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Everything posted by Anbokr

  1. What alacrity % are people aiming for?
  2. Spec definitely feels a lot better, but I just wish it was better in PvP.
  3. Yeah it definitely feels like it, but can't say for sure. Maybe it's just the white damage and 1 min CD that's deceiving me.
  4. Just remove the group utility aspect of bleed heals, and buff the individual heals. As others have said, maras/sents have enough group utility, don't need to tack on another group buff and as a result leave it in a criminally underpowered state. Annihilation is one of the most fun and intuitive specs out there, and it's a tragedy that it's been absolutely awful in pvp 2.0 onwards. Give it a niche as the self-healing marauder spec with very strong sustained damage (but little burst). The latter is already present, the former is nonexistant. The heals really weren't the issue in 1.0, marauders/sents in general were overpowered because they had way more utility and short CD defensives compared to every other class out there, and annihilation happened to be the highest dps mara spec (so everyone played it). It's been over 3 years now, and every other class has caught up to or even surpassed sents/maras in the utility and defensive department, so it's about time to give annihilation it's signature back--some decent self-healing.
  5. How much alacrity are you guys aiming for? 6%?
  6. I've got both a jugg and mara at 60 and looking to make one my pvp main but can't decide. I've always been more partial to my mara (main in 1.0), but I enjoyed jugg more in what little of 3.0 I played. Is Jugg rage really that much better compared to fury mara?
  7. I haven't played swtor in years, but came back to my marauder and feel like trying out annihilation. So I just have one question, coming from WoW, there's a mechanic where refreshing your bleed within 3s of it falling off simply adds +3s to the refreshed bleed. For example, if I rupture again with 1.5s left on my current rupture bleed, my rupture dot will now be up for 10.5s instead of 9. Does this mechanic exist in SWTOR or must I wait for my rupture dot to completely fall off in order to maximize dps? I assumed this mechanic exists because just going off the guide it seems rupture is being refreshed every 6-7.5s rather than ever 9s? Or the refresh mechanic does not exist and it's simply more efficient to cancel the old rupture and apply a new at the 6s breakpoint rather than 9?
  8. Anyone else been seeing these purple splotches on dark robes/capes in the last couple days? I can see them on my own dark armor, and on others. It's most noticeable on the Revan Reborn robes. I thought it was a graphical driver/error on my end originally, but my friends all said they noticed this as well. Regardless, I completely reinstalled both swtor and my graphics drivers and the purple splotches are still there . Anyone else encounter/have this problem? Any suggested fixes?
  9. You guys are listing special attack accuracy right? Also, is everyone including the rakata biochem stim in their stat spread?
  10. Sorry Bioware can't balance bad players. No one 4 shotted you unless you're afk, and even then, you didn't get 4 globalled. You probably sat there and took 8 globals to the face and came here to make another exaggerated QQ post.
  11. No thanks. I just want some rankings, world PvP, and more variability across classes. Your list has way too much fat and restrictions (restrict toons to one faction? rofl). I thought we moved past those times of stupid restrictions (as well as racial benefits--you shouldn't have to roll a certain race in order to maximize your efficiency in either pvp or pve).
  12. Classes feel a lot more balanced than pre 1.2, the only ones that are a bit under are arsenal mercs. Everyone else is in a good spot; this coming from a concealment operative main (pre 1.1 balance was a joke where operatives, sorcs, and tank + heals /loled at everybody).
  13. They got usability buffs and buffs to their UP trees, with a slight nerf to their OP annihilation tree (force camo nerf). Problem?
  14. Lol... have you ever been hit by a powertech? By an operative? By a ravage? By a smash? By a sniper? By an assassin execute? Nearly every class in this game has the ability to hit you for 4k at some point or another. Hell, many can break 5k. I always get at least a 6.5k smash on my marauder in warzones.
  15. Uhh I don't know about PvE, but in PvP force scream is one of the most useful abilities. First it's great across all specs for the operative evasion pop or if you're rooted. As carnage, it's basically your burst with ravage. And with rage, you get dat phatty exra 30% force crit multiplier so after dropping a smash bomb + a ravage, a 3k+ force scream is just what you need followed by an execute.
  16. Marauders and Juggs are the only two classes that need to be within melee range of opponents to deal 99.9% of their damage. Sins and powertechs are not nullified by range. Sins have perma stealth and strong defensive CDs, powertechs have weak defensive CDs with heavy armor but are compensated with absurd burst damage.
  17. All my friends have quit from lack of ranked pvp/arenas. I was optimistic and stayed as I enjoyed SWTOR pvp, but honestly, does it take 5-6 months to implement dual spec/ranked pvp. They frikken announced that they were working on these features in early January. Ranked was slated for 1.2 and dual spec "shortly thereafter." Then ranked is delayed to "a couple weeks after 1.2" and dual spec for 1.3 supposedly. Now both are completely MIA. Probably the two most requested features along with LFG rofl. Too much incompetence across too many months.
  18. Post a game where half the team aren't healers. A madness assassin, powertech, rage jugg, sorc with 3-4 pocket healers facing a team of 3-4 healers will put up similar numbers. Because there are a myriad of screenshots of sorcs doing over 700k damage floating around, are they overpowered?
  19. Anbokr

    PvP Food Chain

    You need to separate out tanks/healers/dps; healers are still very strong in this game and the tipping point of warzones, I'd put all three at the top if this were a straight up power rankings. Also disagree with your assessment of juggernauts, the best juggernauts on my server spec rage or vengeance and then sit in tank stance guarding a healer and throwing out taunts. They put up over 300k damage, 100k protection, and are HUGE in objective gameplay (surviving at a node, keeping healers alive, force pushing for separation). Also would put snipers ahead of sorc dps, either you don't know the class, there aren't good ones on your server, or you play a sniper lol. Snipers are probably the strongest ranged class in the game with the ability to dish out huge burst from 30+ yards away and have the tools to counter many melee classes. While I would say arsenal mercs could use a bit of help in the kiting department, just a note: my server had a 4v4 tournament recently and mercs made up around 50-75% of team compositions lol.
  20. Wow, you got outplayed. In a matter of seconsd a marauder took 3 commandos (going to presume level 50, decently geared) from 17k hp to 0 hp. Do you realize how ludcirous/retarded this sounds rofl? He probably took out 1 of you during a mezz. Dropped the second in another 10 seconds, and stealthed + health potted, and then outplayed the third and hit undying rage for the last oomph. I'm also guessing none of you bothered to trinket, or pop a defensive CD and stood there trying to hit grav round? C/D?
  21. No. You cannot. You can't balance a bracket where every player has varying amounts of abilities. Some classes get their stronger base skills earlier than others (i.e. a pyro pt or arsenal merc are pretty strong at low levels where as an operative relies on getting hidden strike/acid blade). Unless you want to give every class all of their abilities at level 10, lowbie pvp is unbalancable. You seem to love quoting anecdotal jargon, "omg i c 5 marauder in evry warzone, lets nerf the class without regard to objective balancing or the level 50 brcket, who cares!!!" Mercs/sorcs are no longer concerned to be the most overpowered class but on my server they are still the most represented in lowbie pvp (with assassins and snipers as a close second).
  22. Na. I can actually log on at night for my 1-2 hours of play and get my daily done without worrying about playing the same republic 8 man premade over and over and over again (my server is very low pop. at night).
  23. This completely invalidated your post. Let's go ahead and balance classes based around the unbalancable mess that is the 1-49 bracket (where you get to ez stomp at level 40+ because you have double the abilities of anyone else). And this is pretty anecdotal from server to server, time to time. My server 1-49 bracket looks like this: 1-3 snipers, 2-4 sorcs, 2 mercs, 1-3 assassins, 1-2 juggs, and 1-2 marauders.
  24. make melee immune to kiting, no fun
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