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Legacy Promotion now expanded


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i probably don't get to play enough to get this nice little perk, but you know what? at least they aren't like blizz and say, "oh well, suck it up, we can do what we ant, like it or not, you will play."


and while yes, i understand that there are things people will always complain about with any mmo, how can you really complain about being any class of your favorite char from star wars? i mean, really? this game is beautiful. my first mmo was wow, and before that, rpgs only. online gameplay was for super nerds. i played wow cause ozzy said to do so, i loved wow when i played. but tor has really made me love mmo's now.


bioware has a great game here, and even if you don't qualify for the 30 day perk, like i won't, don't be a raging fool. if you love the game, love it, if you hate it, wow or rift or w/e is ====> way. feel free to leave the fun to those of us who love it cause we're fans first, players in the story second. good night folks.


Best post I've seen in a long time. Well said. :)

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i probably don't get to play enough to get this nice little perk, but you know what? at least they aren't like blizz and say, "oh well, suck it up, we can do what we want, like it or not, you will play."


and while yes, i understand that there are things people will always complain about with any mmo, how can you really complain about being any class of your favorite char from star wars? i mean, really? this game is beautiful. my first mmo was wow, and before that, rpgs only. online gameplay was for super nerds. i played wow cause ozzy said to do so, i loved wow when i played. but tor has really made me love mmo's now.


bioware has a great game here, and even if you don't qualify for the 30 day perk, like i won't, don't be a raging fool. if you love the game, love it, if you hate it, wow or rift or w/e is ====> way. feel free to leave the fun to those of us who love it cause we're fans first, players in the story second. good night folks.


If only the majority of people adopted this guys attitude.


Kudos dude. Kudos.

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Not to burst your bubble but i would imagine that the same conditions applied that were already in place, had to have legacy lvl 6 before midnight on April 12th 2012.


I think you're wrong, they still have time to reach the goal:


We've also got another significant piece of good news: everyone will have until April 22nd at noon CDT (5:00pm GMT - click here for a time zone converter) to have a Level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 on their account to get 30 days of game time on us. (Your 30 days of game time will be applied to your account on April 25th by 11:59pm CDT.) Players will now have multiple options, as well as more time, to try and reach these goals and play all the great new content in Game Update 1.2.


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Should we be recieving an e-mail alerting us of this? A guildie commented during our operation last night that he'd just gotten an e-mail alert, and between pulls he said it was about this promotion.


I've recieved no such notification, though I definitely qualify.

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Hello guys, I have a level 50 and legacy lev15 (... well, more than 6 anyway ;)) but I have not yet received the legacy promotion. I know that my account does not automatically renew your subscription, but I think I ever renewed manually the day of expiry (GMT +2, Italy).


The question is: "I'm eligible to receive the promotion?"




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Hey Stephen, great promotion but i have a question. If someone resubscribes until the 22nd and gets to lvl 50 or legacy lvl 6; do they still get a free month? or it doesn't apply this way? Thank you for a wonderful job and hope i get an answer.
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6 months with a lvl50 character?? Really? Even if you dont play but 8 hours a WEEK, youd still have a level 50 character in 6 months.


I made 50 in under 7 days /played time. Granted, I am a veteran in MMOs and know how to level, but lets face it - this game doesnt make it incredibly hard to level. I think my hardest levels were 48-50 - and thats because I had completed my main storyline quest and felt no 'urge' to get to lvl 50.


If you play MMOs CASUALLY (and for the sake of this discussion <8 hours a week), you had no NEED for the 30 day, as it was to offset the lack of end-game content once you reach 50. If youre still moseying through each class storyline, you havent really been AFFECTED by the lack of end game, because, for all intents and purposes, youve been exploring every ASPECT of the STORIES (which, effectively, cease at approx lvl48). If youre not missing out on anything due to the lack of content, why should you be given a free month to continue to experience content that has been out?

Like I said before, Im GLAD that more people got and get a chance at the free month. I am SUPER HAPPY EXCITED about it.


But I guarantee you that the majority of people complaining here...HAVENT been 6 month subscribed, and HAVENT owned the game since launch, and HAVENT paid multi-month subs. I would bet MY free month on it. Keep that in mind - Im not ragging on THOSE people, because, like you said, they have a right to be a bit peeved. Its the people who bought the game in Feb, bought a month or got a game card and now going "I WANT A FREE MONTH EVEN THOUGH I HAVENT MET THE VERY SMALL REQS FOR IT".


Also, I still feel the need to say it - 6 months and not a SINGLE lvl 50?? Comon.

Red text speculation is totaly invalid ,baseing who needs or deserves the free month.

I could easily say you dont need a free 30 days because youve only been playing 30 days and you have a level 50 and have 7 other Alts to compensate you.

Based on the fact that youve experienced up to level 50,Why should you be given a free month?Hell you did everything already why on earth would you need a free month?

Well I'm pretty sure I could have leveled up to 50 in a couple of weeks,Your right it is easy to level up to 50 In 1 month If thats how you play MMOs.

Right now Im legacy 4,Am I going to hussle and compromise how I like to play and rush content for 14.99? no thanks....I'm not going to sweat it.I could easily get Legacy 6 before the 22nd.who knows maybe I'll end up a legacy 6 but its going to be on my terms.


I Am NOT mad at those who are level 50 or have level 6 legacy and get the free month,

But this whole free month based on levels was wrong, there is nothing "ok" or "right" about it.


My g/f plays off and on ,She was here since Pre order and launch, has remained subscribed and paid monthly fee since launch, I told her about this free month thing they did ,First reaction from her was "Well thats not fair" (even though she really could care less)

Yet it is a first reaction,And how this kind of reaction was unforseen is beyond me.

Ive been gaming for 22 years but for some reason my play style is to absorb and enjoy the art work,environments, the hunts for datacrons,redoing missions I enjoy,savoring storyline and the game play and I have respect for the hard work creating this game and I like Bioware games.


I just think the 30 day free gameplay was a major F*** up and the backlash is deserved.

Edited by CygnusMX
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all these idiots saying oh im a casual gamer i dont have time whinge whinge whinge, pfft im a full time dad with a full time job, only time i ever get to play is when my sons asleep at night and I still have time to get a few hours in every night or every 2nd night, my point is im a veteran mmo play, i've been playing this game since well last month when it was released in Australia, i have a lvl 50 and legacy 8 plus other toons, so its not the fact you guys dont have time, hell i hardly find time, its how you play, BW is rewarding active loyal customers, not people who log on like once a week or so, if thats your style, good on you. but dont complain your not getting the free time, nothing in life is free, you want the free time, GO EARN IT!
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Well nice move. Bioware wanted to thank all those who actually play the game, those who populate the servers and not only those who pay their montly fee.

There is just no fair way to measure that, even /played time would not be fair, because some people login several times a day for a short time, while others stand there afk.

Expanding the promotion to legacy levl 6 is nice.

Those examples in the dev post are very misleading.

You gain legacy by completing chapter 1.

This can been done solo at level 30, easy. Even with lower level, if someone helps you with the endboss. On pts I did it with a gunslinger at lvl 30, on live my jedi knigt did chapter 1 with lvl 28, but a friend helped with the very last boss.

As soon, as you have one chapter 1 done, even several low lvl chars can farm legacy 6. With everything that gives xp. Quests, pvp and such.


Also, expanding the window of oportunity is very nice, indeed.


It was just bad taste to give the promotion only to those, who did not cancel after it was announced, that rated warzones are canned. Now Bioware gets those people back on board and those who are a short way from lvl 50 or legacy 6 can accomplish that, too.


Nice move, at last.

Edited by Karenai
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all these idiots saying oh im a casual gamer i dont have time whinge whinge whinge, pfft im a full time dad with a full time job, only time i ever get to play is when my sons asleep at night and I still have time to get a few hours in every night or every 2nd night, my point is im a veteran mmo play, i've been playing this game since well last month when it was released in Australia, i have a lvl 50 and legacy 8 plus other toons, so its not the fact you guys dont have time, hell i hardly find time, its how you play, BW is rewarding active loyal customers, not people who log on like once a week or so, if thats your style, good on you. but dont complain your not getting the free time, nothing in life is free, you want the free time, GO EARN IT!


Everyone has different play styles, everyone approaches an MMO in different ways. So, you're a veteran. I'm happy for you. So, you're a dad...join the club. So, you only get a couple of hours of an evening to play and you keep getting dragged afk when the kids wake up....me too. So, you got a chr to lvl 50 and a few alts to lvl "n". Great. I happen not to have done so. Do I have Legacy > 6 yea...my main has legacy 8 yet he's only lvl 47. Do Bio actively promote the creation of alts as yuo go along via the legacy system...yes. Am I any less dedicated than you? I think not.


Anyway, thank you Bio for correcting this issue.

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Red text speculation is totaly invalid ,baseing who needs or deserves the free month.

I could easily say you dont need a free 30 days because youve only been playing 30 days and you have a level 50 and have 7 other Alts to compensate you.

Based on the fact that youve experienced up to level 50,Why should you be given a free month?Hell you did everything already why on earth would you need a free month?

I just think the 30 day free gameplay was a major F*** up and the backlash is deserved.


Youre right - and guess what? Had I not been offered the 30 day reward - I wouldnt be pissed. And I DEFINITELY wouldnt have come to the forum to start griping about how I should be able to get a free month for my hard work powering to 50. So if I was NOT getting it based on whatever stipulations there are, I wouldnt be complaining.


Do those people have a right to complain (the ones subbed for 6 months since release)? Sure - most def. Do the majority of people on the CW forums have the right? Id venture a whole-hearted guess not.


But just to rub it in your face - Im going to level alts in the free month and WAIT FOR MORE ENDGAME CONTENT. Which, ironically, what the free 30 days was for. Its been basically a huge apology for those who have gotten to 50 and sat around and waited for new things, and HUGE bug fixes and whatnot.


Look through this thread at the VAST number of people complaining? Do you HONEST TO GOD think that ALL OF THEM have subbed for over 6 months? Hell, half of them have admitted to not having any 50s and under legacy level 7. REALLY? 6 months and you cant get to legacy lvl 7?? How many alts do you have? How IMMERSED in the game are you that you cant finish ONE storyline, let alone, the few that it MIGHT take to get to legacy lvl 7. Im at 10 with one 50 and 1 lvl 28 and a few alts at 10.


Seems like people like you and your gf are complaining about pencil toppers now. Tell ya what - get to level 50, see how mind numbingly boring it is running the same dailies/HMs/OPs for gear, run out of things to do THEN tell me that the free month given to people isnt a nice gesture.


Oh, and before I forget, so you dont go grabbing your underwear and squealing - ONCE AGAIN - I am happy that more people get the free month. Doesnt mean everyone and their dog (MYSELF INCLUDED) DESERVES it.

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all these idiots saying oh im a casual gamer i dont have time whinge whinge whinge, pfft im a full time dad with a full time job, only time i ever get to play is when my sons asleep at night and I still have time to get a few hours in every night or every 2nd night, my point is im a veteran mmo play, i've been playing this game since well last month when it was released in Australia, i have a lvl 50 and legacy 8 plus other toons, so its not the fact you guys dont have time, hell i hardly find time, its how you play, BW is rewarding active loyal customers, not people who log on like once a week or so, if thats your style, good on you. but dont complain your not getting the free time, nothing in life is free, you want the free time, GO EARN IT!


Oh goody another veteran mmo player .

Nothing in life is free yet you just recieved 30 days of gameplay free because ooooooh boy , your an elite veteran who works so so hard on your video game tacticts and your so special.

Any idiot can get to level 50 in this game within a week or 2 so i wouldnt brag too much about being a veteran.

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How do you know they won't try and pull something like this again?


Well, we can live in the worry of what might be or we can live with what is.


You can choose to worry about the future over which you have no control or you can deal with the present.


If you are concerned that they might make another mistake, well, you're going to be focusing on the wrong thing. Why not enjoy the "now"? And if you cannot, perhaps doing something else with your spare time would be a better investment?

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Warning Inc complaints about how people have been signed up since day 1 but can only play 1 hr a month so they could not get legacy lvl 6 and feel that they are being treated unfairly so they are cancelling thier subs.



Good job Bioware on listening to your low level players. Now lets take care of the population problems so the 50's can have something to do again.


It seems you were only half right...


apparantly its the people with lvl 50 toons that are complaining that we who dont have lvl 50's dont "deserve" this...

because their playstyle is superiour to ours and hence they are more loyal (yeah, dont ask me how that works)



Anyway, thank you bioware. I appreciate the gesture (didnt really care about the 30 days, just wanted an apology, and ill take this as one).


Ill hang on to my sig for a little while longer tho... as a reminder.

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Thank you for listening to us even though some of us were pretty rude about our disappointment. Heh.


I am glad that BW understands that we don't all play the same way and that some of us "ditherers" are quite invested and loyal indeed.


Thank you.

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It seems you were only half right...


apparantly its the people with lvl 50 toons that are complaining that we who dont have lvl 50's dont "deserve" this...

because their playstyle is superiour to ours and hence they are more loyal (yeah, dont ask me how that works)



Anyway, thank you bioware. I appreciate the gesture (didnt really care about the 30 days, just wanted an apology, and ill take this as one).


Ill hang on to my sig for a little while longer tho... as a reminder.


Well, no actually there was a huge outcry from players who claimed to have been subscribed since day one and had not reached level 50. Those players said, they didn't have enough time, so they felt offended, that Bioware didn't see them as "valued customers".


Now it's technically still possible, that someone signed up since day one and still didn't have enough time to get to legacy level 6. I don't know how many people, but I guess there will still be people who feel cheated.

Edited by Nindoriel
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Guess what. BioWare didn't have to do ANYTHING at all. They didn't have to give ANYONE free game time, or a free pet.


Starting to sound like "another game" all over again. Gimme gimme gimme.




P.S. Thank you BioWare. Not many companies would give a gift like that, for such a small reason as to why.


You are still missing the point, either because you are simply not smart enough to grasp it, or because you are a fanboy.


I'll leave it up to you and others to decide which.


The ONLY thing I think I am entitled to from Bioware is equal respect because I pay an equal amount.


The free 30 days is noting to me, in fact, please Bioware, give it to somebody else, I don't need it.


All The Best

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I cancelled and this wouldnt even get me to consider resubing and I already meet the new standards!


Its a shame after all those posts and after people put themselves out there to be openly attacked and insulted with out moderation yesterday on this very forum


Bioware still didnt get the main issue


it was all for not


*shakes head and wanders off quite sad over state of humanity*



Oh Jesus.

Could there be more drama?


You're talking about the "state of humanity"? This is a game. This is a business trying to earn enough money so they can continue to do what they do. Making games.


If you're so concerned about the "state of humanity" why don't you go start somewhere it really matters.

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