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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any AC's that aren't frustraiting to play post 1.2?


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This is not sarcasm. I went back to playing my 25 commando today just for fun. no other reason. While questing on Tatooine, I was getting destroyed by normal/silver pve mobs. After about the 5th death in 40 minutes, I rage-quit playing. I was on the forums searching to see if something was wrong with my spec. While searching I found that mostly everyone who plays trooper is pissed off post 1.2. So i decided to play one of my other classes, but found most people are also pissed at the changes made to their class as well. Here's the deal. I'm not looking for an "easy" class to play. I just want to play one that isn't mind-numbingly frustrating due to 1.2 nerfs. So out of curiosity I was wondering if there are any classes out there currently pleased with a class they are playing instead of the growing threads of AC frustration? I am just looking for a better gaming experience. Rather than playing a heavy armor wearing, glass cannon, with almost no survivability. Edited by badboynix
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Maraders and Sentenalls are the best since the patch.


Yep and Max level/gear Sins/Shadows as well as Gaurds/Jugs ppl are not complaining about much.


Hmm, my Pyrotech Powertech hasn't changed much. Now I just throw in an extra Unload and Grenade every few shots. Maybe even a flame thrower.


this also


Also Healer ops and Scoundrals


Classes that have been affected the most are.




all specs

Scoundral/Ops Dps


these are the most affected classes.


I play a sage and honestly i think our changes were warranted. Slight decrease in DPS from spamable force lightning was a good ting forcing ppl to play proper rotations rather then midlessly mashing the I win button with the Presence of mind TK wave procs.


I also think "SOME" of the changes on the Merc Commando's were also warranted but some were also planeg stupid. (eg they killed the trauma probe "earth shield type abilaty".)


They should not have touched Scoundrals at all though.


The real prob is when you factor in the Buffs to Sent/marauders the not changing of Shaodws/sins then classes that were nerfed are even worse off in a PvP environment then previously b/c the gap between classes increases.

Edited by Stavroz
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Arsenal Mercs are unaffected. In fact, most of the changes were in-line with the Arsenal Spec, anyway, as if Bioware was saying, "hey, this is the best DPS spec to use, please do so."

Edited by terminova
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Yep and Max level/gear Sins/Shadows as well as Gaurds/Jugs ppl are not complaining about much.




this also


Also Healer ops and Scoundrals


Classes that have been affected the most are.




all specs

Scoundral/Ops Dps


these are the most affected classes.


I play a sage and honestly i think our changes were warranted. Slight decrease in DPS from spamable force lightning was a good ting forcing ppl to play proper rotations rather then midlessly mashing the I win button with the Presence of mind TK wave procs.


I also think "SOME" of the changes on the Merc Commando's were also warranted but some were also planeg stupid. (eg they killed the trauma probe "earth shield type abilaty".)


They should not have touched Scoundrals at all though.


The real prob is when you factor in the Buffs to Sent/marauders the not changing of Shaodws/sins then classes that were nerfed are even worse off in a PvP environment then previously b/c the gap between classes increases.


I play a 35 Sage (madness spec) darkside aligned. I agree with you that some of the nerfs where needed to make that class more challenging. I believe that of my Commando as well. My Commando is Gunnery spec. What I'm not ok with is the now low survivability rate, from a heavy armor wearing class, in both pve and pvp. Since 1.2 I hemorrhage damage quickly, run out of rounds too fast, and have barely any effective close range defense. I'm ok with having to choose a more effective attack strategy. I actually prefer it. However I now feel, as a Commando, I must fear the wind blowing.

Edited by badboynix
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My vanguard is good, and my gunslinger seems to have improved a little bit though I need to play longer to be sure I also spent more time using my skill points with more knowledge of how I played the class.


Have to try my healers to see if they are better or worse.

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Maraders and Sentenalls are the best since the patch.


Maybe that's because Marauders and Sentinels weren't nerfed nor should they have been. Combat spec (don't know the mara equivalent) was even buffed (or more correctly fixed).


I haven't played much on my troopers but my level 10 trooper solo'd Heroics on Ord Mantell. Maybe it's the ACs that are messed up.

Edited by JerokTalram
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My assassin and my sniper are fine. Then again, snipers could always die to a couple of silvers if you didn't pay attention to what you are doing. Not saying they died easily but things my tank-sin just waded through has always required thought on my sniper.
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All my classes are still fun to play.


Maybe you;re asking what is the current fire on the move reroll class? I hear its Marauders/Sentinels. But that in itself is little proof and granted if nerfs happen you might find yourself in this conundrum again in the next patch. Maybe its time for a new aproach to MMORPG gaming?

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Maraders and Sentenalls are the best since the patch.


He's having trouble leveling. Marauders and Sentinels are straight-up the hardest class to play in the game. They're actually made of paper, the primary reason they stay alive is that their CDs are strong. If he's a player who is dying playing Tanks, what's going to happen when he plays a Mara / Sent and doesn't use his CDs properly?


He's going to die, over-and-over again.


Sentinels don't even get their healer until their mid-30s, so what's he going to do from 1 - 35, being someone struggling to play the game? Die. Over. And. Over.


The best class to play if you don't want to die is a Sith Sorcerer. Why? Khem Val. You start the game with the best tanking companion in the game. Play as DPS spec, you'll find its quite forgiving. The only caveat to playing an Inquisitor is that your Chapter 1 quest boss is tough for beginners - so be sure to party up when you face them, remember you lose *nothing* by doing single player content in a group.

Edited by subrosian
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He's having trouble leveling. Marauders and Sentinels are straight-up the hardest class to play in the game. They're actually made of paper, the primary reason they stay alive is that their CDs are strong. If he's a player who is dying playing Tanks, what's going to happen when he plays a Mara / Sent and doesn't use his CDs properly?


He's going to die, over-and-over again.


Sentinels don't even get their healer until their mid-30s, so what's he going to do from 1 - 35, being someone struggling to play the game? Die. Over. And. Over.


The best class to play if you don't want to die is a Sith Sorcerer. Why? Khem Val. You start the game with the best tanking companion in the game. Play as DPS spec, you'll find its quite forgiving. The only caveat to playing an Inquisitor is that your Chapter 1 quest boss is tough for beginners - so be sure to party up when you face them, remember you lose *nothing* by doing single player content in a group.


lol if you say so I am having little issues leveling my Sent, and hell why would anyone level a Sorc/Sage anymore they free PvP kills.

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Mara/Sent, Sniper/GS, Scoundrel/OP heals, VG/PT, non healing Comm/Merc and Guard/Jugg. No massive game breaking changes with them. I play all but the Sent/Mara, but my mates play em and have no complaints with 1.2 so I threw em in there.

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Definitely Marauders/Sentinels.


The damage mitigation and survivability rivals a fully specced/ geared tank while maintaining the greatest melee burst available. Execute was increased from 20-30% so if You see your health somewhere below 50% and those classes are in your vicinity don't bother - you're dead. Ravage is uninterruptible, I mean, from the perspective of my Marauder it's LoL fun. But I also like to play ranged, and the utter disparity is pretty glaring.


I'd like all classes to be equally good, not just the Paladin with greatest mitigation, survivability, burst and then everyone else which by comparison is just simply not as good.

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On behalf of assassins I can say we are still OP...aghrr... I mean very playable :)

Seriously, after 1.2 I still can kill anything in PvE as easy as it was before. Need an easy class - roll your tankosin.

Edited by Mirandel
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