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Everything posted by Faile

  1. real life force lightning, in time with music.. awesome
  2. I am not putting on that knight helmet, _no_ way. Thank the force we dont have to wear that, can always just reslot the mods into something better looking.. ( where's our bellyrobes for heavy armor force user females?? )
  3. I envy the sith juggernaut females for their Black Talon chest armor piece, it's orange and it's got awesome graphics. Nothing like it for us female Jedi Guardian tanks http://www.torhead.com/item/cfUI3li/black-talon-juggernauts-body-armor
  4. turning vsync on will help you combat high temps if your fps keeps going over 60, this forces your gfx card to render less frames -> less heat
  5. clip of the situation today on Bloodworthy (kept notes, times are EET): 19:12 entered queue at position 1399 22:17 still in queue after birthday party position 250 22:40 fixed food and drink, position 134 23:10 put kids to bed and watched position go from 24 to 0 and got in that's 3 hours 58 minutes.. PLEASE raise the limit of instances on the server, waiting four hours after a disconnect is not tolerable, i've already created a toon on another server incase i get caught in queue in the evening ( my whole guild is on bloodworthy so moving is not an option, you seeded all of us there ) Twice already i've just shut the game down and decided to come back the next day.. the queues are just too long.
  6. I believe it was already stated that even if you would preorder on the 19th you'd get access as soon as you can download the client on the 19th. Everyone will get atleast one day of head-start barring delays in downloading, buying in the middle of the day etc.
  7. There's so many ways to run and finance an MMO, f2p is definitely a good way for smaller publishers with smaller budgets to market to get players to join and then keep them, milking money through boosts and paid features. I wouldn't see a major title like wow or swtor going f2p very soon tho, perhaps free trial after a couple of years once the novelty wears off and newer/bigger games come along. Not F2P tho, that's more of a thing for smaller operations.
  8. I believe what the OP is referring to is that there are no vibro-weapon type specialists in the classes. Think Gamorrean vibroaxe wielding thugs in Jabba's palace in Ep VI. My guess is that a class like this didn't feel "epic" enough as a character in the SW universe and they are on the right track like that. In a sandbox -type SW game you could not do without them ( SWG ) but in a more storytelling type mmo like SWToR you don't really expect them ( just my opinion ). As a future addon, a scrapper melee class would be awesome.
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