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The whole reason I rolled PvP was to kill lowbies


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I have however been "surprised ganked" by Characters at LEVEL CAP and PACKS of Characters at level cap.


So from my imperiacal experience in the 3 games I have tried "open world PvP" on PvP servers (L2, WoW and SWTOR) the experience that I have described above is the norm.


I went to Jung Ma at the invite of some people and found this behavior to be true.


Every time I say "ok I will give a PvP server a try" the same thing happens. GANKED by people compensating for being fragged on by someone else that they can't retaliate against, be it irl or in game. Thats called transference.


I feel sorry for you all that engage in this behavior.


What's "imperiacal"?


But really, people like to win whether it's cheap/glitchy/whatever. I'm not sure why they enjoy hollow victories but then again, I'm not sure why people create god weapons and just one-shot every enemy in games like Skyrim or Dragon Age either. Same mentality I guess

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Run up and stab someone in the back.


He admitted his intent, so your point is completey moot. If they find evidence in his chat log of his intent, which is to prevent players from being able to quest in a certain area as a tactic to draw out higher-lvl players, he certainly can be penalized for it, and Bioware would be well within the ToS to ban him for a period of time, especially since anyone with any sense knows, if you want to fight high lvls, you go to areas where you are sure to find them.




All of these posts about violation of ToS are pretty funny. If they allowed macros I would make one that would announce "I am killing you solely for purpose of disrupting your enjoyment of the game" and not spend a second worrying about being banned.


I never said my intent was to draw out other high level players, other people have said that. I just said I will keep doing what I do until someone comes along who is able to kill me. If that never happens all the better.


The whole point of having factions is to oppose the opposite faction. My character is a Sith for god sake. If the movies taught us nothing they taught us at least that killing younglings is a viable tactic. Strike them where it hurts. This is war, not the Olympics.

Edited by Kaltastic
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I want a gank lowbies social gear set


Sandpeople gear works for me. Getting ambushed by a sandperson just seems... right.


My character is a Sith for god sake. If the movies taught us nothing they taught us at least that killing younglings is a viable tactic.


I lol'd : )

Edited by Varicite
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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Go play immortal online and gank to your hearts content.Or maybe Darkfall. I never failed a quest because a few players get in my way.Youll want to goto tatooine ,belsavis, or narshadda.Oh thats right you might owned on the way so thats out.LOL!

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Wow, relax folks this is a game. If that is what he enjoys so be it. If it was able to be done and no one went to help the lowbies, who is to blame, him or the high level population that were to 'busy'?


PvP servers here and in WoW are really no different than PvE. It isn't endless ganking and in most cases the guy getting ganked hops on their decked out level capped main and gets revenge. All you panzies crying about world PvP in any form need to go play sims or something...

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Go play immortal online and gank to your hearts content.Or maybe Darkfall. I never failed a quest because a few players get in my way.Youll want to goto tatooine ,belsavis, or narshadda.Oh thats right you might owned on the way so thats out.LOL!


Mortal Online... Now that is THE wild west of MMO's .

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These people who complain about griefing are the same people who never even get to max level.


With my first MMO, SWG, I went spec ops one day and kept getting owned by Rebel forces (as I was Imperial). I constantly got pissed and never got up to level 90 because I was getting so mad at these "griefers".


It wasn't until I played WoW that I struck back. Griefers polluted the server I was on, but I got to max level because I knew that I'd get them back.


This lowbie killing is not griefing, it's a part of the game. If the dev's start outlawing lowbie killing then this game's PvP will end up at an all time low.


So to those of you who think that lowbie killing is pathetic, how about YOU grow a pair and show these "griefers" who's boss and kill them when you're their level!

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People keep saying that but could someone quote the exact ToS line that prohibits it?




One of the few good things the GM's ever said in AoC PvP servers "If there is a PVP solution, we don't interfere (Unless there is an exploit being used)."


Well, you were supposed to have read them before you began playing the game. ;)




Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM THIS POLICY.


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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...

Hey man! QFE!

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LOL i guess if you have no skill to kill same level players, you can always roll on a pvp server and kill lowbies, to satisfy that epeen need.. I eat people like that for breakfast, I love being the anti player killer, killing those that prey upon the weak, is my epeen fun... :mad:
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I love kids like this, especially when I'm leveling an alt. I grab my 50, go to the planet and literally **** their **** up.


This is why I rolled PVP server. Not only do I get to fight people of my own level in the open world, I get to embarrass people like this on a regular basis.


And FYI to all you PVE world people posting on this thread: Ganking hardly happens enough to warrant a thread about it, let alone to think THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS on a pvp server do it.


Most of us have MUCH better things to do.


~Nadd's sarcophagus

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I have plenty of respect. If you're intent to throw that out there in that context, you might want to redefine your interpretation of the word.


What? My interpretation of respect is the actual definition. Not sure where you're going with this...OH! You thought I was attacking your passive aggressive post with one of my own! I get it now, you were firing another shot!

I was simply admitting and being ok with being a care bear and since I am a care bear, well duh I have a care bear power, which is not rage but in fact respect and merely informing you of this in case you'd prefer that over rage.


I'm sorry for the confusion. I thought you were familiar with care bears (you know, the childrens show long extincted) and would understand my post.


And hey, I agree you have respect. You just don't seem to have respect for care bears :(

I forgive you tho :) luckily I have enough for both of us!

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I, like most folks was aware that this behavior occurs and is for the most part tolerated on servers labeled as pvp. Some folks like myself actually enjoy that added sense of danger, it can be quite a thrill to scramble about knowing you can run into someone that will easily kill you so you need to always be aware of your surroundings. Makes the pve content that much more exciting for me. Usually there are also folks that roll on pvp servers just to look for folks that like to gank lowbies, so calling for help or backup usually works pretty well too. Edited by aboynamedsue
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I love kids like this, especially when I'm leveling an alt. I grab my 50, go to the planet and literally **** their **** up.


This is why I rolled PVP server. Not only do I get to fight people of my own level in the open world, I get to embarrass people like this on a regular basis.


And FYI to all you PVE world people posting on this thread: Ganking hardly happens enough to warrant a thread about it, let alone to think THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS on a pvp server do it.


Most of us have MUCH better things to do.


~Nadd's sarcophagus


This guy has it! On my PVP server I rarely encounter this behavior. Not saying it doesn't occur, I just don't see it.

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Whatever gets you through the night. I'd think the best way to get open world PvP between level 50s would be, you know, to attack level 50 characters in a zone where level 50 characters hang out.


But yeah, I guess attacking some out of the way place that has no regular level 50 presence is more logical.


I don't actively do it honestly. but I have many a time come to help on a planet where I was hunting datacrons or more recently in the World event where lowbies have asked for help and coming down to help has been some of the most fun I have had playing.


NAtural PvP to defend something even if it is as simple as a lowbie in your faction is when the best PvP can happen.

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What? My interpretation of respect is the actual definition. Not sure where you're going with this...OH! You thought I was attacking your passive aggressive post with one of my own! I get it now, you were firing another shot!

I was simply admitting and being ok with being a care bear and since I am a care bear, well duh I have a care bear power, which is not rage but in fact respect and merely informing you of this in case you'd prefer that over rage.


I'm sorry for the confusion. I thought you were familiar with care bears (you know, the childrens show long extincted) and would understand my post.


And hey, I agree you have respect. You just don't seem to have respect for care bears :(

I forgive you tho :) luckily I have enough for both of us!


Nah. I don't really have a problem with what you being a care bear and all. Everyone's free to play the game as they please. My point stand in all of this though is kind of "live and let live". If you decide to play on a PvP server, you're sort of inclined to put up with the stuff that comes with it.


Care bears should probably remain on the PvE servers, where they're not likely to see neither griefing nor ganking.

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Srsly, i play on tomb of freedon nadd and i fought other players outside wz just 3 times. Most of the time ppl just ignore each other and keep on questing. And honestly traveling through all the loading screens to go and help lowbies getting ganked is too much a pain in the arse. So much for encouraging pvp. Edited by Sakan
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I love to bathe in the blood of lowbies, see them run and at the last moment one shot them, see them try to group up or find some help. Raining terror on a whole town and disrupting all that is their questing day. Oh, how I wish and dream for those days here. Oh, how I lament the days of killing the lowbie!


Ganking is a true art and skill.

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Shun the OP as much as you want but he actually creates a much more entertaining game.


Killing lowbies tends to piss of a ton of people (Normally Guildys)

Guildys come and kill high level.

High level brings Guild.

All of a sudden huge server vs server pvp happens.


(Sorry for the low lvls that will be unable to quest during this time :( )

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I love to bathe in the blood of lowbies, see them run and at the last moment one shot them, see them try to group up or find some help. Raining terror on a whole town and disrupting all that is their questing day. Oh, how I wish and dream for those days here. Oh, how I lament the days of killing the lowbie!


Ganking is a true art and skill.


Eh. Somebody's gotta be the bad guy if a fight's gonna happen.



Edited by Varicite
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I lol everytime I See t his "you gank lowbies because you are bad" argument. The way it should work is;


1) 50 starts killing lowbies in low level area.

2) lowbies call out to 50's of their own faction who come and help

3)original 50 calls his buddies for backup

4) actuall OWPvP happens.


This activity should actually help bolster communities and forge friendships.


Never seen that happen before in any games I played. Here's how it really goes:

1) 50 starts killing lowbies in low level area.

2) lowbies call out to 50's of their own faction who come and help

3) 50's tell lowbies to quit whining and lvl or get their guild to help them

4) lowbies complain on the forums that devs are letting a BAD problem run rampant and threaten to quit if it isn't fixed

5) lowbies follow through on their threats and population dwindles

6) gankers start complaining on the forums that the game sucks now and nobody plays, then quit

7) the few diehards that are left pve, and avoid 90% of any pvp conflict

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I have never played on a PvP server that ganking and griefing has not happened.

I have never been attacked ONE on ONE by someone near my level. I have not even been attacked by a PACK of people near my level.

I have however been "surprised ganked" by Characters at LEVEL CAP and PACKS of Characters at level cap.

So from my imperiacal experience in the 3 games I have tried "open world PvP" on PvP servers (L2, WoW and SWTOR) the experience that I have described above is the norm.

This leads me to believe that the MAJORITY PVP servers are actually populated by people that just like to make a game miserable for others.

I went to Jung Ma at the invite of some people and found this behavior to be true.

Every time I say "ok I will give a PvP server a try" the same thing happens. GANKED by people compensating for being fragged on by someone else that they can't retaliate against, be it irl or in game. Thats called transference.

I'm on Jung Ma and my experience has been completely the opposite. Because the planets are separated by level, I rarely run into enemies that are more than 2-3 levels higher or lower than me. Level 50s just don't go to Alderaan or Tatooine all that much (this past week on Tatooine being a notable exception).


Occasionally you will run into a higher-level player, perhaps looking for datacrons or helping a lower-level friend. In those encounters, sometimes they will attack you and sometimes they will just pass by (in my experience it has been about 50/50). However, it is important to remember that nothing bad happens to you if you die and nothing good happens to them if they win -- so there aren't really all that many people that bother going around low level areas hunting lowbies for no reason.


I think that they have done a very good job with the open-world PVP system in this game so that most encounters you will have are relatively fair ones. The lack of penalty means that people aren't afraid to PVP with the people they meet.


Yes, sometimes a group of people will gang up and attack an outpost, slaughtering everyone. But I have found that to be infrequent enough to be an interesting diversion rather than an annoyance.


All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.

Most of the posts that I've seen about griefing have all come from people on PVE servers. Griefers prefer servers where people don't fight back.

Edited by sjmc
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I just realized what happened here, and it's funny as hell. Garbage PvP wannabe goes and kills nublets to ruin said nublets' day. Carebears and us real PvPers get all up in arms over it. Small faction supports OP. OP trolls successfully. :p


Well played, sir. Well played. rofl

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