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Legacy Promotion now expanded


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You are still missing the point, either because you are simply not smart enough to grasp it, or because you are a fanboy.


I'll leave it up to you and others to decide which.


The ONLY thing I think I am entitled to from Bioware is equal respect because I pay an equal amount.


The free 30 days is noting to me, in fact, please Bioware, give it to somebody else, I don't need it.


All The Best


Account cancelled 13/04/12

Apparently I wasn't a valued customer.

So now I'm not.




Man, you must be getting your jimmies RUSTLED. For no other reason but a nameless faceless figure told you that you werent important enough to them. Looks like you arent daddies favorite anymore :(:(:(:(:(


Please. Grow up kid.

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Seems like people like you and your gf are complaining about pencil toppers now. Tell ya what - get to level 50, see how mind numbingly boring it is running the same dailies/HMs/OPs for gear, run out of things to do THEN tell me that the free month given to people isnt a nice gesture.


Oh, and before I forget, so you dont go grabbing your underwear and squealing - ONCE AGAIN - I am happy that more people get the free month. Doesnt mean everyone and their dog (MYSELF INCLUDED) DESERVES it.


Before you start grabbing at my underwear trying to make me squeal you might want to untie the knots in your panties.

I tell you what If If your so bored at level 50 ,roll a new class,experiment, help others.

or just sit at end game with your panties in a knot whineing about how bored you are and weild your pencil like a light saber at everyone who is a bit disgruntled how this free play was implimented.


Oh and niether of us use pencils most documents can be typed and printed up on a pc.

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I didn't mean you. I meant certain others whom I won't mention. Like I said, I do think the most valued players, are, however, the ones who have paid for the most months of subscriptions.


Edit: Unfortunately there has to be some sort of qualification that is measurable (because they are, after all a big company and can't measure us individually) if they are going to give rewards like that. I think that they did pick the wrong qualifications though...


But if you would, think this through for a moment.


It's a Legacy promotion, and using legacy points to expand the qualifiers to allow more players in is a great step forward from yesterday.


As to "Most Valuable", if 90% of the players paid their subscriptions since Day One, but hardly played the game, the servers would be COMPLETE ghost towns, and everything about the multiplayer aspect would be dead.


So even though I still don't qualify for the expanded qualifiers, I think this is a much better scenario than Thursday's attempt.


First off, I do understand the "most valued" thing, and I truly hope they fix that and the loyalty thing in the message. Going forward, I hope they choose better wording to frame these promotions.


But that being said, they did mention during the original promo that this was for the very active players.


I'm going to take an offshoot of the golden rule / categorical imperative here just for the sake of illustration.


Let's take your hypothesis, that the most valued players are those who have had the most number of months subscriptions. While I agree that you ARE indeed valuable, and they should acknowledge this after this issue occurred, if 90% of the users playing the game just subscribed, paid the money, but didn't really play much at all, would the game really be much fun? Would it BE an MMORPG?


IF that were the case, what would new players feel when they show up in the game after purchasing it? Would they find the game compelling enough to stay through for the long haul? My suggestion is that with the amount of complaints due to low population servers, this is unlikely to be a successful venture.


The GTN markets would be flat, sparsely filled, and slow. People would have to dump everything into NPC buyers for low returns. People would have a hard time finding enough players to group with, and an even harder time finding sn operations group or filling out warzones.


Crafters would be nearly non-existent. Those players who wanted to craft but didn't want to spend the time collecting the materials would end up not being able to craft as much.


Additionally, the number of servers would have to be SEVERELY cut down in order to bring together adequate populations, and then if something big did occur, like a major patch with exciting new content, and 50% of those 90% who weren't playing, but were still actively subscribed from launch might flood into the game and overload the servers, crashing them or making it impossible for others to play until new servers were opened up again, etc.


I realize I'm being overly dramatic here, but it is to try and illustrate there CAN be a difference between valuable, desired subscribers, and the "most valuable" who are the target customers of BioWare and their projected business model for the game.


But let's take the new expanded promotion. If 90% of the players matched the new promotional requirements, how would the game fare?


You'd have bustling servers, smoking hot GTN markets, perhaps even with inflation that might cause economic retooling by the economic team.


You'd have vibrant crafting communities and materials harvesting participants that would allow players to play as they wish, not having to harvest if they want to buy the mats, or just being able to harvest and make a good "living" in the game from that.


You'd have more than enough people to play through any heroic or operation, or even just finding teams for regular missions when necessary. World Bosses wold have to start spawning faster because they'd keep getting taken out constantly.


The PVP community would be heavily populated and warzones and such would be full.


And most importantly, when they ran marketing campaigns and new players showed up in the game to check things out, they'd find healthy and vibrant servers that excited them and brought that feeling of massively multiplayer.


Now I realize we currently have some issues with server glut and as they developers and management have said they are trying to address this as soon as possible, mainly through transfers. But once the transfer/merge/consolidation scripting is done, this ALSO enables them to begin deciding if they want to merge some servers down and consolidate. Both purposes are served by the transfer system, and it gives them the flexibility to make those decisions.


But hopefully you can see why they chose to reward the "most active" subscribers, and perhaps not all subscribers. These players who have played mtuliple alternates and spent enough time in-game to get to Legacy 6 are probably closer to their core constituency that they wanted than any other user group. Those at the 50+ level who are active (which I agree should have been a requirement from the beginning) also help out the general scheme, and they could legitimately (I feel) be considered the next most valuable. And lastly, but certainly not without value (as your money and mine does help keep the game going, so long as there are other players playing more than we do) are those players who stay subscribed, even if they don't play much.


Indeed, I think you'll find (as I have) that the game is still worth playing, and worth paying $15 a month for (even without the promotions) if it entertains us and gives us the rewards we seek as game players, and specifically Star Wars or MMO afficionados.


My final point is this... to suggest that any reward system show appreciation first and foremost for those users who have been subscribed since day one doesn't actually work, in the end.


I do agree they need to be done at some point, and I hope that there are veterans rewards and perhaps a few extra spiffs for those who were here from Pre-Order. But if you were to use that metric every time... you're essentially limiting any and all promotions to only those players, or at least saying that they should get EVERY promotion ever given.


What about those players that come in 2 months later, because they never heard of the game? What about new players that suddenly hit age 18, find themselves with a good enough computer, and dive into the gaming world? Is everyone who ever comes into the game always going to lose out or share their promotional spiffs with those who were here from day one?


Is that really legitimate? I mean I know it would be nice, trust me, I've been here too, and I don't yet meet the requirements for this current promotion (other than the tauntaun ram pet). But I can understand that there should be some differentiation, and that BioWare is entitled to start paying attention to some of those new players who haven't been here from Day One, but have been more active than they have been, filling up the game worlds and helping the massively multiplayer environment along.


I'm sure everyone isn't going to agree with this. It's just my take on it. But I was one of the ones posting like mad last night in the hopes that BioWare would see the error of the "Just 50" way and expand the program.


Unfortunately, they didn't expand it large enough for me to qualify. But they did offer something I had discussed (although I am quite confident it wasn't that they saw me that did it, but either came from the forum outcry or internal discussions), which is to not just "jump" people with the promotion but actually give them a window of time to qualify, as a challenge, even if the time frame isn't enough.


I've got a lot of stuff to do over the next week plus, my taxes included, so I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make Legacy 6 or a Level 50 due to my having re-rolled from one server to the other. But I'm going to try. And I'm going to have fun trying.


And if I don't make it, meh, so what. It's $15. The game is still fun. It's still worth the $15 a month and the price I paid, and I'll still be here.


But ultimately I'm happy that they expanded the program and brought more players in, and I am happy for all of those who qualified for it and will be able to qualify for it by the end of the deadline, even if I don't. I think the Legacy qualifier is a perfect metric, seeing as how this is the Legacy patch and the kick-off of more legacy functions.


Hopefully some others feel the same way as well.


Sorry about the book, LOL.

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Hello everyone! At BioWare we're always listening to our fans and we've heard our community's comments around players with Level 50 characters being the only group awarded 30 days of play time. We appreciate the feedback and are pleased to announce that we are expanding our Legacy Promotion, also awarding 30 days of play time at no charge to players that have reached Legacy Level 6 (who may not have a 50th level character).


We just released the innovative Legacy System as part of Game Update 1.2, and felt that looking at Legacy point progression across all of your characters was a great way to reward our most avid players. This means that any of the experience you earn with any of your characters brings you closer to the goal of Legacy Level 6. The choice of how to get to Legacy Level 6 is yours.


First, you need to have passed Chapter 1 to unlock your legacy. Examples of how to get to Legacy Level 6 include:


  • A pair of characters Level 45 and 42
  • A trio of characters of Levels 45, 32 and 32
  • A bunch of characters Levels 35, 33, 31, 29 and 20
  • A single 50th level character that has enjoyed the endgame for a brief time

Remember these are just examples – you’re free to choose how to earn your Legacy experience to gain Legacy Level 6.


We've also got another significant piece of good news: everyone will have until April 22nd at noon CDT (5:00pm GMT - click here for a time zone converter) to have a Level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 on their account to get 30 days of game time on us. (Your 30 days of game time will be applied to your account on April 25th by 11:59pm CDT.) Players will now have multiple options, as well as more time, to try and reach these goals and play all the great new content in Game Update 1.2.


As always, we appreciate your feedback and will do our best to surprise and delight our customers.


Dr Greg Zeschuk

Studio GM, BioWare Austin



[As an FYI: the news story and webpage regarding Legacy Promotion will be updated tonight or early next week with up-to-date information.]


Dr. Zeschuk,


Sadly, that post does not address the actual concern. I wish that it did, but it just doesn't.


I really appreciate the gesture and the attempt. For some people it is enough to correct the slight against us casual players that have been here from the start (or even before).


If you are in the position to do so, please bring this to Dr. Zeschuk's attention; some of us want an apology. I don't want free play time. I want an acknowledgement that I (amongst many othes) are considered valued, supportive, and loyal players. We've been here from the start, or before; we've purchased digital downloads, collector's editions, or just plain pre-ordered, and paid our subscription fees and just, quite simply, enjoyed the game.


We are supportive by beta testing, spending time on the PTS, or playing the game to its fullest by trying all of the various storylines. No, we haven't made it to 50 on one character, because we've been enjoying the game on a multitude of characters.


I, for one, am just looking for someone to acknowledge that fact that I am supportive, that I am loyal, and am a valued player. I don't want free time to play. I just want to know that while you have identified players at level 50 as valuble, that you find my contributions in my ways of a value, as well.


Honestly, I can afford several 6-month subscriptions, may times over, but to have your Marketing Department tell me on their promotions page that I am not one of the [most] valued players, that I am not supportive or loyal because I don't have a level 50 is shameful.


I am supportive and loyal in many ways; just not in the desire to level to 50 within the first several months of the game.


I hope that makes sense to you, other players, and people at BioWare.


Some of just want to be acknowledged as loyal, supportive, and valued players. We've done our part by testing, playing, and paying; please just acknowledge that someone in your Marketing Department made a mistake and move on.


An apology for poor choices in wording will go a long way with a lot of people.





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I logged into the forums just to thank the SWTOR crew(s) for the free 30 days.

Then, they took it even further - they're giving everyone a chance to reach Legacy 6 to earn a free month.


After the giant Friday, 13th mess on the forums earlier today, this is a perfect solution.

It shows that these forums are actually read by a caring (and even generously humble) staff.


Lucas Arts, BioWare, and EA are producing a masterpiece of a game.

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Dr. Zeschuk,


Sadly, that post does not address the actual concern. I wish that it did, but it just doesn't.


I really appreciate the gesture and the attempt. For some people it is enough to correct the slight against us casual players that have been here from the start (or even before).


If you are in the position to do so, please bring this to Dr. Zeschuk's attention; some of us want an apology. I don't want free play time. I want an acknowledgement that I (amongst many othes) are considered valued, supportive, and loyal players. We've been here from the start, or before; we've purchased digital downloads, collector's editions, or just plain pre-ordered, and paid our subscription fees and just, quite simply, enjoyed the game.


We are supportive by beta testing, spending time on the PTS, or playing the game to its fullest by trying all of the various storylines. No, we haven't made it to 50 on one character, because we've been enjoying the game on a multitude of characters.


I, for one, am just looking for someone to acknowledge that fact that I am supportive, that I am loyal, and am a valued player. I don't want free time to play. I just want to know that while you have identified players at level 50 as valuble, that you find my contributions in my ways of a value, as well.


Honestly, I can afford several 6-month subscriptions, may times over, but to have your Marketing Department tell me on their promotions page that I am not one of the [most] valued players, that I am not supportive or loyal because I don't have a level 50 is shameful.


I am supportive and loyal in many ways; just not in the desire to level to 50 within the first several months of the game.


I hope that makes sense to you, other players, and people at BioWare.


Some of just want to be acknowledged as loyal, supportive, and valued players. We've done our part by testing, playing, and paying; please just acknowledge that someone in your Marketing Department made a mistake and move on.


An apology for poor choices in wording will go a long way with a lot of people.






... more proof that TOR forums have the whiniest people on the internet.


D'aww, he wants to feel nurtured, coddled and loved by his game making company- apparantly making it so that anyone whose put in the couple dozen hours it takes to hit 30ish and open legacy is too hard- and giving you almost two extra weeks to achieve this is proof that they hates you.



Suck it up- who seriously complains about being given free stuff? I used to say jokingly that this community would complain even if BW gave you gold bars- I don't think it's a joke anymore, wouldn't be surprised if you'd come here complaining that it didn't come in a diamond chalice.



/first world problems

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I logged into the forums just to thank the SWTOR crew(s) for the free 30 days.

Then, they took it even further - they're giving everyone a chance to reach Legacy 6 to earn a free month.


After the giant Friday, 13th mess on the forums earlier today, this is a perfect solution.

It shows that these forums are actually read by a caring (and even generously humble) staff.


Lucas Arts, BioWare, and EA are producing a masterpiece of a game.


And still there's people here butthurt over not being considered a "valued customer".

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The only way you could play video games was to go to the local arcade and drop quarters in a machine for very little game time and for a kid it was alot of money for very short entertainment session

So 50 cents a day to play swtor no matter how long you play really isnt crap to me.

There is more negative responses to the first free month offer based on your level, than there is posative.

And the fix for the response is still creating negative responses.


And finaly the negative responses are valid because it wasn't a wise choice to descriminate against long term players who are trying to enjoy all aspects of this game then give joe blow who blew through the content who hasnt even been charged his 1st month a free month.


thats the issue.

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Before you start grabbing at my underwear trying to make me squeal you might want to untie the knots in your panties.

I tell you what If If your so bored at level 50 ,roll a new class,experiment, help others.

or just sit at end game with your panties in a knot whineing about how bored you are and weild your pencil like a light saber at everyone who is a bit disgruntled how this free play was implimented.


Oh and niether of us use pencils most documents can be typed and printed up on a pc.


LOL. Youre a funny guy.


I have multiple classes, and I help people out every day (or at least, the few people on my server TO help - from class questions to heroics to even mats if I can spare em). But youll notice, if you spend 10 minutes looking BACK in the CW forums, that peoples main concern with this game IS the lack of end-game content. Generally, people just blow through it, and whereas, yeah, makes for some interesting developments, hardly leaves any room for 50s to do anything besides sit around.


You seem to, once again, be confused. Im not disgrunted over how it was implEmented. Moreso, the amount of WHINING that happened when people felt they were justified because they spent 2 hours on a character and wanted a free month.


See, this is the problem with handouts/freebies. Ever go to a grocery store where someones giving out free samples, of...lets say pizza bagels. Hell yeah pizza bagels. You stand in line, and when you get near the front, there are no more left! OH GOD! WAIT! Why did THAT guy get one? HES FATTER THAN ALL OF US! AND YOU! YOU GOT TWO! THATS NOT FAIR.


This is what it comes down to - people will itch and moan when they dont get their 'freebie' - even if its not necessarily deserved - and in some, but not all, its NOT.


Your girlfriends first words out of her mouth were 'WELL THATS NOT FAIR!" because why? she had subscribed? But how often does she play? Does she contribute to her server? Has she seen the end-game content? Is she part of a noticeable guild on her server? Does she run FPs with people and help people get geared? Is she ACTIVE on the server? If you looked at her /played of her MAJOR characters, would that be, lets say, over a week?


See - the problem is - HOW do you justify the free month? /played time? Nah, that wouldnt work. Subscriptions? Hell, I know people that subbed and then decided not to play and still have their sub...should THEY get a free month even though they dont play at all?? No, seems to me that the only FAIR way was to associate a number, or LEVEL attached to it.


Yet, everyone and their dog and cat has an excuse as to WHY they havent reached (insert arbitrary number here). My kids, my real life, my dog ate my internet cable last month and I couldnt log in, my computers broke, my computer cant handle it, my cat cant play for me, my girlfriend threw my computer down the stairs and now I cant play.


I wish people would just accept free things and not try and argue their way into it.


Now, so you understand something (again) clearly - I honestly DONT deserve the free month. Have I DONE anything to deserve it besides level a character to 50? Nah. Am I gonna take the free month? Sure as hell will! Should YOU be whining and moaning because you arent level 50/legacy7/whatever? Nah, you should play more and then...


...Just maybe...


...Youd be a 'most valued customer'




Ya know...


You could just stop worrying about what some company does to keep the people that actively play the game constantly - who are, at the root, their customer base. The people that CRAVE new content. The people that play and play and farm and play and get new tiers of gear and say 'hey, I would like some more please' - and BW says 'sure, give us some time - but hey, heres some free time to compensate'.


People STILL dont get it. There are STILL people complaining. I just dont understand the sense of entitlement that these people have. It BOGGLES the mind.


Oh, and pencil toppers - thats your quip at me? Wow. Im hurt. Accurate analogy though. Tell you what though - if that one offends you - check out the pizza bagels one. That should be more up your alley right?

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The only way you could play video games was to go to the local arcade and drop quarters in a machine for very little game time and for a kid it was alot of money for very short entertainment session

So 50 cents a day to play swtor no matter how long you play really isnt crap to me.

There is more negative responses to the first free month offer based on your level, than there is posative.

And the fix for the response is still creating negative responses.


And finaly the negative responses are valid because it wasn't a wise choice to descriminate against long term players who are trying to enjoy all aspects of this game then give joe blow who blew through the content who hasnt even been charged his 1st month a free month.


thats the issue.



Yeah cut the crap homey. If you're playing this game at all then you've got a levl 50. It just plain comes TOO EASY to get to level 50 in this game.


You people are just whining because you don't actually play the game and wanted a freebie anyway.

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Very respectable choice, and I would not have expected less from you, Bioware. To be honest, I have no idea what exactly my legacy lvl is, it very well might be 5 (it is 4 at least, but I recall it's been quite some time), but I applaud you even if it happened perchance that I don't qualify. Basing stuff simply on lv 50 endgame-chasing would be a bad choice and I know you are wise people who do not make bad choices. Mostly. :p (But if you do, you correct it, as we've seen a couple of times, and that is what I value the most.)
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... more proof that TOR forums have the whiniest people on the internet.


D'aww, he wants to feel nurtured, coddled and loved by his game making company- apparantly making it so that anyone whose put in the couple dozen hours it takes to hit 30ish and open legacy is too hard- and giving you almost two extra weeks to achieve this is proof that they hates you.



Suck it up- who seriously complains about being given free stuff? I used to say jokingly that this community would complain even if BW gave you gold bars- I don't think it's a joke anymore, wouldn't be surprised if you'd come here complaining that it didn't come in a diamond chalice.



/first world problems


Never complained or argued with anyone about this game,been pretty content,until this free 30 day thing.

no one wants to admit that it was a total f**** up and now there are repercussions.

I think alot of the complaints are valid.....of course those who have the free month wont complain, they have no reason to complain.

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The only way you could play video games was to go to the local arcade and drop quarters in a machine for very little game time and for a kid it was alot of money for very short entertainment session

So 50 cents a day to play swtor no matter how long you play really isnt crap to me.

There is more negative responses to the first free month offer based on your level, than there is posative.

And the fix for the response is still creating negative responses.


And finaly the negative responses are valid because it wasn't a wise choice to descriminate against long term players who are trying to enjoy all aspects of this game then give joe blow who blew through the content who hasnt even been charged his 1st month a free month.


thats the issue.


Players making positive responses: Post once or twice to thank Bioware then leave the thread.


Players making negative responses: ***** and moan for 4 or 5 pages.


So you, you're right, there are more negative posts. Less people making them though.

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Wow, thanks Bioware for giving anyone a chance to earn the free month! It's really cool :) I have subscribed since beginning, but started playing this week actively, I didn't have time to play before but I still wanted to support this game since it's ideas and concept are something I so much admire. I'll play the singleplayer content first with my friend thoroughly and perhaps then see if there are any nice guilds in bigger servers to join, to enjoy the more "communal" side of the game. I'm a social player and I think all that extra stuff makes the experience even better, I'm sure endgame will be expanded over time.


Don't care about the haters and flamers, that's what forums are for nowadays. ;) People can speak their mind in any way they want and anonymity is a great shield.

Edited by ZuLie
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I can't understand why people are moaning about getting 30 days free or not had the time to get to 50, I've been playing on my crapy laptop with "no Joke 4 - 9 Fps" and im currently level 49 and ive not played everyday. So people just need to cry less and play more.
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