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This is why I am NOT quitting SW


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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.



What she/he/it said ;)

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I'm not going anywhere.


I played WoW from beginning to when I just couldn't stand it anymore (talking about the last great release when they had us playing The Little Friggin Mermaid underwater).


As such, I still recall the MAJOR downtimes during MINOR patches. Major patch? Forgettaboutit.


Am I the only person who remembers that you pretty-much EXPECTED major, unannounced downtime when there was ANY WoW patch release?


By comparison, I'd say Bioware is in an awesome position right now. The launch was flawless when compared to every other MMO launch I've been in (at least a dozen), and they usually have the servers back up after maintenance well BEFORE the announced time.


Am I the only one who notices this?


Is SWTOR as polished as WoW? Of course not, but I remember how unpolished WoW was at launch. As for all the "well, all of these features are expected now at launch": BS - NO MMO has implemented all the features gamers expect during ANY MMO launch - especially not WoW.


Nope, not going anywhere.


- Cinder

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.

Good for you.

I, for one, demand an ever

increasing level of service

and will not let any service

provider rest on their laurels.



I want to encourage them to be

the best they can be.


Edited by Scudmungus
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Game has vanilla issues, but is fun to play and will continue to evolve.


Meltdowns, rants, and threats to quit at this stage are par for the course, and these usually come from people who are actually quite invested in the game... so much so that vanilla hiccups drive them up the wall. There's inevitably a "I never liked this game anyway" tone involved, but that's just a mask for frustration.


I won't be quitting this game for years. I may decrease the amount of time I spend on the parts that aren't functioning optimally or even shelve it for a few weeks when content gets stale, but quit? As in unsub? Well, that's just childish, so we won't be doing down that road, particularly since the core elements of SWTOR are really quite amusing. There's a lot of re-playability here, for me anyway, since I enjoy the cinematics and the stories immensely.


Above all, SWTOR is the first mmo I have ever played where I felt like my characters have come to life. They're not just avatars interacting with quest givers and vendors - they have personalities and histories - which I have become fond of.

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Once I make a MMO "The Game" I don't walk away unless they pull an NGE. other then that I'm enjoying the entire game very much.


Not a fanboy by a long shot. but BW's new at this and they will be hooking us up with cool stuff. I think today they're eating some humble pie, but that ok it gets people back to earth and back on focus.

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also people SHOULD keep up constructive criticism because that's the way issues get brought to devs attention but quit all the useless complaining about downtime. Welcome to MMOs. You have a day off with downtime ending at the beginning of peak (US), find something else to do. Go read a book. Go to lunch with a friend. GO OUTSIDE :-0

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


new blaster sounds suck, but that is my only complaint. I have even called a few friends and told them it was better then it had been. I will be here for a while. /signed

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EA not Bioware.

But i get your meaning.



realy? please. in comparisom to other games of the genre i think the players generaly speaking dont have reasons to complain regarding this issue. IMO


You might want to check who owns BioWare's rears, and who really foot the bill for SWTOR. If you don't think EA has no influence over SWTOR / BioWare, then you don't know much about EA itself.

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


To be perfectly honest, if people want to quit, they'll quit. Ok, you like the game, thats great. But they're paying money for a service, if they don't like it, they'll leave. Its as simple as that. I'm sticking around on TOR and if people want to leave, I wish them the best and move on. I don't say 'haha, you're such a whiner, no ones gonna miss you, laters'. Someone choosing not to renew their subscription is their choice and their choice alone for whatever reason they like, not a personal insult to anyone who chooses to continue playing. Why the hostility?

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


Depends how you define trolling.

Im sure you didnt intend it that way but, your post is a typical troll post.

Its agressive, rude and incites to dispute while not being at all constructive.

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


Ab-so-lutely agree.

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Pretty much have to agree with OP. It just seems this is the way games work. With a patch of this magnitude there's bound to be some issues that they cant foresee when all the systems interact with each other live, not to mention they just dont have enough testers on the PTS. I mean take Blizzard and Diablo 3 for example. Diablo 3 isnt even launching with PvP because its all jacked up. So there is another big gaming company that doesnt meet the masses demands because its impossible. Point being this is part of the process and thats the way it goes. Am I happy about it, no of course not. But I understand that games take time to mature so to speak. And it does suck I cant play, but I play because I enjoy the game. Not to mention they hooked me up with a free month so that makes up for all the down time for me.
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best of companies... they were just voted the worst company.... hmmmm




one is owned by the other, but you can't staple on the habits of one company to that of the other. it's like, EA is the producer and BW is the director... yeah, the producer can carry some weight, but they're just the sugar daddy fronting the bucks; BW is the one doing all the work.


while you may not agree with the practices of the parent, try not to pin a lot of those feelings on the kids.

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You might want to check who owns BioWare's rears, and who really foot the bill for SWTOR. If you don't think EA has no influence over SWTOR / BioWare, then you don't know much about EA itself.


You know, that survey was conducted ONLINE. Where the people voting are more likely to be whiny children than grown adults. I mean... COME ON! A VIDEO GAME company gets worst company ever? I can't count on two hands how many companies deserve to be at the top at that list than EA....



Edited by Oofpez
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To be perfectly honest, if people want to quit, they'll quit. Ok, you like the game, thats great. But they're paying money for a service, if they don't like it, they'll leave. Its as simple as that. I'm sticking around on TOR and if people want to leave, I wish them the best and move on. I don't say 'haha, you're such a whiner, no ones gonna miss you, laters'. Someone choosing not to renew their subscription is their choice and their choice alone for whatever reason they like, not a personal insult to anyone who chooses to continue playing. Why the hostility?


I quote and I agree with this guy. Only guy in this thread who makes sense. So I think its fair that everyone can read his comment again.



So then for the OP.


Who will miss me? I dont know, maybe the entire community? The entire community who SCREAMS for server merges....



I canceled my sub yesterday, but since the OP is about why Im not quitting SW, Im gonna continue on that line instead.


I have 18 days left, I may cansel my unsubscription, based on the following:


-30 days free for the people who have suffered most (I played casually for 2 months now, and still no caracther on lvl 50)


- developers are responding in several threads (even though quite pathetically, but I read between the lines that they mean well, and I respect that they have another point of view and opinion.)


- today they have updated their thread on the unsuspected patch, 3 times. The last one with one free day for all. This is respect. Respect for their player base, and I mutually respect them based upon this action. Mistakes happend, its how you deal with that matters.


- lousy pvp, but amazing story line and classes. This game is so much fun.


If I choose to continue paying and playing this game, it will however NOT be based upon the amazing players I find in this thread.


If someone in my guild where down, sad, felt everything went against them. Their caracther might have been nerfed, quests broken, something that for me wasnt bad, but for them were bad. Bad enough to quit over. I dont say F U and I will not miss you....


I just dont say that.


SHAME on you guys.




Bloodworthy server

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


Since your not leaving.....this means I can't have your stuff?

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.

Glad to meet you! :p



I have fun too!!! :D Some folks seem right cranky!! But I ain't. I'm havin' a BLAST!!! X) :jawa_smile:


I think I mentioned in a thread elsewhere that I've not scratched the surface of this game, yet. I tend to quest a lot, so I'm familiar w/quite a few of them, but there's so MUCH MORE to do that I haven't experienced.


I'm really so excited about the new Legacy system! I can see how my future is laid out before me because I need to - unlock ALL OF THAT. lol *^,^*


Again - great meetin' ya!!! Woot!! Let's go destroy - I mean save - er- yah, THE GALAXY! :D





Mrs. Quinn :D

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