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I've loved Star Wars since 1977 but...


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it turns out that Star Wars, for me, begins and ends with the 3 original movies. I've never cared much for EU of any sort. Anything George or others created just didn't live up to what I imagined while listening to Ben tell Luke about the Jedi and Old Republic.


Most of this game is just silly. There has been NO advancement in tech in over 3 thousand years, TOR to Ep. 1? For me, The Old Republic would be Jedi and Sith, period. Lots of sword play, knives also but no guns. I understand why BHs and Smugglers are in the game. I also understand the inclusion of Troopers. These are all very popular archetypes from the movies and tv.


I thought this would be a really cool game but, for me, it just isn't living up to that expectation. This isn't a QQ on how the game sucks, it's just not for me.


For those who stay, have a great time and for those, like me, who are leaving hopefully we find something better. For now, I'll just go watch Star Wars, Empire and Jedi and be happy.



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I love the extended universe. It's just so rich with a lot of space for imagining things and becoming immersed! I don't agree that the EU sucks. You need to look into it some more. Truthfully I wasn't into the Star Wars universe before I played KOTOR, but man was I wrong.


We know from earth's history that there are periods of greatness followed by periods of decline. We can extrapolate to the SW universe so it's definitely possible you can have a periods advancement, stability and stagnation; look up the Infinite Empire--a much more advanced period that preceded the PUB era. (I'm not sure tho, don't know too much about the lores.) The overall EU stretches some 15,000 years where FTL existed from the start. The universe is unthinkably huge and the timescale involved unfathomable.


So I disagree.

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I feel for the OP. I'm not a fan of Star Wars either. I knew very little about Star Wars before playing this game so for me the IP was not a draw at all. What did draw me to this MMO was the fact that I love playing MMO's and I like science fiction. Not the Star Wars or Star Trek style of pulp sci fi though. I love the gritty, more serious sci fi. Still, I thought this game would make a nice change to all the elves and dragons.


My verdict after 3 months is that I really love this game. The game, that is. I don't love Star Wars. Heresy, I know, but I've gone from not knowing much about Star Wars to knowing more than I want to. In short, I don't like Star Wars.


So I'm torn. Do I stay with a game I like, rooted in a setting that I don't like?

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I feel for the OP. I'm not a fan of Star Wars either. I knew very little about Star Wars before playing this game so for me the IP was not a draw at all. What did draw me to this MMO was the fact that I love playing MMO's and I like science fiction. Not the Star Wars or Star Trek style of pulp sci fi though. I love the gritty, more serious sci fi. Still, I thought this game would make a nice change to all the elves and dragons.


My verdict after 3 months is that I really love this game. The game, that is. I don't love Star Wars. Heresy, I know, but I've gone from not knowing much about Star Wars to knowing more than I want to. In short, I don't like Star Wars.


So I'm torn. Do I stay with a game I like, rooted in a setting that I don't like?


I understand what you are saying, and I would suggest that you stick with TOR a while. And a big part of that is because I am unaware of any other sci-fi MMOs that are worth playing, other than EvE and that is a completely different type of game. It is good, but it ditched the "learning curve" for a "learning cliff", and is all ship based to begin with. I like going down to planets.

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I understand how Star Wars EU is kind of ridiculous in many regards.


For one, they Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan the Force. Who needs a Death Star? Some Sith can destroy whole planets themselves. Oh noes there's a falling Imperial Star Destroyer? I'm a Sith/Jedi d00d I'll just catch it!


And yes, the technology is really approaching the unbelievable "can no longer suspend disbelief" if it's not there already. Tech just doesn't advance. They say it does but it doesn't.


Also, too many stupid things happen in EU. Some of it is just terribly written. Some of it is good but every time you take anything and put THAT many random writers on the job some stuff will end up sucking.


EU has a different feel entirely sometimes.



As for the Prequels, JarJar? Yeah, it's made for a different generation.




That all said I still enjoy it.

Edited by ISDEnterprise
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I understand what you are saying, and I would suggest that you stick with TOR a while. And a big part of that is because I am unaware of any other sci-fi MMOs that are worth playing, other than EvE and that is a completely different type of game. It is good, but it ditched the "learning curve" for a "learning cliff", and is all ship based to begin with. I like going down to planets.


Yeah, I tried Eve for a month and it really wasn't for me either. That was a case of "love the setting. Don't like the game". Kind of the opposite of SWTOR.

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Most of this game is just silly. There has been NO advancement in tech in over 3 thousand years, TOR to Ep. 1? For me, The Old Republic would be Jedi and Sith, period. Lots of sword play, knives also but no guns. I understand why BHs and Smugglers are in the game. I also understand the inclusion of Troopers. These are all very popular archetypes from the movies and tv.




Not to mention the zero tech advancement in the next 10,000 years before the triagy. This was hard for me to accept as well, then I did some digging in the EU ...


Turn out they did fantastic in explaining that and making it part of some really fantastic concepts. The TL;DR run down is all the tech you are using right now is from advanced races that are not around any more, with the bulk of the imperial fleet being built direct by the star forge. They haven't advanced the tech because they don't understand it, the only thing they focus on is reconstructing it to the point where they can rebuild it exactly as it was.


So the starship you are flying around in wasn't built by some scientist who understands space time, it's some grunt technician who reverse engineered something he doesn't even close to understand and rebuilt it with a slighty better powercore (likely based on some other tech he dosn't understand at all)


Worse, this leads to an anti-science culture where people are no longer encouraged to learn the basics. Why bother with learning the motion of the planets or how gravity works when you have a gree computer that will do it for you?


I think it's a nice spin on normal science fiction, and I like how they worked it into the crafting system. Or did you notice that? We don't learn or research anything! We FIND schematics for things like "exotech blah blah blah" or other alien tech, follow recipes to make exact copies, then reverse engineer them to try and improve them a little at a time.


Just my opinion. Not all more valid then yours.

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For one, they Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan the Force. Who needs a Death Star? Some Sith can destroy whole planets themselves. Oh noes there's a falling Imperial Star Destroyer? I'm a Sith/Jedi d00d I'll just catch it!


This is exactly why I found the EU to be completely ridiculous. It's also why I find some of the Vader vs insert EU force god here to be hilarious. It's like "vader can force choke people". yea well X can blow up your mom from across the galaxy PWNED *****. The authors of the eu definetly gave into the power creep.

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This is exactly why I found the EU to be completely ridiculous. It's also why I find some of the Vader vs insert EU force god here to be hilarious. It's like "vader can force choke people". yea well X can blow up your mom from across the galaxy PWNED *****. The authors of the eu definetly gave into the power creep.


I find the whole Jedi/Sith thing ridiculous too, or at least the way they are protrayed as these super powered, godlike warriors. I don't remember anything like that being in the original trilogy.


One thing I don't like about this game (and there really isn't much I don't like - I am a fan honest) is the fact that half the classes are force users. I get that this is set in a time when there were a lot more jedi/sith around, but half the classes? Really? I think if they were going to have 4 classes per faction it would have been better to have 1 force user and three non-force user classes.

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One thing I don't like about this game (and there really isn't much I don't like - I am a fan honest) is the fact that half the classes are force users. I get that this is set in a time when there were a lot more jedi/sith around, but half the classes? Really? I think if they were going to have 4 classes per faction it would have been better to have 1 force user and three non-force user classes.


I understand your criticism, but I honestly don't know what other classes they could have added.


Example: Jawa/scrounger class? That might be good and fine, but how would that balance with all of the other classes?

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I understand your criticism, but I honestly don't know what other classes they could have added.


Example: Jawa/scrounger class? That might be good and fine, but how would that balance with all of the other classes?


Sarlaac Enforcer? anyone?

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I can't remember where I read this somebody help me out:


My understanding of the Star Wars galaxy is that technology hasn't advanced in thousands of years for a good reason: Because it can't.


The theory goes, there are a finite number of elements in the universe, therefore there is a finite number of things that can be done with those elements, therefore at some point technology will reach a point at which it can advance no further, at least not in any meaningful way. Designs and styles can change but the fundamental technologies remain the same.


From what I understand, the galaxy in which Star Wars takes place has been in this situation for the ten thousand years prior to Episode 6. Technology doesn't advance because there's nowhere left for it to go.


I seriously can't remember where I read that. Someone help me.

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I think TOR would have been far more interesting if they had cranked it back further to where things were acutally NEW.


To a time when the Force was this strange thing very few understood, much less wielded. To when Hyperdrives were something unheard of, where we get to see the First Contact with a lot of species that are now Star Wars staples. All of this culminating in to the founding of the Galactic Republic.

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I think TOR would have been far more interesting if they had cranked it back further to where things were acutally NEW.


To a time when the Force was this strange thing very few understood, much less wielded. To when Hyperdrives were something unheard of, where we get to see the First Contact with a lot of species that are now Star Wars staples. All of this culminating in to the founding of the Galactic Republic.


In case you dont know...




But in resonce to the EU Mr.OP...i suggest you read the old EU novels from the 90's (Easy way to spot them is thier published by Bantam and not DelRey), they were as close to the OT as you can get, once The New Jedi order novels came out it's been down hill ever since.

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In case you dont know...




But in resonce to the EU Mr.OP...i suggest you read the old EU novels from the 90's (Easy way to spot them is thier published by Bantam and not DelRey), they were as close to the OT as you can get, once The New Jedi order novels came out it's been down hill ever since.


Well ok then. There's the source material to work from. Too late now, though. TOR is already out and they can't exactly massively alter the story at this point in time.

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For one, they Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan the Force. Who needs a Death Star? Some Sith can destroy whole planets themselves. Oh noes there's a falling Imperial Star Destroyer? I'm a Sith/Jedi d00d I'll just catch it!


Name the "Sith can destroy whole planets themselves". If you're referring to Tenebrae, he did not do it by him self. He tricked almost all the remaining sith lords into helping preform the ritual.


As for the power demonstrated in the "unleashed" series, this was a intentional exaggeration and that aspect is not considered canon.

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I understand how Star Wars EU is kind of ridiculous in many regards.


For one, they Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan the Force. Who needs a Death Star? Some Sith can destroy whole planets themselves. Oh noes there's a falling Imperial Star Destroyer? I'm a Sith/Jedi d00d I'll just catch it!


And yes, the technology is really approaching the unbelievable "can no longer suspend disbelief" if it's not there already. Tech just doesn't advance. They say it does but it doesn't.


Also, too many stupid things happen in EU. Some of it is just terribly written. Some of it is good but every time you take anything and put THAT many random writers on the job some stuff will end up sucking.


EU has a different feel entirely sometimes.



As for the Prequels, JarJar? Yeah, it's made for a different generation.




That all said I still enjoy it.


I don't need a death star I'll just blow you up with my mind powers. That's ridiculous. The Jedi vs. Sith battle has gone out of control. From teleportation to destroying entire civilizations with their mind. Definitely one of the worst things about the EU. As for Jar Jar: he's a fool but he has his uses.

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This is exactly why I found the EU to be completely ridiculous. It's also why I find some of the Vader vs insert EU force god here to be hilarious. It's like "vader can force choke people". yea well X can blow up your mom from across the galaxy PWNED *****. The authors of the eu definetly gave into the power creep.


Which is why I only consider the movies to be canon. But some of the EU books are a good read.

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I love the EU more.


I find the movies dreadful, to be honest. The last three (Newest ones) were just horrid. Poor CGI along with horrible dialogue and writing.


Problem with EU is you have a lot of horrible authors penning garbage. Sometimes you find a real solid gem though, and the entire lore comes together and you just say "Yeah. This is what it should be like".

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it turns out that Star Wars, for me, begins and ends with the 3 original movies. I've never cared much for EU of any sort. Anything George or others created just didn't live up to what I imagined while listening to Ben tell Luke about the Jedi and Old Republic.


Most of this game is just silly. There has been NO advancement in tech in over 3 thousand years, TOR to Ep. 1?


I'd suggest reading the Tales of The Jedi comics.


Technology in general looked more primitive, to help convey that it's four thousand years before the movies.

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it turns out that Star Wars, for me, begins and ends with the 3 original movies. I've never cared much for EU of any sort. Anything George or others created just didn't live up to what I imagined while listening to Ben tell Luke about the Jedi and Old Republic.


Most of this game is just silly. There has been NO advancement in tech in over 3 thousand years, TOR to Ep. 1? For me, The Old Republic would be Jedi and Sith, period. Lots of sword play, knives also but no guns. I understand why BHs and Smugglers are in the game. I also understand the inclusion of Troopers. These are all very popular archetypes from the movies and tv.


I thought this would be a really cool game but, for me, it just isn't living up to that expectation. This isn't a QQ on how the game sucks, it's just not for me.


For those who stay, have a great time and for those, like me, who are leaving hopefully we find something better. For now, I'll just go watch Star Wars, Empire and Jedi and be happy.




You must be kidding.The EU is so much better than the films.At least the one that happens before the films.(the one that happens after the films is terrible)


In my case,i even didn't like the Star Wars franchise at all,until i played kotor 1 and 2.If you haven't,you should do it,before playing ToR.

Edited by Kaedusz
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