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Explain to me why I should heal you....


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Um...the OPs statement is just plain wrong. I regularly get MVP votes in the 2-4 region as well as getting 80+ commendations. All while healing 200k+ and capping objectives.


Point is. You either havnt done anything really helpful or are expecting mvp votes simply because you are a healer and you healed someone for 2.5k.

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Sometimes I MVP vote the poor schmuck with 20k damage done and 14000 objective points because he just gave up his whole match for a boring but necessary firewatch. He earned a little recognition, the rest of us actually got to play.


Sometimes I MVP a healer when we noticeably survive at times that we simply would not have survived without them. I don't MVP them just because they are a healer, I have to have noticed their contribution before seeing the scoreboard.


Sometimes I MVP a tank that put guard on me so that I could go on a rampage, or a crowd controller that forces the enemy to extend or otherwise become disorganized. If they make the difference that I notice, I try to remember it.


Often I MVP one of the folks that is obviously well coordinated in Huttball because they always seem to time their pass well or seem to be at the scoreline when we really need them.


Sometimes I don't MVP anyone at all, even if somebody in the match really deserved it because I don't feel arsed to stick around and click a meaningless button, because if there is some mechanical reward for having had the button pressed for you, I'm not aware of it.


Sometimes I watch guild groups make sure that they MVP each other no matter what at the end of a match because even if they all sucked amazing bullocks, it's important for each to know that if ever they need someone to apply baby oil to their back, their buddy will be happy to do it. I often abstain on these occasions as well.


If you aren't healing me because I didn't MVP you, just ask. I'll be happy to outright lie and tell you that I have been doing exactly that, it should have the very same e-peen expanding potential.

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I healed for 150k more than the second best healer the other night and ran a few balls in and got 1 vote :) Love it. Its the guild voting for their own players thing.


If it makes you feel better, my fiance and I regularly score 5 out of 6 goals in Huttball between the two of us.


It's pretty rare that we get more than the 1 MVP vote that we give to each other.



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Healer here.


As far as MVP votes, I give to either:

-whoever guards me

-someone that was very objective oriented

-a newbie that was trying hard

-a better healer

-someone who had outrageous dps


Depends on the play of the match, but that's what I look for.


As a healer I don't really expect votes, but it's nice.


For the other issue: WHO DO HEAL?


My priority is my tank, and then I try to generally keep everyone up. I do privilege people that I know are stronger or better, because I feel that I'm getting more value for my heal to the team.


Sorry, but I generally do not heal people that are under geared (like no recruit gear) because I know that healing you is a waste of time.

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As a healer the only time I get frustrated is when I am at an objective and I have healed my team through wave after wave of the opposing team. Basically working my backside off and keeping them up. In return I'll always MVP the person who peels the enemies off me, not someone who has tunnel vision and lets me die.


Last night was a good example, I defended a voidstar with a gunslinger who I healed through about four waves. The rest of my team was on the other side while we took on 3 and 4 people at a time (Lucky for us the other team had a lot of inexperienced players), and I got a total of zero votes, even though I had most kills and highest heals, and 1st equal in medals.

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OP - hate to say this - but healing is truly a thankless job most days. Eh, guess it just goes with the territory, especially now with the wave of new DPS spam.


Once in a while - not terribly often, but on occasion, you will get messages like I did a month back. Guy (?) sent me a tell, thanking me for the heals I threw to him and team, gave props for amazing play in his eyes, and an open guild invite, should I ever want to join in.


Bit more often - you will be seeing the same folks over and over. If on the same side, they will chat with you, say thanks, etc. If on the opposing side - you are a HUGE, named target. Take both as props to your game-play.


Don't rate yourself on MVP votes. Especially now.

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Depends on the map. For example defending the lone door/node doesn't get you any points in Voidstar, but does in Alderran/NC. Note that attacker points are only given for successful assaults, so the guy that was attacking but died wouldn't get attacker points. It's certainly not 100% reliable to go by objective points, though it's not a bad place to start.


Actually, if you are guarding a door in voidstar you DO get defender points now.

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LOL healers are not even needed. Show me a good balanced team with healers, and I can show you a full team of focus firing dps that can beat you.


Play the class that suits your playstyle, not the class the suits your vanity... because really, it doesn't matter.

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It depends on if I was healed or not.

I have had healers with 300k + healing done, and none of it was on me. Idk if they weren't near me, didn't like me, if I pissed em off or what. But if you weren't healing me, but I noticed another player tearing it up, why should you get my MVP vote?

I usually look for healers tho, most healing done and most objectives get my MVP.

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FYI: If you were able to ninja-cap like that, someone else was doing an incredible job of keeping the defenders occupied elsewhere.


that was part of the sarcasm, also after the ninja caps and the datacore, we still had to defend to prevent the other team to do the same thing.


MVP votes are meaningless, everyone from their point of view feels their role is the most valuable.

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The healers that get my vote are the ones that heal the right peeps at the right time. They are the ones that dps when they need to dps. They aren't always topping the meters.


^ Pretty much this.


I tend to look at contribution first


- The player directly responsible for most scoring. Usually the main Ball carrier / Puller / Healer. Huttball is one that I will consistently vote for someone over a guildmate


Other warzones the sequence

( i ) - Ninja that got us a cap

(ii ) - If no major plays that determined the outcome I would usually give it to the guy guarding node.

(iii ) - Undergeared guild guy if present


Having said that, when i pug i generally get 0 - 4 votes as healer. Sometimes I play very average and still get votes. Four man pre-made I usually get 1 vote from my premade and most of the time 1 from others. It seems to average out over time. I did check a while back when i was at 100 wins and the MVP votes were around 220. MVP is irrelevant compared to consistently winning though.

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Actually, if you are guarding a door in voidstar you DO get defender points now.


I don't see any of the constant spam 'defended an objective' in Voidstar, and I certainly don't end up with the highest defensive objective points which is the case if you defended a node the whole time in the other two maps by yourself. If you get some, it's definitely not as much as the other two maps.


It might be possible the radius for defender is small? It's not exactly smart to be standing on top of your door (makes you an easy target) so you miss out on defender points when you're hiding nearby.

Edited by Astarica
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OP's comments seem so weird because I always notice healers soaking up all the medals. I do Pug like 95% of the time though and probably like 60% of my games there are only one healer or maybe none at all so he naturally gets all the votes because healing is so important or whatever. I constantly top damage and medals but am less likely to get more mpv votes then any one who puts out heals imo. And if there are actually multiple healers I always feel bad for the guys coming in 2nd or 3rd for healing because the number one guy always has all the medals after everyone insta mvp's him. Edited by Miggzy
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MVPs don't count. I appreciate it a lot more when someone sends me a tell after the WZ with their recognition for my efforts, that right there is what makes it all worth it.


I'm curious, do you send tells to others after WZs to recognize their efforts as well?

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I always MVP vote the top healer.


Out of curiosity, how many times have YOU voted for the tank to puts guards and taunts for you? That's the real thankless job imo.


I'd agree, when i pvp as a healer i nearly always mvp tanks who swap guard around and actually try to keep people alive, but most people don't. I've seen tanks get upwards of 300k protection and still only have one mvp vote.


Then again, you guys do average 4+ more medals than healers

Edited by namelless
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Some guilds have a strict "vote for the guildie below you" rule. Mine does. It could account for why some underperformers are still getting MVP votes.

Only stupid guilds do that (sadly quite a few guilds are stupid), but at least they will get what they deserve for playing bad and not encouraging guild members to get better when ranked PvP comes along.


On topic: sometimes I am the only tank in a warzone and it had happened that I have kept up to three healers well protected, but still got not a single MVP from them... but as a tank I spend most of the time my MVP on a healer, but only if he does actually heal me and knows what he is doing (like trying to stay close to me when I had put a guard on him/her).

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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?


Well after a particularly succesfull Alderaan where the fighting in mid was VERY intense yet i kept most people alive for long periods of time, I got a huttball with basically the same team. Guess what, every tank wanted to be my best friend, I didnt spend 10 seconds without a guard :). Maby youre just unlucky.

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