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Welcome to the new Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ website!


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Hi Bioware,


Just wanted to tell you a few things i feel about your new website design.


A) Graphically it looks much better that the previous version


B) It seems some functionality went away in this website build. I personally really liked the ability to find posts i had posted in very quickly using the little button next to my user name ( I do all of the progression posting on our server for our guild and it made it so easy to find the appropriate thread.). Please tell me this wonderful button which made my life so easy is just hiding somewhere.


Thanks in advance.


Oh and the stuff talked about in this thread :)



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I'm not sure I like the new look. Yeah, it's pretty and all, but...


... the header at the top of each page is too large. It's especially annoying on the forums, where I find I need to scroll down just to read the entire first post on ANY thread. We ALREADY know this is the website for "Star Wars: The Old Republic". That's why we came here. You don't need to use so much space to tell us.


Along the same lines, the "Community News" section at the top of the main "Community" page is also too large. The individual items could be MUCH smaller, or use less whitespace (grayspace?) around them.


But the real space hog is the "news slideshow" on the site's homepage. By default, that "slideshow" area takes up over three-quarters of my screen's vertical real estate. I can't even see the entire first "news" item down below it without scrolling! And this is on an HD monitor with 1920x1080 resolution! Seriously, don't you people bother to test this site on smaller screens anymore??? I beg of you, cut that thing's size in half!


In fact, there seems to have been a general tendency to make EVERYthing on the site bigger, except for the ACTUAL PAGE BODY TEXT. Sure, I can zoom out in my browser to reduce the size of all the headers and fit more REAL information on the page, but then the body text becomes teeny-tiny and unreadable!


As some in this thread have stated, this seems to have been a website redesign in search of a purpose...


I have to agree with this. Things need to seriously be sized down quite a bit.


I should also add now that I've had the need to go there several times, having to log in every time I want to go to Forum Management is a real pain. I'm ALREADY signed in, that's how I'm posting! Forum Management isn't secure account information, I shouldn't have to sign in every time I want to change my signature or look at my subscriptions.

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In all honesty the color scheme and look is better however who ever designed this site really lacks knowledge regarding website / page design. A good example is the community page, the forums are way below the fold and I have a much higher resolution than the common person surfing the internet. When you come to the forums this is what you want and what you are looking for, piling tons of crap that you have to scroll through to get where you want to be is bad design. Using standard browser resolutions it seems you forgot this because nothing fits nicely in the "fold" at any standard resolution.


Cache expiration times on static content is set very low requiring users to download CSS and images that have not changed more often then required making the site load slower as well as increase your bandwidth usage and daily operating expenses.


The following object http://www.swtor.com/sites/all/themes/coruscant/css/fonts/newsgothic.css is approx 72 bytes but with cookies becomes 2.1k, serving objects from a separate cookie-free domain reduces the payload size of these objects. When CSS and Images cant read cookies there is no point in passing all the cookie data around with them. You seem to take advantage of a CDN but then have random CSS and Fonts / Images loading from the base website, move these to your CDN as well.


There are a ton of images are not compressed nor is CSS / JS or HTML minified which could offer a huge savings on page load times also reducing your bandwidth usage and daily operating costs.


Post times are based on GMT which I am guessing is the server time, there are plenty of methods to display the time using the users locale. In fact this also helps with supporting multiple languages as you don't need to worry about formatting the date across different countries who use say the D/M/Y format compared to the US M/D/Y format. Users should not have to do math to figure out when a post was really posted.


These are all basic parts of web design check out Page Speed from Google or ySlow from Yahoo if you need a refresher course in web design 101.


Again the colors are better but that is about all you accomplished here.


!!! Edit !!!

No indicator a post has been edited or modified


And from your JS if($.browser.msie BAD, a real JS developer does not ask the browser what they are as you can modify your UserAgent and it should never be trusted, you should use real methods for detecting feature support and use graceful fallback for older browsers or progressive enhancements.

Edited by Fierabras
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Can someone tell me why some posts are missing? Like the first post I see of this thread is #39, and the first page has only 2 posts.


Edit: upgrading Firefox seems to resolve the issue.

Edited by anwg
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Here's another problem: On ALL of the Community/forum pages, when the page loads the website makes the "Search" input box active (with a typing cursor). This makes it impossible to scroll the page with the spacebar, or to use Backspace to go to the previous page, without first clicking somewhere on the page.



Text input boxes on a web page should *****NEVER***** be active by default!!!

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I love the new look but after refreshing a few pages I noticed something. When you load the page or refresh it the cursor defaults to the search box causing those of us who like to hit spacebar or the down arrow to scroll down a bit of annoyance. Can the cursor not default there so we can scroll via keyboard?
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How does Community not make sense for the Community Forums? It's the same category the forums were under in the old format.


There is nothing under the community menu that brings you to the forums. It assumes that everyone equates the word community to forums which they do not. This is just plain bad site design. They have tried to mash everything related to the community on to one page, whereas proper web site design would have forums in their own area and a link to them somewhere under the community menu. Not that I would expect any of the designers associated with EA to do things properly or follow any reasonable standards. This is just another in a long list of reason I will never be buying a game from EA again. This was the first one in 15 years and I had hopped they had their act together by now but things are a lot worse off now. If people would stop settling for crap and not buy their product until they designed things right, they might change their ways. But as my old producer at EA uses to say "Consumers are idiots, let see how fast we can get them to give us their hard earned cash for our crap".

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B) It seems some functionality went away in this website build. I personally really liked the ability to find posts i had posted in very quickly using the little button next to my user name ( I do all of the progression posting on our server for our guild and it made it so easy to find the appropriate thread.). Please tell me this wonderful button which made my life so easy is just hiding somewhere.


Click your name at the top of the site, then click your avatar and it takes you to your profile.

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Ugly looking thing.

I've already posted about this but once again this looks like any other 3rd party site with some SWTOR screens in it.

The artwork the letters the colors....all irrelevant to the game.

Check out the new WAR site they look the same.


I don't think so.

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Your opinion lost all credibility right there.


"The fold" really? This isn't B2B from 2003.


Then you are as ignorant as the person who designed this site, this matters very much so to any real company and a half decent web developer. It also seems to matter enough to Google and their own Google Ads to affect your page rankings so it should matter to a web developer. http://insidesearch.blogspot.com/2012/01/page-layout-algorithm-improvement.html from Jan 2012.


So again thank you for pointing out your ignorance in this area of discussion.

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I really like the new interactions. Although the website is still being updated, it looks much more attractive. One of the many improvements I would like to point out is that information on the various classes has been condensed, but it is still thorough: everything on a character including the class progression video can be accessed in one spot. This is both a great benefit and convenience, especially for new players.



We are excited to unveil the brand new Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ website! We’ve completely rebuilt the website from the ground-up, with the intention of providing you with the latest game updates in an easy to navigate way. In addition to all of the latest news and information that is released, we’re also going to give you much more information about in-game content. Right now, you can check out our updated Flashpoints page on the Holonet, which includes information for each of the seventeen Flashpoints currently in the game.


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