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Everything posted by panicknife

  1. This is how free market economics goes. If there's people willing to sell it for a lower price, that's the fair price of the item. Milton Friedman says DEAL WITH IT
  2. haha, if all the people in this thread whining about my server actually logged on and played, we wouldn't have a population problem.
  3. i am sad panda. belgoth's beacon might be the last pvp east server not to transfer they're clearly going alphabetical. A C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y B Z
  4. I'm actually impressed by the epic nature of Bioware's trolling Belgoth's Beacon. Well played, sir! Last one of the day, Joveth?
  5. the problem is that people use gear for an excuse here. you actually don't take all that much damage as a tank regardless in the LR-5 fight, and even an undergeared healer should keep you up in sav-rak as long as the tank keeps the boss pointed away from everyone else. the only real "gear check" fight is lorrick's second phase, and even then, it's more about "up time" than pure DPS (if you're getting knocked back or losing aggro and getting your raid interrupted, it's going to screw up your up-time and make it impossible to finish before the DOT crushes everyone). i hate to tell people L2P because it's not always constructive, but i've seen people in full rakata wipe the **** out of LI and i've tanked it wearing half columi, half tionese. it's a mechanics check, as many people here have said.
  6. if you're having trouble healing through savrak, it's probably because your tank is aiming the boss towards the raid during uptime phases. he's got a cleave. you shouldn't have to be constantly topping up DPS, and if you don't, you should be able to keep up. it's not nearly as hard when you don't have to worry about people getting cleaved.
  7. do tell! i love rumors! can you post links for me?
  8. so... did they make any announcements on any other sites that weren't posted here?
  9. it's well known and obvious on these forums that everything the community and development team does is the worst thing ever in the history of ever. that much is certain. but, what did they do this time? anyone?
  10. so... what did they announce that we're ************ about?
  11. Agreed wholeheartedly, my issue was with the word "need." Honestly, the tank shouldn't NEED to have anyone interrupt incin for them; they should be able to do it themselves. We're really underestimating our own mental capacities if we're saying that people aren't capable on picking up on simple patterns (Incin > Orb > Lightning Spire > Orb > Experimental Cannon > Incin) and anticipating when incin is coming and still be able to move the boss away from danger. Is it a better idea for mDPS to also be watching for incin? Of course. They should be able to handle attacking and interrupts. Is it NECESSARY? Not really.
  12. The tank shouldn't need anyone else to interrupt for them, to be honest. It's nice to have a backup, but if you need someone else to be doing that for you, there's an issue. I'm saying this as a person who rolls a tank as his main character. If you have a brain, you know he's going to cast incinerate after experimental cannon. He doesn't do this quicker than the cooldown on your interrupt. My comment was more in response to the apparently seething masses saying this fight is unfair for melee DPS; it's actually not unfair for melee DPS at all, it's unfair for bad tanks. It's slightly more difficult for melee DPS, in the same way that Zorn and Toth are harder for melee DPS on EC HM, but it's not unprecedented and not impossible to overcome.
  13. Speaking as someone who's cleared this as ranged DPS, melee DPS, and a tank, I can tell you that if you're having major problems with this FP, it's 90% likely that it's because your tank isn't aware of his surroundings. Is it moderately harder with melee DPS? Sure, because the spire pops on them occasionally and causes the tank to have to move immediately rather than sit still. Regardless, if the tank has a PLAN and COMMUNICATES THAT PLAN (either in voice chat or before the fight) for moving around the room, this is still not a difficult fight. More difficult than some of the mindless bosses prior to it in this game? Sure. Difficult on its own? Come on. The issue is spires popping near you. So, when you see the spire pop on mDPS, you move to another corner of the room. If you're positioning the boss 1) pointed away from the raid and 2) in corners, you should provide yourself with enough room to not have to drastically change position every time a spire pops. In fact, if your tank is doing a good job, this fight isn't really that hard on melee DPS because the spires will be behind you. Whenever I run this with a group that wipes, it's because the tank isn't aware of his surroundings and moves the boss into a tight corner where he cuts himself off from the rest of the raid, or one of the party members zergs his way through ten spires and kills himself. Shorter: blame your tank, not your melee DPS.
  14. ...I keep reading this and hearing people say you need full Rakata or raid gear to beat the instance, and I'm wondering why people think that. If you're following the mechanics, it's not a prohibitively difficult instance at all. I know this is the internet and you have to take everything with a grain of salt, but my group last night had: - A relatively well geared marauder (1/2 rakata, 1/2 columi, fill in spots with PVP gear) - An undergeared DPS sorc (crafted rakata, 2/3 rakata daily implants, other level 50 blue.... rest columi or recruit) - An undergeared healer (crafted rakata, 2/3 daily implants, 1/2 columi 1/2 tionese, rakata mainhand though) - Me, an average geared tank (campaign offhand, but mostly columi otherwise) As a tank, you really should not be taking that much damage unless you screw up the incin interrupt or you run through a lightning spire. if you're rotating the boss away from the party, most of those spires should pop up behind you; don't just wait for the spire to make your dps and healer have to run through it, move to the next place. His attack cycle (incin, plasma arc x2, experimental cannon, repeat) takes about 15-20 seconds to cycle through, and by the time it's done, one of the first lightning spires should be disappearing. That gives you, as a tank, the ability to reposition the party in a safe area. Really, if you're complaining about your raid being undergeared, it's the tank's fault, nobody else. Every time I've pugged and wiped this instance, it's been when I'm DPSing and the tank isn't aware enough to move around the room liberally and quickly when a spire drops and the raid gets cut off from the boss and melee. Now, I could see an argument that Dr. Lorrick himself requires decent gear, because phase 3 is a DPS race; however, even that fight is largely based on avoiding mechanics (i.e. don't stand in vials, don't cross over areas where the vials were on the floor, tank avoid satchel charges and don't face Lorrick towards the raid, knock back flaming rakghouls in phase 2). If you're doing hardmodes simply to farm, I see the clear argument that for some people, LI isn't worth the time. However, people using the excuse that gear is the reason why they can't do it is missing the point. What I've noticed is that tanking skill -- at least on my server -- is the biggest limiting factor in the game. Tanks that like to stand still won't last in these types of instances.
  15. Re-reading this, I'm seeing this is a patch note from last night. Hopefully they fixed the ridiculous difficulty present with that final buff. If the spires spawn more consistently (i.e. not "one every fifteen seconds, then five in ten seconds"), the encounter should be more balanced. Yes, it's possible to do this with all melee (in fact, the first few times I did it, I accomplished it with all melee), but the latest tune was kind of absurd.
  16. Not entirely sure about the verbiage there, but i know for a fact they made a change at 15% to make the boss harder. I have a recording of a fight pre-last week where this buff did NOT occur, and one from last night in which the boss gets a "Systems Overload" buff, which causes all of the lava platforms to activate and stay on, and it causes every lightning spire to spawn at full size. This, of course, just about immediately kills your melee DPS and makes the encounter even tougher to beat, regardless of how well your tank is moving.
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