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Casual players are NOT valued customers


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All i can say is really are you serious. I have a total of 13 characters 1 50 2 in the 40's 3 in the 30's and going down hill from there. I have deleted 3 characters that were in the 25's. I play maybe 1 hour a night and 4 hr's over the weekend. It was not hard to get to 50 on one character in 4 months well almost 4. If you have not gotten one character to 50 by now why would you care about 1 month free you hardly play to get your regular 15$ worth.


I do think anyone that has had pre-ordered should have gotten the 30 days because the showed pre-love. It is only 15 dollars rounded up.

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Lost Island and Explosive Conflict (Story Mode, anyway) are brutal. This game is moving towards a more 'hardcore' audience, I think. I also am of the opinion that if it wanted to be 'casual friendly' and 'solo friendly' it would include at least a local server LFD tool... but that's me being irritated that because I'm not big on joining random guilds and am extra picky about the people I associate with, I get punished with having to ask in fleet for an hour to get a Hard Mode group.
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What happened to the game that was touted as being the MMO designed to cater to the casual player...the solo player


I didn't bother reading past this really. I'm just gonna say, I play solo ALOT. (Yes, I do some group play, but mostly solo) I have played since the second day of early access, and I have THREE level 50 characters, a level 48, a level 39 and a level 30. Solo leveled, every one of them. It's been 4 months, if you couldn't get ONE character to level 50 in that time, that's not their fault.

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In short, the OP is mad that he did not get a free 30 days.


Here's one that will blow your mind then...


I already cancelled my account before this fiasco and still got an email giving me the 30 days free. So MY business which I cancelled is more important than a current player that has been faithful to them?




I knew Bioware was going downhill but it looks like EA has completed the absorption of whatever was good and got rid of it already. Too bad, used to be a good company.

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Even the most casual gamer ever should have at least one 50 by now, unless for some reason they were just actively avoiding dinging 50 on any character.


This isn't the design of the joint strike fighter we're talking about here.


At best I maybe spend 2-3 hours a week...I spread that between 4 characters. I play games for the stories. Not as a race to finish first or get the best new shiny.

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I generally agree with the OP - those of us that have played since release have given the same amount of money in subscription fees whether we have many 50s or have bummed around taking our time and experimenting with different servers/factions.subclasses etc. Or simply don't have time to spend more than a few hours now and then playing - the subscription revenue the company gets is the same.


I have no horse in this race since I do have 50s - but it still seems unfair.


The legacy cuts in at the end of chapter 1 - roughly level 30-35. But I agree many of the legacy benefits require going further than that and/or having loads of cash - by design the system is intended as a credit sink.

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Again, posting this from another thread -


The free month? Its not supposed to be a reward, its supposed to be a bribe.



You aren't going anywhere. The 50 who sees the endgame bugs, broken design, might.


This is the reason it's to stop pop bleeding out, presumably while they work on getting ranked warzones in and server transfer tech. Kind of annoying since I went away then came back so I miss this promotion but oh well I guess.

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What happened to the game that was touted as being the MMO designed to cater to the casual player...the solo player (and please just leave now if all you're going to reply with is MMO = not solo)


I helped in the Beta...I pre-ordered the game...I've been a subscriber since launch. However, I do not have all the time in the world to play the game. So I do not have a character that is level 50. I have several characters of various levels and I am doing my best to enjoy the individual stories and play the game at the pace I want to.


The whole VALUED customer bit that came with 1.2. Apparently only folks who reached level 50 are considered a valued customer and are given a FREE month...so I read this as...SCREW YOU to all of our other customers. And you know what...I don't feel like a valued customer...and apparently Bioware/EA agree.


All I get is frustrated when all the patches (and the way patches are done absolutely annoys me) are geared toward end game characters and events...they hardly ever fix issues that relate to beginning/middle of game (Datacrons still not able to get due to character model size....???)


Here comes 1.2...Legacy. Awesome...no...wait...crap. Only useful if you have a level 50...nope...really only useful if you have multiple level 50s and apparently have a droid on your ship that is printing credits for you. I'm sorry that I can't devote hours to the game ever day so I could have enjoyed the lower cost of the speeder/crystals...again...catered to top level players. Hell...I can barely afford anything now...and don't even get me started on the lovely GTN...prices on there are so over inflated due to the ridiculous economy.


At this point in time...I'm not even sure I want to bother getting to level 50 with any of my characters to finish the storyline. It just doesn't feel worth the effort of trudging through.


I loved the premise...and I'm sure if it stays going that in a year or three the game will become great...Unfortunately, this non-valued customer probably won't be around.



Are you serious? If you don't have a level 50 by now then you don't deserve to play video games at all. This has to be the quickest to 50 MMORPG I have ever played. I struggled to not out level content and I'm a casual player who's married with 2 small children (and yes a job) who divides my free time with Xbox 360 as well.


I have a lvl 50 who is 400 in 3 gather skills and 2 lvl 30s that are 400 in 2 gathers and a crew skill each.


If you haven't made it to 50 yet then it's because you're using the game as a giant chatbox. Can't say I want to see you encouraged with a free month honestly.

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What happened to the game that was touted as being the MMO designed to cater to the casual player...the solo player (and please just leave now if all you're going to reply with is MMO = not solo)


I helped in the Beta...I pre-ordered the game...I've been a subscriber since launch. However, I do not have all the time in the world to play the game. So I do not have a character that is level 50. I have several characters of various levels and I am doing my best to enjoy the individual stories and play the game at the pace I want to.


The whole VALUED customer bit that came with 1.2. Apparently only folks who reached level 50 are considered a valued customer and are given a FREE month...so I read this as...SCREW YOU to all of our other customers. And you know what...I don't feel like a valued customer...and apparently Bioware/EA agree.


All I get is frustrated when all the patches (and the way patches are done absolutely annoys me) are geared toward end game characters and events...they hardly ever fix issues that relate to beginning/middle of game (Datacrons still not able to get due to character model size....???)


Here comes 1.2...Legacy. Awesome...no...wait...crap. Only useful if you have a level 50...nope...really only useful if you have multiple level 50s and apparently have a droid on your ship that is printing credits for you. I'm sorry that I can't devote hours to the game ever day so I could have enjoyed the lower cost of the speeder/crystals...again...catered to top level players. Hell...I can barely afford anything now...and don't even get me started on the lovely GTN...prices on there are so over inflated due to the ridiculous economy.


At this point in time...I'm not even sure I want to bother getting to level 50 with any of my characters to finish the storyline. It just doesn't feel worth the effort of trudging through.


I loved the premise...and I'm sure if it stays going that in a year or three the game will become great...Unfortunately, this non-valued customer probably won't be around.



I agree 110% It is like a fook you no lvl 50 you are not a loyal customer lol Even though i too have played in closed beta pre launch , early acces and have no lvl 50 character yet i have lvl 45, lvl 30 alts and loads in there 20-30 range.


So we get punished even though i thought i was a loyal customer. well you know what up yours bioware i just cancelled my sub. I work a lot of hours and have loads of alts none lvl 50, so bah *** i am not a loyal customer. stick your 30 days free up where the sun dont shine .


I can assure you there are a lot of pisssedd off people who agree and will unsub. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Does 4 months ring a bell?

Sorry you didn't have enough time in those 4 months to reach 50.


Sorry, I don't live in my mother's basement and play video games 8 hours a day. I have a job and a fiancee that I kinda like to spend time with. I also like to, you know, roleplay in a roleplaying game and to take time and enjoy the story.

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In short, the OP is mad that he did not get a free 30 days.


Well, Like the OP, I've been here since Beta, Pre-ordered, and my highest is a level 47 (Almost 48) and I have many other toons as well. A level 34 Sorcerer, a level 22 BH, a level 15 IA, Etc.....

So the game that wanted you to run alts and play them all is punishing those that did.

I'm not mad, but I must say I am a tad disappointed. As you can see I could have easily had a level 50 by now if I only played ONE character, but that's not how they designed it. They even encouraged us to play Multiple characters. SO I can see why the OP thinks it's a slap in the face.

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Maybe this will make the OP feel better: The free month offered to players with 50s, isn't so much a thank-you, as it is a "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US!" bribe. Many 50s are leaving. Many low pop servers are becoming wastelands. Why? endgame is fun for MAYBE 1month, until you have the Ops on farm-mode, and run FPS and dailies, because, well..what else is there to do? So don't feel bad. It's not that they don't value you, it's that they're throwing bones to 50s in the hopes that they'll use the free onth, and during that time, somehow not be done with the MASSES (sarcasm) of new content, and decide to stay.


I've heard the argument about this game not being about endgame. But having a few 50s, and having tried all clases, there's only so many times you can run through Acts 1 and 2 of the arguably rich and deep story, before getting bored with that too. And TBH, I wouldn't mind so much, if there weren't tons of STILL unaddressed bugs in OPs, FPs, class quests, etc.


So again..don't feel bad. The free month is an attempt to get people like me to stay.:) And there are PLENTY of us out there.

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So casual players are not valued but content is not created for the hardcores either? Who is this game for? :rolleyes:


This is it right here.


A cardinal rule of MMO gaming: don't explicitly split your user base into different types or styles of player. It just leads to a see-saw whining effect. As you first cater to one, the other whines, and when the other gets something the first one whines.


I do have a 50, so I'm getting my goods from this, but it's really horrible public relations to hand out candy to the older kids, but send the little ones away with nothing.

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lol, so you want a reward for NOT getting to max level?


This is whats wrong with little league.. everyone needs to be a winner.. and when you aren't.. you feel like youve been cheated.

First world problems..


I shall feed the troll...


And all the lvl 50's who throw their toys out the pram because they feel they have no content are of greater value? Here, have your teddy back...


It's simple....if(foundersMedal == true){ playerTime += 30;}. But then, that's too easy of course. Instead it's a case of those who bleat loudest get a gob stopper to shut them up.

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I agree with the OP/threadstarter, but from a very different point of view:


He complains that Bioware is neglecting "casual-players". I´d bring another argument into the "pot": Bioware is neglecting "deep-players" and obviously favoring casual players and rushers:


1) The game gives insane amounts of xp and makes it very fast to level. I would prefer a slower pace.


2) People who hit level 50 get a free month. I also have been playing almost since the release, and quite intensely. HOwever, I got 6 characters running - equally - and I am a slow player: I explore each corner, do all the quests. Logically I haven´t hit level 50 until now.


No, I am not complaining about me not getting the free month, I am rather worried about the overall philosophy behind Biowares game decisions.

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Sorry, I'm just not buying it. If you've been playing since release and still don't have a character at 50, that's your own fault. I have a full time job, I'm currently finishing up my Master's, and have spent the last 3 months working feverishly on my Thesis Exhibition, yet I still have had time to get to 50... and I didn't even start at launch! I started mid-January. If I can do it playing only a couple times a week and MAYBE some weekend time, then anyone can. Instead of whining about it on the forums, why don't you go actually PLAY THE GAME so you can have a level 50. Or just keep whining, I do enjoy a good laugh.
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Been playing since early Feb myself. I'm an Australian player and like most Aussies I started on an American server because the Asia Pacific release date was a joke. I got 1 toon to 30 and 2-3 to 15-ish just before Asia Pacific servers went live. With the inability to transfer my higher level character to an Aussie server i had to reroll.


Now along comes this annoying thing called life and screws up any attempt at making it to 50 before 1.2. While i agree that it's a dog act giving only 50's 30 days free, especially when no lifers get to 50 on new accounts in under a week, I don't think missing out on a reward no one even knew they were getting is a good enough reason to quit.


If you're a compulsive whinger, the community is probably better off without you.

However if you're a Star Wars Fan of any magnitude, harden the *&%$ up and get back to paying you're sub like every other person who missed out and support SWTOR's dev team.


This game is only going to get better, don't miss the ride.

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i remember a guy complaining in the supermarket that a particular good was only beneficial if you would buy a 10 pack. He said he is alone and have no family so he dont need that many.


The woman said: this promotion is for a house family.

the men said : but i'm a customer too why cant i benefit from it ?

the woman said : there will be also promotions beneficial for people that live alone, but now its for a family promotion.


I stepped on the autobus and saw an older lady 65+ passing the driver without paying. I said to the driver that she didnt pay, he replied : yeah but she is 65+ so she rides for free !

i replied : but i'm only 30, i cant benefit from that promotion, this isnt fair !!!


just a selection of real life stuff going on, i could write pages of stuff that is only for X or only for Y , are you new in this world that you dont understand this???????

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