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Full BM + Def CD's + 4 sec stun = 100%hp > 0%hp = DEAD. PVP is broken.


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It is quite simple if you just make it up.


They probably believe it, though. The trouble with PvP... fact and fantasy blur into what the player does believe.

Edited by Ewgal
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2 not so mutually exclusive factors:


1.PVP Formula Balance: Healers need to be part of a team now to survive and thrive. Guards, CC and peeling. Although they overdid the expertise nerf (especially added to the significant nerfs to sorc and mercs), good healers and Tanks will do well. I think it just needs another tweaking of the formula by increasing healing and mitigation and not even by much . Then the balance for healing and TTK will be just right.


2. Class balance - These are just my personal opinions from warzones and dueling the more popular classes.


From a personal point of view Sorcerers need a burst damage tree as now they are pretty in-effectual for Ranked Premade PVP. Why take a low burst dps class when your focusing targets?


Powertech pyros on the other hand have a huge amount of burst dps - so much so that I am destroyed most of the time without many options. Ive seen them take 1V2 easily and frequently in the time it takes for me to kill one. I believe they need to reduce the damage co-efficient on some of their abilities perhaps rail shot.


Marauders - I have no problem with their damage actually - even Ravage buff. I think for them its a simple adjustment based on reducing healing taken during undying rage by a certain percentage between 50-99%.


Tankasins need a slight (burst dps) nerf again likely with coefficients. Nothing huge but definitely a tone down when their survivability is so high.


Mercs To me they seem quite balanced. Very vulnerable to interrupts when not Pyro and damage seens reasonable for what they give up They do have decent burst on demand.


Snipers Very good balance in my opinion. Great on demand burst and cc.


Juggernauts Rage sas great burst and Vengeance decent burst and great sustained at the moment. Strong class but doesn't seem that Overpowered in view of their damage mitigation cooldowns are not on par with marauders.


Operatives Still great burst from stealth but low survivability once the blow their load. Low mobility and kitable. Fair balance imo.


Healers - Operative>Merc>Sorcerer at the moment imo. Purely based on individual survivability.


So in summary not that much tweaking to make PVP great again. If they don't tweak I think we'l see a lot of Marauder and Powertech heavy teams. /shrug


Edit: only class that comes anywhere near to killing in 4 seconds is Pyro Powertechs - 2 of them have killed me in a stun with rolling dots and railshot crits. One of them on a sorcerer can take 5-6 seconds if everything crits. Im full Bm of course.


One of the best posts i've ever seen since 1.2 came out.

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They probably believe it, though. The trouble with PvP... fact and fantasy blur into what the player does believe.


The PvP Forums are just a dumping ground for negativity. What helpful and positive information is always buried under the endless pools of nerf topics.

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Still at work but i managed to recreate my gear on a website, here is the pic with my character stats.




please not that the expertise % benefits are bugged on this site aparently.


Pls learn to mod your gear and stop wearing "stock" gear. Ty


p.s. i hope i did not misplaced a mod since i did it in a hurry.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Still at work but i managed to recreate my gear on a website, here is the pic with my character stats.




please not that the expertise % benefits are bugged on this site aparently.

Pls learn to mod your gear and stop wearing "stock" gear. Ty


p.s. i hope i did not misplaced a mod since i did it in a hurry.


This does not help at all as this is basically the exact same think that you wrote before, only with prettier colours and a few more numbers. We would need to see your actual gear/mods.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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8 seconds to get out of combat is crap. Not only is 8 seconds too long for stealth classes (needs to be 5) its also broken. More often than not it takes anything up to 18 seconds to drop combat so I can restealth - trust me I've counted on a digitial clock on my desk due to the problem being so common.


Could it be, that it's 8 seconds after your last DoT/HoT faded of? This would be a reasonable explanation.

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It is not my job to teach every single individual how to gear, play etc. Learn to thing for yourselves.


There are no mods that I am aware of that can give you >2000 Cunning while maintaining >1000 Expertise (unless maybe you already have full WH gear, which I am pretty sure noone has at this point). So learning to think for myself PROBABLY won't change that.


If you are not willing to show us your gear, that is obviously fine. But it makes it very likely that you are indeed lying and puts you in no position to look down on people because "they don't know how to remod their gear".

Edited by Ich_Bin
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PvP has got out of control like a bull elephant during mating season. Lets see;


Full BM geared Operative with Shield Probe up and ticking gets stunned for 4 seconds and dies in that 4 second window to one class. Is this how BW want their PvP to be? Its not just me. I am seeing regular complaints in WZ's from geared players who are ranting about survivability. Survivability needs to be much better, its not fun for anyone to spawn then die within 10 seconds of doing so when it took you 6 of those seconds to get back into the fray.


And while I am here lets see what else is wrong;


Stealth (talented) is all but useless. When you're picking a target in PvP you get busted from stealth too easily by other nearby enemy players, despite best efforts to approach the right way to avoid being busted. Its just too easy for other classes to see you now.


8 seconds to get out of combat is crap. Not only is 8 seconds too long for stealth classes (needs to be 5) its also broken. More often than not it takes anything up to 18 seconds to drop combat so I can restealth - trust me I've counted on a digitial clock on my desk due to the problem being so common.


Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.


Resolve is in need of tweak. Neat idea. Isn't working correctly.


Too many stuns in the game. I get that they are here to stay but stuns need breaking down into defensive and offensive schools. Offensive stuns like Smugglers/Agents have should do normal damage during stun. Other classes were stuns should perhaps be more of a defensive cooldown or where classes have more than one stun need to do 50% less damage when their defensive stun is up and ticking.


I had high hopes for SWTOR, particularly in PvP. I felt that they could perhaps get the balance right but I am finding SWTOR PvP terrible and survivability is the No1 problem right now for some classes. Feel free to add your own gripes.


It's not PvP that's broken, it's the class. BW went overboard when they nerfed operatives and scoundrels in 1.2. Switch over to heals and enjoy the 500k+ heals you will do in warzones.

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Still at work but i managed to recreate my gear on a website, here is the pic with my character stats.




please not that the expertise % benefits are bugged on this site aparently.


Pls learn to mod your gear and stop wearing "stock" gear. Ty


p.s. i hope i did not misplaced a mod since i did it in a hurry.


I wish my Operative had 9000 armor.

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No it's not. I still see resolve drain WHILE cc'd.


Resolve is utterly broken, the only time I have seen it work is while snaring a player, chain stunning is still very much possible. It also sometimes work with stuns used from stealth.

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No it's not. I still see resolve drain WHILE cc'd.


Exactly. Working as intended. You just dont know how it is supposed to work.


Resolve is utterly broken, the only time I have seen it work is while snaring a player, chain stunning is still very much possible. It also sometimes work with stuns used from stealth.


Well, since snares are not part of resolve system, I think you should look above;)

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Ok i think its painfully obvious this game was never developed as a pvp game. All the skills were built to accomodate PVE. When anyone asks me what i think of TOR i say its very cool for PVE until you finish the class quests then its just a MEH rendition of WOW with lasers and ships.


Balancing just isnt going to happen unless they take into account some things other games have done.


1. They should have different set of skills for PVP.

2. Like Rift and some others you should be able to have on the fly switching of talents that are preset by you so you can choose to be a tank spec, or DPS or healer spec when the game starts.

3. WZs should be multi server to prevent frustration of waiting 30 minutes to be rolled in 10.


Sadly PVP was an after thought in this game and i didnt really expect it to be a PVP game anyways. I love PVP in any game and i generally will try a couple months to see what promise it has. I got all my BM gear and its been a zerg fest roller coaster ride.


Lets just boil all of the talk we have to one thing. SW:TOR is NOT a PVP MMO. It tried and it failed so far and perhaps like Rift we will get the PVP patch, however with some of the most anticipated PVP MMOs about to hit the market i doubt much is going to bring back the player base. I will however recommend the game to friends who enjoy questing and grinding dungeons, its a very unique take on it for sure.

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The PvP Forums are just a dumping ground for negativity. What helpful and positive information is always buried under the endless pools of nerf topics.


95% of the posters are just PvP bums complaining about being ganked in a WZ...the truly great players just go out there and win for their faction.

Edited by Ewgal
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PvP has got out of control like a bull elephant during mating season. Lets see;


Full BM geared Operative with Shield Probe up and ticking gets stunned for 4 seconds and dies in that 4 second window to one class. Is this how BW want their PvP to be? Its not just me. I am seeing regular complaints in WZ's from geared players who are ranting about survivability. Survivability needs to be much better, its not fun for anyone to spawn then die within 10 seconds of doing so when it took you 6 of those seconds to get back into the fray.


And while I am here lets see what else is wrong;


Stealth (talented) is all but useless. When you're picking a target in PvP you get busted from stealth too easily by other nearby enemy players, despite best efforts to approach the right way to avoid being busted. Its just too easy for other classes to see you now.


8 seconds to get out of combat is crap. Not only is 8 seconds too long for stealth classes (needs to be 5) its also broken. More often than not it takes anything up to 18 seconds to drop combat so I can restealth - trust me I've counted on a digitial clock on my desk due to the problem being so common.


Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.


Resolve is in need of tweak. Neat idea. Isn't working correctly.


Too many stuns in the game. I get that they are here to stay but stuns need breaking down into defensive and offensive schools. Offensive stuns like Smugglers/Agents have should do normal damage during stun. Other classes were stuns should perhaps be more of a defensive cooldown or where classes have more than one stun need to do 50% less damage when their defensive stun is up and ticking.


I had high hopes for SWTOR, particularly in PvP. I felt that they could perhaps get the balance right but I am finding SWTOR PvP terrible and survivability is the No1 problem right now for some classes. Feel free to add your own gripes.


Troopers/BH's do NOT dominate lol. When I play against the most skilled players in game, I usually get beat in WZ's (and ALWAYS 1vs1). Why? Because they play Marauders and Assassins; both which are hard counters to any spec/class of BH/Trooper; both Maraus and Assassins have more utility, survivability, mobility, marauders do more damage, and Assassins are way more durable. Neither can do the burst a PT does, but it is somewhat close.

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Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's.


even tho i agree to most of your post i do not agree on the defence cds of a hunter/trooper they got like 1 shield on a 2min cd

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Still at work but i managed to recreate my gear on a website, here is the pic with my character stats.




please not that the expertise % benefits are bugged on this site aparently.


Pls learn to mod your gear and stop wearing "stock" gear. Ty


p.s. i hope i did not misplaced a mod since i did it in a hurry.


Those are unbuffed stats, or stats with the SW, IA, SI, and BH class buffs? I'm assuming buffed due to the 117 and not 112 on the Stim note. Obviously it's without popped Adrenals or Relics.

Edited by Tenthletter
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Troopers/Bounty Hunters are still dominating all aspects of PvP. They need balancing. I dont know how but they do, seems like they have the best combination for PvP - range, good burst/DoT and good defensive CD's. Something has got to give.




This part is pure BS.

Edited by Mancer
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Something else too - I just did Civil War and capped the Snow turret alone while the whole team ran to the centre as usual and then started losing badly. Republic had two turrents and then players just gave up. Expecting a loss, 7 other players came to my turrent and just camped it till the end of the match so they could get defender point medals. Another example of BW not really thinking their PvP mechanics through.


Your faction giving up has nothing to do with mechanics and everything to do with them lacking any kind of perseverance.

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