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Lost island HM, lol seriously Bioware?

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The only boss in the entire FP i felt slightly cheated on drops was the droid at the start (and the mini bosses, not even tionese crystals), but that is made up for by how easy it is to beat Doctor Lorrick at the end. Seriously, the droid is the only challenge in LI HM. Project Sav-Rek is easy, so is Transgenic Sample Eleven, and the DPS race at the end against Lorrick is very easy, its almost harder to beat those medics than it is to beat him.


I agree. The droid is the only "hard" part, and it's only hard if you have 1 or 2 melee DPS. Having 2 ranged makes it a cakewalk. The honest truth is most people that aren't as good at the game as they think they are, are very defensive when told that, hence the rage post about someone saying "and don't say our healer was bad because SHE'S NOT." All this points to is that most likely, she is. I think Lost Island is at a great difficulty plateau, and am excited to see more of the same challenging content in future flashpoints.

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I'd say it's only the first boss that's a challange, someone in the guild once mentioned it has everything but aggro dump and a double! Mainly the healer is the make or brake on that, as a healer I had such huge issues with it when we had to learn the fight. But once you get the hang of it it's a good way of tuning your resource management/trying out new stuff for a raid!


And once you learn you can dispell the mean thing(took me what, 8runs to figure it out?<_<) it becomes just a cake walk. :D

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The last boss is pretty challenging too, just not as much as the first. I mean, I've never actually wiped on Lorrick but it has been close a few times and he is definitely harder than anything else in FPs, except LR5 when you have melee. If you have 2xrDPS Lorrick is probably the hardest FP boss in the game currently (and should be.)
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3) doing the instance in a suboptimal group is really, really good for sorting out your rotation and optimizing DPS output / energy management while on the move. I compared two runs of LI, one in which the group was overgeared and another in which the group was maybe even a bit undergeared (other DPS wasn't even in full columi, healer as well, I was mostly columi but with a rakata mainhand and battlemaster offhand, so we were pretty much at the brink). In the "power group" runs for LR-5, my DPS output was around 800. In the "weak group" runs, my DPS output got progressively stronger and in the run in which we actually downed LR-5, my DPS was 1050. Conclusion? You can get as much as 30% DPS more if your gear doesn't permit you to enter "lazy mode" and this ability to optimize rotations gets really useful in ops later on.




The FP teaches you how to optimise your dps, and you either learn quickly or fail every time. Our group has found that when we have 4 guys who work well together and who took care to learn new rotations and learn how to cleanse, interrupt everything and move together with proper positioning it did become easy.


As soon as we got a different guildy in (who was in full columi btw) we couldn't get past the droid. Swap everyone back out and again he becomes cake. We did with a pug healer the other night too and everything went smoothly.


I disagree with the idea that it is "easy" though. It is quite a difficult FP. But the things you learn in there really will help later on.


After you practice the place a couple of times, you can get LI and KuS combined down to about an hour and a half or less. Especially if you skip trash and don't wipe. Is it worth it for 8 Black Hole comms... hell yes I think it is. I will be doing it every week. I enjoy the challenge of the place.


But yeah, it has certainly challenged the other guildy I mentioned to up his game. That can only be a good thing in the future.


I find as a marauder I can get incinerate every time. Force Charge interrupts it, as does disruption. Even if he does it three times in a row I can get all three. I have never seen him do that though.


So Instead of complaining, take the time to try and learn a little more about what you are doing, about the best way to either tank, heal or dps and things like this will become less hard.

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The FP teaches you how to optimise your dps, and you either learn quickly or fail every time. Our group has found that when we have 4 guys who work well together and who took care to learn new rotations and learn how to cleanse, interrupt everything and move together with proper positioning it did become easy.


As soon as we got a different guildy in (who was in full columi btw) we couldn't get past the droid. Swap everyone back out and again he becomes cake. We did with a pug healer the other night too and everything went smoothly.


I disagree with the idea that it is "easy" though. It is quite a difficult FP. But the things you learn in there really will help later on.


After you practice the place a couple of times, you can get LI and KuS combined down to about an hour and a half or less. Especially if you skip trash and don't wipe. Is it worth it for 8 Black Hole comms... hell yes I think it is. I will be doing it every week. I enjoy the challenge of the place.


But yeah, it has certainly challenged the other guildy I mentioned to up his game. That can only be a good thing in the future.


I find as a marauder I can get incinerate every time. Force Charge interrupts it, as does disruption. Even if he does it three times in a row I can get all three. I have never seen him do that though.


So Instead of complaining, take the time to try and learn a little more about what you are doing, about the best way to either tank, heal or dps and things like this will become less hard.


Agreed. The flashpoint is fine as it is, but people would rather rage, it's easier than learning.

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I've only done this on normal (on PTS for daily comms) however it seems people haven't done that before going hard mode here and are getting facerolled due to lack of understanding of mechanics.


While I can't give advice for HM version I do suggest people run through on normal before attempting so they can get the mechanics sussed and get an idea of what to do before attempting the HM bosses.

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Once you learn the mechanics of the Robot it's rather easy.... If you have 2 range dps then all you do is have the tank in the center and the dps and healer move around the outer edges as the electric shields go off....


If you have one or two Melee dps then the tank kites him around the outer edge of the room with both dps and healer behind the boss, when electrical shield goes off the tank moves him 10-15 feet and then stops so the dps can do there job and not be inside the electrical shield, just keep doing that.... Move, DPS, Move, DPS, Move, DPS, etc...etc...


Just make sure the DPS do there AOE's when the add's come out, otherwise they will just keep interrupting the healer....


Once your tank gets this down, it's a piece of cake... Oh and don't forget to interrupt Inferno cast or your tank is gonna get burned..

Edited by Monoth
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Lost Island seemed extremely challenging to me when i went in but i wasn't full ops gear by any stretch.


By the sounds of it they should keep the toughness but introuduce better drops.


tough is good but not all, just some at the end for our elite beings with the time.



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Bioware, it's an easy fix. Every boss in HM LI drops random black hole gear based on party composition.


For instance, Merc healer, Jugg tank, a sniper and assassin dps down the first boss. It drops a BH chest for Merc DPS and a Jugg tanking chest (because it's random, the merc gear isn't necessarily going to be healing-related).



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Has anyone done this instance since the patch, I swear the robot fight seems harder, the lighting balls seem to come out way faster now... Before 1.3 came out if you had a really good group its was fairly easy but now it's near impossible unless you bring in 2 range dps players...
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I'd say it's only the first boss that's a challange, someone in the guild once mentioned it has everything but aggro dump and a double! Mainly the healer is the make or brake on that, as a healer I had such huge issues with it when we had to learn the fight. But once you get the hang of it it's a good way of tuning your resource management/trying out new stuff for a raid!


And once you learn you can dispell the mean thing(took me what, 8runs to figure it out?<_<) it becomes just a cake walk. :D


It's actually very easy to heal through, the key is actually the interrupts and dodging bubbles (so it hinges on everyone but the healer). I guess if the healer is braindead it would be his making or breaking the run, but as long as the tank and DPS are interrupting and getting the hell away from blue bubbles... Easy mode.


On the LAST fight, the healer is far more important for the last phase because unless your DPS absolutely murder the guy, it's all on the healer to keep up with the increasing pressure and AoE damage during the fight.

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Has anyone done this instance since the patch, I swear the robot fight seems harder, the lighting balls seem to come out way faster now... Before 1.3 came out if you had a really good group its was fairly easy but now it's near impossible unless you bring in 2 range dps players...


I did it when I cleared my Rakghoul weekly after the update patch on Tuesday. Felt the same to me and I did it with a melee + a range, though there isn't much difference with doing it with 2 melees because the strategy that we use is to all follow behind the boss if we have at least one melee.


Still the same old stuff as before the 1.3 patch and we didn't run into any special issues.

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Ran it yesterday *** tank, Marauder, Merc and sorc healing. I thought the zone was nerfed? 1st pulled everything, never done the last boss before 1st pulled that too. Its not hard just positional. The right level of challenge for a decent group imo.
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Been attempting this flashpoint on HM once a week for the last 3 weeks, and today we finally managed to complete it. We got further with each attempt but still cant down Sample Eleven (bonus boss) before the enrage timer went off at 20%. We can one shot each of the 3 main bosses before they enrage but not the bonus boss.
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