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Lost island HM, lol seriously Bioware?

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the problem is that people use gear for an excuse here. you actually don't take all that much damage as a tank regardless in the LR-5 fight, and even an undergeared healer should keep you up in sav-rak as long as the tank keeps the boss pointed away from everyone else. the only real "gear check" fight is lorrick's second phase, and even then, it's more about "up time" than pure DPS (if you're getting knocked back or losing aggro and getting your raid interrupted, it's going to screw up your up-time and make it impossible to finish before the DOT crushes everyone). i hate to tell people L2P because it's not always constructive, but i've seen people in full rakata wipe the **** out of LI and i've tanked it wearing half columi, half tionese. it's a mechanics check, as many people here have said.
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when i first did this flashpoint i was in 1-2 pieces of column and the rest tionese but the rest of my group was full campaign and i got every single drop and i used every single piece so i wasn't complaining at all. But i think the point of this flashpoint is to get BH gear via the Rakghoul weekly,
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Ok for once an flashpoint that is challenging.

But the thing that bothers me is this.


First boss is hard but challenging, with a full rakata group me as BH healer and 2 BH dps we got him seconds in enrage after a few try's


But then ... he drops Columi ...


Second boss.

Again Challenging .. after a few try's we had him a few seconds in enrage.


And he drops ... Columi ..


Last boss ... By now we are 3 and a half hour inside the flashpoint.


This boss requires so much coordination that it requires a group to be trained in moving instanly togheter.

He drops a rakata chest.


Which we all 4 already had ... so after 3 wipes we gave up.

To much dmg for me as a BH healer to heal.

I need better gear ...


My pro tip for today .. !


Do EV Nightmare, its easier, requires less time and rewards more.


For me lost island seems like a fail attempt from Bioware to deliver challenging content.

Bosses should drop better for Lost island to be worth the 3 / 4 hours in there.


Didn't read the thread.


I agree the rewards are inadequate, but since our group cleared it in full columi and you're hitting enrage at full rakata, I'd say your dps isn't pulling their weight.

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It can be repeated and a good group can down this in less than an hour. It's a great way to gear out alts. I've run through melee DPS in here with recruit gear and gotten them Rakata chest and Columni pieces which is pretty good TBH.
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I didn't read every page of this thread because it's ludicrous. If the main concern here is loot/difficulty, take a second and realize that you also get Black Hole commendations weekly for running this and Kaon. I ran this (Full Rakata, some Black Hole/Campaign) as a Shadow Tank, with a Gunslinger healer in similar gear, with 2 Sage DPS wearing recruit pvp gear. Literally had about 12k hp each. We cleared the FP in about an hour with only 2 wipes. The first on the 2nd boss, and the second on a bad trash mob pull by one of the noob Sages.



TL:DR - Geared and too hard? Practice, you suck.

TL:DR - Loot not good enough? Black Hole Commendations.

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That first boss in HM is really difficult, especially for groups that are heavy melee. I haven't done that flashpoint in hardmode very much, just a few times. I did learn how to do it with a melee group though. The melee has to stack on the tank on the center platform. I move corner to corner as the lightning fields drop. It is tankable that way, but still very tough. It is almost like a four man raid.
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Second boss with a melee group is really all about the tank. If the tank knows how to move and interrupt incinerate, its pretty easy. If he/she doesn't then it becomes a nightmare.


Lucky I get to run it each week with a guardian tank and that knows how to move. We always do it with me(sentinel) , a sage or commando healer(depends which one is available, commando has an easier time on the droid, while sage has an easier time on sav rak) and another sentinel. Generally now it doesn't take us longer then 35-45 minutes to clear it. First few times was quite hard thought.

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The first boss in LI is difficult, if you take melee. Last night we went through (second attempt) and finished the place we had a Marauder (me) and a Sorc dps, BH tank and Op heals. The first time we went we took two melee and it was rough.


I agree, the loot appears to be a little undercooked, but when you look at it you get Black Hole tokens, and Rakata chest piece from the last boss. That's what it's for I believe. I will say this about the place; it made me question my dps and start trying to study it more.


You can't really go in there half baked and expect to win, you have to make no mistakes. Most if not everything needs to be interrupted.


None of us had any Rakata. A couple of us had Tionese pieces still. It is difficult and I like that.


Saying that though... I do wish there was a little something extra from the place. Perhaps a pet, unique colour crystal... some vanity thing that people would want. We hit the enrage timer on the bonus boss and he killed us a couple of times before we got it and all he dropped was a garbage relic. That guy would be an ideal candidate for something cool (mount, crystal, pet, unique looking orange gear, pazaak cards... oh wait ahem sorry).


I think BW just needs to use a little more imagination with these things, and perhaps think a little bit more about them.

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The first boss in LI is difficult, if you take melee. Last night we went through (second attempt) and finished the place we had a Marauder (me) and a Sorc dps, BH tank and Op heals. The first time we went we took two melee and it was rough.


I agree, the loot appears to be a little undercooked, but when you look at it you get Black Hole tokens, and Rakata chest piece from the last boss. That's what it's for I believe. I will say this about the place; it made me question my dps and start trying to study it more.


You can't really go in there half baked and expect to win, you have to make no mistakes. Most if not everything needs to be interrupted.


None of us had any Rakata. A couple of us had Tionese pieces still. It is difficult and I like that.


Saying that though... I do wish there was a little something extra from the place. Perhaps a pet, unique colour crystal... some vanity thing that people would want. We hit the enrage timer on the bonus boss and he killed us a couple of times before we got it and all he dropped was a garbage relic. That guy would be an ideal candidate for something cool (mount, crystal, pet, unique looking orange gear, pazaak cards... oh wait ahem sorry).


I think BW just needs to use a little more imagination with these things, and perhaps think a little bit more about them.


There is actually two pets. The midnight rakling has dropped for my group twice(once from the droid and once from lorrick) and there is apparently a egg that hatches as well(haven't gotten that one yet thought).

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There is actually two pets. The midnight rakling has dropped for my group twice(once from the droid and once from lorrick) and there is apparently a egg that hatches as well(haven't gotten that one yet thought).


Yeah I got the egg recently, it dropped from Project Sav-Rak. Using the same method for hatching the Orokeet it hatches into an Orosquab.

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Ran through this on my DPS Op in only recruit gear. If you know the fights it isn't so bad. I was worried tho and felt bad for the healer for sav if he was to throw gunk on me lol. No wipes... Tank, healer and the other melee DPS were Columi+. So I wouldn't say it's so much a gear need as a learn mechanics and stay out of stupid.
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My group is almost full Rakata and the droid is a nightmare on HM.


What I do not understand here (please help me understand), is everyone says "it's easy when you figure out the mechanics." The problem we are having is it's too random. Once he starts dropping the blue balls of death all over the floor, on the melee we have to move. Once we start to move it's difficult, if not impossible to stun Incinerate while moving. You either have to stop in the blue ball of death or on the lava floor. Do people instruct their healer and ranged to stun this while melee are moving? Is that even possible?


For reference sake, what exactly *are* people doing to beat this thing? I am willing to try anything at this point.


Setup btw is usually Guardian Tank, Sentinel, Commando DPS and Sage Healer.

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My group is almost full Rakata and the droid is a nightmare on HM.


What I do not understand here (please help me understand), is everyone says "it's easy when you figure out the mechanics." The problem we are having is it's too random. Once he starts dropping the blue balls of death all over the floor, on the melee we have to move. Once we start to move it's difficult, if not impossible to stun Incinerate while moving. You either have to stop in the blue ball of death or on the lava floor. Do people instruct their healer and ranged to stun this while melee are moving? Is that even possible?


For reference sake, what exactly *are* people doing to beat this thing? I am willing to try anything at this point.


Setup btw is usually Guardian Tank, Sentinel, Commando DPS and Sage Healer.


Have the DPS and healer stack on top of each other. In melee or at range doesn't matter. He's going to drop a blue spire on one of those 1. When he does > move to a new spot, while staying stacked. If you have melee and your group is stacking in melee, this means the tank has to move the boss too.


When the adds pop up, have one of the dps peel off to deal with them. In this case, since the Commando can't interrupt, have him do it.


I've healed, tanked and dps'd through Lost Island, with varying levels of gear and its not that difficult.

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There is actually two pets. The midnight rakling has dropped for my group twice(once from the droid and once from lorrick) and there is apparently a egg that hatches as well(haven't gotten that one yet thought).


I had no idea that's awesome, thank you. Wonder what the drop rate is.


As for melee on the droid boss. It is a lot easier than you think, you can interrupt him as you are moving I did so and interrupted every single incinerate on my own and I am a marauder (Sentinel equivalent) You can also force jump to him and that interrupts him as well, so really that gives you two interrupts on a boss.


As for the blue domes of doom, they don't hurt that much if you stay in them for a second or two for interrupts sake just don't bask in the sun in them, or bake cookies or something. The lava likewise doesn't do all that much, it's when it all ads up that things get hairy.


Our group usually start in the middle with the ranged near the starting point (near the door) I wait till he casts his first incinerate and jump straight to him, interrupting him. Then go from there. Our Sorc takes the ads out by himself usually, or I chip in with a smash if they come near me but I stay on the boss the whole time. Also when he is using his experimental cannon, drop a CD if he targets the melee or use Obfuscate. Not sure what the Sentinel version of that is called any more.


Last night our group did two runs, and they took less than two hours total. Was great :)


Now I know there is a pet there one of our guild mates is going to want to go every day.

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My group is almost full Rakata and the droid is a nightmare on HM.


What I do not understand here (please help me understand), is everyone says "it's easy when you figure out the mechanics." The problem we are having is it's too random. Once he starts dropping the blue balls of death all over the floor, on the melee we have to move. Once we start to move it's difficult, if not impossible to stun Incinerate while moving. You either have to stop in the blue ball of death or on the lava floor. Do people instruct their healer and ranged to stun this while melee are moving? Is that even possible?


For reference sake, what exactly *are* people doing to beat this thing? I am willing to try anything at this point.


Setup btw is usually Guardian Tank, Sentinel, Commando DPS and Sage Healer.


There are two main tactics. In the one explained above you will move the boss around the room.


The other tactic I succesfully cleared LI with is that the tank will keep the boss in the middle-square. The melee DPS should hug the tank as close as he can without getting too much frontal damage.

The ranged dps and healer would stack in the begin at the edge of the lava-area.


When a bubble falls on the tank+melee dps they should run diagonnaly to the other edge. Incase the 1st bubble isn't away when the 2nd drops at the tank+ melee dps they should run to one of the safe corners.

Normally when the 3rd bubble will drop the 1st is away.

Ranged + healer should stay at the edge at max range so the bubbles on them won't cause problems for the tank+melee.


Ranged dps should take out the adds (because there are also ranged adds ;) )


Overall LI isn't that hard to complete if you know the tacts. You just mustn't srew up moving at the 1st boss. The rest (including bonusboss) will be easy.

LI is perfect completable for people in columi with the occasional tionesepiece.


@ all the people in full rakata complaining about the loot:

Were you guys walking Taral V on a daily basis when you were full columi? I guess not, because it isn't a challange anymore at that time. LI is exactly the same for you (or should be at least). You peeps have EC SM / HM for your challanging needs. Don't forget the BH comms you get for completing Kaon and LI btw.

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Also the whole "I wear Columi and can beat LI HM" factor, although valid, is not really as big a disadvantage as you might think as many Columi pieces are much better itemised than 'off-the-peg' Rakata, especially for dps so in a lot of cases you'd prob do just as well (or badly) with Columi as you would with Rakata. Just saying.
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Lost Island is extremely hard with a group who only has Columi gear, near impossible with Tionese gear... The thing here is that the Columi drops from each boss suggests the Developers intended this Flashpoint for people in Tionese gear yet its difficulty is to high for that....


As others have said HM Eternity Vault is easier to do then HM Lost Island and you get Rakata drops from all the bosses and it takes about the same amount of time to do.... Given the difficulty the last boss should drop a random Black Hole gear piece instead of Rakata.... OR at the very least have a chance to drop a Black Hole gear piece over a Rakata piece.... The same for the other bosses, they should have a chance to drop a Rakata piece over the Columi piece....


With all that said, HM Lost Isand is not a bad way to gear up your companions and you can do it with a mix of Rakata/Columi gear, my tank only had 3 pieces of Rakata gear and we were able to beat it, given it did take about 2 and 1/2 hours to do it.. Note that out of the 3 other people in my group one was full Rakata and the other 2 had about 70% rakata gear...


So in the end the gear drops don't equal the difficulty of the flashpoint...


The flip side is you don't get locked out of it so you can farm it to get that Rakata chest piece if people in your group don't have it... Also the Weekly quest gives you 8 Black Hole Commendations for doing it, so it's a tough call, make it to easy and people will farm the heck out of it, but if you don't give enough incentive people will only do it once a week for the weekly quest....


On a side note if you can master the mechanical dance you need to do with the bosses it's not that hard of a flashpoint, just have to figure out the routine and make sure everyone is in sync.... Once we figured out the routine for the robot boss it was actually pretty easy... same with the end boss... But if one person messes up it usually means a wipe... So knowing the mechanics > then the gear you have on...

Edited by Monoth
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Also the whole "I wear Columi and can beat LI HM" factor, although valid, is not really as big a disadvantage as you might think as many Columi pieces are much better itemised than 'off-the-peg' Rakata, especially for dps so in a lot of cases you'd prob do just as well (or badly) with Columi as you would with Rakata. Just saying.


This isn't true at all, at least for Snipers. Just saying.

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Lost Island is extremely hard with a group who only has Columi gear, near impossible with Tionese gear... The thing here is that the Columi drops from each boss suggests the Developers intended this Flashpoint for people in Tionese gear yet its difficulty is to high for that....



This is where you are incorrect. These flashpoints are designed for based on what the last boss drops. Tier 1 flash points drop Columi, tier 2 flashpoints (LI) drop rakata.

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My group is almost full Rakata and the droid is a nightmare on HM.


What I do not understand here (please help me understand), is everyone says "it's easy when you figure out the mechanics." The problem we are having is it's too random. Once he starts dropping the blue balls of death all over the floor, on the melee we have to move. Once we start to move it's difficult, if not impossible to stun Incinerate while moving. You either have to stop in the blue ball of death or on the lava floor. Do people instruct their healer and ranged to stun this while melee are moving? Is that even possible?


For reference sake, what exactly *are* people doing to beat this thing? I am willing to try anything at this point.


Setup btw is usually Guardian Tank, Sentinel, Commando DPS and Sage Healer.


So, I am a sage healer, and have run this several times with all different combinations of ranged/melee. I agree that moving the droid is difficult on all melee groups as interrupting incinerate becomes more difficult. So, I have quit doing that and just use the following strategy (I will give it for an all melee group, but I also use it with one ranged/one melee). I only use the 'drag-the-droid' around strategy with an all-melee group if the following approach fails more than 2-3 times.


The droid always stays in the center, so the tank can interrupt it. The ranged healer stands out from the melee, in the spot where you want the bubble to drop. The melee dps for about 8 seconds, then run to join the healer. Once the blue bubble of death is put down, the melee jump/run back to the droid, and the healer moves to the next bubble spot. The melee dps for 8 seconds, then join the healer again -- if any adds are around, dps those until bubble drops, then go back to droid in center. Keeping doing this until the droid is dead. It usually takes about 1.25 times around the room, dropping two bubbles on each side. At about 1.5 times around the room, you will hit the enrage timer.


This approach can fail if the melee can't judge when to run back to the healer and dps the droid too long, then a bubble can drop in the center. Generally, if the tank is smart, the tank can move the droid to avoid the one of these, but if more than one is dropped in the center it becomes difficult. The other problem is that if the melee dps is low, then you can run into the enrage timer since you lose dps running back to the healer. The advantages of this approach is that it is easy on the healer, so the healer can throw in some dps, and easy on interrupts, as the droid is not moving and the tank can catch all of the incinerate armors.


Good luck!

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This is where you are incorrect. These flashpoints are designed for based on what the last boss drops. Tier 1 flash points drop Columi, tier 2 flashpoints (LI) drop rakata.

Pretty sure that's kind of redundant.


Also, I guess I shouldn't have done all those HM flashpoints when I had no Columi.

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The gear is not relevant as some makes it sound. Most of those bosses have mechanics that makes them untankable if they are not known and executed.

You can be in full campaign gear, if incinerate is not interrupted right away, it will hurt again and again. It's the same on last boss with the bombs, if you don't dodge them, they are gonna hurt.


I'll do any time of the day Lost Island HM with a group in Tionese/Columi gear who knows the mechanic over a full group in Rakata/Campaign who doesn't.


Incinerate is a channeling spell, it has to be interrupted before the first 500ms otherwise it stacks up to 1 (possibly as well on dps).


The dome of electricity are not a problem if you control where they spawn, and having your group splitted up is the worst way to control where they are. Everyone needs to be moving with the tank, and have a dps focusing on interrupting and this will be a breath.


Last boss is similar, it has to be moved all the time, it will drop two waves of bombs for each kolto tanks, it has to be constantly moved before the 2 waves have been thrown. Once it's done, you can tank him where he stands up to the next kolto tanks. The tank has to be dodging his cone of attack as much as he can, as several stacks of bomb is a wiper.


This instance just requires your group to wipe a bit, adapt tactic, and make them working. The weekly gives BH comms so it has to be harder than the usual HMs, not even talking of the chest dropping here.

Edited by Nolenthar
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