than all the rational explanations in the world wont be able to change your mind, because you already have an entrenched opinion that you aren't going to change. Ever.


Seriously, am I the only person here who's been through these "discussions" on the internet?



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There are many more dps than there are tanks or healers, so it matters not that they are putting in a lfg tool. If you are dps you are going to have a lengthy queue time is my guess. And if bioware does not implement some sort of policing of "bad" behavior in xlfg then your queue times will be even longer as a healthy percentage of tanks and healers just won't use it. I play a healer and consider myself to be pretty patient but having to heal a dps character that queued as a tank to shorten his/her queue is just not fun, especially when said player has no idea how to tank. Not to mention the terribad attitudes that will inevitably show up in xlfg( least that has been my previous experience). It got so bad in wow that I just stopped using lfg altogether and just ran with my guild and friends. I hope that doesn't happen here but human nature being what it is, it likely will. If we are lucky it won't be as bad.


People just don't know about the kick button I guess. No DPSer ques in as a tank and lasts more than 5 minutes until getting kicked. Maybe this happened a lot more when the LFD tool was first implemented in WoW, but not anymore. People que in to FINISH the run. A DPS player knows they won't last long if they que in as a Tank, therefore, it's rare that it happens now.

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People just don't know about the kick button I guess. No DPSer ques in as a tank and lasts more than 5 minutes until getting kicked. Maybe this happened a lot more when the LFD tool was first implemented in WoW, but not anymore. People que in to FINISH the run. A DPS player knows they won't last long if they que in as a Tank, therefore, it's rare that it happens now.


and people just don't know about the immunity to kick i.e. 'this player cannot be kicked for xx number of hours' as some immunity type function will need to be inserted to prevent griefing.

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Do you really want a tank in your hard mode group that has not leveld up tanking for groups? How about a healer? That is what happens when groups are not readily available to do appropriate level group content. [/color]


Actually, I've leveled a couple of healers and a single Jugg tank, all without a LFG tool. And I have no complaints from even a single HM group I've run along with at end game. To the point, my Merc is geared in full Rakata and my tank is well on the way to the same. Mind you, I've never ever had a real issue finding groups. I didn't rely upon the computer to find me people to play with, shrug.


But by all means, continue beating the dead horse, sigh.

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