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Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


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How can you post with 0 time remaining and why would you anyway?

If you going to quit over something so little why should anyone care to make you happy I mean its like you looking for a reason to complain.


I work in the service industry too - the IT side. When even a small customer that we have is dissatisfied, we want to know why. For every one that you hear about there is a substantial likelihood that there are many more.

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Also want to say bad call on such a short event especially given the structure. Sunday was the first chance I had to log in in the week which meant I couldn't complete the quest chain. It's a shame as I've enjoyed it so far. Firstly the structure is bad for people who can't play every day. The quests unlocking day by day is a nice idea but it should be unlocked for everyone based on date. Secondly a week is not enough, some people struggle to find the time to log in. Two weeks would give a much better window.
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I agree that a week is not enough. I really need 1-2 more day to complete the set. Tonight after daily reset I would do it again to get my Armor but seem I will miss the Belt. :(


Please give us 1 more week so we can complete the daily chain ... or put this set to some vendor after event finish.

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Any time any MMO does an event like this it should be prolonged out for anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 month at a time. With the description of the Event and all the details of it posted onto the Log In page so that people will know what's going on, where to go to start the Event, as well as how long they have til they can complete it. Not every one person uses the Forums, Twitter, or Facebook. There needs to be some sort of News Page on the Front page letting others know about what's going on. Yes, aside from the one that's already there.


As for all the people who want to complain about an event such as this, You're just gonna have to tough it out and find a million other things to do other than cry and complain about people wanting to have some fun. If you can't join in on the fun yourselves then you really shouldn't be here at all. This is an MMO. Meaning you're not the only ones who play this game!! So get over the fact that some people just want to be jerks and some people want to have fun. But those of you who want to cry about every little thing in the game; then you shouldn't be playing games. Go outside do some real life activities or something. Don't be bringing your drama to the game when it's all negative comments. If you have some constructive things to say then by all means say it. Otherwise don't say anything.


Personally I love the event, I haven't had much time to farm the dailies for items or DNA samples. due to work and other priorities in my life. However what little time I do have I've only had enough to get a portion of the Social gear in which I will fall short on a couple pieces due to the upcoming end of the event. Unless Bioware decides to extend the event!! (high hopes) For Low Pop Servers like mine we have very little help or advice from those who are playing online. More details of the event would have been very nice, and more time on the event would have been excellent. Next time please make sure that the event lasts longer than 1 week. As I said above, 2 weeks to 1 month for any Event for an MMO.

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Eesh the amount of whining about being "forced" to participate. What? Don't want the plague? Get a vaccine! Can't afford the vaccine? Sell your damned DNA you got for dying (oh noez!) for, oh, well at the very start they were selling it for 10k each, but even 1k works now, and bam! You're immune for 6 hours and you just made a 3k profit OH HOW HORRIBLE!
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Just wanted to correct this guy on something, it doesn't flag u for pvp unless the infection came from a flagged person of the opposite faction. Even if i had no interest in the event i wouldn't use a vaccine, so what if you get infected from time to time, just sell the DNA you get and no durability damage is taken! The players on the fleet arent there because its the fleet pass spot they are there because its the spot nearest to respawn spot after you die from infection and a bit forward so its not blocking the cargo access (on imp fleet)


The players here with the issues need a reality check, you do not get to dictate what bioware do with events, leave the game if its not to your taste and stop acting so entitled over something so trivial. You can quest fine, if you die occasionally so be it, you'll be earning more credits due to selling the DNA so reviving once in a while is a non-issue! The only real issue here is if some users are incorrectly going around flagging ppl on pve servers on purpose and then camping them non stop and preventing them from play. If this happens open a ticket and they will sort those players out, again that is not the events fault but more a minority of players who get off on annoying others.


I play on a pve server and have not had any issue, i once was flagged on tatt via being infected from a republic player and was killed once by him, worse comes to worse you lie dead and toggle ur pvp flag, wait 5mins get a drink or snack and you all good to go. I am not a max level character and im playing on the most populated of PvE servers... so what these other guys are complaining about i will never know. Its like they chucked a hissy because they cant have the game the way THEY wanted.


If you want to avoid things like this, stick to single player where you guys can put in cheats if you want then you can be god mode and never die... maybe then you wont be so upset.


Thanks for the PvP info; explains the Faction ref some made earlier.


But I have no interest in dying, collecting Death benefits,pets, gear, etc; simply wanted to go from Shuttle A to B on the Fleet. And since then, my Alts have been approached in a sim fashion on both Drommund Kass and in a shuttle bay on the Rep Capitol; should be off limits and lowbie friendly, I believe. And my first PC was infected at the Cargo/ Med Bay of the Cantina area; another off limits spot.


Griefing should be eliminated, but I do hopr there are future Events; simply onmes that are more Player friendly.

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Griefing should be eliminated, but I do hopr there are future Events; simply onmes that are more Player friendly.


...is this what they call griefing nowadays? See, I used to just lurk around some Horde camp in some other game, mind controlling lowbies and tossing them down cliffs, just because it amused me. Not only did they have to do a spirit run, but it cost them money.


If I felt bad, I went looking for equal levels (ish), and then dunked them under lava until bubbles stopped coming up.


This? You cough a few times, die, and get rewarded for it.






Tell you what, have you heard of this friendly game called Eve Online? You should check it out.

Edited by pixieish
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...is this what they call griefing nowadays? See, I used to just lurk around some Horde camp in some other game, mind controlling lowbies and tossing them down cliffs, just because it amused me. Not only did they have to do a spirit run, but it cost them money.


If I felt bad, I went looking for equal levels (ish), and then dunked them under lava until bubbles stopped coming up.


This? You cough a few times, die, and get rewarded for it.





Tell you what, have you heard of this friendly game called Eve Online? You should check it out.


Not going anywhere; thanks! And I do not know what constitutes as Griefing everywhere; simply lobby for it and those that continue to use it banned.

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Great event, wish it ran longer. 1 week is way too short =(


My only gripe is the 'lockbox' the companion customisations come from. Would rather less RNG, either they were unique or you could just choose what ones you wanted to buy.

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From the description it sounds like the PvE servers have more griefers than the PvP Servers. I've ran into a number of Republic during this Event and we have kept to ourselves. I think in the total 5 days I've been doing this I've been attacked once and that was by mistake. Really a solid set of players on my server who seem to have mutual respect for each other.
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People on Fleet aren't "griefing". It's the fastet way to not only complete the one-time "infect 10 people" mission, but also the fast way to collect DNA samples to buy the special color crystals. I don't understand all the whining, especially since it's so easy to avoid getting infected. See someone with green tendrils around their body? Run away.


Having said that, I'm enjoying this event, but will sadly not be able to complete it. One week is not long enough, since you can't do all the dailies in one day. You are required to do them over a period of 5 days, which is impossible for a casual gamer or someone with a job who can't play every night. A second week to this would be very nice.

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People on Fleet aren't "griefing". It's the fastet way to not only complete the one-time "infect 10 people" mission, but also the fast way to collect DNA samples to buy the special color crystals. I don't understand all the whining, especially since it's so easy to avoid getting infected. See someone with green tendrils around their body? Run away.


Having said that, I'm enjoying this event, but will sadly not be able to complete it. One week is not long enough, since you can't do all the dailies in one day. You are required to do them over a period of 5 days, which is impossible for a casual gamer or someone with a job who can't play every night. A second week to this would be very nice.


Try my lvl 11 that spawned on the station to run Black Talon, got infected and dies in the middle of the quest. the crystals are 31 and up and I'm not high enough lvl to partake in the rest of the quests, and oh wait not enough creds for the stinking vaccine so these people need to go elsewhere so the rest of us can play. To your second point, I have a job, I play when I can and since there is no way i have the time to even think about getting the crystal with my higher lvl characters I am not partaking in it and don't wish to be forced into it by some idiot that can only stand at a spawn point infecting other players for a laugh.


Don't get me wrong, the quest looks good from what I have heard and I did try 2 dailies with my lvl 37 what I found was to little reward for the time spent in quest. Prices from vendor to high compared to rewards in quests and the quest time should be a month so everyone can have time to play it not a week so only there LOYAL customer base can partake.

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Try my lvl 11 that spawned on the station to run Black Talon, got infected and dies in the middle of the quest.



I'm surprised and sorry you died on the quest. You must have rotten luck to get infected the moment you logged on. My suggestion is not log off at the Quick Travel point. I'm not familiar with Black Talon... does that take place on the station? (or is that an Imp Flashpoint?) The one thing I forgot to add in my post and came back to say was that log off/log on or traveling to a new planet seems to stop the infection. Twice I've traveled to a planet after getting infected and never advanced to Stage 2 after hours of play. Had to use a vaccine (and then cancel it) in order to continue the infection part of the event. Also, when I logged off on the station while infected and then came back a few minutes later I was also bugged and never went to Stage 2.

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Acutally i can't see why so many people are freaking out about this event. 2k for a vaccine is NOTHING. If you are on a planet/location where you got infected, it means you are high enough to do quests and do PVP, both menthods are useful in getting cash, although sometimes it's not as much as it should be.

Point being, people need to stop ************, secondly, if this sort of this happens on a RP server, i can sort of understand the whole "realism" thing, but if not, stop taking it so seriously.


It's constant stupid crying like this that cause devs to nerf things that could have been left alone, or stop from doing things in the future, only to quell the cries of a minority. Oh big deal, you got sick once and died during a quest... you probably would have died sooner or later, and dying from the virus is inexcusable to say the least. No way that you'll convince anyone that you couldn't afford the vaccine... 2k... really?


I'm not trying to offend anyone here, but to those complaining, You are complaining about insignificant things.

At least you can guarantee that the next event won't be like this, at least bioware learns. So relax.

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As others have said, I too hope that BioWare extend the event for at least another week. Because for a casual gamer like me who has a job and other things to do, getting and finishing all of the quests are simply not possible. Edited by Uiozegi
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I really wish this event would have had more press or I would have came back to ToR sooner. I'm just disappointed I won't be able to get the whole costume because I was short on dailies by a single day. :(


I'm in the exactly same boat. I didn't figure out what I was supposed to do soon enough and now I'm going to be one day short of the complete set. :(

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I'm in the exactly same boat. I didn't figure out what I was supposed to do soon enough and now I'm going to be one day short of the complete set. :(


Yea, there is a lot of players who won't get much out of such a short event because they dealt with work and other real life issues, and those of us who would've liked more time for getting pets/gear from the event on alts are out of luck more or less as well, it would be great if they extended past the 24th or made all the dailies unlock on the last day.

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Yea, there is a lot of players who won't get much out of such a short event because they dealt with work and other real life issues, and those of us who would've liked more time for getting pets/gear from the event on alts are out of luck more or less as well, it would be great if they extended past the 24th or made all the dailies unlock on the last day.


This! All I need is 1 (one, uno, a single, "This number comes after zero. What is 'One', Trebeck") more day to get the complete set. I would really love to transfer all my mods and stuff from the tier pieces and roll around in that as an inquis with the containment officer title, black/green lightsaber, and pet.



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I'm surprised and sorry you died on the quest. You must have rotten luck to get infected the moment you logged on. My suggestion is not log off at the Quick Travel point. I'm not familiar with Black Talon... does that take place on the station? (or is that an Imp Flashpoint?) The one thing I forgot to add in my post and came back to say was that log off/log on or traveling to a new planet seems to stop the infection. Twice I've traveled to a planet after getting infected and never advanced to Stage 2 after hours of play. Had to use a vaccine (and then cancel it) in order to continue the infection part of the event. Also, when I logged off on the station while infected and then came back a few minutes later I was also bugged and never went to Stage 2.


It was in a way forced, I used the fleet pass and when I got on the station thx to all the campers I lagged out so bad I crashed, after logging back in I got out of the area as fast as I could be it wasn't fast enough. I lag a little on the station from time to time but never had a crash till everyone starting camping the fleet spawn.

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