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[Guide] How To Obtain 3 Medals In Every Warzone


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After seeing people post defeat screens when no one on their team get their minimum 4 medals as well as watching twitch channels, I played on my level 50s (Sniper / Marauder / Mercenary / Assassin) and I always get 5 medals minimum in all 4 warzones without problem.


The reason people are not getting their medals is their tactics and not knowing where the medals are given, so this is for you people to get your medals as all 4 of mine are full champion and I feel confident in getting my medals every single time.



1. Huttball


On offense: scoring / passing gives you attacking points so play the objectives

On defense: kill the ball carrier


So if your no where near the ball and trying to kill someone on the opposite side of the field, your hurting yourself and you need to play the game better


2. Voidstar


On offense: stay on the doors to get attacking points. Take the imitative and try to plant the bomb

On defense: stay on the doors. if your not guarding them and are chasing people around the whole map your wasting time.


Chasing people away from the objectives hurts your medal chances greatly.


3. Alderean


Stay on the nodes, whether its yours or not, gives you medals. If its mathematically impossible to win unless for a 3 cap, go camp the one you own and if your 3 capped, tell your teammates to focus on one. Spend as little time in between nodes as possible.


4. Novare Coast


Same as Alderean, fighting people in between nodes kills your medal chance.




So in conclusion if your not getting the 4 medals minimum, you need to look at how you play the game and fix it and if you still feel like the game is broken and its impossible to get 4 medals, please upload the battle (video and not screenshots) and I will tell you how to correct your play style and earn those medals.


Good luck, and game on.

Edited by itsmymillertime
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An even easier way to get the medals is join a winning team and keep leaving and joining until you find one. So much easier on a winning team then on a losing team.


And if everyone's doing that, you're going to have a hard time finding a winning team =D How about you just play better and make your team the winning team?

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huttball is the bad one, especially as a healer if you never get the ball to pass and are holding mid for your team, well better hope that 300k medal your getting or its a quick win.

Though if you do get lucky and dont get knocked off the edge and follow the ballcarrier in the endzone i think you still get credit for the score.

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After seeing people post defeat screens when no one on their team get their minimum 4 medals as well as watching twitch channels, I played on my level 50s (Sniper / Marauder / Mercenary / Assassin) and I always get 5 medals minimum in all 4 warzones without problem.


The reason people are not getting their medals is their tactics and not knowing where the medals are given, so this is for you people to get your medals as all 4 of mine are full champion and I feel confident in getting my medals every single time.



1. Huttball


On offense: scoring / passing gives you attacking points so play the objectives

On defense: kill the ball carrier


So if your no where near the ball and trying to kill someone on the opposite side of the field, your hurting yourself and you need to play the game better


2. Voidstar


On offense: stay on the doors to get attacking points. Take the imitative and try to plant the bomb

On defense: stay on the doors. if your not guarding them and are chasing people around the whole map your wasting time.


Chasing people away from the objectives hurts your medal chances greatly.


3. Alderean


Stay on the nodes, whether its yours or not, gives you medals. If its mathematically impossible to win unless for a 3 cap, go camp the one you own and if your 3 capped, tell your teammates to focus on one. Spend as little time in between nodes as possible.


4. Novare Coast


Same as Alderean, fighting people in between nodes kills your medal chance.




So in conclusion if your not getting the 4 medals minimum, you need to look at how you play the game and fix it and if you still feel like the game is broken and its impossible to get 4 medals, please upload the battle (video and not screenshots) and I will tell you how to correct your play style and earn those medals.


Good luck, and game on.


if someone is healer and must be behind of his team to heal them ALL these strategies( except hutball ) are JUST CRAP because HEALERS are the FIRST TARGET !!!



Nothing can save a healer if his team choose to not protect him and guess what ! in purgs nobody cares for healers except the very skilled players but you will not find them in purgs but in premades .

Edited by SWTOR-GR
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After seeing people post defeat screens when no one on their team get their minimum 4 medals as well as watching twitch channels, I played on my level 50s (Sniper / Marauder / Mercenary / Assassin) and I always get 5 medals minimum in all 4 warzones without problem.


The reason people are not getting their medals is their tactics and not knowing where the medals are given, so this is for you people to get your medals as all 4 of mine are full champion and I feel confident in getting my medals every single time.



1. Huttball


On offense: scoring / passing gives you attacking points so play the objectives

On defense: kill the ball carrier


So if your no where near the ball and trying to kill someone on the opposite side of the field, your hurting yourself and you need to play the game better


2. Voidstar


On offense: stay on the doors to get attacking points. Take the imitative and try to plant the bomb

On defense: stay on the doors. if your not guarding them and are chasing people around the whole map your wasting time.


Chasing people away from the objectives hurts your medal chances greatly.


3. Alderean


Stay on the nodes, whether its yours or not, gives you medals. If its mathematically impossible to win unless for a 3 cap, go camp the one you own and if your 3 capped, tell your teammates to focus on one. Spend as little time in between nodes as possible.


4. Novare Coast


Same as Alderean, fighting people in between nodes kills your medal chance.




So in conclusion if your not getting the 4 medals minimum, you need to look at how you play the game and fix it and if you still feel like the game is broken and its impossible to get 4 medals, please upload the battle (video and not screenshots) and I will tell you how to correct your play style and earn those medals.


Good luck, and game on.


funny you play all dpsers...


but if you are a healer this does no good.... if you do your job as a healer.. its hard to get 4 medals.. 2 just from healing... after that.. you have to choose... stop healing and sit at a node or start doing damage....

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And if everyone's doing that, you're going to have a hard time finding a winning team =D How about you just play better and make your team the winning team?


It is not always up to a single person to make the team win. Maybe BW needs to make PVP about killing players and getting rewards and not working the system.

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After seeing people post defeat screens when no one on their team get their minimum 4 medals as well as watching twitch channels, I played on my level 50s (Sniper / Marauder / Mercenary / Assassin) and I always get 5 medals minimum in all 4 warzones without problem.

Reps have much harder times on many servers, since many don't start in a full group of 8, so they have no chance to achieve anything before the first start already leaving again. And even with 4 or 5 medals, it is not worth the trouble, because the rewards for losing are just too low.

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You left out a big one:


5. Fighting 3 v 8 and getting farmed at your spawn point


Please describe how to get medals in this very common (90% of all games) case.

You can't, but OP doesn't know that s/he is imperial player, so s/he hasn't to worry about that.

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You can't, but OP doesn't know that s/he is imperial player, so s/he hasn't to worry about that.


If you can't get the minimum number of medals to get credit why stay? Just leave at that point.



To be fair though, I have never actually been in a Warzone against the Republic where they had less than the full 8. Granted, the vast majority of the time I'm in Huttball (now Voidstar and Novare too) against other Imperials, but I have yet to witness the oft cited 3 v 8

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If you can't get the minimum number of medals to get credit why stay? Just leave at that point.



To be fair though, I have never actually been in a Warzone against the Republic where they had less than the full 8. Granted, the vast majority of the time I'm in Huttball (now Voidstar and Novare too) against other Imperials, but I have yet to witness the oft cited 3 v 8

Depends on server popolation, seems like your server don't have that problem, thta's nice for you, but many servers have issues there.

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If you can't get the minimum number of medals to get credit why stay? Just leave at that point.



To be fair though, I have never actually been in a Warzone against the Republic where they had less than the full 8. Granted, the vast majority of the time I'm in Huttball (now Voidstar and Novare too) against other Imperials, but I have yet to witness the oft cited 3 v 8


On Correllian Run, Zaalbar and Daragon Trail it's fairly common.

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And if everyone's doing that, you're going to have a hard time finding a winning team =D How about you just play better and make your team the winning team?


I think people need to actually try pvp now instread of thinking of the way it use to be. You can be a great player and get 10 medals and lose and get virtually nothing, or the reward is so distant that it is not motivating. That is not fun, therefore don't play it. Play the system to get onto a winning team is much easier way of getting gear and rewards.

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Good post, people that aren't getting warzone coms post 1.2 need to read it.


No, it’s a depressing and patronizing post. I’ve done a dozen Alderaan matches post 1.2, half on the losing side, and the following ALWAYS happens when you start to lose:


1. People leave;


2. Several people on the losing side begin to camp the one node they hold;


3. Those who try to recap the enemy nodes don’t get support from the rest of their “team,” because their team is afraid to leave the one node they do have for fear of not getting enough Comms - eventually they give up and join the campers;


4. People joining the match either leave immediately upon seeing the score, or join the 4-6 other people camping the node.


This is not fun for ANYONE. It’s not that a healer can’t figure out how to gets 4 medals, it’s that the healer is punished for playing his role by supporting his team and trying to win.

Edited by Torcer
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I think people need to actually try pvp now instread of thinking of the way it use to be. You can be a great player and get 10 medals and lose and get virtually nothing, or the reward is so distant that it is not motivating. That is not fun, therefore don't play it. Play the system to get onto a winning team is much easier way of getting gear and rewards.



you can get around 50 if you have 10 medals but your point is valid.

The reward is so little it's not worth the frustration of:


1 losing

2 getting griefed by opponent

3 getting screwed over by your teammates who decide to quit early or to farm medals


Honestly, whose 'brilliant' idea is it to award people medals for standing around a node doing nothing? Not mine, but if it is i'd probably put a screwdriver through my brain.

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No amount of tips will help the ones complaining about getting no rewards. They simply don't care.


If you cant get 3 medals from a full game, simply just uninstall the game or just dont pvp


It's not about getting 3 medals.

I can get 3 medals in any wz with my eyes closed.


The issue is that farming medals become the thing to do because once people are losing they decide to give up and stand around farming defender point.


The issue is even after getting 3 medals we still get little rewards for our hard work, while the winning team (most likely a premade cuz that's how it happens on daltmorra) laugh their *** off because they're getting 100+.


The issue is people who are only looking to win would leave immediately because they dont wanna wait waste 20 min on a losing team just to get 20/30 comm when they could be somewhere else getting 100.


The issue is getting dropped into a wz when its 3 vs 8, 4 of which are healers premade premade because ranked wz isn't out.

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It's not about getting 3 medals.

I can get 3 medals in any wz with my eyes closed.


The issue is people who are only looking to win would leave immediately because they dont wanna wait waste 20 min on a losing team just to get 20/30 comm when they could be somewhere else getting 100.


The issue is getting dropped into a wz when its 3 vs 8, 4 of which are healers premade premade because ranked wz isn't out.


So they join a winning team and get carried? great, i rather the losers leave and maybe get someone that can actually play, which happens allot.


If people actually played the objectives no matter how hard the opposing team is, you should easily walk away with 5 medals, even 8, earning you around 40 to 55, i have even had 65 for a loss.

You can't just play deathmatch now and i really think thats the issue with alot of players.


Anyway, I would be all in for even rewards if they did something to actually get people to play to win and not just wack away for high dmg/heal numbers

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After seeing people post defeat screens when no one on their team get their minimum 4 medals as well as watching twitch channels, I played on my level 50s (Sniper / Marauder / Mercenary / Assassin) and I always get 5 medals minimum in all 4 warzones without problem.


The reason people are not getting their medals is their tactics and not knowing where the medals are given, so this is for you people to get your medals as all 4 of mine are full champion and I feel confident in getting my medals every single time.



1. Huttball


On offense: scoring / passing gives you attacking points so play the objectives

On defense: kill the ball carrier


So if your no where near the ball and trying to kill someone on the opposite side of the field, your hurting yourself and you need to play the game better


2. Voidstar


On offense: stay on the doors to get attacking points. Take the imitative and try to plant the bomb

On defense: stay on the doors. if your not guarding them and are chasing people around the whole map your wasting time.


Chasing people away from the objectives hurts your medal chances greatly.


3. Alderean


Stay on the nodes, whether its yours or not, gives you medals. If its mathematically impossible to win unless for a 3 cap, go camp the one you own and if your 3 capped, tell your teammates to focus on one. Spend as little time in between nodes as possible.


4. Novare Coast


Same as Alderean, fighting people in between nodes kills your medal chance.




So in conclusion if your not getting the 4 medals minimum, you need to look at how you play the game and fix it and if you still feel like the game is broken and its impossible to get 4 medals, please upload the battle (video and not screenshots) and I will tell you how to correct your play style and earn those medals.


Good luck, and game on.

It's not a problem to get 4 medals. The problem is to get 4 medals doing something helpful for your team - and not to zerg...

Edited by UlleX
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So they join a winning team and get carried? great, i rather the losers leave and maybe get someone that can actually play, which happens allot.


If people actually played the objectives no matter how hard the opposing team is, you should easily walk away with 5 medals, even 8, earning you around 40 to 55, i have even had 65 for a loss.

You can't just play deathmatch now and i really think thats the issue with alot of players.


Anyway, I would be all in for even rewards if they did something to actually get people to play to win and not just wack away for high dmg/heal numbers

Yeah people playing for the objectives... like in the previous patch where medal farming didn't get you anything. God knows why they made it such a bad system now.

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