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    RPGs, MMOs, Biking
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    Web Developer
  1. So what are the "right" heals at the right time? I have always been more of a rotation healer than a I need this heal now player in other MMOs, but I'm interested in improving. Would love rotation heal or contextual healing thoughts from players post 1.2. I have already noticed I need to change my style a bit, but have never been good at sorting out changes. Would love to talk about it.
  2. Thank you. Interactions like this make me very happy to play this game and be part of the forum community.
  3. I feel everyones pain on this issue as well. I would have a 50 on my server, but started playing on the Test Server trying to help out and because of that and having alts that I level with friends I really have no way of being at 50 already, but I have been playing since pre release and beta. I have over 10 characters and probably play almost every day. Being 50 shouldn't be the only way to get this "gift" They should include play hours as well. But as so many have said this really boils down trying to keep all those players with 50's and who don't feel like they have anything to do or that the end game content isn't up to the keeping them. I for one am enjoying the story and will eventually have multiple characters at 50. I think playing from the beginning should entitle us to more than just a Founder Title if they are giving others a reward. Anyway, just wanted to chime in in case it helps. Great game and I will keep playing either way, but feel Bioware could be a little more fair or call things like they are would probably upset less people.
  4. I have gotten a group of my real world friends to travel the TOR world together. We have one member who is lower level than the rest of us by 2 almost 3 levels. We have been trying to figure out how XP is distributed because we would have thought he would catch up, but in many cases us higher level characters get more XP in missions and flashpoints than he does. We want him to catch up because he is playing our tank and healing him is a struggle sometimes. Can you explain how this is supposed to work? Or if there is anything we can do to help? Thank you for your time.
  5. I have my own system for setting up quickslot keys. I use it for all my characters and just put matching abilities into the keys I use. I would love for you to make a global key binding an option. Thank you for a fun game.
  6. Please have the crew's missions finish only when out of combat. It could save lives.
  7. It would be nice and of great benefit if in a description of a Schematic or Mission drop if they would let you know in the mouse over if you already know it if the current character has the correct skill. It would save lots of clicking and comparing. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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