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Lost island HM, lol seriously Bioware?

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The loot is fine. Lets not forget that the weekly you do to run this FP and the other rakghoul one rewards 6 Blackhole Comms. Basically it has something of interest for everyone.


My issue with the FP is that the first boss is not melee friendly at all. I play a marauder and I wont waste my time unless the other DPS is ranged. I like a challenge but Im not a fan of how the difficulty is worse the more melee you have. Thats lazy design IMO. They shoulda made it so that there is a little different of a strategy at least if you are melee focused.

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Listen. I fully understand the argument against this flashpoints difficulty vs reward but the simple fact of the matter is this.......


You are not doing this FP for the loot. You are doing it for the BH comms you'll get from it as well as for the challenge. If you want/need Rakata gear then do EV, or KP HM. That is just the brass tacks of it plain and simple.

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not sure i have experienced the same issues as everyone else, ive 3 manned this entire instance two seperate times, both times with a melee dps and me as a merc healer (from talking to other healers on the server we are currently the worst off of the 3) rather then a gear check i would say this is a brain check as ive also done it with a fairly fresh 50 with like 14k hp
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Listen. I fully understand the argument against this flashpoints difficulty vs reward but the simple fact of the matter is this.......


You are not doing this FP for the loot. You are doing it for the BH comms you'll get from it as well as for the challenge. If you want/need Rakata gear then do EV, or KP HM. That is just the brass tacks of it plain and simple.


Absolutely. The reward is either the Rakata chest from the last boss and/or the BH commendations from the weekly. The instance is hard but that is what the player based asked for since all HMs before LI were so easy they were becoming boring. LI HM serves as a brilliant (albeit steep) introduction to the world of quick reflexes (interrupts), gear checks (dps races and heal output) and varied boss mechanics that are necessary in EC and most especially EC HM. It is challenging yet hard enough so that even with good gear you still have to pay attention and play well - making its popularity assured while the level cap is 50.


I'd say If you can gather 2 groups who can each reliably finish LI HM in around 60 mins, you are defnitely ready for EC HM (skill wise).

Edited by JamieM
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Listen. I fully understand the argument against this flashpoints difficulty vs reward but the simple fact of the matter is this.......


You are not doing this FP for the loot. You are doing it for the BH comms you'll get from it as well as for the challenge. If you want/need Rakata gear then do EV, or KP HM. That is just the brass tacks of it plain and simple.


Finally, I was worried no one in this forum would relize this. This flashpoint I only run once a week and that is for the black hole comms. That is pretty much the only reason to run it, and good enough a reason. When you are full rakata and are trying to save up black hole comms doing this fp every week adds up. The difficulty I find in this fp is finding the right group. Hopefully after server transfers and group finder, I will be able to find a group every week.

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Blasted throught this one and Koan in about 2.5 hrs with a pug made in a WZ. Only a few hiccups due to that I had never been through them.We did not have vent so all cross tlak was dont in chat. 3BHs 2 in Clumi 1 in BM and a Sorc healer think his gear was Ops stuff mixed with Rakata. So It is do able. The hardest Boss of any HM is Bulwark. Still have not beat him!!!
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A good challenge. I am very glad it wasnt nerfed. This instance is for sure more execution than gear. 1st time through was multiple wipes. Now we have this thing on farm with alts done in about an hour or less. I've read some guilds clearing in 35 minutes.
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LI HM is awesome to beat.


But for the feeling alone, as it is not exactly rewarding.



BTW, I do not know why are the Columi BoP. I mean, if I could at least sell the Columi pieces I could make some money.


Actually I never quite knew when and why did MMOs created this Bind on Equip/Bind on Pickup thing. Back in early 00s only some event stuff was bound, nowadays I am back to MMOs and I can barely sell anything.

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My guild calls this our mini EV HM...


I think this is a good challenge for groups to better their spatial awareness and group collaboration.


I tanked this on a Vanguard (ask_dr_robot) which is primarily lvl 49 gear...


We had a sage healer with some Columi and mainly Battlemaster gear and a sentinal & guardian with primarily Rakata/ Columi..


Being all Melee DPS we did struggle intially but enjoyed the challenge of LR-5..


We had little trouble on the rest of the bosses and the gear I think is a good challenge for those who know their class well and who are EV SM ready - It's a Tier 2 Flashpoint and I think a great step for guild or PuGs who can't get enough for an operation but enjoy the challenge and gear...


My only beef (which is with most FP's & OPS) is content seems to be easier for ranged DPS being able to have more up time on rotation and obviously many mechanics are closs range AoE boss damage and the general reticles etc that range can stay out of... Personally I just feel there should be more challenges placed on ranged in some instances that encourage them to move around - ala melee...


I give this Flashpoint two thumbs up for story, difficulty and gear drop... If your in full Rakata and are only doing this for the BH comms and your struggling I would suggest you engage in the learning curve of mechanics and learn more about spatial awareness instead of expecting a /faceroll on this one because your over geared...

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My guild calls this our mini EV HM...


I think this is a good challenge for groups to better their spatial awareness and group collaboration.


I tanked this on a Vanguard (ask_dr_robot) which is primarily lvl 49 gear...


We had a sage healer with some Columi and mainly Battlemaster gear and a sentinal & guardian with primarily Rakata/ Columi..


Being all Melee DPS we did struggle intially but enjoyed the challenge of LR-5..


We had little trouble on the rest of the bosses and the gear I think is a good challenge for those who know their class well and who are EV SM ready - It's a Tier 2 Flashpoint and I think a great step for guild or PuGs who can't get enough for an operation but enjoy the challenge and gear...


My only beef (which is with most FP's & OPS) is content seems to be easier for ranged DPS being able to have more up time on rotation and obviously many mechanics are closs range AoE boss damage and the general reticles etc that range can stay out of... Personally I just feel there should be more challenges placed on ranged in some instances that encourage them to move around - ala melee...


I give this Flashpoint two thumbs up for story, difficulty and gear drop... If your in full Rakata and are only doing this for the BH comms and your struggling I would suggest you engage in the learning curve of mechanics and learn more about spatial awareness instead of expecting a /faceroll on this one because your over geared...


Thought the gear check for healers was tougher.


First time I ran it (I am a healer) I was already full Columi with some pieces of Rakata. Too afraid to feel the dreaded sensation that it doesn't matter what I do I can't heal enough ^^.


Damn that impotency sensation is horrible for a healer :|

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I have no way of proving this, but my FP group cleared it after some struggling and rethinking our approach a few times in about 50% Tionese 50% Columi gear. It is challenging at that gear level, but we enjoyed it and made good use of the drops we got.
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Blasted throught this one and Koan in about 2.5 hrs with a pug made in a WZ. Only a few hiccups due to that I had never been through them.We did not have vent so all cross tlak was dont in chat. 3BHs 2 in Clumi 1 in BM and a Sorc healer think his gear was Ops stuff mixed with Rakata. So It is do able. The hardest Boss of any HM is Bulwark. Still have not beat him!!!


We 1 shot Bulwark on HM the first time and every time since but our healer cant heal through Sav-Rak on HM LI


We'll keep trying only because I want the blue speeder (quest), if it's gear your after just run HM EV as its easier to pug than run HM LI with a dedicated group.

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Thought the gear check for healers was tougher.


First time I ran it (I am a healer) I was already full Columi with some pieces of Rakata. Too afraid to feel the dreaded sensation that it doesn't matter what I do I can't heal enough ^^.


Damn that impotency sensation is horrible for a healer :|


Hahaha - yeah our healer was punching out a lot of new swear words on Sav - that's definatley a healer test - he did well - we only really wiped on him because of poor positioning on the slam (knockback) but that's definately a stone cold healer test...


I thought LR-5 was a good tank test - has similiarities to Soa with the prism's in that it's the tanks job to really position the raid/ group for success.. I primarily role a Shadow DPS so it was a real eye opener the way the mechanics are going in SWTOR and what Tanks have to manage along with their brother in arms - healers... it's good fun :)

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You'd be better of running EV HM, cause you also get the Rakata chest there, +Rakata Legs, Gloves, Boots and OH, + a Columi piece for every other slot except ear. It's much easier, you don't need to have any Rakata pieces at all. And you get a lot of Columi commendations, crafting schematics, crafting goods, etc. And it takes about an hour if you do it well.


the point isn't that running a "walk in the park" is easier to get gear. This FP allows people that dont do ops to gear up fast, IF they learn the mechanics.


I've tried this in full columni and we failed on the droid, he totally wiped the floor with us on hard mode (and I play ranged too). I actually never went in there again, but not because I didn't want to, I just didn't wanna pug it, thats all.



im sorry what? you just need a coordinated group, i (a rakata/columi/BH tank) and a group of fresh 50s ran it with LITTLE issue. Vent/Mumble/Skype/TS is your friend


this... quoted for truth.

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people need to be smart. I've had trouble running this with my group because the tank has some lag issues and can be VERY slow on moving the boss when he has to manage for MDPS, and the healer can be pants-oh-head retarded and gets a lightning ball dropped cutting off our kiting path.
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if you're having trouble healing through savrak, it's probably because your tank is aiming the boss towards the raid during uptime phases. he's got a cleave. you shouldn't have to be constantly topping up DPS, and if you don't, you should be able to keep up. it's not nearly as hard when you don't have to worry about people getting cleaved.
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Lost Island requires a lot of coordination on Hard Mode. However, our guild has it on Farm and our fully geared Rakata Players can move through the entire Flashpoint in 45 minutes without any trouble. First boss is a bit of a pain if you have any melee in the group and I would never take more then one melee dps with me. Good Luck and have fun this is an awesome instance!
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This FP is not even a challenge for guilds of HM EC grade.


40 mins to 1h is what it takes our groups to clear Lost Island AND Kaon.


I have to heal off-spec as a Commando because we've been short on healers for ages, come to that I also heal off-spec through EC HM.


When you have the tactics and players set up it's an easy 1 shot.

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This flashpoint seriously did traumatize me.


I did this flashpoint after 1 shotting Kaon hard mode with some friends. We were all pretty geared (3 of us were full Rakata, I was 3/4 rakata with a bit of columi) and expected to wipe quite a lot going in.


We wiped 5 times on the first boss, twice to a mob, twice to the second boss, skipped the bonus, and wiped a total of three times on Lorrick.


We were literally struggling way too much on the first boss. Our group leader described it correctly when he said the fight was "like trying to rub your belly, pat your head, run in place while talking on the phone." It was multi-tasking put to the ultimate test. On our final attempt, all of us wiped and our healer with 300 hp killed the boss. It was a sigh of relief for all of us since that boss was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in the game so far.


Other than that, the flashpoint was a bit easier. We wiped twice to a mob because we forgot to CC one guy and the next time we did it we aggro'd the mob in front. Sav Rak wasn't hard at all but we almost hit his enrage timer so we were a bit lucky there. Lorrick wasn't that bad either, though his last phase wiped me and our tank but our dps and healer cleaned it out pretty quick.


Funny though, I had more difficulties in this flashpoint than SM Denova....

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I've played this as a tank, a healer and a dps. It's all about tactics, the first boss can take quite a bit to get used to how his attacks work, but as long as you can keep up with interrupting Incinerate you are fine. It's basically karagga in reverse only this time you stay behind not in front. That was the only boss that left me feeling short changed. The rest are fairly simple really once you know the fights.


We totally lucked out on lorrick, our entire team was down with only the healer left and before she died she raised a DPS and he finished him off. As for loot, a Rakata Mainhand is a pretty sweet prize at the end concidering it's the only FP that drops a mainhand weapon.

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I've played this as a tank, a healer and a dps. It's all about tactics, the first boss can take quite a bit to get used to how his attacks work, but as long as you can keep up with interrupting Incinerate you are fine. It's basically karagga in reverse only this time you stay behind not in front. That was the only boss that left me feeling short changed. The rest are fairly simple really once you know the fights.


We totally lucked out on lorrick, our entire team was down with only the healer left and before she died she raised a DPS and he finished him off. As for loot, a Rakata Mainhand is a pretty sweet prize at the end concidering it's the only FP that drops a mainhand weapon.


i believe you mean columi mainhand, he drops a rakata chest + columi mainhand.

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ok people, how about a little perspective?


You're whining about a flashpoint that drops THREE pieces of Columi gear, a Rakata piece, and possible mounts/pets....


Lets not forget that every previous hard mode flashpoint has dropped ONE piece of Columi. one.


This flashpoint literally SHOWERS you with loot. I, for one, am glad you have to work a little bit to get it.


Showers you with loot that you no longer need because of the gear check needed to do the instance in the first place. It would be the same as if HM KP dropped tionese.

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Showers you with loot that you no longer need because of the gear check needed to do the instance in the first place. It would be the same as if HM KP dropped tionese.


this is the main point right here.... by the time you have the gar to do the flashpoint, it really isnt needed unless you want to kit out your companions....

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