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Will world pvp ever come to be


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I know we have Illum and some skirmishes with event and all but honestly World pvp is practically non existent. I play on Dark Reaper, a standard server and illum ranges from me being along to maybe 10 people on Imp side (I am guessing less on Pub) And as far as I can tell Illum is the only place outside wz you can earn pvp rewards for killing enemy players. I am not asking for huge sweeping changes but maybe just some incentive to fight the opposite faction other than just in WZ. I am afraid that its going to end up all the 50 pvp players (and most pve players) sitting in fleet looking for groups or waiting for wz to pop. There is nothing worse to me than sitting in the main hub waiting and not doing anything. I am hoping bio will hear my plea and ensure endgame doesnt suffer the same fate as ever MMO before it.
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I know we have Illum and some skirmishes with event and all but honestly World pvp is practically non existent. I play on Dark Reaper, a standard server and illum ranges from me being along to maybe 10 people on Imp side (I am guessing less on Pub) And as far as I can tell Illum is the only place outside wz you can earn pvp rewards for killing enemy players. I am not asking for huge sweeping changes but maybe just some incentive to fight the opposite faction other than just in WZ. I am afraid that its going to end up all the 50 pvp players (and most pve players) sitting in fleet looking for groups or waiting for wz to pop. There is nothing worse to me than sitting in the main hub waiting and not doing anything. I am hoping bio will hear my plea and ensure endgame doesnt suffer the same fate as ever MMO before it.


This is already the case. Everyone is at their respective space stations waiting for daily HM or WZ and recently waiting to explode and infect others with Rackghoul virus... I agree with you Illum and world PVP need some love...

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Pvp servers 4twin

We have OWPvp almost constantly on Tat now bro.



Spent an hour in Tat pvp area yesterday evening during prime time and didn't see anybody but a group of 4 level 50s from the enemy side. They came, stayed for 4-5 minutes duelling twice, then left. Nobody else came after that. Server was Baslisk Droid, a PVP server.

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I know we have Illum and some skirmishes with event and all but honestly World pvp is practically non existent. I play on Dark Reaper, a standard server and illum ranges from me being along to maybe 10 people on Imp side (I am guessing less on Pub) And as far as I can tell Illum is the only place outside wz you can earn pvp rewards for killing enemy players. I am not asking for huge sweeping changes but maybe just some incentive to fight the opposite faction other than just in WZ. I am afraid that its going to end up all the 50 pvp players (and most pve players) sitting in fleet looking for groups or waiting for wz to pop. There is nothing worse to me than sitting in the main hub waiting and not doing anything. I am hoping bio will hear my plea and ensure endgame doesnt suffer the same fate as ever MMO before it.


Here you go!


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World PVP does happen and issue with SWTOR is that there are currently no real incentives.


The current speical event is a good example of something that creates some incentive.


Better would be to have an onging event(s) that revolve around the war. IE, NPC battles on Tat, Alderaan, or even better Correllia since it is a high level planet. Provide capture points that provide rewards for holding them and have the battle recycle say every two hours or hour and a half, or something like that.


Illum is a good thing and just too big. I say drop the North and South areas, and move the bases closer together.



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DAOC did it right... battlegrounds for lvl 1-49, only open RVR for lvl 50. that plus meaningful objectives and you have a recipe for actual pvp.


Please, it's clear you never played DAoC so why talk about it. RvR (whats this "open" rvr thing?) was open to ANY level, not just lvl 50, did someone mess up the wiki entry again? :rolleyes:


RvR was packed full of low level players.

Edited by Faeldawn
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World PvP is more cowardly IMHO because nobody attacks each other unless they know they have an advantage. I.E. more players, better gear, or skill.


Umm, that sounds awfully something.


Some of my best PVP memories in this game have all been open world. Back and forth good fights etc.


Open world is more fun than WZs IMHO. Out numbered or not.

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Good day to all

I too really hope some kind of objective based open world PvP is focused on .

SWG had a decent system to attack other guilds bases . I think the problem

Is not the makers or devs of swtor. I'm sure their imagination and ideas of what makes

a truly fun PvP world is equal too or better than most of ours. The problem is

it cost a lot of time and money to make an open world sandbox. Unfortunately

the attention span deficit kids also play this game along with their console systems.

I feel they think it's more of them playing so they cater to them more. Anyway I would love

It if we had guild battles like SWG and taking control of cities but I see this game

being dumbed down so to cater to the not fair ,trophy for all crowd unfortunately.


Sorry for rant

Good day again to you all

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I know we have Illum and some skirmishes with event and all but honestly World pvp is practically non existent. I play on Dark Reaper, a standard server and illum ranges from me being along to maybe 10 people on Imp side (I am guessing less on Pub) And as far as I can tell Illum is the only place outside wz you can earn pvp rewards for killing enemy players. I am not asking for huge sweeping changes but maybe just some incentive to fight the opposite faction other than just in WZ. I am afraid that its going to end up all the 50 pvp players (and most pve players) sitting in fleet looking for groups or waiting for wz to pop. There is nothing worse to me than sitting in the main hub waiting and not doing anything. I am hoping bio will hear my plea and ensure endgame doesnt suffer the same fate as ever MMO before it.


This is a very valid point. Faction separation is hurting the game bad. You cannot seek out opposing faction @ their base camps or cities or towns. Cant even speak to them and coordinate a battle if you so choose.


Step 1 : Remove Faction separation.


Step 2 : Remove the fleet. Force people to actual visit the planets that BW created otherwise whats the point. Put the vendors and stuff on the planetary systems .


Step 3 : Add Static PVP Zones with Objectives , Control Points , NPC/MOBS . ( To Multiple planets for variety and scene change.) Make then decent size however NO where near as large as ilum.


Step 4 : Add incentive system for playing there. (Example: Like the current Medal system giving medals for defending point , capturing point, killing players bring them outside of the warzone. ) Give daily /weekly quest earn 30 Medals to complete Daily , Earn 150 medals to complete Weekly or higher depending how easy they are to acquire.)


World PVP does happen and issue with SWTOR is that there are currently no real incentives.


The current speical event is a good example of something that creates some incentive.


Better would be to have an onging event(s) that revolve around the war. IE, NPC battles on Tat, Alderaan, or even better Correllia since it is a high level planet. Provide capture points that provide rewards for holding them and have the battle recycle say every two hours or hour and a half, or something like that.


Illum is a good thing and just too big. I say drop the North and South areas, and move the bases closer together.




Some form of dynamic pvp event every few months in a new location would also add to the other changes that I mentioned.


Good day to all

I too really hope some kind of objective based open world PvP is focused on .

SWG had a decent system to attack other guilds bases . I think the problem

Is not the makers or devs of swtor. I'm sure their imagination and ideas of what makes

a truly fun PvP world is equal too or better than most of ours. The problem is

it cost a lot of time and money to make an open world sandbox. Unfortunately

the attention span deficit kids also play this game along with their console systems.

I feel they think it's more of them playing so they cater to them more. Anyway I would love

It if we had guild battles like SWG and taking control of cities but I see this game

being dumbed down so to cater to the not fair ,trophy for all crowd unfortunately.


Sorry for rant

Good day again to you all


Yes Coming from SWG myself from Launch - NGE . I can say i enjoyed the pvp there. I was flagged 100% of the time. When i went shopping for gear, questing , Doing Mustafar runs didnt matter. I was always ready for a fight. Also flagged in a guild war when challenged. Kept my bounties up to ensure I was hunted by Bounty Hunters. Whatever i could do to force more pvp. SWG was good to have Corellia , Talus , Naboo and Restuess Bases for PVP zones. With mobs and controllable points which could change hands and swap the Mobs to your faction for assistance if you were alone or outnumbered. And while holding these locations you would gain GCW the equvalent of VALOR for being in control. People may complain about it. Yes it could have been better. But there wasn't a better Open World than that IMHO.

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I know we have Illum and some skirmishes with event and all but honestly World pvp is practically non existent. I play on Dark Reaper...I am afraid that its going to end up all the 50 pvp players (and most pve players) sitting in fleet looking for groups or waiting for wz to pop....I am hoping bio will hear my plea and ensure endgame doesnt suffer the same fate as ever MMO before it.


My brother...this past weekend we had some of the best OPvP fights in months on Dark Reaper with the Rakghoul event. It's a bummer that you missed out on these. They are still happening nightly. Not sure what goes down during the daytime. Here's a SS from early morning Sunday:




So while I am sympathetic to your cause, there is no reason to be missing out on OPvP at the moment. Fortunately, it is happening. All you have to do is hang around the Shipwreck, a Tat World Boss or the Escape Pod for a bit. Put together an Ops and you will be in a battle royale in no time. After the event finishes, however, I think we can kiss OPvP goodbye.


You see, BW wants everyone to do their PvP through WZs. Patch 1.2 was pretty much the death knell for OPvP with BW removing any incentive to do it (RIP Ilum).


And even if BW does decide to do OPvP down the road, I don't see it working really well with the faction imbalance that exists in game. Our server alone has a 2.5-3:1 Imp/Pub disparity. We Pubs still manage to put up a good fight in OPvP, but as soon as the Imps rally, we just get haplessly zerg-rolled.


Still, world events that encourage OPvP are awesome. Hopefully, we see more of these. However, I don't think there is much of a future for OPvP in this game.

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Please, it's clear you never played DAoC so why talk about it. RvR (whats this "open" rvr thing?) was open to ANY level, not just lvl 50, did someone mess up the wiki entry again? :rolleyes:


RvR was packed full of low level players.


of course it was but it wasn't close to being serious unless you were 50.


roll your eyes at:

rr10 runemaster, rr9 theurg, rr10 mins, rr7 bonedancer, rr6 cabby. ALL before the island was released...

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DAOC did it right... battlegrounds for lvl 1-49, only open RVR for lvl 50. that plus meaningful objectives and you have a recipe for actual pvp.


This was a different time, with a different playerbase. Back then, this stuff worked, and worked well.


Now, the rewards don't come nearly quick enough to satisfy the bulk of today's PvP farmers.


That's right, farmers. Whatever is the quickest way to the rewards is how the crowd is going to flow.


Some people rove around and engage in World PvP, sure...but ever since the Armaments were added to WZ's, Ilum is dead on my PvP server, and also on the PvE server where my Shadow resides.


World PvP is dead, man - and it's the shift in attitude of the playerbase at-large that is the culprit.


You might think that removing anything and everything farmable from PvP would fix this, and it would...but you would also end up with significantly fewer people engaging in PvP.


Argue if you want, but I am right, though I wish I wasn't.





Edited by lordofdamornin
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Well I hate to break it to the poster above me but ArenaNet is completely BANKING on DAoC style RvR in Guild Wars 2 which releases in June.


In GW2 there will be 200vs200 battles or more in Open World PvP.....with incentives NOT being gear driven like that horrible game called WoW.


GW2 has copied alot from DAoC...and there game, even though it has no sub fee, is going to be HUGE hit with casual AND Hardcore RvR/PvP people.......Swtor could learn alot from DAoC and GW2

Edited by Jalez
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in terms of guild wars 2,i honestly dont see the game liviing up to its hype.star wars the old republic didnt.plus the only people playing it are probably gonna be hardcore pvpers


but the pvp looks better then sw tor so ill probably end up checkin it out

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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not the players its the devs. The problem is they didnt make rep side more appealing. Wookies,rodians and a better rep storylines would have gone a long way to making things more balanced. Instead we have legacy reroll and reroll and reroll and reroll...not gonna solve imbalance.


A 3rd faction would be a more viable option but that would prob be xpac or something


To answer the title, no. the players themselves killed any shot at it by rolling imperials en masse giving us ridiculous imp:rep ratios.
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You know what the funnest world PVP is? When a group of people decide to take over an opposing faction's town, outpost, etc and the opposing faction comes to meet their enemy.


No objective

No rules

No "moderator"


Just pure fun! ;)


This is of course my opinion :D

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Alot of good posts. I remember playing "the game that we dare not name" back in its vanillia era and having MASSIVE battles in open world (which regardless of what zone you were in as long as it was with in level limitations gave rewards) What I dont understand is why you can even earn valor for open kills. Honestly, even from a story standpoint this is downright wrong. How many one on one battles where there in star wars in random spots (tatooines open desert?) or skirmishes and incursions on various planets? I fail to even see the point to playing a pvp server anymore, no rewards in open areas, Ilum is dead and gone, so you have warzones for pvp.....just like pve servers. Now the ONLY difference is that you can have 50s kill lowbies on pvp planets for kicks.


And to the cowardly comment, I am not talkin about ganking, I do not, never have and never will support it. I am talking about the battles that can happen like in beta, and other MMOs where in some random spot a bunch of people just start slaughtering each other in a huge unplanned, unguided open warfare. No objectives, no esport, just unadulterated bloodshed and combat. Am I wrong to want to see 30-100 players killing each other in the dune sea of Tatooine, or the middle of Belsavis, maybe even on Corellia or have a huge battle in the wastes of Hoth. These kinds of things are what make TRUE pvp, fun pvp, not repetitive farming of the same pvp minigames.


Honestly BW did a AWESOME job making leveling 90% less tedious with V/O and class story arcs but the end game is the same as WoW, RIFT, etc. Raid or PvP, and dailies...and when you first get into endgame PvP you have to endure several humiliating steamrolls to get the gear just to survive. Your skill doesnt come into play for some time. THAT needs to change.

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