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Why are people calling 1.2 mercenary changes a nerf?


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Did you see how many tracer spammers played mercs? That is why there is such a huge amount of whining. Spamming tracer is no longer a great way to play mercs, thus why all the whine. Once they learn how to use more than one ability they will realize that it was really a buff.


Tip for all the baddies out there - Try putting unload, heatseeker missile, and railshot on your hotbar... they are good abilities.

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Did you see how many tracer spammers played mercs? That is why there is such a huge amount of whining. Spamming tracer is no longer a great way to play mercs, thus why all the whine. Once they learn how to use more than one ability they will realize that it was really a buff.


Tip for all the baddies out there - Try putting unload, heatseeker missile, and railshot on your hotbar... they are good abilities.


to hard brah. Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle!

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This is a fantastic buff. I suppose if you're a bad then it's a nerf, but if you are an average or better player then you should love the changes. We got a much needed buff.


Holy crap, I hope you're either trolling or enjoy using lubeless BioWare branded suppositories.


Bodyguards and field medics were nerfed so hard that the Jedi just herd many voices cry out in pain. BioWare took a deathstar to our abilities and talents.

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Arsenal seems to have gotten a slight buff overall and tracer missile is still the heart of that rotation. Healers have changed and people are not happy with the changes, but instead of relying on third hand information (some one told me that merc hearls are now nerfed) hand information, maybe someone who can provide actual numbers will post that info if they have not already.
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Try to play a merc-bodyguard and you'll know that its a nerf ..... I cant feel sorry for the arsenal-guy with their lazy tracer-missile spamming, but the healers got kicked in their a....es


i have a corruption sorc so i dont feel sorry for you

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OK as an Bodygurad specd for both pvp/pve Rank 70 in pvp full Battlemaster 50/50 rakata gear and all Hard modes clear prior to 1.2 PERSONAL opinion


In pve is a pain to heal its just plain to hard to manage your Resources(Heat) when is a spike of damage ok fair enough they reduce the ammount we Heal but comon theres is skill wich way overpriced sux as Kolt shel im literaly looking at a Heat bar like 60/70% of the time plus to dont over heat im using auto shoot around 70% of the fight wich is so unfair im healing the operations with a fairly good group of players and normaly we take an sorcerer and/or an IA and they just doing "Fine" im strugling to heal im feel a bit sad when isnt my skill problem but a class/nechanic problem.



In pvp(with my teammates protecting me) is try to survive ok im fine they could nerfed us downs to the ground but give us escape modes as others classes have because if i cant out heal in a 1v1 fight or in a 8v8 fight wich im target by melee dps with slows all the time it becomes hard to do anything at any point eve heal myslef with the ammount of interrupts and whn you need to heal madly tou are with (heat) on max


Anyway im reroling a sith assin(maybe) or w8 for new news from bioware cause i was expecting soim infor from them of the general ides of bodyguard build


Ps:sorry for the my bad english (all personal opinion)

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My merc was a healer but I respecced back to arsenal again as the healing nerf IS really bad, managing heat is super impossible. My Sorc healer is absolutely fine still in pve (really good still). Personally I thought the changes to arsenal were a slight buff in terms of damage. I would only say I don't really see the difference in rotation - from what I gather its the same?!?! TM then use the other 3 abilities when they are off CD and auto attack type thing to manage heat.
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Heatseeker missiles, critting for 8700. now that's win. Pure win.


As an arsenal merc, I have no complaints about the mercenary changes.


I could go on and on about how stupid the pvp changes are, but that's another discussion. This arsenal merc is happy with the 1.2 changes as it relates to mercs. My overall damage is not lower (although I obviously don't have logs from pre-1.2 to proove it), and my spike damage is pretty amazing.

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Heatseeker missiles, critting for 8700. now that's win. Pure win.


As an arsenal merc, I have no complaints about the mercenary changes.


I could go on and on about how stupid the pvp changes are, but that's another discussion. This arsenal merc is happy with the 1.2 changes as it relates to mercs. My overall damage is not lower (although I obviously don't have logs from pre-1.2 to proove it), and my spike damage is pretty amazing.


at first it was kind of sad to see tracers crit for 2.4-2.6 k on sages....but then i pop my adrenal and relic and see a 8601 hsm hit. im just O.O -> 8D


I'm using unload a lot more every time the cd finishes. its crazy how much it procs.


The only nerf i hate is the DFA....but other than that im totally fine with my merc changes

Edited by smokeylemons
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Heatseeker missiles, critting for 8700. now that's win. Pure win.


As an arsenal merc, I have no complaints about the mercenary changes.


I could go on and on about how stupid the pvp changes are, but that's another discussion. This arsenal merc is happy with the 1.2 changes as it relates to mercs. My overall damage is not lower (although I obviously don't have logs from pre-1.2 to proove it), and my spike damage is pretty amazing.


Arentak, could you link your build? I have the same arsenal build from before 1.2 and I am not doing a ton of damage. I do a decent amount and I am sure once I get better equipment the damage will go up even more, but I just wanted to see if your build was way different than mine. Even before 1.2 I never just spammed TM, I do rotate all my moves but my highest crit so far was only arond 4.5k

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Heatseeker missiles, critting for 8700. now that's win. Pure win.


As an arsenal merc, I have no complaints about the mercenary changes.


I could go on and on about how stupid the pvp changes are, but that's another discussion. This arsenal merc is happy with the 1.2 changes as it relates to mercs. My overall damage is not lower (although I obviously don't have logs from pre-1.2 to proove it), and my spike damage is pretty amazing.


ive never had a HSM crit for more than 5.6k and that was with only the aim stim since HSM crits are so sporadic. im also in almost full bm (short bracers, belt, relic, and both weapons)

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As a merc bg done all raids nmm pre 1.2 i can say


We can still heal everything, we just cant aoe heal (like before but way worse now). In FP's, dpsers have t not be lazy and actually move out of dmg, in raids, well we don't do most of the aoe healing anyways.


Basically my heat is on average 20% higher and my output is around 10% less (cant confirm no pre logs, but basically the more people youre healing the lower your output)


They really need to add something to allow us to ACTUALLY aoe heal, or reduce the heat so we can manage.



In pvp, well I just get faceowned over and over and average 100k less heals per match.

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Arsenal mercs didn't get nerfed. In reality they actually got somewhat buffed now that HS is hitting correctly. Where we got nerfed along with everyone else is expertise. You bodyguard mercs you have my sympathy you guys got hit hard in both ends with nerf bat with the changes to bodyguard and expertise.
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Pyro mercs see a huge reduction also. I can go through a whole rotation and only have most classes down to 75% hp and I don't try to single kill anymore takes to long nd you will be rolled by his teammate since it takes about 20 to 30 secs for a single kill anymore
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Level 36 Merc Pyro, and I am eating people in PvP.


I'm regularly top three DPS if not first, and I have medals literally laid at my feet by lesser beings, upon whose necks I step so that my unsullied feet shant touch the undeserving ground beneath me. &c. &c.


TL;DR? I'm loving it.

Edited by Gogh
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