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New TANK PVP medal ?


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As a pure tank, sometimes (only sometimes), i find it hard to get medals in pvp because, in my opinion, in pvp a tanks role is to soak up the damage from enemies and take the focus away from other players like healers and dps to do their roles.


Problem is with some of the PVP warzones, its mostly down to how many people you KILL, (my damage rating isnt that great as i have geared purely towards endurance and damage reduction) and sometimes (not always) i am so focused on winning the match for my team and soaking up the damage and getting 5 of the enmy to have to gang up on me to kill me so that teh others can defend / attack the objkectives that sometimes i end up with zero medals and then the last 20mins has been pointless as i get no rewards, yet when you look at the stats at the end, i have taken twice if not three times the damage of any other player on the field.


So how about for tank players like myself a chance to get at least one medal for their hard work...a tank medal...


1 medal for receiving over 100k of damage

2 medals for receiving 200k damage

3 medals for 500k of damage


The great thing about these medals also is that you dont even have to be a tank,


I am expected to now get loads of abuse from players who will say im not playing pvp right as i need to gear as dps for pvp but i want to play as a true tank and i feel i am really valuable to my team as it takes A LOT to kill me which then means that whilst the enemy are trying to kill me, they arent doing anything else.


Thoughts ?

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You already get medal for "protecting" teammates with your "Guard" ability. Aside from that the majority of your role will be defending objectives, which also gives you medal if you stay at a node long enough.


If damage taken will also give a medal, I can see it being abused by non-tanks. It's also unrealistic to limit a type of medal to one particular spec. In Huttball I imagine you will be a lot more useful.

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As a tank you can get 10 medals without even trying, 5 in a few seconds, it's by a mile the easiest role to accummulate medals. It's simple, guard someone taking damage (or likely to take damage), aoe taunt/taunt = usually 3 instantly, 4/5 if your lucky and have a healer around. Defence, protection, then the easy damage ones and your in double figures, it's actually laughably easy for a tank.


Try playing a healer, you'll soon realise why no-one plays healers in pug's anymore, they are all hybrids now.


New healer medals perhaps, not more easymode tanks.

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Didn't I see you as the one running through the fires constantly and asking to be healed?


No, that was DEFINATELY NOT me.


I know about teh guard ability for sure, but doesnt that only apply if you are within 10m range of an ally ? Thats great in say huttball when you want to guard your teams ball carrier. But what i am talking about is if i am nowhere near an ally, lets say for example in Alderaan Civil War, i will go towards an enemy turret guarded by 2 players, i take / absorb loads of damage, so much that within seconds im surrounded by at least 5 of their team all trying to kill me, so im taking loads of damage whilst my teammates should then have full access to the other two turrets.


It would only be called a tank medal in name only as well geared dps players could also get it, and helaers who self heal would also have a chance of getting it. and would also help with instances where certain players just get ganged up on.


If anything this medal is promoting activity, as those players who just sit back and dont get involved in combat wont have any chance of getting it anyway. you still have all the other medals to earn, im just suggesting one more medal type based on damage taken as i feel this is almost as important as the damage dealt medals that already exist.

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Tanks have the easiest time getting medals out of all the classes. Seriously, you should be getting the three killing medals, 75k damage, plus your tanking medals.... plus objective medals... Just being beaten up doesn't deserve a reward. Protecting does.
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considering your only after 8.

you have 2K,5K,10K and 50K protection medals, 75K damage,10 kills , and 2 defense medals there your done. the only time I have trouble getting my 8 is if we are being completely rolled, or in huttball. Huttball hard as getting 75K damage and 10 kills can be hard if you're focusing on objective, but pass the ball once, or kill the ball carrier once can help

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Right now I have a 42 ST PT and 90% of the time I'm the top medal-getter of the entire match. Just because you're a tank doesn't mean you can't dps. I guard, taunt, AoE taunt, oil slick, charge/grapple, all to help the survivability of my team; all the while I'm top 3-5 in dps. Best part of this game is that the classic tank & heal roles can dps while still doing their job; hai2u DFA on raid trash mobs.


P.s. in this case, the "don't use 10-49 as a reference" card doesn't apply here. I roll a healer in a premade and my assassin tank always has the same result; 14+ is common for a competitive match.

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If your goal is to take the attention off your team and have everyone trying to kill you, roll a sorc/sage healer.


or... just try keeping one alive with guard.

(then you don't even need to respec let alone reroll)


Dear OP,


You are confused. It's not your fault, you were named a Juggernaut, but really your just a Guardian... quit trying to be all like "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM... IM MotherFruitcakin-JUGGERNAUT BUY ITCHYS." and start throwing guard on the enemies focus target and taunting.


Try running the following priority list in your head during a match.


1) Taunt

2) Guard

3) Snare/Push/Awe

4) Kill some fool attacking your buddies


98746) Get beat in the face like a By@tch. (this should never be your first priority... ever)

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Damage taken sounds more like Healer medals to me.


I think there should be a 'time spend running from the respawn site medal' for healers as well. That way we will get at least one medal when playing against premades that mark us and our team mates leave us to die

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No, that was DEFINATELY NOT me.


I know about teh guard ability for sure, but doesnt that only apply if you are within 10m range of an ally ? Thats great in say huttball when you want to guard your teams ball carrier. But what i am talking about is if i am nowhere near an ally, lets say for example in Alderaan Civil War, i will go towards an enemy turret guarded by 2 players, i take / absorb loads of damage, so much that within seconds im surrounded by at least 5 of their team all trying to kill me, so im taking loads of damage whilst my teammates should then have full access to the other two turrets.



your shouldn't be going anywhere alone, stay with your team. Taunt. Your not a 1 person army. If your with team you can taunt and guard.


If you want to Solo stay out of PvP

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Getting medals as a tank is a joke, i usualy get between 15 and 20 medals. Guard + taunts make it so easy. But if you only protect while doing little to no dmg, you are doint it wrong. A tank class well played should get near 300k dmg if not more. If you dont get anywhere near that you are most likely just getting beaten in the face without fighting back and wasting your team heals.
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