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The point of Inheritance/Birthright Legacy Gear?


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Someone explain to me the point of Inheritance/Birthright gear that is bound to legacy?


What is the difference of sending a blue item to your alt? The legacy gear have level requirements. Inheritance around 14 and Birthright around 30. You buy for class-specific item. 1x use when outlevel, and done. You cannot give a BH Inheritance to IA, Warrior or Inquisitor. Also if these legacy gear are actually easy to obtain it is a different story. These legacy gear are pretty rare. Birthright gears cost 200-250 daily comms?! As much or more than best end game Campaign relics?


Why such a poor design of legacy item? I rather the devs not waste time and resources for something that would be thrown away after hours (L14 gears) or days (L30 gear).


The idea of legacy gear is to promote levelling of alts. There are already zone commendations. There are crafting. Legacy Gear is not useful at its current state.


Current Legacy Gear System

  1. Bound to level
  2. Stats bound to specific class
  3. Outlevelled very quickly
  4. Big level gaps missing for gear. L15-30? L40-50?
  5. Not overly easy to obtain for the minimum usefulness it provides


Suggestions to Change Legacy Gear. No point having a useless 1.2 items update.

  1. Make Legacy gear not stats bound to specific class
  2. If stats bound to class, have the gear scale with level
  3. If no full scaling is allowed, have it 15-30, 35-50. So you have to find diff sets of legacy gear
  4. Remove level requirements or make legacy gear easier to obtain or Make gear not class-stats bound

Edited by Xrande
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While the idea of having gear for legacy was good, the implementation was terrible. Both open world PVP systems are also examples of good ideas but horrible implementation.


The legacy gear makes NO sense at all to me.

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I was under the impression that legacy gear gained stats as the character using it gained levels, so that it was always roughly equal to blue quality gear of that level.


I am now disappointed.

Edited by Ronamo
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a ton of issues with legacy gear atm...


1: gear has a set level, and it doesn't scale...this basically makes it less useful since you'll quickly out level the usefulness of it FURTHER its not modable... and we cant change the crystal color which as a jedi/sith is a fairly big deal to some of us.


2: almost all the classes have stat specific weapons and weapon types...for example, an assassin uses a saber staff.. 9/10 people are NOT going to roll 2 assassins... while say a SW sword might be used for a mara...and same for a BH MOST classes have failrly unique weapons making giving them to alts an even bigger problem.


Basically boils down to the above issues... the idea is fine but way it was implemeneted is bad... they need to take a hint from WoW and take it a step further. Make gear modable, then add LEGACY mods that scale as you level so you can have a nice look while you level up,


Right now its barely worth even looking at the vender.


I was under the impression that legacy gear gained stats as the character using it gained levels, so that it was always roughly equal to blue quality gear of that level.


I am now disappointed.

you were reading WoW patch notes from Wotlk >> cause thats not how legacy gear works.

Edited by Lokai
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The point of having legacy and alts is for Bioware to extend subscription. People bored, play alts for story. But poor implementation of such legacy gear and alt levelling is not helping them. For the future of SWTOR, please get feedback and test the the idea/design before releasing it for live.
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you were reading WoW patch notes from Wotlk >> cause thats not how legacy gear works.


Well, that's the problem isn't it? It doesn't work. There was no point introducing it in its current state.

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If you guys want these Legacy Gear pieces to act like Heirloom pieces in WoW, don't expect them to just be given out. You all remember the amount of time it took to get each piece in WoW right? They weren't simply handed out like these are... you had to put in some decent time to grind for them.


With that said, I didn't even bother sending the item to a lower level because as already stated, what's the point? It will simply be left behind too fast to worry about.

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I agree, it's quite stupid. I think if you DO get the item like.. birthright pants for example, it should just be that.. a tradeable item that you can use for say.. my Agent, then when Out-leveled, I can send it to my Mercenary and he can get pants now... but nope that's not it.


It's not like the armor is THAT good anyways, it's like a purple, maybe slightly better. For the cost/difficulty to get it, that's a joke.

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Maybe legacy items should be mods instead. The enhancement mod can at least be interchangeable because it has endurance and then 2 secondary stats. Mods and armorings tend to be class specific.


Or legacy items can use power, which is universally used by all classes. That way you can mail the earring from class to class because all of them use power.

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Legacy gear is optional, nobody is forcing you to get it. You can still use the reward/dropped/crafted stuff if you don`t want to spend comms on it.

Besides, if it scaled with level or could be used by any class it would pretty much render gear crafting useless again.

Edited by Oldone
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I've spent 200 daily comms on legacy gear which has given me 7 end for 1 level.

Anyway im baffled it was possible to put time into desiging something this terrible.

Im also shocked that less people are annoyed by this. Only i who was robbed for 200 daily comms?

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I believe the point of this was to actually add something viable to the investigation skill, as it wasn't really a used skill on any server...at all. Inheritance gear (apart from the poor planning on the daily commendations end), was a good idea. It's pure and simple, and honestly one that shouldn't (imo) act like "heirloom gear" from World of Warcraft.


To add gear that scales up is asking to doom a player driven economy. Which, undoubtedly with all the changes being made to crafting, etc. is where BW/EA seems to be taking this game.


I would refer to the benefits of having a character that has investigation though, and not look toward the daily commendation vendors for that gear. Although, I could be wrong. Does the daily commendation vendor allow that gear to be crafted? Is it a piece of inheritance or is it a schematic. If it's a schematic, then I would possibly look into buying those with my armormech character. I mean, there's only so many things you can buy with daily commendations and then your imagination stretches thin with what to do with that bound gear...apart from gearing out companions with implants...


Anyhow, getting the inheritance weapon at the end of a chapter is a nice bonus. It wasn't there before, and now it is. So kudos on giving a nice piece of gear to us players. Now, if you would, give us an option on the 27 cost world commendations for a purple piece of gear? That's one thing you could address...random boxes. It's fun, but honestly not a great model. I'd prefer to have the "random" purple in those boxes fit my class. I know it can function like that in the loot table database, why not do it?

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when i, like everyone else it seem, got the box for the legacy mainhand weapon, which tbh, is impressively stupid to give out because we all got an orange weapon around level 10, i sent of the boxes i got to my level 13 jedi, took one look at the weapon i could get from the legacy vendor and put the box in my cargo, it honestly wasnt even worth getting just for a couple of levels after i put purple mods in my saber, it was as much good as an ashtray on a motorbike, now if they had given out offhand weapon boxes, for a decent upgrade to shield/focus/generators that would have been atleast useful.


also, the orange armour the legacy vendors sell, its 100k a piece for legacy 10, 75k a piece for legacy 20, surely with my legacy 41 i should be able to get bits for 25k a pop?

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If you actually look at the items, the stats on them are significantly higher than blues or purples.


I picked up the mainhand for my new Jugg alt at level14, and I wasn't able to get equal stats in an orange lightsaber until about level 23.


Sure, that's not a ton of time, but it is time I don't have to worry about changing mods, etc.

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The point of having legacy and alts is for Bioware to extend subscription. People bored, play alts for story. But poor implementation of such legacy gear and alt levelling is not helping them. For the future of SWTOR, please get feedback and test the the idea/design before releasing it for live.


Also note that since alt play is an aim to extend subscription with this being poorly implemented AND a wait to 1.3 Legacy to have options on adjusting how you get exp (e.g. if you like to PvP you can adjust exp gains to be more in PvP at a sacrifice to another area), I would have to say BW didn't hit the mark.


And really do you expect them to test something before they throw it out there? Its been common knowledge an industry practice to save money by making the testers pay the company money for the privilage of testing their product (e.g. US the player base). True story. :p;)

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would be happier with this system if I could trade it back for the kit after. so that the assault cannon I got could be traded back to weapon construction kit and then traded again for a sniper rifle for example.


would not but the others from daily vendors because they are super-inflated for the value they offer 1 time to one character for 5 levels. bound to legacy is pointless because you would have to have 2 of the same class at low levels to get use out of it. :wea_15:

Edited by havok_bloodcraft
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Nothing more to say that hasn't been said about legacy gear. I will just add that it does not live up to the hype in any way. Why not just hand out random blue level items, its no different. A more logical way of implementing it would be like heriloom gear in WoW, give us something to spend all these Columi and Tionese tokens on. Nothing wrong with copying a brilliant idea and then put a twist on it if you so desire.
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Yes the lagacy items are a joke, even custom sets are a joke. 750k credits for the whole legacy lvl 10 set.... are you kidding me!?


It is like they just want to throw it in your face that when you have gotten the legacy level you have to be punished by paying stupid amounts of cash for the cool stuff. And they are not that cool either, just rehashed textures of sets allready in the game. This was something perfect for the casuals, but no no no, raiders and PvP powergamers are the only ones that has to get good looking gear....

Edited by Merwanor
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class specific is not an issue, you can mail the item to the alt and have the alt purchase the gear... this should be obvious but i guess common sense is not that common...


It sort of is.


With the primary attribute, once I buy a Warrior Inheritance chest, it can only ever be used by another warrior.


Whereas in WoW if I bought a Plate chest I could use it for a DK, a Warrior, and a Paly.


The BoL gear is limited by the mechanics of the game to only being useful for 1 class instead of multiples, which makes it limited in use.

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