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Penalty for quitters is still not in game


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There are too many people who cannot be bothered to learn to play the WZs correctly or just don't bother to try to do so. That is "impacting my fun", so because I pay for my play time I have the right to choose whether or not I'm going to spend it with people who aren't concerned with playing to win. Note I said "play to win" not winning. Why should I stick around for those players who are wasting my time? Currently the queue system is broken, and I stuck around at first but 95% of the time the disadvantage of starting a match down 4 or 5 players cannot be overcome. I generally won't leave on the first Huttball score, unless it happens in the first 30 seconds and my team was off fighting random players and no where near the BC, even then I'll usually give it until 2 points, if the second score occurs in under a minute from the first I'm gone.


I just love the sanctimonious jerks who say "I don't care if I win, I'm here for fun." while the team is getting farmed. It’s not, and anyone who says differently is a liar or a masochist. I PVP because it is fun, it is fun because of the competitive nature of going against another person rather than the predictable AI. Note competitive, farming or being farmed is not competitive. I've had losses that the match was so close and hard fought that I was smiling at the end despite the loss. The opposing team earned those wins, that is quality PVP. Fun can be had win or lose, its the nature of the match that matters.


Win or lose I stay for quality PVP. Farming? I'll stay if we are the farmers, not if we are the farmees, even then it is like drinking light beer...not very satisfying.

Edited by Parali
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When I am trying to get my daily and we've already lost 10 battles and won only one you can be sure as hell that I'll start quitting. I usually start doing it after 3rd or 4th loss like this, when I see the same people in a WZ it's time to get out.

And I will keep doing it. I am not playing this game to put up with incompetence. Oh wait! HA... I am! I haven't seen so many incompetent people in one place in a long long time.

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Pre 1.2 I didn't quit WZ's unless something was going on that forced me to quit (usually wife agro) but post 1.2 and before this last patch, well, it wasn't really worth the time to stay in a losing match. Getting put on to a team in which over half of the players are rocking orange gear with lvl 38+ mods isn't my idea of fun. Pre patch, yeah, I'd stick around the whole match and still try, but when they nerfed the comm's at 1.2 there wasn't a point to stay. I'd pull 10-12 medals in a losing effort, have more damage, kills, and objective points than most of my team, yet only walk out with 30...maybe 40 comms on a good day. Not exactly worth the 15 minutes. With the new patch though I don't see myself quitting too many matches. I dont' think that we should be awarded the same amount of comm's as the winning team, but the 100/30-40 split was a bit much.


Selfish...yeah a bit, but so is coming into a WZ without even a single piece of Recruit gear.

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This has been an issue for months.

Every time one of these threads pops up we hear their nonsense about "how bad their teammates are."


I have a new idea. If someone quits a WZ give them all the commendations they want. Give them free War Hero gear. Just get them out of the game. Listening to their complaining about how unfair it is to start 7v8 or how they hate huttball or how they hate gear differences or how they hate premades, or unfair classes is nauseating. Do they not realize there are a million people who deal with this too and its not that bad. Listening to them say they are entitled to ruin matches for their teammates because they shouldn't be "forced to do something they don't want to" makes no sense. They join a team with us, ditch us and say we cant force them to stay? WE DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO JOIN.


The quitters have thousands of excuses. In the end, they ruin it for others. Yes, often when these people leave their replacements are huge improvements and you can have an incredible comeback but often the time playing shorthanded is too much to overcome. The quitters are clinically delusional, they never lose because they quit every 1-0 game so they think they are good. Meanwhile they are generally the worst players serverwide.


So give them full war hero sets just get rid of them. Maybe if they are full war hero they will play less. This will make everyone happy. The quitters can have WH gear and continue thinking they are good, the real players don't get stuck playing short, aand Bioware gets to keep the subscription. Win, Win, Win.


I'm sure once there are free xfers, merges etc w/e they toss out first there will be a penalty issued with that, to many low pop, standards atm for that to be viable, annoying yes but no where near probbable atm...

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I queue w/ my fiance; dual Assassins. We can pretty much win Huttball by ourselves against most teams. In fact, I've lost ONE Huttball match in the past month. It's very common that we score all 6 goals between the 2 of us in the first 6-7 minutes of a match. So I think you may be making bad assumptions.


I could always post a link of us pugging and beating a premade (Taugrim's actually) in Huttball if you like, if you don't think it happens. I'm pretty sure we were down for a good bit of the game too.


Just because YOU think it's going to be a loss doesn't mean it's going to be a loss. The simple truth is that you don't know, and you won't stick around to find out, and you'd rather screw everyone else on your team than try.


Deserter debuff needs to be implemented specifically for people like you. Quitting matches should be for emergencies or RL duties only. Don't queue if you're afraid to lose.


"OMG WE MIGHT NOT WIN THIS GAME" is a complete cop-out, and abuse of the system, imo.


You just admitted you can't score by yourself. If I queue a war zone match that is already losing I'm the one getting screwed. And anyone with some sense of situational awareness can tell if your team is going to be good enough to at least be competitive. If the team is putting up a fight then I'll stick it out, if its full of bad players who don't pass, or work together and we go down by 3 in the first 2 minutes, I'll be leaving because IT'S GOING TO BE A LOSS.


You assume that "bad players" are the ones quitting and thats just not the case when I quit. I'm not a bad player and its not about easy wins, its about fair competiton and level playing field. If I am full battlemaster going against someone in recruit, it's neither fair or a level playing field. You wouldn't stay in a match either if you just kept getting the crap kicked out of you and we've all been there. Plus you almost always have one teammate at least on the same page, that makes a difference. The new commendations increase helps with incentive for staying in though.

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I have been seeing people join a WZ the timer has started and there is maybe five people two more join and at this moment we are at around 30 seconds before the match starts with one to two people down and one of them bails,so now we are down three,another does,so we are down four.


Match starts there is four of us,one guy enters he joins in to help because it still can be salvageable and two more enter,but then you have one or two people enter stand there for a few seconds,bail over and over til the match ends.

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Threads like this are very amusing. After this latest patch people leaving hasn't been nearly as common. I do find it funny that you expect me to give a rats A about you while I'm playing. I rarely quit a match(I get comms for staying) but the matches I do quit I do because i KNOW for whatever reason we're not only not gonna win(can't win em all) but its gonna be a total face roll and I'm not gonna waste 15 min just to get farmed. We all know those matches too. 30 sec into defending void star the attackers place a bomb or civil war gets three capped in under a min. Heck yeah I quit those. It's my 15$ I'll do as I please. I don't know you or owe you anything. Get over yourselves and thinking that we are somehow obligated to stay in a WZ for any reason other than we want to be there.
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i always laugh when i see ppl leave that spent over 5 min in the game. Why ?


They leave with nothing.


Then they QQ about everyone being full bm and eventually just stop quing up for wz instead just talk about QQ all over the world like the pvp failed them.


Guys just finish 5 matches win or loose and get better gear. You get better the more you play and so does your toon.


I think the system is good


No reward for leaving!

Rewards for playing it!

Rewards for winning it!


You dont need a premade too grind pvp gear. All you gotta do is finish the match.

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I agree, we need penalties. But not deserter penalties. Basically, every time a warzone starts with less then 8 people on a team, the bioware developers should lose 5% of their paychecks that month, and management should lose 25%. If they reach zero in a given month they should be fired. Watch how fast warzone queuing gets fixed.


You're all really mad at the wrong people. It's Bioware that can't seem to do simple math and NOT let a game start until the teams are even. That would prevent 80% of the problem you douchbags are discussing here.

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I agree, we need penalties. But not deserter penalties. Basically, every time a warzone starts with less then 8 people on a team, the bioware developers should lose 5% of their paychecks that month, and management should lose 25%. If they reach zero in a given month they should be fired. Watch how fast warzone queuing gets fixed.


You're all really mad at the wrong people. It's Bioware that can't seem to do simple math and NOT let a game start until the teams are even. That would prevent 80% of the problem you douchbags are discussing here.


^ This.


There is a well known hardcore republic PvP team on EU Progenitor, and I see at least 3 Imp people quit as soon as they see them. It infuriates me, because it all it does is hand an easy win - and easy WH gear - to that team...


As a healer like me, you enter a WZ depending on your team to perform. You can perhaps solo 1 guy - it will take you a while as a 31 point healer, but possible nonetheless and cap a base, but that's about the limit of the impact you can perform outside of your main role healing your team.


Introduce deserter debuff. And make it harsh - at least 30 minutes.

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There is a penalty in the game for quitters. They are guaranteed to get absolutely nothing for their effort and time.


Coincidentally the same rewards you get after losing a WZ match after 1.2.


People will always quit early if they feel there's no chance of a decent reward for staying in.

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WoW deserter debuff = cancelled subscription.


Had enough of that crap thanks. Introduce xserver queues so peeps don't have to queue with the same terribads game after game. You might see an improvement in player retention in wz's.


Even then, there's no place for it in this game. Punishing solo players for leaving bad games is a terrible idea. Introduce it at your peril. Not like this game isn't struggling enough, they've lost, what was it? - 1 million subs in the last month?


/death knell

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You just admitted you can't score by yourself. If I queue a war zone match that is already losing I'm the one getting screwed. And anyone with some sense of situational awareness can tell if your team is going to be good enough to at least be competitive. If the team is putting up a fight then I'll stick it out, if its full of bad players who don't pass, or work together and we go down by 3 in the first 2 minutes, I'll be leaving because IT'S GOING TO BE A LOSS.


You assume that "bad players" are the ones quitting and thats just not the case when I quit. I'm not a bad player and its not about easy wins, its about fair competiton and level playing field. If I am full battlemaster going against someone in recruit, it's neither fair or a level playing field. You wouldn't stay in a match either if you just kept getting the crap kicked out of you and we've all been there. Plus you almost always have one teammate at least on the same page, that makes a difference. The new commendations increase helps with incentive for staying in though.


Actually, that's not what I admitted at all. I said I queue w/ my fiance. That said, I do admit it is obviously easier w/ another person to coordinate passes and blocks.


I am an Assassin tank, though. Do you honestly believe that I can't score the Huttball by myself, or that I don't every single match that I play? <.<


I've gotten the crap kicked out of me plenty. In fact, in the same link where my pug is stomping a premade at huttball, that same premade stomps all over one of my pugs in Civil War. I still don't quit. /shrug


Losing happens, it's part of the game. It's not a reason to quit a match, imo.


What I do think, however, is that there are 2 glaring issues that need fixing FIRST: Uneven team starts and some sort of indicator to let you know you're about to join a match in progress.


THEN, we need a deserter debuff, to keep things more fair for everyone involved. I believe the good of the many does outweigh the good of the few in this case; everyone has reasons of varying import for leaving a match, and that's fine, but for the sake of everyone else on the team, it should be kept to a minimum.


PS) I wasn't making any assumptions. The people I was quoting/replying to stated very specific conditions that they would quit under, and it was entirely because they didn't feel like the game would be a win. The example you were talking about was from a player who would quit a Huttball match w/ 12 minutes left because they were down by 2. Sorry, but I think that's lame.


I guess that I feel more often than not that a few good players can turn the tide of a battle. I've seen too many games that have been won due to the actions of 1-2 players at a clutch moment. That can't happen if you just quit before that moment arrives because you think it's not coming.

Edited by Varicite
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On my server, since 1.2, I've been part of winning team SIX times. Sometimes the pubs win so fast, or we get so completely dominated, we can't get the three medals we need to get ANYTHING for losing. I'm not going to spend 15 minutes being dominated and get nothing for it. Yeah, I'm gonna bail. I'm glad the quitter penalty is not in the game. I hope it NEVER gets introduced.
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1>People need to learn not to just give up on everything just cause it is to hard!

2>Stop putting people in games that are all ready going!

3>If you quit you game...the game should TAKE SOMETHING from you....Valor/Credits...SOMETHING not just a buff But make it small cause it could be something like the persons internet dropped them.


If the game put in a REAL penalty for quitting then MAYBE just MAYBE more people would PLAY the game instead of just running around trying 2 smash stuff like the brainless hulk (or quitting that is)

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Actually, that's not what I admitted at all. I said I queue w/ my fiance. That said, I do admit it is obviously easier w/ another person to coordinate passes and blocks.


I am an Assassin tank, though. Do you honestly believe that I can't score the Huttball by myself, or that I don't every single match that I play? <.<


I've gotten the crap kicked out of me plenty. In fact, in the same link where my pug is stomping a premade at huttball, that same premade stomps all over one of my pugs in Civil War. I still don't quit. /shrug


Losing happens, it's part of the game. It's not a reason to quit a match, imo.


What I do think, however, is that there are 2 glaring issues that need fixing FIRST: Uneven team starts and some sort of indicator to let you know you're about to join a match in progress.


THEN, we need a deserter debuff, to keep things more fair for everyone involved. I believe the good of the many does outweigh the good of the few in this case; everyone has reasons of varying import for leaving a match, and that's fine, but for the sake of everyone else on the team, it should be kept to a minimum.


PS) I wasn't making any assumptions. The people I was quoting/replying to stated very specific conditions that they would quit under, and it was entirely because they didn't feel like the game would be a win. The example you were talking about was from a player who would quit a Huttball match w/ 12 minutes left because they were down by 2. Sorry, but I think that's lame.


I guess that I feel more often than not that a few good players can turn the tide of a battle. I've seen too many games that have been won due to the actions of 1-2 players at a clutch moment. That can't happen if you just quit before that moment arrives because you think it's not coming.


In one of your posts before you stated you could score on your own... Regardless, I agree a few good players can turn the tide. I was in a match of huttball the other night where we scored in 30 seconds, maybe less, it was the fastest goal I had ever scored in huttball. The other team responded instantly with a goal of their own. We ended up winning 6-3, our last few goals came toward the end. Even still, we can agree that a clutch moment assumes you have a chance to win or shift the momentum, and good players can usually tell when/if that moment is coming.


My problem is with matches that are in progress and getting on a total newb team, ESPECIALLY in huttball. Also, IF I quit a warzone, it's usually a huttball match that we are getting murdered in and usually it's so I can try to finish my daily. But Republic has been playing well lately so it's been much better...

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In one of your posts before you stated you could score on your own... Regardless, I agree a few good players can turn the tide. I was in a match of huttball the other night where we scored in 30 seconds, maybe less, it was the fastest goal I had ever scored in huttball. The other team responded instantly with a goal of their own. We ended up winning 6-3, our last few goals came toward the end. Even still, we can agree that a clutch moment assumes you have a chance to win or shift the momentum, and good players can usually tell when/if that moment is coming.


My problem is with matches that are in progress and getting on a total newb team, ESPECIALLY in huttball. Also, IF I quit a warzone, it's usually a huttball match that we are getting murdered in and usually it's so I can try to finish my daily. But Republic has been playing well lately so it's been much better...


I did state that I could score 6 goals in Huttball in under 10 minutes, but I never implied that it wasn't w/out help. I'm fairly certain that in the very next sentence I mentioned that I queue as dual Assassins. Either way, nobody is queuing up as 1v8, so I don't think that being able to solo-score 6 goals is a realistic requisite. Coordinating w/ ONE other person on your team should be a manageable affair for most players, even if trying to coordinate w/ all 7 of them might be a daunting task.


While there is a point that you can tell whether that clutch moment is going to come or not (and everyone has seen that moment where you just know that even if you played a perfect match at that point, your team just isn't going to win - or the team you're facing is just that much better) , I kinda think that's what you signed up for when you queued to play a WZ. You were committing yourself to 15 minutes of playing in a Warzone, win or lose.


I don't think it's really fair to everyone else involved to suddenly just change your mind and leave them hanging because it's going to be a loss. IRL duties and emergencies should be allowed of course, and uneven teams / in-progress matches fixed.


Aside from those though, you queued to play, win or lose. It's unfair to assume that you can just keep queuing and then bailing on the rest of your team whenever things look like they're going south, which is what the people I've been replying to not only admit to doing, but defend the right to screw over 7 other people at any whim they may have.

Edited by Varicite
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There are many kind of quiters... the worse type of them , are the ones that quit cause they see their team isnt that good and they gonna get ripped ! And they do that at the first 2mins of the game or even at the cooldown until the match starts. You should do something about that , that get worst after patch 1.2 :cool:
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There are many kind of quiters... the worse type of them , are the ones that quit cause they see their team isnt that good and they gonna get ripped ! And they do that at the first 2mins of the game or even at the cooldown until the match starts. You should do something about that , that get worst after patch 1.2 :cool:


My reasons for quitting:


1. Team is mostly comprised of Snipers/Gunslingers.

2. When it becomes obvious most of the team are not paying attention to Ops Chat.

3. When in my view playing the rest of the game will not achieve enough medals to make it worth staying.

4. Lack of time prohibits me from playing 10 games to win 3.

5. Out of spite.


I really don't care if it affects anyone else, I pay a sub for me to have fun, no-one else.

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There are many kind of quiters... the worse type of them , are the ones that quit cause they see their team isnt that good and they gonna get ripped ! And they do that at the first 2mins of the game or even at the cooldown until the match starts. You should do something about that , that get worst after patch 1.2 :cool:


There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sick of carrying awful players. All I ask for is basic sense and to play as a team, I don't give a **** if we lose because we just got outmatched. What pisses me off is the people that refuse to play with basic sense and/or are jerks as well.


Leaving nodes completely undefended, randomly running off and leaving your teammates at a disadvantage, refusing to cap, refusing to interrupt caps, ignoring the ball carrier, refusal to pass, etc. etc. Those things are not worth dealing with.

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Since they fixed the reward system screwup that happened upon 1.2's release, I've reverted back to my stance of not quitting warzones in the middle (actually I just didn't queue up at all until the reward system was changed back.)


I think once we have some crossqueuing in wz's underpopulated servers won't be unfairly punished simply because they have trouble sc****** together a full 8v8, which means some sort of penalty would be in order for leaving.


I think it should have some flexibility, though. I think it should work like this:


1)If you leave a match before it actually starts, no penalty.


2)If you leave a match less than five minutes into it, you may not queue up again for 15 minutes.


4)If you enter backfilling a match in progress and you leave, no penalty.


This is a fair middle ground solution that addresses the issue of social cripple "leet" "pro" players who decide to lay down a hefty dose of "you're all garbage" before walking out 1 minute in because it's going actually be a challenge to win. This also doesn't unfairly punish people thrown into matches that are nearly halfway done, or those who want to get out of a situation in which the other team is laying down and letting their friends on the other side farm you (five minutes is plenty of time to see if this is the case.)


Honestly, it just seems that those who want ridiculously harsh penalties for those who quit without some sort of flexibility within the system just want to keep farming fresh pug produce, and those who want none just want to keep spinning the roulette wheel until they can get on a winning team in which they don't have to contribute anything meaningful to win.

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