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Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I was wondering if there will be either A. Features added to the legacy system that allow me to develop a main character beyond getting better gear to improve his combat ability in end game pvp/pve. Or B. An additional system added for some form of alternate advancement beyond getting better gear? I feel that systems like this really help you customize and further specialize. (Although they do present a barrier to entry into endgame at later stages in development) Edited by Cuspin
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I have asked this a few times and will again...


Will you expand on the character creation and give us a vendor to go to to change our current characters looks? There are no facial feature options like Bioware has in the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series. Most of the female hair styles are horrible. We should have more and better options. Zabrak head bone formations should NOT be tied in with hair and facial tatoo designs need to be expanded and colorable.


There are the poor Twi'leks. Maybe six skin color choices at best? They came in every color under the sun and in many shades. Lekku marking should not be tied with cosmetics and should be colorable a well. These are just some of the issues I have with character creation. Are you guys going to ever expand this system to match or surpass that of your single player games like DA and ME?

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This is a post regarding balancing of the Mercenary/Commando Arsenal/Gunnery Specs. With regards to the recent patch, we have seen evidence that not only were we recieving increased damage on our HSM and Demolition Round from other players Debuffs, but we also recieved some increased damage from our own. Independent testing has shown that I have lost approximately 25% off my own Demolition Rounds (done on a dummy, with no other debuffs).


My question is, if Grav round was nerfed 10% and Demolition Round buffed 10% for the 1.2 patch, were these changes not made with faulty data, and therefore needs to be addressed. Seeing as though you would have been comparing our DPS that utilised the broken Demolotion Round, with other classes' DPS. If you would require parses that can prove these significant findings, i'll be more than happy to send them.

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The new armor color customization / matching system for player characters is great. Would it be possible to see this system implemented for companion characters in the future as well? Some of my companions look pretty awful.
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My question is about the unlocks for the legacy system, at current my guild is split between 2 different servers one republic and one empire. Is there any chance that some of the legacy unlocks such as the races and class specific unlocks be applied to all servers that have a legacy unlocked?
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Why can't Mercenaries (and their Commando equivalents) use Rapid Shots to heal themselves? It is an awkward experience to be using Rapid Shots to top people off across the Operation frames and then get to yourself and suddenly have an invalid target.
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I am really enjoying the Legacy 'arrangement', where I can choose to connect my characters, but it seems incomplete - I want two married couples that are adversaries with each other, but it just won't allow so many connections without children. Moreso, no one can see our carefully designed legacy!


Are you planning to add more to the design (not just the bonuses) of the Legacy system?

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What exactly does "freezing" do?


Sever Force toolkit says "Weakens the target, freezing it in place for 2 seconds and dealing 1884 internal damage over 18 seconds."


It works as a root since I can stop people with full resolve. But it also fills resolve bar on those without full bar. I find it very confusing.

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Has the team put any thought into expanding or overhauling the character creation experience?

Namely, will we ever see scale sliders and/or more options for heads/facial designs?

Also, if these plans do exist, would the team be looking to separate make-up/accessories from head/complexion choices?

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Instead (or in adition to) giving us the choice to match the color of our gear to chestpiece, shouldn't it be nice to add to some special gear a kind of "mod" or "augment" to give them a color (puple mod, red mod...), just like crystals do with hilt weapons?
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I'd like to know if you can give us any kind of idea when we might expect (as in month few months, year, never.. not asking for exact date, so no "promise" to hold you to... Fellow forumites.. whatever answer I might receive, do NOT consider it a hard and fast promise, ok? Thank you.) a "barber shop" feature to change hair, cybernetics, etc. I just recently got my cyborg smuggler to 50 and there are some new cybernetics (or even just the now-unlocked Empire only cybernetics she had in beta) that I would love to change her to without having to delete and reroll her.
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With the lack of set bonus transfers for rakata/columi/battlemaster sets, you haven't made synthweave/armortech that lucrative of a crafting skill compared to others even with the ability to craft orange shells with augment slots. Moving forward, do you plan on making set bonuses transfer with the armoring for rakata and battlemaster?


Second question, with Biometric Alloy's and other end game matsnow BOE, why are the Rakata Belts and Bracers still BOP? Synthweavers need more of a chance to earn creds.

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With the healing changes in 1.2, many of us feel that time to kill (TTK) is way to short, especially when you look at the compounded changes to overall damage and healing gained from expertise, the numerous, very small but very important healing nerfs, and of course, streamlining of many DPS classes to make all their trees more viable.



Are there any planned tweaks to make PVP combat more what it used to before 1.2. More drawn out and tactical, instead of the way it feels right now, way to zergy and DPS dependent, and of course, are there any plans to maybe, re-adjust certain healers so their class and healing doesn't feel like a burden and useless, especially the Sorc/Sage, because many people will tell you, outside of Force Speed, there is almost no way to survive when getting focused. As someone who has played many MMO's and played a Sage for quiet some time right now, I feel that my healing, especially in PUG situations, is totally worthless when I compare it to my DPS.

Edited by Balmuck
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Are there any plans to have players respawn inside instances rather having to reload the outer area, then reload the instance? It would save time and allow for more runs. If people need to repair or quit, they can click on the shuttle door and head out.


Thank you!



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Are you creating fake accounts to write silly questions you can answer to excuse not to answer the really important questions?

Now Serious: T1 PvE Gear is now absolutly useless, thanks to T3 PvP. You made it so easy to get those Set with item-level 140, that it would be just stupid to get the T1 PvE. Was that to be meant or just not even tested?

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What was the reasoning behind the 30 days free "Gift" to players?

(It in itself is a great idea)


But the reasoning behind how you became eligible?

Surely anyone that has been paying your company a monthly subscription every month since december should be eligible?

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What´s the design philosophy behind the permanent open doors in playerships?


I'm asking, because imo it would look so much better if these doors can open and close when you go through them.

Having moving parts in the enginroom, the humming of machinery, flickering computer screens and with closing and opening doors, every compartment in the ship, the ship itself even, comes more alive this way :)

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Is there any reason why I cannot trade FORCE MYSTIC BM GLOVES for FORCE MASTER WH GLOVES? Why does the set matter when I have the base item, and meet the required comms needed?


Many people like myself mixed/matched the BM set to get the stats we wanted. Due to the stats being all relocated on the WH set (why is this done?) I have to REGRIND most of my BM gear AGAIN to get the proper piece for the WH piece I want.

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in response to GZ's comment "It is also worth noting that we will be adding a way to add an augment slots to existing modifiable armor in a future game update."


Would this be a reference to the needed crafting updgrade for cybertech?




Will there ever be new mod/armoring/speeder schematics available to cybertech?

Edited by SamuraiCrazy
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