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    Spring, Tx
  • Occupation
    Field Service Engineer
  1. Save your money and use the keybinds if you are comfortable with them. The mouse looks cool but you will need to retrain your fingers into hitting other keys. Unless you really want to spend the money then by all means it can be helpful when you get used to it and other games can be configured to the mouse also.
  2. If this is your first MMO I can understand the rant. If you only ever played wow and did not play from the start I can understand your rant and even have some sympathy. If you have played ANY MMO ever from the start then you know this is normal and these things happen. People make mistakes and I am sure someone loaded the wrong flash drive they used the blue instead of the green. They are fixing it and it will be back. As for the Ranked WZ at least they did QA on it and found it needed more work so they do pretty good testing. If you quit them good bye hope you find your perfect company that delivers everything you ever wanted and its perfect every time. Does this game need more tweeks your freaking right it does. Is this game still fun and pretty well balanced your freaking right it is.
  3. 7pm for you guys 6pm CDT is central to america 5pm MDT is for those in the mountains along colorado to Arizona up to Wyoming and such. 4pm PDT is for the west coast. The servers all run at the same time so when it is 7pm on the east coast it is 4pm on west coast. Hope this helps
  4. since today is the 13th its 30 hours.
  5. well tomorrow night we can all play again Servers expected to return April 14th at 6pm cdt.
  6. I find ranged has a huge advantage against melee unless you start the fight with a melee on top of you then all bets are off. If I get the jump on LS users I can take half his life before he ever gets close to me and when he does just nut kick and blast him for another quater health. It of course does not always work out this way but for the most part yes. If I get up on a GS/IA they are pretty much dead before they can take enough life from me same goes for a trooper or BH powertech and vanguard are harder but doable. With the healing nerfs things will balance out more.
  7. So doing a weekly and gettig your bags and having no comms in them is not a grind but getting 900 comms is? I do not get it.
  8. This will probally not be read since its way back. You do realize that a substantial amount of Blizzards subs come from Asian countries. I believe they have about 3 million North American Europe and Australia subs the rest are from Eurasian areas. So SWTOR having close to 2 millions subs is not that far behind which is impressive in a game that is 4 months old. Blizzard took 8 years to reach the amount of subscriptions they have. GW2 and D3 will take Blizzard customers for the most part there will be people who jump to new games that leave but the majority like the space feel and star wars genre so those games wont take that group which is the people who will be playing 7 years from now.
  9. I am on the fence about this one. I feel like the old man telling the kids about walking to school in the snow up hill both ways in the middle of August. I almost think it could have waited to level 10 just so people could appreciate it more next thing will be people wanting mounts right away.
  10. Yes like everyone who tries to log in on Tues for that other game and when they have troubles. If one morning they have some issues makes you hate the game I suggest going back to another game you enjoy more because that is way to much dislike to pay money for.
  11. All i can say is really are you serious. I have a total of 13 characters 1 50 2 in the 40's 3 in the 30's and going down hill from there. I have deleted 3 characters that were in the 25's. I play maybe 1 hour a night and 4 hr's over the weekend. It was not hard to get to 50 on one character in 4 months well almost 4. If you have not gotten one character to 50 by now why would you care about 1 month free you hardly play to get your regular 15$ worth. I do think anyone that has had pre-ordered should have gotten the 30 days because the showed pre-love. It is only 15 dollars rounded up.
  12. I like what they did as everyone has said UI customization is the best thing so far. The family tree thing is ok but I do not use herioc call much so its not that big of a deal for me personally. I really like matching armour I no longer look like I walked out of a military surplus store with what ever I could find. I did notice the legacy weapon was still better than my level 21 GS's main hand gun so that was nice. I kinda wish it would scale but I understand why not. I was able to level 1-80+ in wow with heirlooms in about 4 days of playing and not really trying too much. I have not noticed a performance increase I still jump on the fleet when there are alot of people. I have a pretty good card and settings are maxed. This update would not have kept me playing if I was going to quit but its a nice fluff while I still enjoy the game.
  13. The kick command in WZ's is going to be abused there are people who just click yes because they are jerks. Then there are people who are going to try and kick someone because they said something the did not like. Then you will have the group of friends who keep you from kicking a player because they are covering for them being afk. Just put an inactive tag on the players if you have not done dmg or reiceived a defense award in 5mins you have 30 secs to get something done. This will at least make people do something other than hiding in a corner. Even if it is just sitting on the platform in Alderan.
  14. Just wanted to say Great job of making this public knowledge now every jack *** in the game is doing this. What are you guys going to do about it nothing because you are the smart ones who told everyone how too. I mean do you seriously think that people who are jack asses will not do this. Most people who just play the game will not even know to report them because they did not read this forum post. Also you can not even prove they left the match on purpose people have lives to live they might actually have left for a good reason but you can not prove it one way or the other. You should probally hot fix this now since you let everyone know how to do it and its obvious you can actually do nothing to stop it.
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