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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


I don't retaliate, and just say "Stop."



Please, if you're going to have an event like this again, keep one thing I've said before in mind: If someone explodes from the plague and I get infected, ok - I caught their virus. What I should NOT catch, however, is their lust for PvP. I lost about ten minutes' worth of time waiting for my flag to go off - while dead - that I could have been participating in the event. And the respawn spot it throws you out at? Maybe ten feet away from where Trapjaw spawns, so I'd be killed immediately without any sort of time to get away from there.


I like everything in the event, except this one aspect . Exploding on a non-flagged player should not flag them for PvP - vaccine or not.


Thanks, and sorry for the rant.

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It's the exact same thing as flagging a player that didn't want to be flagged, which they removed before. It's a grief tactic. I agree that it should be taken into consideration for future events.


I agree. His example was most certainly griefing. Why should he have to go running away from another player when he was there questing? I donot think BioWare tested this event well enough and give it some close consideration to how it could effect others.

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The event is kind of a PvP event considering its main design is to draw the 2 factions together into the same place. If you want to avoid PvP the event may be difficult for you.


It certainly makes things interesting and a bit of a change though.... :)

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You have plenty of time to run away when you know someone will explode soon.


How long it takes has no bearing on the matter. It's a PvE server. There shouldn't be anything that another player can do that changes his PvP flag.


That's just all part of the fun IMO. Stuff like this is what separates multiplayer games from boring single player game where the outcome is always the same


Congrats, you find it fun. The OP didn't. His opinion should be respected. Doing it to others who don't want to be flagged is griefing, nothing more, nothing less.

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The event is kind of a PvP event considering its main design is to draw the 2 factions together into the same place. If you want to avoid PvP the event may be difficult for you.


It certainly makes things interesting and a bit of a change though.... :)


Maybe on a pvp server, but as the OP is on a pve server it is in no way a "pvp" event. Hell even on a pvp server it's not unless they added quests to kill opposing faction members that are infected. So the OP has a valid point

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I miss the good old days where griefing was just part of the fact an MMO is a player driven environment, completely dynamic and constantly random. you either ragequit or you learn to adapt and have fun.


these online single player games really took the fun out of MMO's, i think EvE is the only true MMO out there, why can't developers just put on the game packaging minimum requirements: "An IQ above 60" and start ignoring the QQers who most of the time allow themselves to be griefed?

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I play on a PvP server, and do enjoy my battles against other players. However, people have the right to play the game how they see fit. When my guild decided to come to SWTOR, we actually split over the subject of PVP. Many of us wanted the realistic feel of a civil war where the threat of ganking or combat in general was constant. Others, who are similar in view to the OP, opted for a PvE server.


The argument in favor of the OP, or a roleplayer, or anyone else who enjoys this game differently than I, is that there should be nothing in this game forced upon another player. PvP must be voluntary. You click YES to join a PvP server, you click YES to join a warzone. You have to choose to engage. Much like the DoTs and AoEs were no longer flagging people, this too must be corrected. People will do anything to pick a fight in these games. Meaning they will do anything to flag you.


The guys that jumped the OP surely knew what was going to happen, and for the OP who clearly does not wish to PvP, this should be removed.


To the OP, I'm sorry you got ganked by a couple of tools. I would suggest thicker skin if you wish to continue with the event though. No sense in letting the bottom of the food chain get under you skin.

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I miss the good old days where griefing was just part of the fact an MMO is a player driven environment, completely dynamic and constantly random. you either ragequit or you learn to adapt and have fun.


these online single player games really took the fun out of MMO's, i think EvE is the only true MMO out there, why can't developers just put on the game packaging minimum requirements: "An IQ above 60" and start ignoring the QQers who most of the time allow themselves to be griefed?


You know, EVE is still out there. Go play it.


Oh yeah, the good old days of griefing that sank the subscription numbers of so many MMOs...there's a reason this sort of griefing has been coded out. Let me see if you can tell me why. Oh, rigghht...the 'good ole days' lol.


Now I'm huge supporter of this event, but I draw the line at such a thing flagging people for PvP on PvE server. It should have been sorted. Perhaps next event BW will be sure no involuntary PvP flagging.

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The event is kind of a PvP event considering its main design is to draw the 2 factions together into the same place. If you want to avoid PvP the event may be difficult for you.


It certainly makes things interesting and a bit of a change though.... :)



Which is all well and good.Most of the people who are complaining aren't trying to take away the event or the pvp ppl like and enjoy all they are saying is hey we should have a right to not be put into pvp if we didn't flag or attack someone for it.People shouldn't especially on a pve server have to deal with those kinda things.

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You know, EVE is still out there. Go play it.


Oh yeah, the good old days of griefing that sank the subscription numbers of so many MMOs...there's a reason this sort of griefing has been coded out. Let me see if you can tell me why. Oh, rigghht...the 'good ole days' lol.


Now I'm huge supporter of this event, but I draw the line at such a thing flagging people for PvP on PvE server. It should have been sorted. Perhaps next event BW will be sure no involuntary PvP flagging.


griefing didn't sink subscriber numbers, poor development choices sank subscriber numbers.


SWG is a perfect example, lots of greifing going on but still incredibly popular, SOE then brought out the devastating NGE to try and dumb the game down and cater to the "casual" gamer but ended up destroying their subscriber base because of it.


just look at how death penalties have been pretty much eradicated from modern MMO's because of the QQing of "casual" gamers, SWG had perma death if your jedi died, other games had corpse runs, XP debt, destroyed items, lost credits, all a great incentive to learn2play


These days you spend a tiny fraction of credits(yet people are complaining on these very forums about the repair costs *rolleyes* ) to get back in the game and thats considered a death penalty,


EVE is still hugely success and of course I still play it, but its a niche market because of its extreme learning curve, one thing that impresses me with CCP is that they use the fact you can grief, rob "guild" banks etc as a selling point, they're attitude is "heres your sandbox, go and play"


its a great shame that the soul of an MMORPG has been gutted away over the years to create a single player facebook with some co-op elements and a tiny bit of PVP all because of corporate greed and a vocal minority.

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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


I don't retaliate, and just say "Stop."


Men should act like men...

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Related story.

I was on Tatooine and saw a lower-level player with his flag on losing a fight against too many mobs. Since I didn't want to get flagged, I stayed out of the fight. Once he died, however, I went over to rez him, figuring that was the least I could do...and for some reason that flagged me. Really necessary?

Good to know that you can catch a flag from an explosion, though. Had no idea until now.

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Men should act like men...




If I was in OP's situation, tactical retreat and come back with a bigger group.


thats how you're supposed to do things in an MMO, the severe lack of multiplayer interaction(PVP) in a MMORPG is shocking, no wonder theres no real community, theres nothing for the community to band together and relate to.


theres nothing more enjoyable in a MMORPG than seeing a swarm of enemies running towards you, legging it and putting a message out in global calling all of your factions players to arms and seeing a huge mob of your faction going into an epic battle with the other faction.


but thats my opinion as a multiplayer fan.

Edited by kurzis
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You guys are always missing the point.


The OP is absolutely right, in no way should an enemy be able to

flag you for pvp on a pve server, IN NO WAY.




depends on how you view it, OP could of ran away, he could of done something. instead he stood there and did nothing and IMO he quite rightly died, should of just learnt from the experience, respawned and carried on playing


instead he decided to make a post highlighting his poor gameplay hoping the developers will gut out more of what makes a multiplayer game multiplayer. PVP.


I wish one day a mod/dev would have the stones to close a thread on the basis OP messed up and died.

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OP, you're right. And I'm not trying to say you're blowing this out of proportion, but I can see that happening (as so many other issues are).


Is it really that big of a deal? You know now, so it's probably not going to happen again. You can either just run away (since they're stunned for 3 seconds before exploding) or just keep the stim up.


It really just isn't a huge issue that I'm sure people will make it out to be.

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Men should act like men...




First not everyone is a "man".


Second, masculinity is definitely NOT defined by whether someone PvPs or not.


Third, forcing someone to deal with this "rampant masculinity" is hardly a "manly" trait. It is the trait of someone who wants what they want and to hell with what anyone else might or might not want.

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OP, you're right. And I'm not trying to say you're blowing this out of proportion, but I can see that happening (as so many other issues are).


Is it really that big of a deal? You know now, so it's probably not going to happen again. You can either just run away (since they're stunned for 3 seconds before exploding) or just keep the stim up.


It really just isn't a huge issue that I'm sure people will make it out to be.


Whilst I'm not a fan of PvP and I am especially not a fan of those who would try to force it upon others who don't care to participate, you have the right of it here.


I got flagged on Sunday and had no idea how that happened as I hadn't been using AoE nor any of the other things that some use to get you to involuntarily flag. And oh, how I got ganked. Heh. Once at the Med Droid, I simply waited 'til I could QT out of there and did some research into how this could be happening. Then I worked within those parameters.


Should I have had to? I don't think so, but we deal with what is, not what should be sometimes. I think BW is aware that this involuntary flagging thing is not well received by players on PvE servers and I hope they will consider making changes ala Rift (options, NOWAYPVP flag).

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lol I have to laugh, sorry.

You stood there and said "stop'?



Hey, it sometimes works. :) It catches them by surprise.


I had a level 50 sorc pretty much one shot me. Next thing I know he's apologising saying he didn't realise I wasn't lvl. 50 as well. Some PvPers are not jerks, in fact MOST probably aren't. It's just the really studly ones who tend to think that they are being very cool in clobbering those who they know full well cannot clobber back.


I tend to just sit down when I get flagged (I never voluntarily flag on a PvE server), no sense to running and usually no sense to fighting since I can't recall the last time that I was engaged by anyone of close-to-equal level.


Sitting seems to upset them. :)

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