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This game has the worst crowd control system ever to go live.


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Aion Online was the worst.


8s silences on 18s cooldowns


Just to be fair, Aion also featured spammable dispel and no GCDs. If your cleric was at least somewhat competent, they would instantly dispel silence on you and if cleric got silenced, your chanter would have picked up the healing duty. Besides, in Aion 18s cooldown means once-per-fight for all practical purposes (again, no GCDs).

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With this insane TTK most of times I see my resolve bar going down AFTER revive while Im waiting at spawn area.

Resolve bar get fill when you are 2 seconds to die..thats the real joke.


They need change how resolve bar works. Few games does like this:


Every time you got one CC you gain a buff that protects you against that same CC for 30 seconds.

So if you get one stun you are immune for stuns for the next 30 seconds, they still can knockback you. But after that,

you are immune too.


To keep this resolve bar system, they need increase how fast the resolve bar fills and lower the unbreak CC skill to 1minute.

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With this insane TTK most of times I see my resolve bar going down AFTER revive while Im waiting at spawn area.

Resolve bar get fill when you are 2 seconds to die..thats the real joke.


They need change how resolve bar works.


So, you are saying that TTK is broken now (which is true), and instead of fixing TTK you want resolve system changed?

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"firstly roots ignore resolve, meaning warriors can charge you and stun you, then use ravage(if trained) to root you again then push you then charge at you again. this is the perma root effect, sorcerers get a form of this with their knockback as do snipers and mercs... in a mass pvp skirmish you can be pretty much rooted forever."



I would like to play this 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jugg Marauder Hybrid Please.

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and if you looked at a caster funny, they stopped casting... forcing players to actually think instead of face mashing... let's not forget that there was 0 ZERO "rvr gear" only abilities and well built templates... still the best pvp system the MMO world has ever seen.


You entirely missed the point. DAoC pvp was only about who hit their "I win" mez fastest. One spell wiped out whole groups. There was no defense against it except blind luck.

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well you never played champions online, the cc in that game has through various stages been so *********** broke you could not possibly comprehend.

i remember one particualr one off where force cascade ability that would proc every one hit (it is a huge aoe attack) and cause them to float in mid air for about 5 seconds, this attack could be spammed...and was spammed. there was/is ability called ego storm and aoe cc that would stun you for 2-3 seconds and then when you broke free it would stun you AGAIN and there was nothing you could do about it nothing at all.


add on top of that the laugh that to break cc you had to tap the z button to break free faster......sigh coming from that game its like swtor barely has any cc lol

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we all only get ONE (1) cc remover on a 2 min cool-down... that alone is totally retarded but it doesnt end their...


Lol, this game is a team-game, not WoW or sth....


In GW, there were tons of freezes, blinds, roots, heavy dot's and stuff that reduced your movement or DMG-output to nearly nothing and very few classes were actually able to remove them, but it's no Problem, because you had ppl on YOUR TEAM, removing those conditions FROM YOU.


All the three healing-classes have CC/Stun/Condition-removers and if th spec on heal, they even get better. It has a very low CD and cost and if nobody uses them, maybe play with ppl that actually know the game next time.


I can assure you, that if I'm playing with my Sage, no1 on my team will be thinking: "roots, CC and stuns are soooo IMBA", because I remove that stuff from them ASAP. You even get extremely easy to spot animations with whirlwinds and lightning and stuff.....:rolleyes:


There is absolutely nothing wrong with CC in this game, but there is a huge Problem with ppl not knowing how to play a team-game and then blurt out stuff about imbalance that they don't have any clue about.

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Wait out first CC, break second CC (or wait and see if they break it themselves if it's a mez) and now you're at full resolve and can do whatever you want, including stunning them back and healing yourself up to effectively reset, except you now have resolve and they don't.
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Lol, this game is a team-game, not WoW or sth....


In GW, there were tons of freezes, blinds, roots, heavy dot's and stuff that reduced your movement or DMG-output to nearly nothing and very few classes were actually able to remove them, but it's no Problem, because you had ppl on YOUR TEAM, removing those conditions FROM YOU.


All the three healing-classes have CC/Stun/Condition-removers and if th spec on heal, they even get better. It has a very low CD and cost and if nobody uses them, maybe play with ppl that actually know the game next time.


I can assure you, that if I'm playing with my Sage, no1 on my team will be thinking: "roots, CC and stuns are soooo IMBA", because I remove that stuff from them ASAP. You even get extremely easy to spot animations with whirlwinds and lightning and stuff.....:rolleyes:


There is absolutely nothing wrong with CC in this game, but there is a huge Problem with ppl not knowing how to play a team-game and then blurt out stuff about imbalance that they don't have any clue about.


<mildly> Perhaps there are many who do understand how to play the game. But their teammates (and I use the term in the loosest possible sense) do not.


How do you ~make~ people get a clue? If you can't, you have little choice other than to turn the die from D20 to D6.

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