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I feel DISCRIMINATED against!


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Dear BioWare,


I'm a PvP player. That's what I like, that's what I do.

Why do you have to force me to do PvE dailies just to get by? Were my 60 euros less important than a PvE player's? That I don't understand.


Warzones DO NOT give enough credits!


Let's put my grievances into some (very rough) numbers:

90,000 credits - augmented level 50 blaster

70,000 credits - purple augment

150,000 credits - removing 4x mods from my Battlemaster riffle


That's 310,000 (three hundred and ten thousand!!!!) credits at market price.


2,000 credits (or there about) - reward for 15 minutes of my life playing a warzone.


So I have to play 155 warzones (~39 hours of gametime) to get a new weapon off the GTN and reuse some mods? Really BW? REALLY?! Whom of your employees went: "Yes, 155 is a good ratio. Let's implement that!"? Find him and fire him because this is unacceptable to me and many other PAYING customers!


You need to boost the credit sums awarded by warzones!


Thank you.


get it in u hear thes is ar focus PvE/story game leve wed it - pvp is just som ting BIO put in so we got som ting els to paly to

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For start, I enjoy both PvP & PvE.

As U r pure PvP-er, i think U should not complain.

Doing pvp, u get wz/ranked comms which let u buy endgame pvp equips. That is the currency reward for pvp!!!

Logically, those that do more diverse content will receive better rewards. To have BEST equips in MMOs, u must do almost ALL aspects of it (pvp, pve, crafting, ops...). U DONT want to do that, and u still want to have everything???

Sorry to say, but NO WAY!

Its easy: u want wz comms=>go to wz

u want credits: do pve

You CANT have both doing only 1 aspect of the game...


Self contradictionary, that would be the same as me telling you that you can't have your pve gear from pve, but you have to pvp for it.


Why should you be allowed everything you need rom pve, by doing pve alone, if the same does not apply to pvp?


I have just recently succumbed to the credit preasure and started farming dailies after 4 months of playing the game, because it is simply the ONLY way I can get credits needed for anything.


Just take the recent Tatooine event, 9k credits just for seling all the junk you pick up during the chain, some would say well that fits well with pvp for about 4 or 5 Warzones, but 3 war zones is the equivalent in time spent!


That was credits for junk sold, I didn't even mention the additional 60k you get in quest rewards, not to mention that if you buy some black green crystals and GTK them, you can make a healthy additional heap of creds.


So 45 mins on Tatooine nets me 70k

while 45 mins spent pvping, most likely nets me 4k, if winning, and assuming that 2 ques will actually pop during that time.


Then there is the next argument, that you can que from anywhere, yes this is true, but I don't want to spend too much time looking at load screens, of Ilum, Belsavis or Corelia.

Edited by Jeskelech
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What will actually change if there will be greater credit reward from WZ's that some people are using "It's MMO" b.s.?


If prson want to do only WZs, why not?


I would like to hear any logical explainations why do you agree that "PvE only" people can do well with their beloved activity, without any thoughts of stpping in any kind of PvP?


And why you dont agree that "PvP only" people should do the same with their beloved activity?

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My suggestion would be the option to forgo other rewards for a larger credit payoff.


At the end of a Warzone you could choose to receive 0 valor, 0 PVP Commendations and instead receive a larger credit reward.


It's not fair if PVPers get to double dip, but if they could choose to get either valor and commendations or a larger credit payout, I think that would be fair to everyone.


Alodar :)

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get it in u hear thes is ar focus PvE/story game leve wed it - pvp is just som ting BIO put in so we got som ting els to paly to


pvp is most played part of this game. nearly no one is doing pve after level 50 currently. on most server you can't find 4 people to do a hm flashpoint. don't tell me this is a mainly pve game! IT IS NOT! pve is a joke, it is easy as tic tac toe and already cleared in the first one or two month of the game release.

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Dear BioWare,


I'm a PvP player. That's what I like, that's what I do.

Why do you have to force me to do PvE dailies just to get by? Were my 60 euros less important than a PvE player's? That I don't understand.


Warzones DO NOT give enough credits!


Let's put my grievances into some (very rough) numbers:

90,000 credits - augmented level 50 blaster

70,000 credits - purple augment

150,000 credits - removing 4x mods from my Battlemaster riffle


That's 310,000 (three hundred and ten thousand!!!!) credits at market price.


2,000 credits (or there about) - reward for 15 minutes of my life playing a warzone.




If like most players who came to Swtor came only for the pvp it can be very harsh ripping out mods to buff the latest boom stick, i did this myself just 2 days ago and i can agree its bloody expensive. I had 500k credits saved up just from pve lvling to get to the 50 bracket,that vanished in one purchase of a Augmented auto cannon and the ripping out of mods from my Eliminator.


I have little interest in the pve grind aspect of swtor, the story was excellent but don't force Flashpoints, Operations , daily's down my throat just to make enough cash to be competative in PvP.

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the smart people will buy treasure hunting and underworld trading high level missions ,then resell everything for a solid 50-80k per mission gain.....




dumb people will cry about why they can't get free credits all the time





oh , and i've been getting 6-8k creds per warzone... win more and you won thave a low credit problem.

Edited by Kracin
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the smart people will buy treasure hunting and underworld trading high level missions ,then resell everything for a solid 50-80k per mission gain.....


Actually, smart people are selling augment gear while there is no such avalible and everyone need it. I make lvl20 lightsabers with maxed affection companions and they crit 1 of 3 constantly. 1 saber 100-150k. Hilts, Crystals, are 50-90k each.

Buy mission for 18k, make hilt, sell it for 80-90k

gather lvl 2 materials, make 100k worth goods.


Buts it is an OPTION how to make money. I dont see why people who dont want to bother must not be wealthy enough to have comfortable gaming expiriense. I just dont see, why they must not to be able to do so.

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Dear BioWare,


I'm a PvP player. That's what I like, that's what I do.

Why do you have to force me to do PvE dailies just to get by? Were my 60 euros less important than a PvE player's? That I don't understand.


Warzones DO NOT give enough credits!


Let's put my grievances into some (very rough) numbers:

90,000 credits - augmented level 50 blaster

70,000 credits - purple augment

150,000 credits - removing 4x mods from my Battlemaster riffle


That's 310,000 (three hundred and ten thousand!!!!) credits at market price.


2,000 credits (or there about) - reward for 15 minutes of my life playing a warzone.


So I have to play 155 warzones (~39 hours of gametime) to get a new weapon off the GTN and reuse some mods? Really BW? REALLY?! Whom of your employees went: "Yes, 155 is a good ratio. Let's implement that!"? Find him and fire him because this is unacceptable to me and many other PAYING customers!


You need to boost the credit sums awarded by warzones!


Thank you.


Some possible solutions.


1) Increase credit rewards in PvP




2) Decrease the cost of ripping out mods that have +expertise on them.




3) Make it available cost to pluck out mods with warzone comms?




Either way, we'll be able to customize our equipment like our PvE counterparts. Truth be told, it's probably easier to increase credit rewards. Perhaps like 1k per medal up to 8 medals would be a good incentive. (increasing max reward by 1500 isn't that big of a deal, but would make the world of difference to the PvP'ers)


EDIT: Thought of 3rd solution of adding warzone comms cost to pluck out mods instead of cash.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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This sounds like a proposal for SWTOR Food Stamps.


You like to perform one aspect of the game, PvP, but claim the rewards are too low. If ALL YOU DO is PvP, then you have next to zero maintenance costs. Purchasing WZ medpacks is pretty much pointless now. No repair bill. Weapons and armor are gained through commendations, not cash. What do you need money for? On the same token, there are ways in the game to make easy credits, but you don't want to do them. In other words, you want the system to support you instead of you supporting yourself by getting off your *** and doing something to earn money.


Get a job.

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I am primarily a PVEer, but I have no patience for dailies either.


So I log on for raid nights, the weekly raid gives me ~16k for 2-3 hours. I get that once per week. During that time I die 2-3 times, and I have to repair, there goes most of that money.


If I get lucky in the raid and get a new piece of equipment (no guarantees, because of RNG), I may end up needing to remod into some critted orange gear too. Too bad I just spent all my money on repairs.


Keep in mind that I have no patience for dailies and only do my OPS, which give less money for time investment than PVP matches. You're guaranteed at least a second source of currency/drops (warzone comms, win or lose), while I might get lucky and get a piece of equipment, or I might not. I'm also making less money off of my OP, despite the time investment being about the same. So we're in the same boat. I could do my dailies, you could too, but man, those are just a pain.

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sadly PvP in SWTOR is just poorly implemented addition not mainstream of gameplay.

Anyone remembers games where you (or your guild) got massive rewards in cash or gear just for playing meaningfull open world PvP? Here you do not need more than 3 friends to successfully do WZs (4 of them lol) and that's it.


No wonder guilds fall appart.

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The same case can be made for a pve player. To get the best (highest armor rating) in the game , they have to pvp to get the comms to get the gear.


There are better ways to get creds than pvp or dailies. 1 ops mission will gain u as much creds as 6-8 dailies (with loot/looted creds/selling loot) Your crew skills are a even better way to get creds. Some mods or stims sale for 4k a pop and take less than 10min for ur crew to make.


On the other end of the spectrum , a pve player can't make pvp comms to get the gear like u can make the creds to take out the mods from ur bm armor. Sure they can buy the bm amor now , as can u , but they can't get the higher end mods like u can from pvp.


This is also a story driven mmo , not a pvp only game. Consider pvp as a game inside a game asits not the main function of the game.


I'm sorry... Since when do you have to PVP in order to PVE?

Last time I checked, you don't... If you want to PVP, you should have PVP gear... Which requires you to PVP.

If you want to run OPs, you need PVE gear... Which requires you to PVE.

If you want CREDITS which are needed for EVERYTHING in this game, you have to PVE.


And don't give me that "PVP is a mini-game" crap... You're in the PVP forum, in case you hadn't noticed.

Go push some buttons against some pre-scripted A.I.

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I agree. Time spend ingame doing something meaningful should result in roughly the same amount of money, give and take minor differences for difficulty.


The hardcore PvErs in this game make me laugh. Aside from Nightmare Ops, there is nothing hard about the PvE in this game. HM FPs are a joke. HM Ops are a joke. Heroics are a joke. Dailies are a joke. Yet when you do those things you get infinitely more credits, legacy xp, awesome drops, etc.


Keep PvE the same, but give PvPers some extra love. This seems perfectly reasonable to me.



If these people want more credits out of warzones, which costs NO CREDITS AT ALL to play, not even if you die, then I want warzone and ranked warzone comms to start dropping from daily quests on belsavis/ilum/corellia. It makes perfect sense, I play this game, I think I deserve something to show for it!


Fly-By. To PvE, you don't need PvP stuff. However, to PvP, players need PvE stuff (namely credits).


BW already gives out BM welfare gear. That should be good enough for PvEing peeps everywhere. Yet BW only gives out chump change in WZs. That's no bueno.


L2Biochem, richest pvper ever.


If only every PvPer weren't a Biochem, this might be true.

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I have to agree because of Bioware openly stating that this game was suppose to allow players to play which ever play style they wanted and still progress in the game, if they wanted to solo - they could, if they wanted to pvp - they could, if they wanted to raid - they could. Well, so far that's been pretty much all false.
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