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Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


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I agree.

Next to come are also Christmas trees, Easter Bunnies and Halloween costumes. If the player community allows

the developers to continue this way SWTOR will end up like WoW ..a game for 6-10 years old. Come on...having fun is okay...but sensible fun. Events that fit in with the lore and spirit of Starwars.


To have anyone spread the plague intentionally to earn a few credits ( or armor that is soon enough outdated, or a essentially horribly silly pet Rakghul) in my opinion childish. If the player community does not take objection to this..then it will continue. The 10 year old will rule the game and serious players will wander off.


Personally, I do not wish for another SW-WoW. Keep SWTOR up to KOTOR level.



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I wouldn't mind the event ending so soon if the containment set was legacy bound. I mean my BH has zero use for it, none of the companions use light armor. But it sure would have looked nice on my low level Inqis who has stayed low level just to try to get social points from running BT over and over.


Didn't realize it would be ending so soon until I happened across this tiny arsed thread. Really guys, a heads up next time (on the freaking game launcher! not on a single thread on general forums that many don't bother to look at anyway!) would be nice. Even the day of. I had no clue what was going on as I was busting my hump trying to hit 50 on my Jugg.

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I love this event, in fact, i started leveling a shadow just to use the gear from the dailies cause i thought it looked awesome. i started on time and would have been able to get a full set, if it were for the quests being buggy, and so i cannot get the full set now cause i have been set back by not only the blood quests being bugged out, but the jawa quest as well. so you see, even for some one who planned it out, there was not enough time for the event to go o. so i beg of you, EXTENT THE EVENT!!!
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Man don't even bother, it's like talking to a tree, only these people who fail to comprehend that Rakghouls and their plague infection originate from Star Wars KOTOR are even more dense.


Once more i have to give credit to Bioware, this event is great, keep up the good work.

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Add me to the list of people who will fall short on the gear. BioWare, don't listen to the whiners - this event has been fun. Please give us another week, so players like me who were unable to participate in the early days won't miss out on seeing everything!
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Otherwise nice event and all, just came so soon after patch, that my newly rolled legacy race consular didn't manage to level high enough in time to get all containment officer gear before the new deadline, and I'm so depressed about this part :( bloody "can only get mission next day after doing previous days ones"...


Prolong the studies about containing the outbreak!

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Just want to point something out if i may. It was previously stated that you must start the event by the 19th to get the complete set, well here is the thing. The last daily gives you the option for 1 of the 2 armour sets and no option for both, so you miss stated when people should start as that would infact be the 18th.
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For anyone who is just starting the event or not sure what to do. I wrote a little guide that covers everything (I think ) about the event - items, dailies, infected companions, color crystals, pets.




Also, this might be of interest - walkthrough for the scavenger hunt, fun quest ;)




Overall, best event in a MMO so far imo :)


Then you have either never played another MMO, or were smoking crack during their world events, or this one, because imo this is easily the worst game design I have ever encountered as far was world events go.:eek:

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I'll add my voice to those disappointed the event ended so soon.


I'm a new player and I just barely managed to get a character to 25 so I could strive to get the containment gear. I'd be happy knowing that it would at least return at a later date or something.

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Enjoying the event, but I gotta say one thing.


Mix up the freaking random Infected Companion Customization. In the past 2 days I have bought 6 of those containers and 4 of them were of Kira. Need to mix up the bag a little here or make them tradeable for class related companions. =(


Thats my only real complaint about the event.

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Add me to the list of first excited - then horribly disappointed by not being able to complete the event due to having a life outside SWTOR. Please add one more week or let us open up the dailie sequence in one day rather than having to wait. The weekend is a great time to get this done but as a lot of us are finding out, it is already too late. Please change this. Thank you for reading.
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Enjoying the event, but I gotta say one thing.


Mix up the freaking random Infected Companion Customization. In the past 2 days I have bought 6 of those containers and 4 of them were of Kira. Need to mix up the bag a little here or make them tradeable for class related companions. =(


Thats my only real complaint about the event.


Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt this way. This RNG system is totally annoying, everyday I farm over 120 DNA's and I only end up with republic companion mods and a few for Quinn. Been turning them in since the 17th and still no luck.



A. Get rid of the random system

B. Make it so we don't get duplicates

C. Let us trade in the mods for the other faction of the equivalent companion like Elara's to Mako's or Corso's to Vector's

D. Let us just buy them like at the regular companion mod vendors on Monday


Any of those solutions would solve the headaches people are having. Some people only play one faction like myself because I don't like the republic classes. From what I've seen on forums Republic players mainly gets more Empire companion mods and the Empire mainly gets Republic companion mods. Don't understand why this is unless BW is trying to make us increase the Republic population on almost every server.


Is there any reason why we would even want more than one of the same mod if its bind of legacy and able to swap it out like the legacy gear? You can only play one character at a time.

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Yeah extend the event. I've only been able to grind the DNA samples on 4 characters and I was trying to get a 5th so I could get the containment gear on the only characters who could actually use it.


Would also be nice if a few things were changed for maybe bettering a future event?


1) Random boxes for legacy bound companion customs was the stupidest thing ever. Make it tradable and random, or not random and legacy bound.


2) Give more of a heads up for what's going on. Maybe people didn't even know what the hell was up. Even today people are still asking what to do. You need some kind of direction and starting point for most people.


3) Make the bosses for the title not so hard, I can't even get a party on imp to do it, yet on my server when I switch to repub it's like non-stop requested. Instanced bosses, and scaled to your level.





On the positives, a few noteworthy things.


1) The scaled mobs for the dailies was a good idea. The dailies rewarded with tons of exp and legacy exp, if you did several characters you could easily get 100k + legacy per day.


2) None of the missions we're really the same, most were unique.


3) The rakghoul pets were awesome, and so were the infected comp customs.




Overall I enjoyed this event, but I wish it would last a little longer. Say a week or 2 maybe.


That's my 2 cents.

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Please extend the event to the end of the 24th instead of midnight (Pacific)! You sprang this on us out of nowhere and some of us with real life responsibilities weren't able to participate as quickly as we would have liked. As it is I won't be able to get a complete set of Armor since the last daily has to be run twice to get both the chest and the belt. I couldn't participate any sooner than Thursday last week so unless the event is extended I'm screwed.


Overall this event has been loads of fun. Let us play with it a little longer.

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Must say i'm dissapointed too. Not with the event itself, but that i can't get all the armour pieces due to work during the week and not being able to do all the quests in one day.

I'm doing my best to get enough samples to at least get some of the event gear, but not being able to get all the armour pieces sucks.

Please at least unlock the quests so we can do them all at once instead of only being able to unlock one each day.

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When is the Scourge....I mean the plague going to be over with?


Read the very first post in this thread /facepalm


FWIW - I too would like the event extended. Purely selfish reasons, obviously, because I too haven't been able to play every day and have now realised that the orange armour quests can only be completed on consecutive days (and not all on the same day as I thought they might). Which means I can get the leg piece before the end of the event, but that's it. Sure would be nice to have the helm and chest piece.


Oh and yeah, +1 to whoever pointed out that having this single post in the general discussion forum is not a good way to advertise the event was ending. I would at least expect something on the launcher, or a higher-level blog post about the event, rather than just a single post in a forum I tend to stay away from.

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The most disappointing part of this event is Bioware completely ignoring everyone asking for an extension or to make the daily quests a chain so people who missed out on the first few days can get the armor


would be nice for the to reply with either


Yes event has been extended




No its not possible


This silence reminds me of SOE and you saw how things went for them

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Dear Bioware,


My Guild and I would like to thank you for this event, it has been a lot of fun for us and many other people we have been grouping with.


I do not know which direction you are planning on going with SWTOR in terms of these events but would like to add my feedback for consideration (and comment from other players).


  • *** is going on? - The way this event was rolled out was in my opinion perfect. There was no warning (that I know of), no spoilers, it just literally came out of nowhere. I was lucky enough to be online and on the fleet when the event launched and the first announcement literally made the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.
  • Clues. - The clues were good, possibly a little too visible and easy to find but I understand the need to cater to a wide audience. Being one of the first people to get to Tat on my server, it was great to start working with both my Guild and the other early seekers to try and unravel the event. The news report on the screen outside the spaceport on Tat was an awesome bit of work.
  • Scaling - I was concerned at first that the event was scaled to level 50's as all the mobs that were appearing were my level. It was with great relief I found you had coded this scale to the character level. Several of my guildies who are either sub lvl 50 or working on their alts were thrilled to take part.
  • Rewards - I think the rewards were done very well. All cosmetic with nothing game changing in any way is absolutly the right way to go with these events. I for one have the full set (so far) of the containment armour and love it.
  • Event length - I have read a lot of posts here asking for the event to be extended as people have for very good reasons not been able to play. Whilst I sympathise with them, I cannot agree. SWTOR does and should continue to offer unique rewards for all styles / types of players. A short event that offers cosmetic rewards for people who play every day (or mostly every day) is a good thing as it gives us yet more reason to log in and be part of the community.
  • Repeatability - Whilst i would love it if this event was a once only deal, I am a realist and understand that this much effort in design/coding/testing needs to yield a good ROI. I am going to assume this event will be repeated in the future and I have no issue with this. I will plead however that there is a significant gap between now and then. I think it would be an aweful waste if we get the outbreak again in a month. Please please please no repeats for at least 3 months (ideally 6 or 12).
  • Uniqueness. - Again, this is a plea from the heart, do not make any of the rewards/gear from this event purchasable from vendors in the future. Having participated and enjoyed this event, finding out that someone who did not participate is suddenly able to buy what we worked for would be a slap in the face to the community.
  • Improvements - the only complaints I have had from my guild is from the pure Warzoners. They found it at first annoying, then fun, but in the end a little tedious to get infected constantly in Warzones. Whilst I do not support and opt out mechanism, in future I think Warzones should perhaps not be effected by these World events


So keep up the good work and again thank you for all the hard work in making this event.




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They played the introduction of this event with their cards close to their chest here. Perhaps things will not end how we expect it, Bioware's great about listening, even if they don't talk about some things (simply because it's more fun to surprise.)

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They played the introduction of this event with their cards close to their chest here. Perhaps things will not end how we expect it, Bioware's great about listening, even if they don't talk about some things (simply because it's more fun to surprise.)


hopefully, this complete silence from them is very unusual. normally we hear something, hopefully they're planning to extend the event in other way :)

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