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Healing, definately out of control at the moment. need some sort of check on them


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Are people really still complaining about healing in 1.2? They nerfed heals WAY too much. Killing healers (even ones with a Guard) is easy mode right now. I barely even have to interrupt anymore.


Exactly all healers do is take a spot a dps or tank can fill and help a team more by playing. To say healing is OP is like saying swtor raids are serious business.

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operative healing is ridiculous... a full bm/wh op is something fierce to try to take down, they dont even have to stop to blink between heals on themselves while running around tossing the occasional 12 second mezz to keep you away from them


An 8 second mez with a 1 minute cooldown, yeah.

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Oh so the hyrbid spec bioware has been trying to kill since launch is definately the answer. So lets see i put 31 points in bh dps and 10 in heals? Yea def a hybrid or do u mean a dps that is self sufficient. I posted on the ptr that dps bh with healing points is more usefll then a pure healer. Thats bad design. So now healers are obsolete but dps with a faster casted heal and medpack are op? Yea GG im sure ur pug group against a premade really tested their limits.


I never said anything about a Pug group vs premade. I assume they are a premade just like the group Im with since I can name them at a glance and they are always in group together with same guild tags. The main point was that since you see other dps classes forming into small groups to offset stuff it should not be amazeing to see healers useing the same tactics to overcome solo class pvp play weakness with groups. Seems like the logical thing to do and im not even a healer. Guess its because I think healers are ok as is, but if your advocateing for a nerf maybe you will not see it that way.

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Agreed. Healers are still very strong and when you have at least 2-3 healers healing one another with a guard on 1-2 of those guys; it's game over.


you don't have healers in your group?


what do you expect, to win with every team setup against any other? this will never be possible as long as there are more than one classes and builds.


this thread is pathetic!

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you don't have healers in your group?


what do you expect, to win with every team setup against any other? this will never be possible as long as there are more than one classes and builds.


this thread is pathetic!


It's pathetic that a balanced team of 1-2 tanks, 4 dps, and 1-2 healers will lose 70% of warzones to a 3 healer, 3 tank, 2 dps team. That's a grossly overpopulated team that shouldn't dominate warzones. I'd attribute the effectiveness of this strategy more to the current warzone designs that include fast respawns, and survivability/node spamming > all.


This game really needs a bigger more spacey warzone with less reliance on your ability to simply stand and survive on a node for as long as possible (i.e. alterac valley or arathi basin, before you say AB is like civil war, AB is bigger and has 5 nodes where a tank/heals exclusive team would get way too spread out and probably won't be able to respond as fast as your able to turtle a node in civil war). Novare is a step in the right direction, but it's still too small.


you don't have healers in your group?


what do you expect, to win with every team setup against any other? this will never be possible as long as there are more than one classes and builds.


this thread is pathetic!


Excuse me if 75% of my isn't tanks/heals. Guess I'm outta luck?

Edited by Anbokr
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"nerf healing even more" - please tell me you were 'joking' ! - :p


If you have any idea what you said, you really would *blush* then kick yourself for being so silly. It sounds like to me they were well 'coordinated', ? you and your team of pugs, had no idea how to deal with the situation you faced.

Edited by dronepilot
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which point? the bold quote is my opinion how it SHOULD be and not how it CURRENTLY IS!

currently any class specced full on dps can beat any healer in a 1on1 quite easy.



i must say, i am getting bored of this. i mean do you try to top yourself in demonstrating your incompetence?


1. hots are so weak that a healer under pressure wouldn't even waste the gcd to cast it.

2. if you are so stupid to fight the dps or the tanks instead of the healers, so letting them heal efficiently without interrpting them, than you deserve to lose badly

3. actually, currently the dmg is so high that even in your scenario you would win.

4. warzones are grp pvps. grp pvps mean one group vs another. it does NOT mean that you can win with any group set up against any other group setup. actually this won't be possible anyway. hence playing random warzones it just sometimes happens that you end up in a worse group setup. so what?

even without any healer in their you can have the worse group setup


grow up!


a really friendly advice: stop continuing this. it does not do you any good. better play and try to extend your horizon a bit. you are so wrong that it must hurt.


if you are so bored, then quit responding, because you simply aren't making headway by responding with bland replies that solve nothing.


hots are not weak, a bubble + hot on 1 dps fighting another essentially means that the healed DPS with the bubble. wins. plain and simple. unless your guy you are healing is so horrible that he NEEDS all the heals he can get to fight an even fight. that is nearly 7-8000 more health given to that guy through two INSTANT abilties. that can then be pushed out onto every other fighter on the field no problem. in a matter of 10 seconds, 1 healer can bubble all of his teammates in front of him damn near.


and your number 2 is so out of whack it's ridiculous. thank god you are fighting the healers.. and there are no other dps around to beat on you while you try to take out the healers. there is no telling whats going to happen, but i gaurantee that the fight won't be 4 of you focus firing 2 healers while the enemy dps play pattycake somewhere else.


3) damage is higher, but not that much higher compared to how effective heals were pre-patch. every scenario is different, and i have encountered some where healers coudn't stay up for th elife of them, and others where there were enough healers back to back to keep each other alive constantly. even in 1 on 1. some healers stick it out and try to fight, others will run. you can't pretend like the best scenario is always right.


4) you are further digging a hole that pvp is different, and always changing, but still refuse to admit that a group of cross healers can dominate a group of dps over time.



honestly. grow up? what was this for, apparently you've just run out of things to say?

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"nerf healing even more" - please tell me you were 'joking' ! - :p


If you have any idea what you said, you really would *blush* then kick yourself for being so silly. It sounds like to me they were well 'coordinated', ? you and your team of pugs, had no idea how to deal with the situation you faced.


they nerfed all of the tank/dps hybrid specs as far as i can see (even assassin tank took a big hit because of the lack of mitigation and increased damage being dealt).


but all hybrid healing specs are still untouched. never said nerf healing

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It's pathetic that a balanced team of 1-2 tanks, 4 dps, and 1-2 healers will lose 70% of warzones to a 3 healer, 3 tank, 2 dps team. That's a grossly overpopulated team that shouldn't dominate warzones. I'd attribute the effectiveness of this strategy more to the current warzone designs that include fast respawns, and survivability/node spamming > all.


This game really needs a bigger more spacey warzone with less reliance on your ability to simply stand and survive on a node for as long as possible (i.e. alterac valley or arathi basin, before you say AB is like civil war, AB is bigger and has 5 nodes where a tank/heals exclusive team would get way too spread out and probably won't be able to respond as fast as your able to turtle a node in civil war). Novare is a step in the right direction, but it's still too small.




Excuse me if 75% of my isn't tanks/heals. Guess I'm outta luck?


this guy has it right. a group that survives longer will win more because that is how these warzones are won for the most part. (except voidstar). the longer you last at 1 spot, the better off you are. and teams comprised mostly of dps are not as effective as healer/tank teams still

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u mean u couldnt kill people with 6 healers?


imagine that.....


more or less its that the dps will heal the healers until its "safe" for the healers, then switch to dps and down anyone whose left after the numbers game is theirs. just wondering why a lot of hybrid specs got crushed, and healing hybrids are super effective still?

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Don't feed the monkey!

The Threadstarter is probably just trolling in a desperate way to counterpart all the other threads complaining about the "healing" (if you still call it that in 1.2), because he fears his faceroll days will end soon.

News update for you: It will not, apparently Georg "the clueless" Zoellner is happy with the way it is now.

OK, you're faceroll days will probably end nontheless, as SWTOR will go down, when the players keep on leaving this game like rats the sinking ship. The acceleration of this process, a job well done with the 1.2 changes.

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Bud no offense meant to you. The point is a healer should be able to spec 31 point into heaing tree and be viable. Right now they are not especially bh healls.


And since I never made a argument against that option I dont see your point. Yes I did mention hybird healers but not in a bad way but rather as a way to reinforce the argument that grouped healers makes as much sense to me as other classes that group to be more effective than they could be solo in pvp. Considering the original theme of this thread I think the answer fits very well to the question posed.

Edited by Zbus
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This sounds like a pre-1.2 Marauder complaint thread. Unless your team seriously sucked or were under-leveled, you should have been able to take them. Get 2 dps on something now any no amount of healers can keep them alive. I call trolling.
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some healers can still dish out respectable damage while beeing heal specced. Operative healers still have some nice damaging attacks.


Ive also met the 5-6 healer premades, and its impossible to take them down. While they got 30-40 kills in a warzone, we got 1-2.

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some healers can still dish out respectable damage while beeing heal specced. Operative healers still have some nice damaging attacks.


Ive also met the 5-6 healer premades, and its impossible to take them down. While they got 30-40 kills in a warzone, we got 1-2.


Operative healer can still function as damage support for other classes when it is more expedient to get a fast kill rather than healing, I generally always get at least one killing blow medal due to stabbing someone in the back.

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I'm not agreeing with the OP. I'm just saying in all likelihood it was just a bunch of healers that happened to queue at the same time and do what healers do. Being a healer and healing someone doesn't make someone special. People get so proud when they use their class abilities that involve anything other than direct damage on an enemy.

The reason us healers are appreciated and MVPed is because healing teammates it is not "fun" or as gratifying as killing the opposition which is why you see so many DPS specced healers.


Playing a healer is like a diabetic person at a bakery, he/she would love nothing more than eat all the deserts(kill on sigh) around but can't due to health, so has to settle for maybe just a small piece(a T.Throw here and there)

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