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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of Huttball


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Get rid of "Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar"


* Much better topic.




Huttball is awesome. Just takes a team to know their role in a PUG and work together. Using chat every now and then works wonders with good players. :rolleyes:

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Guardians, Sents and Sages.


Have you ever played a Sent in Huttball?


It gets frustrating! Especially with all the freaking knockbacks in this game! LOL! Also, this map really favors ranged classes and classes with pulls, knockbacks and stuns...

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I like huttball. I play a sorc, so maybe it's just a good class for it...? I get how maybe snipers don't have the most fun in a huttball match, but just about every other class I can think of seems to have no problems.


I like it as a sniper; those catwalks are fantastic!

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Getting rid of Huttball? What the.. I call blasphemy!


I LOVE it. Finally a WZ where it's not about zergin'. Awesome tactical game.


Of course if your class lacks some vital utility you might get stuck with a role you might not like, no argument there (i.e. clearing the center of the map, intercepting potential pass receiver / sages who get ready for pulling people.


But after all it's BY FAR the most awesome map - imho of course.


Let's get rid of Voidstar (aka Zergstar) that's just stupid and actually a waste of time (starting out as defender and succeeding = 1:0 victory, which gives you a mediocre amount of commendations)

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Have you ever played a Sent in Huttball?


It gets frustrating! Especially with all the freaking knockbacks in this game! LOL! Also, this map really favors ranged classes and classes with pulls, knockbacks and stuns...


^ I feel the same way when I play my Sin. Yet love Civil war and Novaria on him.


Yet on my Marauder and Powertech I love Huttball.



Personally would love to see some new maps though. Like a 5 point control like AB from WoW or a bigger map where you can use your vehicles. Also would love see a map or two that has 16 players for each side.


But yeah biggest will have to be, choose which WZ you want to be in. Any Bioware could have weekends where a certain WZ would get double Commendations or Valor.

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I like huttball. I play a sorc, so maybe it's just a good class for it...? I get how maybe snipers don't have the most fun in a huttball match, but just about every other class I can think of seems to have no problems.


Its a blast for snipers (at least I think so), sitting up on the catwalks and no one can jump to you while you melt their health is just awesome. Imo I'd say the problem is not that it is biased toward a specific class, but that you have to play your class differently and some people just can't or won't do that.

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I think Huttball is fine to be honest. I love it and it's based a lot on skill of co-ordination and some degree of luck. My team usually wins really quickly sometimes, or lose 6-0 occasionally. I usually try to go in with some friends or someone in my guild so I don't have to worry about a less-than-skilled teammate.


I play Sorcerer mostly, and the only time people pass to me is when I'm ahead of them and still kicking, or when they ran out of options. I assume people know better than to pass to a Sorcerer like me since I die pretty quick. I use my life grip sometimes whenever I get ahead but I usually just DoT everyone I see and slow down the enemy as much as possible so we can score.


That said, I almost always try to play the objective but for a Sorcerer, it's quite difficult to do since I can only do so much. I come out with around most damage every game, or at rare occasions most objective medals if I manage to stay near the ball carrier enough.


Before anyone says anything, I said I play MOSTLY my Sorcerer. I also play my Mercernary, Shadow, Assassin, and my Juggernaut at random times so I do know what role I play when I enter Huttball.

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I'm cancelled for now, still have 48 days it says active sub. I'm giving them til then to at least say that they are adding a cross server and allowing people to pick which wz they want. It's getting beyond lame playing with and against the same 12-15 people everyday, and no, I'm not re-rolling and starting all over on a bigger server.


To the people that love huttball, that's great. I really like Alderaan and Voidstar and I know some people hate those too. Fact is, getting stuck in maps that you hate just kills the fun. This game needs the option to choose a wz and cross server wz's pronto. I was willing to overlook it for a while but it's been almost 5 months and "in the future" isn't gonna cut it anymore. I need dates and real time frames.


To me, simply letting us pick what we want to play and adding cross server would solve most complaints, or most of mine anyway. I really like this game but queues are getting too long and waiting 15 minutes to play against a premade huttball team just sucks.

Edited by CodyLundeen
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I like huttball. I play a sorc, so maybe it's just a good class for it...? I get how maybe snipers don't have the most fun in a huttball match, but just about every other class I can think of seems to have no problems.


Operatives have even less fun. Snipers can actually defend the line FROM THE LINE. Since they have a no-resolve-root and a knockback, they're pretty good at that.

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I love Huttball. It certainly is class biased, but the problem lies with class balancing, not Huttbal itself. IMO, operatives/soundrels should have Flash Bang replaced with a Dispel that works against stuns and sprints. The CC breaker should also make you immune to stuns/pulls for 4 seconds. Those are just two examples off the top of my head.


It's pretty unfair when my friend and I play as our Tanksin and Sorc, respectively. Between Force Pull, Spike, Electrocute, Overload, Extricate, Force Shroud, Force Shield, and Sprint... It's absolutely ludicrous how easily we can snag two points right at the beginning of the game with our well choreographed and practiced strategy. I'd tell you.. but I won't. ;)

Edited by PatrickBateman
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I'm a sage, and I genuinly don't like to play huttball.

Notice how I said I don't like to play huttball.

Huttball itself is just fine, I think.


Here's why:

Huttball isn't a zergfest. If you try to turn it in to one, the match will most likely be mercifully short.

It's not about who does the most damage and who does the most healing, it's about who cooperates best to get the ball across the field. It's about knowing the environment, knowing your place in it and communication.

Now communication is important in every warzone, but more so in this one.

You need detailed information on who will be where with what abilities.

So as far as teamplay goes, this is the best wz there is.


Then why don't I like to play it?

I mostly play PUG's. You don't know who you will be playing with, and communication tends to be rather limited (spot the euhpymism). If you are in a premade though, that changes things rather drastically. I've seen teams win huttball in minutes. Not because they are overpowered, but because they know who will be where, why he will be where he is, and how to use that to your teams advantage.

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Tbh. I´m getting annoyed by huttball too.


I don´t really like it, but I wouldn´t mind it all that much if I wouldn´t end up in a huttball match so frequently.

I´m pretty much getting huttball as often as the other 3 maps combined.


Me queueing warzones is 50% huttball 50% denova/civil war/void star. And that is annoying.


And no it´s a same faction thingy.

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Interesting the creator of this thread is a Shadow.

Shadow is a scoring machine with massive utility in Huttball.


I love Huttball.

It´s the most complex Warzone.

Even on my Gunslinger i can adapt and be a useful tool in this match as an unshakeable ball receiver and leap station.


People with the inability to predict situations, lack of common sense and tunnelvision will suffer here more than anywhere else.


-Use your CC smart-you don´t have to use it every time when its off cooldown.A Ballcarrier with full resolve before the last fire is not a good idea.


-Stop being a jumpbase into the endzone


-Pass early.I was stunned and couldn´t pass before i died will happen less frequently than.


-3 people jumping down the pit in a killing frenzy to kill one guy.Thats a long way back to where it matters.


-Learn to pass.It´s a teamsport.Overblown egos die 3 meters before the scoring line when there were people to pass to in the endzone



Edited by Sabredance
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