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Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there plans to add a mentoring/sidekicking feature? It's becoming more and more frustrating by the day trying to keep pace with friends who have different play styles. It's also making it more difficult to consider asking people to play as the best I can realistically do is provide moral support until the 40's.
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I thank you for the Rakghoul event!


My question is: can the Containment Officer gear and any new Event related gear be Bound To Legacy instead of Bind on Pickup?


I only played my Scoundrel during the even, but my incoming Trooper alt would love wearing that armor. :(

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When will more hotbars be added to the game?


Also, with regards to UI customization, are there any plans to introduce features such as "Snap-To" alignment?


And finally, when (if at all) will we be able to cast-through target-of-my-target? If you need an example of Target-of-my-Target done right, look at RIFT.

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Can you give some insight to the numbers behind crafting? What is the baseline crit chance for crafting? How does companion affection affect crit chance? Exactly how much of a boost is +1 or +5 critical chance in crafting? Having the Reverse Engineer % chance is a nice step in removing some of the unknowns in crafting, now we just need the numbers on the creation side to be less ambiguous.
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I have a question about the necessity of winning 3 Warzone matches to complete the Warzone dailies at level 50. I thought this was changing with game patch 1.2, so we would need a certain amount of commendations regardless of a win or a loss to complete the daily.
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Could you tell us if there are any plans to limit the number of the same roles entering Warzones? On some servers there is a lower pop side than others, so naturally one side always fields more healers/dps/tank than the other. Nightmare lands is an example, it's extremely rare that imperials will go against a rep team with less than 3 healers at level 50 pvp. This is nobody's fault of course but if there will be no limit, will you be implementing something where pre-mades only go against pre-mades.
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Altho I have many questions I really want to know why the drops and AH have both so few moddable equipment and why the equipment drops for each character class has an overwhelming number of items that have directly reduced stats for the character class stats specifically. This applies to every class I play. The equipment may have green plus stats in many areas but virtually all character primary stats have red minus reductions. I repeat, for every character class. :(
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in the 1.2 Legacy patch notes there is a section under Items and Economy and General that says " Loot drops from endgame activities, such as Operations and Flashpoints, now take group composition into account." Can someone please clarify what this means/how this works exactly? Thanks in advance! Edited by Caizic
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I'm a newly resubscribed player in trying out 1.2 and want to ask if there is going to be somekind of balancing to PvP?


For instance, somekind of level banding that prevents Level 50s from griefing lower level players or somekind of system during warzones that brings everyone to the same level as so higher levels on one side doesn't have a level advantage over the other. Or getting rid of the PvP gear so that casual PvPers or PvEers would have somekind of chance against those who spend the majority of their time PvPing?

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Will Resolve ever be redesigned? Especially given how many stuns and CCs there are in this game, it feels like Resolve is just completely useless, with the sole exception of carrying the Huttball. It really feels to me (and to every player I generally talk to) that a smooth diminishing returns system for stuns and mezzes would be a huge, huge improvement to PvP gameplay.
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Why has there been so little in the way of communicating with players on the rampant FPS issues that plague this game? I have an extensive thread outlining theories that is yet to be addressed. The most common thread on the support forums is "low FPS". Your clients need more details on what is being done to fix this other than saying "we put in very low shaders" and "we're dedicated to making improvements".
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What was the reasoning behind the change to the Smuggler companion, Corso Riggs, having his Harpoon replaced by a jetpack? Smugglers already had a companion that has a leap action. Did the team consider the effect it would have on Scoundrels, who are a melee class, or were just Gunslingers, a ranged class, thought about? Edited by Decrisit
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I'm a big Star Wars fan, and I played Clone Wars Adventures before this. It had a similar subscription where you had to pay to be a "Jedi Member," but they had a lifetime subscription option. even if the price is significantly higher, will you guys ever make a lifetime subscription????????????? :i_confused::rod_confused_g::sul_confused::rak_confused:
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Is there any work being done on the ability stutter/lag? (ei: Force sweep, character does a half jump when you press the button but the ability never actually goes off, but gcd is triggered) There have been many threads on this issue, and it would be nice to hear some feedback.



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Since you asked for questions on design philosophy: When levels were originally introduced in MMOs the death penalty was permadeath. The players' main experience was in the lower levels and the content was designed to this end. Over the years the death penalty has been reduced to the extent that it is now inevitable that most players will eventually reach max level (50 in our case) with the content being designed to that end. This has led to a common belief that the "real" game doesn't start until level 50, which effectively reduces levelling from 1 to 50 to the role of an extended tutorial (albeit with a good story). With this in mind, could you explain the design reasoning behind using a levels system?
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