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Everything posted by Rawrarig

  1. Yeah I origionally posted this in general and it somehow got moved to new player, but yup I'll try customer service
  2. Can anyone help me here? please! It's kind of a make or break for this game for me
  3. I have spoken to some quite a few people who are in the same boat as me, When I registered my account, I put my country down as US because I thought you had to have your account registered like that to be able to play at launch. Now reading the FAQ I see you have to have registered as an oceanic player to get a transfer. I quit a month ago (but stupidly didn't cancel my subscription) because of lag so I was so excited to see that tomorrow I can play on Australian based servers, however seeing as up until now my account has been registered as a US account am I not alegable for transfers to Australian servers? I don't mind paying for a transfer, I just want to know whether or not I will be able to actually play this game with a close server or whether I am just going to have to cancel my subscription and hope that server transfers come as a full service sooner or later. Anything any devs or forum members say would be most helpful. Thanks.
  4. Commenting on the arche age comments, I believe this is the only mmo comming soon that looks innovative, mainly in thew word sandbox, its not like the rest, its got a big massive crafting system in which you plant trees, crops whatever then you see them they grow and you cut them down for wood, and you can do that anywhere... which allows you to add trees for looks in places if ya want (people can cut them down though) and this is just one profession there are heaps... Then there is sailing and diving and stuff with mounts, all things that are full featured and not just a small mini game and can be non combat based... you can play this game as a pure crafter and get to max level by just crafting and it will be fun (maybe in a sort of sims kind of way but still) you hyave fully customizeable house... It really does look like a real innovation, however that is the first game iv thought that about since 2007 so I hope it lives up to expectations... in the meantime ill play this till gw2 comes out them play that for a free monthly fee till arche age comes out
  5. Now I hear alot of people complaining about the end to the agent story, I'm not one of those. I loved the finish of the agent story. HOWEVER I feel it as the end of book 1 or movie 1 in the series... So I'm wondering if anyone knows if anyone knows or if bioware could tell us, are they going to expand on this story? if so will it come with a patch or something or will we have to wait aaaaages before an expansion comes out (I rally don't want to have to wait that long)
  6. This sort of needs to be addressed in some way because I was in a group and I was told off for needing an item that I need because apparently everyone needs it because everyone can use for either them or their companion, but surely something you use yourself will take priority over needing for companions...
  7. I understand the importance of patches and I am glad that they are fixing all the issues, unfortunately they seem to bring the servers down at the same time (2am) every time they bring in a patch. There are people who play at that time believe it or not bioware and i haven't played for the last 3 days because I log on at about 3, play till 7 then log off, unfortunately the servers have been offline during that time for the last 3 days. Now I know that those are the times when there are least people online, however you shouldn't be penalizing us for playing then, please just share the times around so everyone gets shut off occasionally rather then some of us never and some of us heeeaps...
  8. mmos work like this: SOmeone comes up for a brilliant idea for how an mmo works and eeryone goes oh thats stupid then somone else comes up and goes hey we have a cool franchise which people like let's grab this idea and make a warcraft version... Everybody loves it... wow didn't do anything new, and you know no one wants to do something new because the first person to do something new fails, then everyone copies then hoping that people will like the skin they put on it... So far there is not a new system so game designers are all fighting for saying 'hey we have the best skin on our game play it' where they are all the same... Once a decent sandbox mmo comes out this will start the cycle again, someone will develop a system, no one will like it then everyone will fight to put a good skin on it and everyone will be like yay this is awesome. And that will be the game that kills wow. But until then big game companies will keep pushing out wow type games and we'll have to wait for a small game company to make a new system for us... imo swtor is a very good implementation of the system we have at the moment so I'm going to keep playing it until something better comes along...
  9. The first month after launch is a very busy time for developers and I wonder why are so many people wasting their time by artificially coming upwith stories about how they were banned which the devs then need to respond to and make sure no one thinks it's real because that would give them a really bad reputation if it was true... which it is not (I mean seriously who bans people for performing emotes in front of enemies) But I just wonder what's the point in it, there's no humour involved and all it's doing is wasting people's time. It's quite a low thing to do and I ask everyone to ignore any post you see claiming they were banned because chances are they are false...
  10. Very few people are at max yet and amounts of people on each faction varies depending on server, so 1 you don't know what it's gonna be like when there are more people at max level and 2 pop balance will be different on each server and you cant tell people that they have to play empire or they have to play republic. It's like this in all mmos, you have to learn to live with it because there is nothing you or the devs can do about it without p*ssing somebody off...
  11. They just fixed it I'm sooo happy (thats if your talking about not being able to use cast time abilities fom cover and sometimes failing to even go into cover) This makes me happy because I see the problems iv been having and see they're fixing them... So I know they are fixing bugs that need to be fixed
  12. Ya know I've come accross very few bugs and most of them have been fixed (like the commendations in inventory and problems with cover which were just fixed in the latest patch) other than those the only bug I've seen is the no disassemble button randomly dissapearing, so I'm not sure what everyone is on about with bugs because I certainly havent seen any...
  13. ^This completely nailed it, i prefer tor but spme may enjoy swg better
  14. Okay yes instancing is horrible! and chat bubbles are needed, but I found exploring great, go looking for datcrons and i found theres so much world that you never saw during the story... Yes it's linear but everyone knew that coming in so please don't complain about that (i personally like it) And *** about finding groups? I manage to find a group in about 5 minutes max for anything and ima dps...
  15. There's no neutral only gear, however what there is is 4 things. Darkside gear for people who are darkside, anti lightside gear(must be below 1 lightside) which can be used by neutral or darkside), lightside gearfor people who are lightside and anti darkside gear which is like anti lightside gear exept light side and neutral use it. Now if you look at this list there are 2 items each of lightside, neutral, and darkside. And from what I understand (dont quote me on this) there are an equal amount of each of these items at each level etc. So there isn't a punishment for being neutral, so long as you dont hit 1 ls or 1 ds.
  16. I Came into this game expecting it to have trolls all round general chat, untry=ustworthy eople trying to scam you out of sh*t, ya know all the stupid sh*t that you get in mmos. However when I logged on what I found was: people communicating to find groups brilliantly, people asking for help and getting it, people having decent untrolling chats on the genral chat. I was like OMG this is an mmo, I've never seen a game with such a nice communit (especially sinse the forums prelaunch were very trolly). So thank you everyone, and I hope we continue to have an amazing community!
  17. Thats coz your waaay above the level of the flashpoint, levels in this game matter more than in say wow... In a level 18-21 group it's quite hard but it doesn't need changing it's quite doable... and i actually thought the last boss in hammer was harder...
  18. I'm an imperial agent healer, it's a perfect fight for me coz he doesn't do all that much damage to the tank so i use a few bars of energy healing people as it happens and keep a hot heal on the tank and im sweet between them im just using my free heal on whoever is a bit down on health, but we downed it first time without having watched videos or having any idea how to do it, I'm level 20, level 19 tank and a level 21 and 19 dps
  19. Last time they said Spring it came out in December...
  20. It's not entirely biowares fault that people have such massive waits, iv never waited for more than 30 minutes, but iv been on heaps and never seen a time where there is not a single nonfull server. The problem is everyone goes to the same servers so some have huge ques and some have no ques at all... This is not biowares fault they cannot do anything about this...
  21. I thought I'd quote this to put emphasis on it, everyone shpuld read this I couldn't have said it better.
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