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Do you want endless stalemates of healing?


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Your post sounds exactly like what Merc healer said when they were unkillable pre 1.2.


It's pretty funny you mentioned you can stop moving since the only reason to stop moving is to cast a heal, except your heals are the easiest to interrupt in the game (less variety than a Sorc, no interrupt immunity mechanism compared to Merc). So apparently guys who have no problem stopping harder heals somehow don't know how to stop your 2 easy to interrupt heals.


You obviously didn't read the part where I stated you need to stop to heal at the right time, ie when you use CC, you break LOS, or you are baiting or have baited an interrupt with the fast heal. No healer now can just sit and cast heals, as they could pre 1.2. Op healers have always had to be elusive and resource conscious, so this is nothing new to them, but a complete shift for the other healers. Merc/commando healers needed a nerf to efficiency in both PVE and PVP (as you see in my signature I also play a commando), I think the nerf went a bit too far in 1.2, but it is just made worse by the lowered endurance on PVP gear and the prevalence of Mara/sents and subsequently the constant 20% healing reduction.

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Funny, all the top pvpers quit this game. A while ago actually. It is cute to see these wannabes pretending they are amazing because they play a lot.


1.) Don't claim you are better than everyone until there is a way to measure it.

2.) The pvp in this game is a joke and in no way should be misconsrued as requiring anything other than gear.

3.) The min you call someone on the forums bad you have just proven to everyone that you are a wannabe elite pvper. Elite pvpers don't talk to people like that because they don't need to.

4.) Compairing this game to wow is like compairing Mario bros to Final Fantasy. There is no comparison. One is sandbox, the other is a single player game with instances. Both are **** games for pvp. Wow and starwars fanbois can stop now, no one cares which game is your favorite. You aren't that important.

5.) I like numbered lists.


Lol listen to you,oh Mr Supreme please tell us where this Holy Land of PvP Heaven is, where all the good PvPers are?


Better yet tell me where this mystical game is that doesnt require gear?

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Funny, all the top pvpers quit this game. A while ago actually. It is cute to see these wannabes pretending they are amazing because they play a lot.


1.) Don't claim you are better than everyone until there is a way to measure it.

2.) The pvp in this game is a joke and in no way should be misconsrued as requiring anything other than gear.

3.) The min you call someone on the forums bad you have just proven to everyone that you are a wannabe elite pvper. Elite pvpers don't talk to people like that because they don't need to.

4.) Compairing this game to wow is like compairing Mario bros to Final Fantasy. There is no comparison. One is sandbox, the other is a single player game with instances. Both are **** games for pvp. Wow and starwars fanbois can stop now, no one cares which game is your favorite. You aren't that important.

5.) I like numbered lists.


This guy said WoW is a sandbox... lols.

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A. Prepatch if you're a DPS and you're not able to occupy a healer by forcing him to heal himself just to stay alive, You're a bad DPS.


B. Prepatch, if it takes 8 of you to take on a Healer/Tank combo, again, you're terrible at the game and should stick to Hello Kitty Online.


C. Postpatch if you can't kill a Healer 1v1 as a DPS, you're bad and should quit the game.


D. If you think stacking Healers is remotely effective in this game, you're a tard who frankly doesn't know how PVP works in this game and should be barred from posting on the PvP forums as you have about as much skill as a paraplegic does at basketball.


Loo, XSorus, you're so cruel... but you speak the truth, sir.

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Feeling like a god with OP heals is fun, but not for long.... at least for me. It lacks challenge and essentially offers little to do in the fights. I don't want to feel squishy if 1 or 2 people get on me though either. Should I die to 1 or 2? Maybe 1 if I don't do anything, but yeah, def against 2 if I don't do something and get some help. Either way, I've always liked having options to defend myself for short periods of time.


I can see people having different perspectives on this matter depending on how much they play on PUGs vs Pre-Mades. In PUGs I expect to never get any help, and to be focused down on in return. Sometimes I have to lure what's on me over to someone else so they can see someone to attack, but it's amazing that a healer can get no help, be focused down on most of the fight, put out pretty good heals, be top 3 in medals, and get 0 votes.


DPS is, and always will be, easier than heals.


Vote for heals and keep them playing.

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No it isn't, because a single dps can absolutely DESTROY any healer 1v1 as it is now, and they could even before 1.2, it just took longer.


Whenever healers can't use the terrain or los to their advantage, they're dead, even from a single dps. This is plain wrong. Nobody is asking for healers to be invincible, but they should at the very least be able to heal themselves indefinitely against a single dps, and when healing others they should be able, if they're left alone, to effectively counter the damage done from 2 or more (depending on players) dpsers.


Right now, healers (and everyone else really) are just ticking bombs waiting to explode, especially if clowns such as maras/pyropts are around. By healing in this game you're aren't actually saving people, you're just delaying the inevitable, which makes it just a miserable role to play.


And don't even think about giving me some bs about healers needing other people's help / guard /taunts or whatever to be effective, because dpsers don't need ANYBODY'S help to insta gib other fools.


So basically you admit that you're one of the worst players on this forum, and want healing to be as out of control and terrible as it is in WoW. Its so horrible in that game that even the devs laugh about it. I''m just glad that nobody takes anything you say seriously, and that your irrelevant QQing holds no weight at all to bioware.

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sorry but no. I should be able to defend myself even briefly in a warzone. I should be able to kill somebody eventually 1vs1. I should be able to keep people alive in warzones. I am nothing but a free kill. I can't even manage my own force without depending on another person...unless I want to kill myself.


I should not be forced into my premade every time I wish to warzone. pvp was fun pre 1.2. I pvped almost everyday. This **** bioware implemented ruined everything. I've tried to enjoy pvp post 1.2 but I just can't...even with my premade group. it's just too frustrating.


If you can't kill someone 1v1 as a healing specced its a L2P issue. You just aren't any good. And with that whiny attitude you won't get any better either.

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The game shouldn't be balanced around 1 on 1. IT should be balanced for 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 which is what the majority of encounters look like.




Wrong, this game should be and IS balanced around 1v1, which also means its balanced around 4v4, 5v5, and so on. Not all of us are stupid enough to buy into WoWs excuse of "its impossible to balance for 1v1, and if we did it would imbalance large group pvp" like most of you WoW kiddies seem to.

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Don't play PuGs then.... Theres no way you can make healers balanced for 8v8 and make every WZ in every random-PuG 100% balanced, exciting and enjoyable. There will either be no healers or nearly none, because they nerf it into the ground, or you'll have to live with the fact that, if you don't go in with 7 other players, there might be more or less than the perfect amount of healers in your team.


Theres no way around that and this Problem exists in tons of other games as well (basically every MOBA, were everyone wants to pick carrys and noone support).


I'd rather get decent healers into the game and always list as a team than have UP healing, ridiculous TTK and IMBA DD's....

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At 1.2 launch, I was concerned that I was going to have to give up PvP healing (Sage, Valor 59 on patch day).


Sure enough, things are not as bad as that. I get focus fired more now, because it is much more effective, but with kiting and controls I can keep myself alive while evading maybe 3 people if there's a good pillar to hump and I've got my cooldowns.


I understand the 1v1 logic. It felt true on patch day, Sickboy here is absolutely right. A DPS does no need support to fight another single person, they only need an enemy. A healer needs a team, probably of 2 more people, to be really effective. If I've already got a HoT on me, recasting it is a waste of time, With a teammate there, I can a good spell I couldn't otherwise use. Salvation is not useful in a 1v1, but it's fantastic in 3vX. Bubbles are limited to every 18 seconds on just me, but I could cast one every 6 on me and two friends.


The 1v1 argument is, in fact, totally bunk. If a healer could 1v1 indefinitely, then the benefits of the healing cooldowns, debuffs, and AoEs would make things in real team play quite ridiculous.


Well said. This guy is probably the only healer in this forum that understands it.

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It IS a frustrating role to play.

Consider: In all the time I pvp'd I have gotten ONE Mvp vote ever. In PUG's forget about anybody ever guarding you, it does not happen.


I have noticed that my stats do not seem to reflect when I Force Armour someone. The damage I prevent does not show in my stats. Why Bioware?

My Kill ratio is pretty stable at 2:1 in favour, that is where it stays. And I am actually proud of that stat, because I started MMORPG's on 9 Mar for the first time in my life. And I remember AD&D 1st edition. Well. And I am sad what "ROLE playing" has become in the age of the Internet. So unless you are one of the old guard pipe right down, youngsters. You have no clue. Not about Team play either, buddy.


After a while even I get tired of being 3rd from the bottom and being ganked by any cloaker - Come to think of it, WHY can all Sith cloak - at will. Nobody seems to have mentioned so far that the RANGE of heals was cut too. Just remember that to do my job I have to stand still and have Line of Sight.


Any other good reasons why there is such a difference in valor between a healer class and a dps? Why should an equally well played healer be the lowest valor of your PC"s?? I noted that stat. Same player, lowest valor of all his PC's


And I would just like to ask the other players to recognise what healers do for you, that helps you get your stats. Just be more aware. I am more than a little green glowing number above your head every 4 secs. And when it does not happen then it is "you suckz lol".


So teach me, train me, advise me or get out of my face. Healers do want a bit of recognition, too.


FYI lvl 25 Sage, to put my comments in perspective.


In general I find that leveling is a GRIND. Seen one mad master, seen them all. The 3 same same sub bosses do not help give the illusion of variety.

50's in general sit on their duffs and ignore newbs, leading me to feel that this game offers VERY little below lvl 50.

Then: Community, what community? Where is the grouping? 2 words here: No rewards for it, and no incentive to do it. This applies within guilds too.


Thanks for listening


All Sith can cloak? Range of heals was cut? 1 MVP vote? Basically you have no idea what you're talking about AND you're terrible, so your input isn't worth much is it?

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So basically you admit that you're one of the worst players on this forum, and want healing to be as out of control and terrible as it is in WoW. Its so horrible in that game that even the devs laugh about it. I''m just glad that nobody takes anything you say seriously, and that your irrelevant QQing holds no weight at all to bioware.


And yet, everything i said is an ingame FACT while all you do is hate on wow for no apparent/related reason and bring 0 concrete arguments to the table.


My guess would be that you were one of those people who couldn't go beyond 1000 rating on wow cause there killing people when healers come into play actually takes some coordination, so you came to swtor rolled a marauder so you can pretend to be good, am i right?


Wow,s pvp is far from perfect, but the current swtor is ATROCIOUS. It was almost ok before, except marauders and tanksins pretty much, but now it's just hilarious.

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I was concerned at the healing nerf too, because I often queue with a healer, but after remembering how stupidly frustrating it was to go into a WZ and pull 500k damage and get 0 kills while simultaneously never dying, I changed my tune quite quickly. Now damage matters. Healers can no longer infi-kite 3 DPS while spam healing themselves with guard on. Focus fire now kills people quickly... which it should. Why should you be able to survive a dog pile of 4 other players? Where is the logic in that? Sure, time to kill went way down, but if you want the TTK to go back up again then healing will have to be nerfed again. Otherwise we'll be back to heal locked, stalemates where we slam our faces against our keyboards for 15 minutes at a time.
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Wrong, this game should be and IS balanced around 1v1, which also means its balanced around 4v4, 5v5, and so on. Not all of us are stupid enough to buy into WoWs excuse of "its impossible to balance for 1v1, and if we did it would imbalance large group pvp" like most of you WoW kiddies seem to.


Sorry i have to break it to you, but this game isn't balanced at all, 1v1 included. Do you actually come up with this stuff yourself or do you have a comedian writing it down for you?

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Wrong, this game should be and IS balanced around 1v1, which also means its balanced around 4v4, 5v5, and so on. Not all of us are stupid enough to buy into WoWs excuse of "its impossible to balance for 1v1, and if we did it would imbalance large group pvp" like most of you WoW kiddies seem to.


PvP is being played in 8-man teams and soon enough, we'll have premades, global ranked WZ's etc. do you really think the game should then be balanced around 1v1 and do you really think if every class was able to beat every class in a 1v1, the game would be balanced in 8v8 as well?


The beauty of balancing a game based on teams of 8 is that you can have certain imbalances, if the team can make up for this imbalances by utilizing their classes in the proper way.


If BW starts balancing the game based on 1v1's, it would be a horrible mistake.

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I was concerned at the healing nerf too, because I often queue with a healer, but after remembering how stupidly frustrating it was to go into a WZ and pull 500k damage and get 0 kills while simultaneously never dying, I changed my tune quite quickly. Now damage matters. Healers can no longer infi-kite 3 DPS while spam healing themselves with guard on. Focus fire now kills people quickly... which it should. Why should you be able to survive a dog pile of 4 other players? Where is the logic in that? Sure, time to kill went way down, but if you want the TTK to go back up again then healing will have to be nerfed again. Otherwise we'll be back to heal locked, stalemates where we slam our faces against our keyboards for 15 minutes at a time.


TTK going up = healing nerfed. Does not compute.


While I have always agreed that a healfest is lame, so is dying in 3 seconds. Happy medium, people. I don't see why the expertise bonuses were changed, personally, because it would probably be a lot more balanced if it was basically 15% damage 10% reduction 10% heals since heals already have trauma debuff. Haven't got BW metrics of course, but damage feels kind of crazy right now

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TTK going up = healing nerfed. Does not compute.


While I have always agreed that a healfest is lame, so is dying in 3 seconds. Happy medium, people. I don't see why the expertise bonuses were changed, personally, because it would probably be a lot more balanced if it was basically 15% damage 10% reduction 10% heals since heals already have trauma debuff. Haven't got BW metrics of course, but damage feels kind of crazy right now


If you leave heals like they are now but increase mitigation to move up TTK, then healing will be OP again. Healing would have to come down. I've been in 6 consecutive WZs where I pulled 400-500k damage and gotten maybe 3 kills prior to 1.2. That shouldn't be possible. People were queuing up with 3, or even 4 healers and there was no way to kill one another. If you didn't have at least 2 healers you lost. If you both had 2 or more nothing happened. I'll take our current system over that any day. Healing still matters, it just isn't game breaking. There are counters to it now and focus fire will overpower it. IT SHOULD. What's so wrong about that?

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Healers are strictly team players, just like tanks. No they shouldn't win 1v1s, ever, just like tanks cant(and dont bother whining about shadows tanks, they will always lose 1v1 against a dps if both are geared and know how to play).


Most epic post evaaaah


I think what he wanted to say:"None should ever be able to beat me 1on1 or I will come to these forums and cry for nerfs and threatening Bioware with unsubbing."


For me it is clear: DPS > Healer, Healer > Tank, Tank > DPS, thats Rock, Paper, Scissor system...


Healers were fine before 1.2. and no, i dont play healer, i hate playing healer but i respect those that do and they were fine. If you couldnt down healers thats your problem and probably a lack of coordination in your team...


PS: i play a Tanksin and i can beat everything in 1on1

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Healers shouldn't be able to live in a 1v1. If they have skill(everyone thinks they have skill, but most dont) and good gear(good defined as battlermaster or above) they should die eventually in a 1v1 fight with a dps. Healers should always have their team mates protecting them via guards and taunts, or CCs and dps from classes without those. Most healers that post on this forum want to be unkillable, they think because of the their spec they deserve a free ride through the WZ. That's unacceptable and I'm confident bioware will never allow that to happen, healing has never been as bad in this game as it is in WoW.


Yes they should. If a healer can't survive 1v1 vs a DPS then there's absolutely no point in playing a healer. I won't even comment on everything else in your pose because it's just mindless generalisation other than to say that a lot more DPS (including you it seems) feels like they should be able to 1v1 a healer simply because it annoys them that they can't. Well, that's not how healing works and thank God there isn't a PvP dev in the world that agrees with you otherwise all MMO PvP would be much worse than it is now.

Edited by Vellusix
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Every healer that posts on this forum except you wants an endless stalemate of healing. They want healing to be like it is in world of warcraft: Healers being invincible and able to keep 2-3 people at 100% too. Healing as it is now is fine.


I don't. But I don't like the way it is now, either. There are shades, you know. It's not "every" or "none".

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I am a healer, not the best skilled one, but I defend myself by trying to use powers at best moments. Before 1.2, you could see many more healers in PVP, playing together and being close invincible. They nerfed healers. Fine. But then they upped DPS. Fine. Now you see much more DPS players in PVP. When now I play vs good teams, I got 3-4 DPS focused on myself and I can survived 2 sec. Now the problem is : Bioware is dumb. They nerf/up classes instead of thinking about the PVP base like introduce a limited number of the same class in a BG. This would be the best solution. An ending having 4-5 healers invincible or having 4-5 DPS unplayable for healers. This is a shame and people saying "now healers are ok in pvp" I am pretty sure they don't play that class and being pissed off finishing always last and not being able to defend themselves. They just having fun destroying healers in 2 sec. Here I speak about BG against good teams, not pickup noobs not focusing healers. The only solution about that is : 1. All players will reroll DPS 2. Limited number of the same class in BG. For me, I ended my subscription to SWTOR waiting for Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2. Thanks Bioware but your PVP is rubbish and boring for healers. :mad:
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