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Are Scoudrels/Snipers serious now?


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No one believes you play the class, TROLL HARDER. :rolleyes:



Did you see his signature? It is a sent/mara. LoL


A lightsaber sig that has been there for years (i.e before launch) means I play a marauder? Interesting.


I have a Juggernaut, Vanguard, Sorc and Scoundrel. I plan on making a sentinel, merc, sniper and shadow. I have a commando on another server, but I don't play on that server anymore. Still not certain if I will ever make a sentinel or sniper because I don't see the point in a pure DPS class when other AC can do that and more. I feel I would be limiting myself. I played a gunslinger in beta and didn't like the cover mechanic even in PvE.

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Scoundrels/Ops are more of an annoyance then lethal unless you actually know what you are doing lol... I play scoundrel and love making Mara/Sents hate me by keeping them on the ground but would I go toe to toe with anyone... no but Im not meant to either. Us scoundrels are made to be finishers we stand back watch for that low health bar and focus them down and go invis again and wait for the next. Or we are made to stop the healer from getting tanked long enough for a couple people to come help the healer out. We used to be able to spike damage well and even kill folks from time to time even out of stealth those days are gone. Learn to adapt.


They were over nerfed, the people saying they need nerfed again need to learn how to play and sound more like FoTM folks who just mash buttons. Please learn your class.

Edited by Newsinz
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noone can relly say what is op and what isnt op before they start playing in teams and talking to each other. Im a trooper dps and I could go all "omgf nerf blabalbal" but I know that squishy like operatives will be counterd when they attack me if I have a guardian jump their face. only this kind of team work dont happen in random pvp Queue. So please wait for ranked warzones before u start QQing cos u aint playing a class that can beat evryone 1v2.:wea_03:
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Poor sucky scrapper :(


Roll a marauder. It should be more up your alley.


FYI: My Operative is, and, excepting the occasional respec'n'dabble of another tree, always has been, a healer. But nice try.


I stand by my original statement. Troll harder. :rolleyes:

Edited by Xaearth
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One skill that requires stealth and can't be used again till you restealth. Meanwhile, every other dps can 4K crit with almost every attack.

No, every other dps can NOT crit 4k. My 31 point talent turbulence autocrits when weaken mind is applied to target first, the crit is laughable, does 2.5k to heavy armor and 3.5 to a clothie with no bubble. Oh and I am fully BM geared. I don't wanna hear anyone else cryin about not doin damage.....

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So much misinformation in this thread it's just laughable.


To the OP - ops did not get a 5% buff. A 13k op is not "critting you" for 4k... He may have once got a single crit for 4k. At this point you still have 1k health more than him and he has used his single by far biggest hit. If you lose that fight I think we all know where the problem lies.


Now let's talk facts here... Ie with combat logs I have posted.. Not anecdotal evidence... Not what you think you may have seen and not mouse over guessing at what the person is wearing.


As a 1200+ expertise full bm + WH gear I average 2.2k with hidden strike... Yes you read that right 2.2k. That is our biggest hit from stealth. Next up is back stab... Requires positional and has had a 33% Nerf by putting it on a 12s cd. That is lucky to break 2k average... So with my biggest two hits I am lucky to get you to the same health as me and I am in far better gear than you.


Ops have been seriously been nerfed with no utility, no added survivability, the only way an op is any threat is by seriously out gearing the opposition and their major defensive CDs being down. If you lose to one any other way you are a poor player.


Ops have left concealment in droves and gone healing for a very good reason.


If you dispute what I say post your log parse, otherwise your opinion is mere opinion and irrelevant.

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Seriously? Because my shoot first barely crits 2500 on unbubbled Sorcs at 76% Surge ~1200 cunning ~400 power ~650 expertise


Am I somehow doing it wrong?


Yes, basically your gear is a pile of junk, anything below 1k expertise is suicide, 1200 cunning is a joke.


Get rid of cent champ gear buy recruit. expertise is the way to go now.

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This happened with me last night, im using full bm gear/defense speced guardian, i think the sniper was good geared. He was spamming one atack that trows me 3 metters away everytime, while locking me in the same place for +- 1 sec before i can charge him again.


All this while having a cc immunity after taking cover in that red shield, i could not force push, force stun or hilt strike him.

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FYI: My Operative is, and, excepting the occasional respec'n'dabble of another tree, always has been, a healer. But nice try.


I stand by my original statement. Troll harder. :rolleyes:


You're here to tell me how underpowered DPS scoundrel is but you don't play one... :rolleyes:


Poor sucky scrapper pretending to have always played a healer. boo-hoo. I stand by my original statement. Cry harder :p

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This happened with me last night, im using full bm gear/defense speced guardian, i think the sniper was good geared. He was spamming one atack that trows me 3 metters away everytime, while locking me in the same place for +- 1 sec before i can charge him again.


All this while having a cc immunity after taking cover in that red shield, i could not force push, force stun or hilt strike him.


Snipers can't spam any attacks that have knockback. They can spec for one in Marksmanship but the attack it is tied to has a 15 second cooldown. If you were rooted upon landing from knockback it was Cover Pulse, as the root from the skill-buffed Ambush doesn't have an additional root.

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Snipers can't spam any attacks that have knockback. They can spec for one in Marksmanship but the attack it is tied to has a 15 second cooldown. If you were rooted upon landing from knockback it was Cover Pulse, as the root from the skill-buffed Ambush doesn't have an additional root.


i dont know the class very well since this guardian is my first char, despise my lack of knowledge what i wanted to say is that he managed to keep me away from him most of the fight, while doing big dmg. I left him with 10% health before dying, thanks to rataka medpac+enure, but what bugged me of was the immunity to CC even when the resolve bar wasnt full.

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When snipers/gunslingers use their dot spec a lot of their damage is internal which by passes your defenses, They are amazing at melting tanks. So in all its kind of fair since most other dps cant really do a whole lot to a true tank speced toon. Edited by snafus
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Whenever they open up on me, it hurts at first and if you dont pop some defensive abilities youll get dropped. But after their burst of hits, if youre still standing then you should be able to open up on them and take them down quite quickly since they have poor endurance to begin with.
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There's gotta be some kind of major bug going on. I'm getting melted in 900 expertise BM gear with heavy armor and 18k hps. Melted.


A 13k hp scoudrel pops out of stealth and is critting me for 4k. That doesnt make sense. Maybe he's in full recruit gear, but certainly didn't seem like it from his desperado look and hat.


What's going on? Anyone else experiencing crazy dps from IAs?


I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and THAT IS A BIG DOUBT.


Lets say that they did hit for 4k on you (which is only possible with the dmg from shoot first, and the dot that flechette applies together may be 4k).


Why do you think this is over powered? The guy has to be in stealth to start, he has to be behind you, he has to pop his relics/adrenals just before he hits you and he can do it once (perhaps twice if his vanish is up) the entire fight.


Have you not come across a BH crit'n you for near 6k, not in stealth, from any direction and can do it multiple times?

Perhaps a jug/mauarder doing the same thing with some setup but to everyone in the area?


The problem here my friend is you just got pwn'd by someone in a very embarrassing way and the fact that he was noobish with 13k hp (if it's true) made this even worst.

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As a Sniper in Recruit/BM I mostly pray no one sees me. Essentially if you attack someone and they don't get to you by the time you use your initial burst you win. If they get to me within my initial set up, I lose.

Also the Classes that Snipers are good against vary with what spec the Sniper is although Sorc/Sage can just DPS you down in a straight up fight which feels really silly since they also have more utility.

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Operatives/Scoundrels can hit VERY hard and some of the better geared/experienced ones can kill you very easily.


Here's the catch, based on my own experience against top OPs/Scoundrels on my server.


If they catch me it's a fight for desperation to beat them.


If by chance I catch them before they can open up I finish the fight with 70% HP.


Take that as you will but to me, because of that, their burst from stealth is fine as it is.


Wow someone complaining about a class other than Marauders, how refreshing. But I agree with the above. Same applies for Snipers/Gunslingers frankly. If you fight people the right way, which means opening the fight on your terms, you should win. Flip side if they are 1/2 way through their rotation before you start to react, you're dead. Annoying, but not a issue that needs nerfing. Just something to adjust to.

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