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The whole reason I rolled PvP was to kill lowbies


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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Later Addition:

In support of these activities I point to the movies. If they taught us anything they taught us that killing Younglings is a viable tactic. In fact, large portions of the 3rd prequel movie is whiny pre-Vader walking around 1-shotting ppl.

Edited by Kaltastic
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The possibility of sneaking onto the republic fleet by stealing a cargo ship and then wreaking havoc makes me salivate.


God I hope they implement that one day. It would be glorious. They could send out messages on the intercom on the fleets telling people where the invasion is and they could contact level 50 players all over via holocom to come join the fight.

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You know what's fun is to invade opposing towns and even better, their spaceport! The guards really aren't that hard to kill or get past, and you get the pleasure of "blockading" the planet.

Unfortunately there aren't many NPC's to kill once you pass the guards.

Edited by Stenrik
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Killing lowbies is pathetic.

fight your own lvl, as i do ( in other games cause here you find maybe 3 reps when lvling)

seriously, where is the sport in it?


But ya who cares anyway, it is a reallity in mmos; i mean mmos that actually try people to fight each other in the open world. Open world with objectives , THAT WORKS, in EACH LVL ZONE. that would be awesome.

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Ganking lowbies is pathetic. Grow a set and go up against someone your own level. Or better yet, give EVE Online a shot. I'll come flip your can while you're mining. ;)

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...

Haha! Go back to Eve Online where people like you belong.
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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


AND this is why we don't roll on PVP servers. This seems to be the prevailing thought for "open world PvP".


So in otherwords the OP is an ganker and a griefer.



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You know I just don't see how this is fun.


I do not gank toons that are less then 2 levels below me... There is just no challenge in it... No challenge = no fun... atleast not for me. Maybe I am just too much of a purist, or old fashioned.


It's not fun at all to be lvl 20/30/40 etc and constantly ganked by a few lvl 50's. When too much of this happens... people tend to quit and look for a more mature community. People leaving means loss of revenue, which in turn means no new content or the continuance of the game.


It may be fun (don't see how) to specifically go after lowbies, but this immature mentality, can be very harmful to the game, due to previous paragraph. Ofcourse people now a days do not see that their actions have conciquences. Nor do they like to take responsibility for them.


Just remember if you piss off enough people with this type of immaturity, they will leave the game. Which mean loss of money and no game at all. This is just basic logic 101. This is not ************, just being realistic.

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Haha! Go back to Eve Online where people like you belong.


Nah, he couldn't do it in EvE, Concord is Death Incarnate and high security space ganking is met with death and loss of ship/equipment/cargo.

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


If you meant as a joke, haha. but sadly I see people actually doing this.

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Ganker yes, grieffer no. We need to consider the meaning of the terms before attempting to apply them to a situation or individual.


In his example of going back to a lowbie area to SHUT DOWN questing. That is griefing. It does not allow a player to play the game their way. This is not just ganking. His ADMiTTED INTENT was to interupt play to force people to change their behanvior.



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AND this is why we don't roll on PVP servers. This seems to be the prevailing thought for "open world PvP".


So in otherwords the OP is an ganker and a griefer.




The OP openly admits it. LOL This is quite possibly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, tbh. At least in EVE, there is very little real griefing going on. Just pop, loot, and go. In null or wormholes, do your best to pop the pod too. And if you ransom someone, honor the ransom. I'd love to see this guy go into Starbridge territory. THAT would be funny! :D

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Compensating for something?

Or do you suck so bad at PvP that you can't win against same level opponents?


This argument is just pathetic... You're saying that someone that rolls out in full BM, smashes in Warzones, comes to low levels planets and smashes on lowbies and then smashes on anyone that tries to retaliate is overall bad a pvp? Garbage...

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This argument is just pathetic... You're saying that someone that rolls out in full BM, smashes in Warzones, comes to low levels planets and smashes on lowbies and then smashes on anyone that tries to retaliate is overall bad a pvp? Garbage...


Agreed that behavior is garbage and still the question is on the table about compensating ....


...Just saying. :rolleyes:

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This argument is just pathetic... You're saying that someone that rolls out in full BM, smashes in Warzones, comes to low levels planets and smashes on lowbies and then smashes on anyone that tries to retaliate is overall bad a pvp? Garbage...


Actually, if you read the OP's initial post, he doesn't claim to be good at PvP, and he most probably runs scared when someone of his own level shows up. No matter which way you slice it, that's still pathetic.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Actually, if you read his initial post, he doesn't claim to be good at PvP, and he most probably runs scared when someone of his own level shows up. No matter which way you slice it, that's still pathetic.


^This :cool:

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