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Regarding server queues


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A. Those of you complaining that didn't utilize it and sign up with a guild to play with; this is on you. Just move servers.



Really? this is on us the potential customers?


The day I got early access, the servers were all listed as LIGHT


So I picked a server, since I never signed up for a guild and had no interest in doing so until after launch.


4 days later that server is now full and has a massive queue


The issue here, is Bioware has artificially lowered the population cap on these servers. SR admitted as much on twitter. Presumably the are lower than they will be at launch to make sure we, the people that preordered, spread out across their servers. That way come launch day, they crank up the population cap and presto no queues for anybody.


Having said that, I feel they've lowered them TOO much for early access and as a result we their potential customers are suffering.

Edited by Mordrehl
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A lot of people complaining... too many people complaining..


How many of you utilized Guild HQ? How many of you just decided to ignore it and roll on whatever server you liked?


Bioware was using GHQ to attempt to balance servers as much as possible to prevent this from happening. Those of you complaining that didn't utilize it and sign up with a guild to play with; this is on you. Just move servers.


Queues are going to happen, especially so when people decide to roll on a heavy server instead of a standard.


If you don't feel like paying for it, either move to another server or stop complaining about it; the queue isn't going to disappear because of you're complaining. The only thing that would allow for larger server population is more powerful servers, which would involve lengthy stress testing and hours of maintenance downtime to bring online. Not to mention it would be an exceedingly expensive solution to a problem caused by people not wanting to reroll.




My guild was ASSIGNED to The Swiftsure server through the Guild HQ system that Bioware implemented. Your response to the que problem is invalid. We are experiencing unbearable queues... lastnight many of our members were in que for 5 to 6 hours. It is simply unacceptable.

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What worries me is the statement that they can't promise there will never be queues. To me it says they don't take this situation seriously. I wonder who is making the decisions here, accountants or people who actually understand customer service.
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I did not read through all of the posts in this thread, so forgive me if this has been mentioned already.


How about give us the option to queue one server and log into another on another, then notify us with a pop-up when our position on the queued server is open, so we can log on.


As it works right now, you cant do anything but surf the web if you are in a long queue.

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It's not entirely biowares fault that people have such massive waits, iv never waited for more than 30 minutes, but iv been on heaps and never seen a time where there is not a single nonfull server. The problem is everyone goes to the same servers so some have huge ques and some have no ques at all... This is not biowares fault they cannot do anything about this...
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Because BioWare lacks a sense of humor, here's my topic / thoughts on que's >


What the hell, Bioware? I rerolled my character to a new server after I was on Swiftsure with a 2hour que, that doesn't mean I suddenly don't want a que. I want to continue waiting in line to log in for 2+hours instead of being able to play the game.


Seriously, stop discriminating against people who don't cling to their server or powergame. I really want to sit in a que for the next few hours. ):<


(Oh this'll come back to bite me in the *** later)


Really, in the end, what I'm saying is, don't want que's? Reroll. It's what we did, also when we found out Australia dominated the server.

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These server queues are really disappointing. There shouldn't even be server queues at all. If you are worried about the "experience" of playing with enough people I think that having different instances inside the questing areas would be enough (although I hate those because you are almost always in the wrong instance when you want to play with people. Hope your hearth isn't on CD!!!).


The simple fact that there aren't enough servers up is very pathetic and shows extremely poor planning for a game like this. It's like inviting 10 people over for dinner and having 6 seats at the table when they all show up.



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Having to wait to play a game is completly absurd, and the game is not even launched....


The Bioware solution to the problem? Change server...


My guild (500+ member) was assigned to a server and now there is a queue when you want to play.


Bioware solution #2???


Buy a copy with your main toon and guildmates on it and queue for hours. Buy another copy and Alt+Tab to play some alt on a low population server while you wait.


The solutions are pretty simple :


1- Clone the server as Warhammer did after the launch

2- Raise the server population cap

3- Offer free guild transfer.


Right now my server have a queue most of the day of about 200-1500 players, this number will probally double after the launch day...


There is now 3 type of MMO


1- Free to Play

2- Pay to Play

3- Pay to Wait

Edited by Morkall
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All I am going to say on this subject is this: I hope that you developers and programmers at Bioware/EA have at least as many servers in reserve as you have up and running right now. If your current servers cannot handle the client load, what makes you think they can handle the launch load? This is unacceptable.
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clip of the situation today on Bloodworthy (kept notes, times are EET):


19:12 entered queue at position 1399

22:17 still in queue after birthday party position 250

22:40 fixed food and drink, position 134

23:10 put kids to bed and watched position go from 24 to 0 and got in


that's 3 hours 58 minutes..


PLEASE raise the limit of instances on the server, waiting four hours after a disconnect is not tolerable, i've already created a toon on another server incase i get caught in queue in the evening ( my whole guild is on bloodworthy so moving is not an option, you seeded all of us there )


Twice already i've just shut the game down and decided to come back the next day.. the queues are just too long.

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That's funny my WoW server Bonechewer back in Vanilla days was so crowded we'd get 2-3 hour queues (over 2k people in queue) all the time. Between that and the server crashing every 3rd day or so we didn't get a ton of playing time. It was fixed later what with free server swaps and such but just seems to be the norm with MMOs that you run into this for a while. The funny thing is this server wasn't even one of the worst ones and it was this bad.


Hopefully Bioware gets it straightened out sooner rather then later. But since WoW didn't die from this issue I doubt this game will although maybe with things being pretty stable in other MMOs people are just less likely to forgive this type of thing in this day and age.


Yeah either a lot of people here never played WoW at Vanilla or have selective memories. Ques for WoW even up to 6 months after release could run up to 2 hours.


The losing your place in line thing though, I can see why people would get upset. Assuming 1-People are lying about actually getting diso'd (which im not sure how honest people are being) and 2- People are actually being disc'd because of BW's systems and not their own computers.

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It's not entirely biowares fault that people have such massive waits, iv never waited for more than 30 minutes, but iv been on heaps and never seen a time where there is not a single nonfull server. The problem is everyone goes to the same servers so some have huge ques and some have no ques at all... This is not biowares fault they cannot do anything about this...

Peak times m8 your lucky if u find 4 servers that arnt sitting at standard theres queues on 8+ european servers kicking in from 11 am. Ontop of that like the majority of people are saying is they joined with their presetup guild and theres 50+ ppl on lvl 10+ chars its not easy to move an entire guild once its somewhere and why the hell should paying customers be using to much time to sort out a game just so they can play it? What happend to slap a disk in and play it?

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It just surprises me this is becoming a bigger and bigger problem leading up towards official release when I trusted Bioware had it under control and well planned after they did the stress tests. Did they actually take a look at the numbers during those weekends and say to themselves, "well judging by these numbers, 1-2 hours waiting in queue should be perfectly acceptable with this many servers"? It seems like they should have been shooting for enough servers to reach High and Heavy load during peak, but NOT Very Heavy or Full load most of the day. What is the problem there?
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Yeah either a lot of people here never played WoW at Vanilla or have selective memories. Ques for WoW even up to 6 months after release could run up to 2 hours.


The losing your place in line thing though, I can see why people would get upset. Assuming 1-People are lying about actually getting diso'd (which im not sure how honest people are being) and 2- People are actually being disc'd because of BW's systems and not their own computers.


I had the client crash on me during a VO scene

Relaunched, logged in, pressed play, got to Server Select screen within 2 mins tops ... and was now in a 2 hour queue


That I'd already stood in line, was playing the game, crashed and now have to stand in line again is inexcusable and idiotic

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My guild was ASSIGNED to The Swiftsure server through the Guild HQ system that Bioware implemented. Your response to the que problem is invalid. We are experiencing unbearable queues... lastnight many of our members were in que for 5 to 6 hours. It is simply unacceptable.


You think I'm not sitting in queue as well?


It happens, but I'm coping with it; I'm not stupid enough to believe that there are any short term fixes for this. I also understand that complaining isn't going to fix it.


If all of us that preordered also used the GHQ to hook up prior to launch, Bioware could have balanced the servers better. Instead they worked with what they got.


I'm level 30, my guild is here, and I've expected the queue times. I'll deal until people leave or they buy new servers. Complaining will not make either happen faster, so really that leaves two options. Shut up and wait or reroll on another server.


It really doesn't matter what you think is unacceptable or not.

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As I posted in a thread that was closed, if Bioware wants to avoid the flood of server merge/closures consider the possibility that people would rather you increase the population capacity of existing servers (so they can play the characters they have) rather than opening a lot of new servers so they have to start over.


If you are already considering this and have imposed caps on server population during Early Access that is one thing (though it seems to be ticking some folks off).


If the servers are overloading however now during early access, it is entirely too likely they will be worse at retail release. People will WANT to play the characters they have, not start over on new servers. THAT is why dozens of smaller servers lead to population problems down the road


For Myself, when I picked a server to roll characters on the server load was light (3 hours later it was full).

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If the purpose of the heavy population is to "have more people to play with", perhaps we could have a setting in the game Options to allow people to preferentially be put into the main population or be moved over into a "shard". This would keep the more sociable players happy and allow others to have an easier time completing quests and such.


The catch comes in when friends or guildies want to group and are in different shards. If a party can be formed cross shard then the members can be moved to the group leader's shard. For people who just want to quest solo, the impact would be minimal. I would assume that the programming code for shared story quest instace groups and flashpoint instances could be slightly modified to put this into effect.


Also, there could be an option to choose a different shard to join per individual, instead of automatic assignment. This would be similar to the old WoW method of choosing which batteground-in-progress to join. It seemed effective for that purpose and I think might help here. Naturally a cooldown would be necessary for changing shards lest people abuse the system for various reasons.

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See, one thing I could think of that would help mitigate this is not just show us the current server load, but maybe have a capture of the PEAK server load with a time stamp


That way, when creating a character, you're not fooled by the server being LIGHT during an off peak time of day for that server.

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I agree these queues are ridiculous, i also agree that everyone wants people around to play with either in instances or in groups or whatever.

But you have to agree, you HAVE to increase server caps..the excuse of everyone wanting people to play with is not cutting it, it just isnt..you can increase EVERY server cap and still have loads of people to play with..over 30 servers saying full right now...OVER 30..on top of that a bunch of very heavys, and then heavys..so we all know that theres loads of people and with you increasing the amount of people playing every day..theres just more and more full servers..thats just bad business..increase the caps substantially for crying out loud..you'll end up having a LOT MORE happy people because they'll be able to play,


You can fix this problem really easy if you want to. Youre just ticking off your customers and again, not even official release yet :)

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