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10 Good
  1. Can't Sages pull a friendly target to them where Sorc cannot? Shouldn't that be the first thing on the list if it wasn't insanely biased toward repub QQing?
  2. I for one wouldnt even have purchased it except I like the Fantasy/Sci-Fi feel of the Star Wars IP. In regards to this "new game" and the scaling pvp and scaling zones. Why play an MMO then? Isn't the whole point of an MMO to have better things than the next guy because you put the time in and learned? Look maybe someday you will realize it on your own but MMOs are NOT THE PLACE TO GET COMPETITIVE PVP. You want competition for real then go play something where everyone is equal ALL THE TIME like DOTA or HON. Those games provide the same basics of skill use and equipment buying with leveling up except its balanced and quick and it stat tracks everything. The "new game" is just DOTA with larger teams and a fresh coat of paint to obscure the fact that its just a small arena game EXACTLY like DOTA. People play MMOs and PvP in them because its casual and provides an escape from work/school or whatever, not because you want competition. Anyone looking for competition in a game type that rewards you for TIME SPENT is looking in the wrong place.
  3. Why cant we just tick some boxes and Queue for the maps we want and if they want to have a minimum amount of randomness still just make us tick 3 out of 4 or 2 out of 4 or something. Its really silly right now that I have to play Huttball as a Sniper. I understand my role is to just sit mid and sink damage into people going for/carrying the ball but 99% of the game of huttball is beyond my grasp as Sniper. A LARGE problem with Huttball is also that premades with correct class choice just utterly dominate Huttball. So many games against a premade end in 3 minutes at 6-0 and thats not fun for anyone.
  4. How can anyone think that a class with nearly the highest (or highest) DPS deserves an in combat stealth and a 6s 99% invuln? Jesus its like in AoC when the tanks dealt the most damage and could stealth, Maras literally have everything.
  5. As a Sniper in Recruit/BM I mostly pray no one sees me. Essentially if you attack someone and they don't get to you by the time you use your initial burst you win. If they get to me within my initial set up, I lose. Also the Classes that Snipers are good against vary with what spec the Sniper is although Sorc/Sage can just DPS you down in a straight up fight which feels really silly since they also have more utility.
  6. Full Leth seems to be able to maximize energy usage which is always nice. As long as its not cleansed the 2nd cull will kill nearly anyone as long as you connected with weakening and the two dots already. Leth also has the most mobility which can come in really handy. The only downside to Leth is that you dont have much survivabliity when compared to Eng because as Eng you can take ballistic dampers from MM and you get 6% dmg reduction while in cover and more SP. The hybrid builds just dont seem to have enough synergy when compared to going full Eng or Leth. The only build that is totally useless in pvp is full MM since you are just a sitting target most of the time.
  7. As a sniper I really dont see how a Jugg can complain about anything. I agree that TTK is a little to short now but if you think its no fun as a Jugg try playing a class that doesnt have HP or mobility and see how fun that is.
  8. I love PvP but like others have said I understand the need for gear progression. Gear for PvP should make a difference but still leave room for skill. Its a really hard line to balance. Also, MMOs are not the place to EVER EVER EVER get pure skill pvp. Go play CS:S or HON if you want things even and almost 100% skill based. All this talk of GW2 for pvp is also pretty silly since GW pvp is just a bad version of DOTA and HON.
  9. Not to get off topic but I see these posts and wonder if you played other MMO games at launch. They rarely launch with much end game content because of all the time that was put into getting the rest of the game up and running. Most of them launch with very little to do at the end of the game including WOW. I think the reason it seems like a problem in this game is that grinding to lvl 50 doesnt take a lot of time and so people got there really fast, even on multiple characters. Also it sounds like maybe MMO isnt the game type for you since you dont like doing the same thing over and over even in PvE. Aren't all PvE games just a repetitive grind for items?
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