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Are there actually a bunch of Dead servers?


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I haven't seen one "The game is dying" comment in this thread.


There are servers with such low populations that if you shut them down and didn't even offer transfers less than 20 people would get angry. That's a dead server.


Seriously, when there are more people playing in a modern warfare 3 match than on an entire server in an MMO it's a problem.

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Well some servers are pretty screwed with low pops but hopefull transfers will be in sooner rather than later, I'm hoping before 1.3 though I can always level up alts as I don't care much about doing stuff at 50 it sucks having no FPs while levelling like at launch when everything was very heavy.
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My current server is dead :( I mean why did BioWare bother making "heroic" quests and flashpoints for low levels when they're never, ever anyone around to do them with?


Did a /who in WOW and Orgrimmar had 210 people....Republic Fleet had 11 lol pathetic

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I haven't seen one "The game is dying" comment in this thread.


There are servers with such low populations that if you shut them down and didn't even offer transfers less than 20 people would get angry. That's a dead server.


Seriously, when there are more people playing in a modern warfare 3 match than on an entire server in an MMO it's a problem.


Only EA/LA knows if the game is "dying" or not. They have their master spreadsheet with how many sales of the game they need/want, actual sales vs. subs each month, etc...


In my opinion, they did NOT spend this mytical 300 mil on this game and I bet with around 3 million or so copies sold, this game is already in the black, or they would have done something a lot quicker with transfers/mergers.


I own stock in EA, but I haven't bothered to look into the investor information available. Plus, that information can be made to look different than it actually is, as I've seen it happen with other companies I own stock in.


Just enjoy the game if you do and if you are concerned, buy stock in EA and then you can actually voice your concern as an investor, not just a customer. Share prices are right around a months sub currently.

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I don't consider my server dead, though it's mostly "light" population and rarely "standard" even during peak hours. But we usually have 30 Rep players on the Fleet, so it's not like I can't PVP, even though the Qtimes can be horrible.


My big worry is when rateds come out. On a light population server, what are the chances you will be able to find 7 other non-baddies to Q with. I can think of 4-5 Rep players I'd Q with, but not more than that. And what are the chances to all be online at the same time? Ugh. Server merges are needed so we can get more blood over here.


I've thought about re-rolling on Fatman, but I'm a Warlord, I don't really wanna start over.

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I don't care about the "light" and "standard" statuses, only the # of people and ability to play the game.


Right now it's 3:00 server time on Colonel Tobin and here are the stats:



68 total players lvl 1-50

14 lvl 50 players

8 in Fleet



63 total players lvl 1-50

15 lvl 50

4 in Fleet


There's not a single WZ going on the whole server, and rarely is. I know it's not peak, but I logged in Sat at 9:00 PM server time and there were 163 total players. Keep in mind this was a free weekend. The server rarely breaks 30 online in fleet during peak. I know for a fact there are servers worse than this even.


I'm not a hater or fanboi. I like the game and want it to succeed but no hiding that there's a current population problem that could make or break it IMO. I rerolled on a more populated server in Feb but many friends are still on the old server, or quit.


Also, you can believe me or not, but Bioware had some *very* recent layoffs/cutbacks they don't want public. I know because they're interviewing for other companies right now here in Austin. They even had them signing NDAs. I have no idea if that's directly related to the success/failure of this game, but it's not a positive indicator.

Edited by Reseg
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Other than the playing on the few heavy/full servers, you would be hardpressed to call this a Massively Multiplayer Online game.


Until the plague, my fleet pop struggled to hit 80 at peak playing times. The level 40 -50 planets, where you would think many people would be, had 20 -30 max pops. D. Kass, at release had 150ish, now 50 max. Standard server at peak, hundreds at best total pop.


I remember the 2000 - 3000 players on some DAOC servers. Late in it's life, those fell to 800 - 1200.

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Other than the playing on the few heavy/full servers, you would be hardpressed to call this a Massively Multiplayer Online game.


Indeed - I only ever rolled 1 toon, and got so bored at level 37 that I quit (uninstalled weeks ago, waiting for sub to expire). I rarely met anyone outside of the fleet, never got a single FlashPoint, only time I ever grouped was in BGs. The story and dialogue was fine for a while, but it became too repetitive, the quests and mobs way too easy (Sith assassin) and didn't seem to get any better as I levelled up.


Very boring game, made far worse by lack of a community, and mostly empty server (I played from launch, so was surprised the servers were so empty) Shame, as the franchise is good, lots of lore, but this was an empty shell for me.


Guessing this'll be free to play before long. Still don't think I can be bothered to play it again. There's far better FPS's around with better graphics, better story and more of a challenge than endless "fetch me X of whatever, and kill X of those things". If I want PVP, there are far better games for that too.

Edited by Scerion
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I had chars on a server where the max population at peaktime was : 13 on fleet, 1 on ilum, 2 Correlia and 2 Belsavis.


Dont care much for what lowbee planets did, but my guess is not much better.


The game should not end at 50 but start at 50. With hardly any endgame population it's fair to say servers are dead.


Thank the Maker I rerolled before I had a GG char, made it easier to abandon it.


I know what you are saying. i am on telos restoration and yesterday there was 5 on the imperial fleet and 5 on the dromand kaas and i have learned that heroic missions are easy if every one grind their toon and kill in a area until their level is high enough to complete it solo.


I was able to do the red engine mission on korriban solo after i got level 12 so grinding your toon higher than the level of the heroic mission does work on a low populated server. I did that with all my toons so far.

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On Naddist Rebels on average que pop time is 10mins.


The server is so light you see the same people you're fighting with and against. I am so unhappy with the community on my server..some cool people but it's lack so bad. Honestly if transfers were 100 bucks I'd pay it just to **** of Naddist Rebels server!


Please hurry with transfers or at least merge populations. It's 5pm EST and right now about maybe 10 of the US servers are at standard as the rest are LIGHT. UGH I'm so mad and sad. Community makes the game....:mad:

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I haven't seen one "The game is dying" comment in this thread.


There are servers with such low populations that if you shut them down and didn't even offer transfers less than 20 people would get angry. That's a dead server.


Seriously, when there are more people playing in a modern warfare 3 match than on an entire server in an MMO it's a problem.


LOL this was funny. Quoted for truthi/funniness.

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What I don't get about all of this is how BW is handling it.


Sure, they've said they know about the issue and they're "working on it."


Great. This should be a priority. Not AFTER the rakghoul plague (which was essentially just a distraction for their epic fail that was 1.2 release) not after Legacy options or Open World PvP. I'm all for these, especially the open world PvP, but guess what? If there are NO PEOPLE PLAYING YOUR GAME, all the content you work on means nothing.


It's bad enough most of the hardcore PvP community left after the 1.2 debacle, but now we have to wait til after they deal with Asian/Pacific servers..

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I haven't seen one "The game is dying" comment in this thread.


Not in this thread no, but plenty of comments along the ones I paraphrased in other threads with related topics. This thread has been mostly civil; the only distortion of truth I have seen are the statements that most of the servers are Light at prime time.

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Noone is denying that there are some servers with light populations. The issue is the scope of the problem. Don't confuse anecdotal evidence with statistically representative data.


You missed the point, clearly.


Pick at random from any of the light population servers. (There are over 80 of them.) At random.


You will see the problem.


Does that not tell you scope?


The only organization with hard, fast numbers is BioWare and they're not going to share them. They're fabricating subscribers by giving people 30 free days, even after they've cancelled their accounts.

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It all hinges on your definition of "dead"


Its pretty simple IMO,


If "dead" to you is 0 people on a server then your answer is no, there is no problem with dead servers.


If "dead" is less than 100 people on fleet, no one running FP's/ Op pugs, no one talking in general/trade, GTN having no mats and maybe 5 to 10 on leveling planets: then YES 3/4 of all servers are dead.



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I understand and agree with all of you on the servers being low population and all. In my opinion bioware should do either 2 things i know alot of people wont like what i say but here goes.


1) Merge servers and give free transfers to those people that want to move to a more populated server. I believe if Bioware cant do that then this next option should be the next best thing.


2) Make all pvp, End game stuff with less people required to enter and make the flash points a solo thing with you and you companion that is no group can be found. I say do this bioware cause these server are low in population with the 3 servers im on are always light and they never hit standard.


I know a lot of you wont like this but i seen a lot of servers between 5pm est and 2 am est that stay light. I think Bioware needs to do some thing soon to help all those people that need to find a group. I have not been affected much by the low population because i group with my wife or solo the game. I been soloing all the heroic missions by my self or with my wife so i hope Bioware does some thing for you all out there.

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There are always a bunch of people on.


A "bunch of people" is not exactly "massive"...


I´d prefer a lower number of very big planets with at least 1000-2000 people on, EvE style server architecture.. one can dream... or play planetside2

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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