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If you cant see the fact that there is a pop decline there is something wrong with you fanboys...


And we've been through this before...a decline in server traffic is not the same as a decline in overall server population. In fact, one could have a decline in server traffic while adding subscription numbers, and still see the same sorts of server status we see today.


Have people left? Sure. But all reports (official reports, not forum speculation) indicate that the overall subscription numbers remain in the 1.5 to 1.7 million range.

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If you cant see the fact that there is a pop decline there is something wrong with you fanboys...


It's almost like you people intentionally misinterpret what we say just so it can fit into your crude generalization.

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If you cant see the fact that there is a pop decline there is something wrong with you fanboys...


Alllright, let's talk about this.


Of course there is!


(thinks about what that means relative to current enjoyment levels)


Nope, still having a good time.

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Lol.....same fanboy lines, different MMO.


It's also amusing to see people rally to the products defense (yet again) to denounce information because it's come from an analyst. Ignoring the fact that analysts base their predictions from historic evidence. After all, this is a star wars MMO made by Bioware! It's absolutely unthinkable to consider the possibility that it could flop.......isn't it?

Edited by Notannos
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Lol.....same lines, different MMO.
Exactly. The sky is falling, the sky is falling! I know and you do not because I believe "expert Z" and you refuse to drink the kool-aid he is selling to get people to post links to his articles on their websites.
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Decline in pop doesnt necessarily mean decline in subscribers.


A lot of use took days off from work when the game came out and we were playing 24/7. But many of us have a life to go back to, school, work, etc, and we cant play all day every day anymore, that's why there seems to be less people playing.

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My favorite part is where the article says:


My favorite part: "1.25 million by March of 2013."


It's funny how everyone who quotes this article omits the fact that this is a "prediction" for the state of the game one year from now!!!

Edited by Kthx
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Last I checked, I play video games for their entertainment value. I have never played them with concern of how much money the developer is making, or how many people are playing the same game. When did we, as gamers, care so much about the bottom line and statistical numbers based on population? As long as we're entertained, who cares about the fine print?


I feel that today's gamer is so concerned about things that mean absolutely nothing to their personal entertainment value, that they have forgotten what video games were meant to be used for. I'm sorry OP, but I find your post irrelevant to my stance in regards to this game.


I like the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team, even though many writers write things that would say that the club is losing money. Sorry, but I don't care how much money the club is or is not making, nor do I care if they're selling out every game. I only care about going to the baseball games and enjoying myself with my family. The same can be said for Star Wars: The Old Republic. As long as I'm entertained, I will continue paying for said entertainment.

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How can websites comment on how the subscribers will continue to go down when they dont know what updates the Devs have planned?


They make controversial claims that generate traffic to their sites. People then listen to what they say. That's how they can comment on such things.

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Lol.....same fanboy lines, different MMO.


It's also amusing to see people rally to the products defense (yet again) to denounce information because it's come from an analyst. Ignoring the fact that analysts base their predictions from historic evidence. After all, this is a star wars MMO made by Bioware! It's absolutely unthinkable to consider the possibility that it could flop.......isn't it?


And yet here you are....amazing.

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Anyone who doesn't think that NA/EU subs haven't taken at least a slight hit are wanting to ignore the 800lb gorilla. My guild launched with about 20 subs. After March we now have 6 who are active. Now, with that being said, I do not proclaim the sky to be falling. Even if the analyst prediction is correct and TOR settles in at just over 1 million subs, that still represents at least $13 million in revenue every month, which is more than enough to keep the game healthy.


After 7 months of playing (3 of testing), I have come to the conclusion that TOR will never be quite what I hoped it would be, but it also will never be quite as bad as it would seem judging by forum posts. While disappointed, I can live with that because I enjoy playing with my friends and family. Unfortunately, I feel that the MMO genre as a whole is trending towards mediocrity, just as the gaming industry in general has done over the last 5 years or so.


As a side note, I couldn't help but laugh this morning when I read that Electronic Arts has been named as the worst company in America by Consumerist, beating out Bank of America by a 2:1 margin. When you beat BoA that badly in a worst-of competition, you know you have some major PR issues.

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I think anyone with a brain realizes that subs fall off some after the launch of a major MMO. It isn't nearly as bad as it seems as most subscribers simply don't put as much time in as they did at first, but of course the # will drop some. That's how this genre works. People devour new content, then cut back on their hours until new content comes out. It hardly means the game is failing.
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You know, what massively says about our population right now doesn't matter to me one bit. My imperial characters are on a good server, with a guild that provides help, should I need it. My Republic characters are on a decent server, in guild with friends to keep me company.


No, what an article says doesn't affect me one bit.

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Who in the hell are Cowen and Company and analyst Doug Creutz? [The answer is nobody.]


What are they basing their "estimates" on? [The answer is nothing.]


Why are all the game news sites blindly posting this empty speculation? [The answer is, they're not critical thinkers or real journlists, they just want you to go to their site and hopefully see some ads.]

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Cruetz and yourself can go swallow bantha fodder... your opinions mean nothing... and I don't know what the title of this thread is supposed to imply other than it seems you feel like your views are shared by all. Trust me they are not.
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So I'm a data analyst for an insurance company. My job entails making data based projections for the various moving part of the company. If I made a swooping generalization based on a completely non-official data source, I would be fired on the spot. I have no idea how anyone can put any credence into this projection (let alone report on it) as it seems like:


A) It's completely just a thumb in the air guess

B) It's hypothesis for decrease (no end game) is in no way fact based as I doubt they have any insight into exit surveys

C) It's one analyst making the claim - so no substantiation

D) Similar speculation around initial sales made by Brean Murray Carret & Co in January was so far off base that they all but retracted their analyst’s statement


Everyone seems to want this game to fail but for God sakes stop taking one sound bite from one person and running with it like it's gospel - it just makes you look stupid and desperate.

Edited by JaxonLuxor
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You understand what these articles do, right? The editor asks the author to write an article about SWTOR or some such. So the author finds the forums, reads a bunch of threads so that he's in touch with the general opinion, and then writes an article about what he read. Then, to complete the vicious circle, people find the article and post it on the forums as truth that whatever they think is actually happening, which other authors then find and cite as sources for their own, similar, articles.


It's exactly like the XKCD wikipedia strip: http://xkcd.com/978/

Edited by Tewnam
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So I'm a data analyst for an insurance company. My job entails making data based projections for the various moving part of the company. If I made a swooping generalization based on a completely non-official data source, I would be fired on the spot. I have no idea how anyone can put any credence into this projection (let alone report on it) as it seems like:


A) It's completely just a thumb in the air guess

B) It's hypothesis for decrease (no end game) is in no way fact based as I doubt they have any insight into exit surveys

C) It's one analyst making the claim - so no substantiation

D) Similar speculation around initial sales made by Brean Murray Carret & Co in January was so far off base that they all but retracted their analyst’s statement


Everyone seems to want this game to fail but for God sakes stop taking one sound bite from one person and running with it like it's gospel - it just makes you look stupid and desperate.


But it was posted on teh interwebz dudez!! I must be true!

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so he claims the game is projected to have 1.2m subs by march of 2013. that isn't even that bad.


however, the whole thing is just hilarious. i wish i could have a job where i could analyze a game and report to rich investors. "yeah guys, the end game is pretty bad. ilum got deathstar'd, and the pvpers are QQ'ing about pretty much everything", i would say, while the board of trustees gives me their full attention in a lavish conference room.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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