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Everything posted by Demoniceus

  1. shorter queues and no more error 1002?
  2. lol i made a thread called swtor game for the jobless cause i reckoned u could only play it with 24 to do nothing but queue got closed within like 17 pages in 30 min
  3. Aye Unnamed here few folk defo feeling the hurt good few members just playin on different servers till release then planning on rerolling but i aint got the time or patience to play a char then reroll again 3 times including beta lol
  4. ha freedon nad here aswell man i feel the pain Planned to hop on swtor before i start work at 12 but dosnt look like i'll be getting on at this rate got up at bloody half 8 on a sunday to play a game and by 9 am its got fekin massive queues?
  5. Euro m8 wasnt saying about bugs or nowt more to do with being given an estimate then that estimate doubleing or tripleing.
  6. well i know for a fact my internet isnt causeing 40 min estimates to turn into 2 hour queues gay as **** >.> 40 min to move 200 bloody places at 9:20 am - 10 am! ***?!?!
  7. Peak times m8 your lucky if u find 4 servers that arnt sitting at standard theres queues on 8+ european servers kicking in from 11 am. Ontop of that like the majority of people are saying is they joined with their presetup guild and theres 50+ ppl on lvl 10+ chars its not easy to move an entire guild once its somewhere and why the hell should paying customers be using to much time to sort out a game just so they can play it? What happend to slap a disk in and play it?
  8. Queues are expected especially on a launch and i fully expected to wait 20-30 min to log in for the first 1-2 weeks mibbe even an hour tops. but on my second day of playing i spent 8 hours trying to get in due to errors during queues of up to 2.8k people. and every night after i finish work i spent 1h 30 min, minimum to get on. I cannot phsyically play this game nor can 50% of the current player base from the sounds of it. this game might be the WOW killer but its going to kill itself before anything else.
  9. /sigh such an awesome game such an epic fail start. Everything in game is amazing and so far one of my best mmo experiences but the logging in 1 hour estimate? turning into 3 hours? 2 hours turning into 5 hours? This has to stop, seriously no one in the world is patient enaugh to deal with this only people i see being happy are the lucky few who are on servers without queues. Give people longer estimates than you know its going to take for them to get in so they get a nice shock and think woo theyre actually moving things quicker or something! stop lieing to people about bloody queue times...
  10. Mibbe i was just lucky hey who knows but all i know is out of 4 MMos this i my first game with over a 20 min queue so i might be a tad biased on that basis.
  11. ./shrug like i said someone used them as an example i told him he was talking **** about them having worse than swtor launch problems i never played WoW launch like i said so i cant comment on how bad it was at launch but 2 week l8er when i started there was no problems on my server terenas.
  12. Argh cant people understand at the amount of people who are playing with large amounts of other people? Sure i could go to another server but id be leaving behind 60+ people and ditching my guild. The only option would be for bioware to offer to transfer full guilds and the members intact you are never going to have 100+ people suddenly decide right u know what we all 100% agree to reroll and start from scratch.
  13. ./sigh my point, my main point is queues are acceptable expected and normal, to an extent but when you cannot phsyically play beside on your days off work. That is not a game people can play.
  14. Meh i think i'm just getting touchy with the amount of grief getting thrown my way about QQing at the awesomeness of this launch
  15. People keep saying about this is standard but i have played 3 game launches in total and never had this problem to such an extent. I played WoW for 7 years and never had a queue once and i only started 2 weeks after launch. So people can bugger off with comparisons I aint interested in comparisons i'm interested in the fact that i'm trying to play a game when i get told of an 1 hour estimate i think fair enaugh. Then 3 hours later i'm still not in game? Give me solid play times an estimate is just that an estimate i understand but u dont tell someone u'll be round their house in like 10 min roughly then show up 2 hours later.
  16. On the threatening bioware thing if your on about what i said about them going back on promises and being a pretty serious thing I dont expect anyone to try to pull them up for it but my example was any other business would find someone bringing that up pretty heavy going, i understand MMOs cover themselves rather well but its still the fact they promise things then cant deliver. Trust is a major thing and i think if people stop beliving in bioware this early on its going to be catastrophic.
  17. That was a quote for someone saying both those games had worse problems than SWTOR currently has i was pointing out he was talking ********.
  18. did u bother to read anything i'm in a guild and an alliance? Were already pretty established? I am not purely talking about myself..
  19. they could have cut off the early access to some extent or something i dont know i am not a game developer but allowing things to crash and burn are putting off a large number of people i know for a fact. I agree this is a great game and i would love to play it but being assigned when are where u can play it on a fluxating timeline does not make people happy. Especially when those 2 hour queues turn into 4 hour queues and u dont get a chance to play at all. ID rather not be playing the game than being told i can and being charged £40 and not being allowed to log in..
  20. Reeks of immaturity lol? When a phone company phones you up and tells you there going to change your deal you tell them to **** off u dont roll over and take it up the *******. When you pay for stuff u fight for what u paid for. I think you my friend just seem to roll over and take what ur given. As for times that i cant play in the terms and agreements i understand that fully and that is not my main gripe my main gripe is that there is more time i cannot play than time i can play. I can virtually ONLY play on my days off work. I know there is no 100% right answer to solve the queue problems but this my opinion and when your server is giving u a 2.5k wait list and people are still flooding into it and nothing is being done something is defo ****ed.
  21. I did rift i did war launch and i had neither problems Rift i played early access for about 2 weeks before it was release public and never had a queue once... played on cloudbourne. WAR my servers kept getting shut down and merged but i never had a queue or a server shutdown beside for maintenance. WoW i cant comment never played beta or launch.
  22. Mitchilin starred restaraunts take bookings and when they fill up they do not take more promising things you cant deliver is a serious offence were someone to take you to court. Lieing to paying customers is something am fairly certain any business would **** itself about if they were taken to court.
  23. It comes with a launch hmm people keep saying this but as far as iv seen in my life no other MMO iv played has had queues this long with as many crashes involved iv never been in a launch that gave me a solid 8 hour queue because of errors. If bioware advertises that all pre orders get early launch access they promised it they have to deliver it that is what business is about. IF they cant deliver what they promise, they are not to be trusted and will crash and burn once trust becomes non existant.
  24. Like i said m8 works a bit hectic to phone up in the middle of a shift. Watch F word or something and u'll get the rough idea About ppl crying about queues being 2 long of course theyre going to *********** cry only a spineless tard wouldnt complain about such poor customer service if they went to a shop or restaraunt or anywhere or anything! An MMO gets exceptions but solid queues all day and 2h+ queues are not acceptable.
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