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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I didn't care for the event either. Had fun but nonetheless I would have changed it a bit.


It's Tatooine, one of my favorite planets however it's pretty silly to put the Open PvP area right next to the Imp base effectively forcing all Republic to the North, Taxi to the Fort in the Dune Sea or walking through Bantha Drift Tunnel (Why can't I ride through there again).


Forced PvP for the Bantha boss. I'm on a PvE server because I'm a soft skinned carebear. I enjoy taking down a world boss and having other ***hats trying to kill my Ops while taking down a boss or getting killed trying to even see if it's up. It was designed for X players (I'll say a normal mode 16 man Ops group) however it only takes 1 or more gankers to kill you if you try and see if it's up.


Plague was like the WoW Hakkar Plague (September 2005 for the kids). I didn't care for it then and still don't. It's sanctioned griefing. I can stand at the bank/GTN minding my own business and BOOM infected. Questing on Corellia and have some ***hat follow me around to try and infect me. It would have been better if it were contained to Tatooine. 2000 credit vaccine - Should have been mailed to me. I didn't know the event was happening or that there was a vaccine available.


You want the vanity pet and/or title you have to participate. It's hard not to participate when people run around the fleet trying to inflict everyone. What's fun for some isn't fun for others. Spending the time to code this event on the heels of 1.2 made it even less fun knowing that the manpower wasted on this could have fixed 1.2 issues.

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You're absolutely entitled to enjoy the event, but just be aware that some are not always looking for something to complain about. I try to avoid complaining, generally, and if anything have the tendency to be too lenient and let things go. Yet I am unhappy about this, because I genuinely don't like it.


To each his own, but please don't just attribute other people's opinions to some kind of predetermined opposition.


Yes, yes I am enjoying it. :D

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You're absolutely entitled to enjoy the event, but just be aware that some are not always looking for something to complain about. I try to avoid complaining, generally, and if anything have the tendency to be too lenient and let things go. Yet I am unhappy about this, because I genuinely don't like it.


To each his own, but please don't just attribute other people's opinions to some kind of predetermined opposition.


I guess for me and a lot of other people, I just cant see the downside to this event, and what isnt to like.


You can spend 2k to opt out for 6 hours, or go do 60 minutes of daily quests and have 12 or more free vaccines, codex entries, credits and xp....along with a limited time pet. Now granted, both require a player to DO something, but then again, this is a game that requires you to do something to gain anything at all.....so its not unheard of.


Basically, if there were no way to not participate, I could understand the frustration. But even if you DO get infected, you dont have any downsides like repair bills or bad aftereffects, you get tokens for purchasing things for just blowing up. To me, they went out of the way to have ways for ANYONE to complain about things.

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I don't see the big problem. Like many of pointed out it's 2k for a vaccine for 5+ hours immunity. It's easy to see when people are close to exploding. And it is easy to get away from somebody who is about to explode.


Furthermore, when you explode you get 5 DNA samples. You could easily sell these for more than 2k. 83 for a black green crystal. 60 for a pet. 20 for a random companion customization.


So really why are people complaining? 2k for a vaccine immunity for a long time, easy to avoid being infected and actually profitable if you let yourself explode.

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I guess for me and a lot of other people, I just cant see the downside to this event, and what isnt to like.


You can spend 2k to opt out for 6 hours, or go do 60 minutes of daily quests and have 12 or more free vaccines, codex entries, credits and xp....along with a limited time pet. Now granted, both require a player to DO something, but then again, this is a game that requires you to do something to gain anything at all.....so its not unheard of.


Basically, if there were no way to not participate, I could understand the frustration. But even if you DO get infected, you dont have any downsides like repair bills or bad aftereffects, you get tokens for purchasing things for just blowing up. To me, they went out of the way to have ways for ANYONE to complain about things.


For me, I think it's more a matter of preference. I just liked things the way they were. I don't like all the hubbub, the people running around looking infected, the (temporary, but nonetheless) drop in people participating in other aspects of the game, etc.


I also, while not being on an RP server, have a certain degree of RP in me, so I just refuse to get infected. It's not what we're "supposed" to do. We're "supposed" to contain the plague, not spread it. Folks have said that, in real life, you can't avoid disasters, plagues, etc., and that it makes it more realistic that you cannot in game. By that logic, however, I should not allow myself to get infected! :) In real life, if I had medication to cure a deadly illness, I'd sure as heck use it and then use it on everyone else.


It's more a lot of little things that all add up to my distaste, as opposed to any one big thing.

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I didn't care for the event either. Had fun but nonetheless I would have changed it a bit.


It's Tatooine, one of my favorite planets however it's pretty silly to put the Open PvP area right next to the Imp base effectively forcing all Republic to the North, Taxi to the Fort in the Dune Sea or walking through Bantha Drift Tunnel (Why can't I ride through there again).


Forced PvP for the Bantha boss. I'm on a PvE server because I'm a soft skinned carebear. I enjoy taking down a world boss and having other ***hats trying to kill my Ops while taking down a boss or getting killed trying to even see if it's up. It was designed for X players (I'll say a normal mode 16 man Ops group) however it only takes 1 or more gankers to kill you if you try and see if it's up.


Plague was like the WoW Hakkar Plague (September 2005 for the kids). I didn't care for it then and still don't. It's sanctioned griefing. I can stand at the bank/GTN minding my own business and BOOM infected. Questing on Corellia and have some ***hat follow me around to try and infect me. It would have been better if it were contained to Tatooine. 2000 credit vaccine - Should have been mailed to me. I didn't know the event was happening or that there was a vaccine available.


You want the vanity pet and/or title you have to participate. It's hard not to participate when people run around the fleet trying to inflict everyone. What's fun for some isn't fun for others. Spending the time to code this event on the heels of 1.2 made it even less fun knowing that the manpower wasted on this could have fixed 1.2 issues.


So you go to a world boss, for an event you do not like into an AO knowing the area is a PvP active location. Yet when the PvP happens(In a PvP area) along with the boss fight you feel forced into the situation?;)

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Thanks for the notification of the plague. Having played through this kind of thing before in Warcraft I guess I can find other things to do in the meantime. I'll come back in, what 2 or 3 weeks time. I'll check out the forums so do keep posting. I seriously do hate this kind of thing cus in truth what I have to put up with is a silly game of childish tag... Have fun while it lasts. Yet just another reason to stop playing... I have to say its getting easier and easier.


I hear console, single player, games are fun. You just run around without any contact with other players. To the OP and yourself, I'd recommend you remove the stick from your rear parts and either stop playing MMORPGs, or get over it. It gets really old hearing people complaining "OH NOES PEOPLE IS INTERACTIN WIF ME IN MMO GAMESES!!! QQ". As you stated in your whining session, there is already a precedent for this, so you knew it was likely to occur prior to you subscribing. Claiming ignorance is not a defense. In SWTOR you are guaranteed virtual life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness; not happiness in of itself.

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Thanks for the notification of the plague. Having played through this kind of thing before in Warcraft I guess I can find other things to do in the meantime. I'll come back in, what 2 or 3 weeks time. I'll check out the forums so do keep posting. I seriously do hate this kind of thing cus in truth what I have to put up with is a silly game of childish tag... Have fun while it lasts. Yet just another reason to stop playing... I have to say its getting easier and easier.


why not participate instead of just being like "oh this is slightly inconvenient, i guess i just won't play till it's over :eor:"



Why not try doing the actual quests on tat instead of just sitting in the fleet getting annoyed? Be an active part of your community. Otherwise why play an MMO in the first place?

Edited by KrittaB
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For me, I think it's more a matter of preference. I just liked things the way they were. I don't like all the hubbub, the people running around looking infected, the (temporary, but nonetheless) drop in people participating in other aspects of the game, etc.


I also, while not being on an RP server, have a certain degree of RP in me, so I just refuse to get infected. It's not what we're "supposed" to do. We're "supposed" to contain the plague, not spread it. Folks have said that, in real life, you can't avoid disasters, plagues, etc., and that it makes it more realistic that you cannot in game. By that logic, however, I should not allow myself to get infected! :) In real life, if I had medication to cure a deadly illness, I'd sure as heck use it and then use it on everyone else.


It's more a lot of little things that all add up to my distaste, as opposed to any one big thing.


Rest assured, the event will end some day.

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For me, I think it's more a matter of preference. I just liked things the way they were. I don't like all the hubbub, the people running around looking infected, the (temporary, but nonetheless) drop in people participating in other aspects of the game, etc.


I also, while not being on an RP server, have a certain degree of RP in me, so I just refuse to get infected. It's not what we're "supposed" to do. We're "supposed" to contain the plague, not spread it. Folks have said that, in real life, you can't avoid disasters, plagues, etc., and that it makes it more realistic that you cannot in game. By that logic, however, I should not allow myself to get infected! :) In real life, if I had medication to cure a deadly illness, I'd sure as heck use it and then use it on everyone else.


It's more a lot of little things that all add up to my distaste, as opposed to any one big thing.


I can understand coming from an RP server how you might not like it. Of course, most MMO's these days do live events so many times a year, so honestly you should expect sometimes for things "not to be the way they were". It wont last long, and it may never happen again.....so the rewards, codex entries, etc are all limited time. A lot of people, RP'ers included, enjoy some variety sometimes....and limited time events are usually considered quite fun. Dying from the plague is no different from dying from anything else ingame honestly, so if can RP past death to begin with.....the event shouldn't pose too much problems if you DO get infected.

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Plague was like the WoW Hakkar Plague (September 2005 for the kids). I didn't care for it then and still don't. It's sanctioned griefing. I can stand at the bank/GTN minding my own business and BOOM infected. Questing on Corellia and have some ***hat follow me around to try and infect me. It would have been better if it were contained to Tatooine. 2000 credit vaccine - Should have been mailed to me. I didn't know the event was happening or that there was a vaccine available.


You mean the Corrupted Blood Incident? That was a mistake not an event. It was a debuff that was suppose to only work in the dungeon and lasted longer than it should have. It was contagious and spread to Players, NPC, pets. Blizzard tried to vaccinate players but the players infected pets so they could pull them out and reinfect people. Finally Blizzard had patch the servers to remove the plaque.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


Holy tears. Suck it up buttercup. Raghoul plagues happen. Heaven forbid Bioware try to turn this multiplyer RPG into an MMO!

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.




Events like this are not for everyone and should have been on a I'll participate if I want too.

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I can understand coming from an RP server how you might not like it. Of course, most MMO's these days do live events so many times a year, so honestly you should expect sometimes for things "not to be the way they were". It wont last long, and it may never happen again.....so the rewards, codex entries, etc are all limited time. A lot of people, RP'ers included, enjoy some variety sometimes....and limited time events are usually considered quite fun. Dying from the plague is no different from dying from anything else ingame honestly, so if can RP past death to begin with.....the event shouldn't pose too much problems if you DO get infected.


On an Rp server and I love it. It provides some creative fuel to rp. Unless of course some people feel they have to control every aspect of rp to the degree that it is less then creative and strangle the life out of it. The event is a go regardless and I hope to see more.:wea_01:

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Its the most stupid idea i have ever seen in an MMO lets all stand still for 2 hours great gaming concept go go Bioware. The water in Austin Texas must have got polluted with plague to come up with this game mechanic.


p.s This is in regard to the Plaguebearer (sic) quest and not the whole event which is good.

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Its the most stupid idea i have ever seen in an MMO lets all stand still for 2 hours great gaming concept go go Bioware. The water in Austin Texas must have got polluted with mad cow disease from all them steers.


Wow, I dont even know what to say to this one....I am not sure if your trying to troll or serious in your statement.

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


Oh gimme a break. Im finding it hard to even get infected unless I stand in the big crowd of players. Stop crying over spilled milk. You have to be pretty unlucky to unintentionally get the virus and even if you do its a few seconds of stun, 2-3 times, and a death after 30 minutes that doesnt break armor.


If you dont want to take part thats fine but dont try to call it off and ruin it for others just because you got slightly inconvenienced.


Hell, IMO they shouldve made it like a real outbreak and just have the infected player *cough* every few minutes, infecting everyone nearby (but remove the death or stun and make the vaccines much cheaper). Maybe just transform the player models like they get before they explode now with a few new attacks and/or emotes.

Edited by MasterKayote
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I can understand coming from an RP server how you might not like it. Of course, most MMO's these days do live events so many times a year, so honestly you should expect sometimes for things "not to be the way they were". It wont last long, and it may never happen again.....so the rewards, codex entries, etc are all limited time. A lot of people, RP'ers included, enjoy some variety sometimes....and limited time events are usually considered quite fun. Dying from the plague is no different from dying from anything else ingame honestly, so if can RP past death to begin with.....the event shouldn't pose too much problems if you DO get infected.


Funny enough, the guy was saying a few posts before that this type of events should be restricted to RP servers. Now we discover he's playing in a RP one :rolleyes:


You're losing your time as other people have tried real hard to explain him how his logic is contradictory and flawed (if you don't believe me, check the entire thread). No way because, as I say, this people are insatiable. Lose-lose scenario.

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i think this is a fun event! it was great having everyone gathered at fleet goofing off in chat and actually socializing and being silly. I stayed there a little bit, then headed back to tattoine to do some questing related to the event.

I'm not sure what the problem is about getting infected. You don't have to spend 2k to get rid of it. If it happens, just explode in 15 minutes and get on with what you were doing- you are now cured. The worst you have to deal with is getting sick a few times within those 15 minutes. After it happens the first time you know to stay away from people who are green with glowing eyes. it's not like you are losing experience or anything.

I'm currently questing on belsavis and didn't see anyone infected there. so if i really didn't want to get infected i could go back to my storyline quest and never be bothered by it. I'm also hunting bird eggs elsewhere and haven't been infected there either.

I do think that it would have been more fun if it followed the news story and flagged infected people to be killed. after all, they tell us to stop the plague from spreading by any means possible, and if we can't, call in help.

I'm going to enjoy the event and participate in something fun bioware did to make the world a little more interactive.

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Oh? And how am I supposed to avoid participating?


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid hearing the annoying announcement every 5 minutes on the fleet?


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid spending money on vaccines when I die (which happens in every warzone, of course).


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid feeling slightly nauseous seeing people reeking with green fumes everywhere?


How am I supposed to sell any of my newly craftable items - which were bringing in a very nice income since the patch - when nobody even pays attention to the GTN anymore?


Tell me, how do I do these things?


These are your gripes with this event? REALLY? smh...





No, I hate it when I am paying for one thing, something which I had agreed to pay for, and then that is taken away and replaced by something different which I did not agree to pay for.


Stop playing MMo's. WHICH CHANGE often on a daily basis. You are just going to be let down. I do think this is a Pro level of troll here.

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Funny enough, the guy was saying a few posts before that this type of events should be restricted to RP servers. Now we discover he's playing in a RP one :rolleyes:


You're losing your time as other people have tried real hard to explain him how his logic is contradictory and flawed (if you don't believe me, check the entire thread). No way because, as I say, this people are insatiable. Lose-lose scenario.


I never said I play in or played in one. In fact, exactly the opposite. I said I am not on an RP server.


What I said was that I had a certain amount of RP in me. Perhaps this was a n unclear statement, and I apologize. What I meant was that, though I do not play on an RP server, the way I look at my character has a small amount of RP. In other words, I didn't just choose conversation choices for the best stats, nor will I wear armor just for the stats, etc., but care about the look of it because I do have some idea of "who my character is" and want to keep it that way.


In any case, my logic is very simple:


I like the event, I hate the plague.


Edit: Also, despite what was said all night long, it's becoming more and more apparent across a variety of threads that there are a lot more people that really don't like this than folks tried to insist there were.

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