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Patch 1.2.0a is BROKEN! Rerolled to pre-1.2


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RPG's that I have played in the past that have released very big patches have always done it on monday or tuesday. That way if there's a catastrophe you have a chance to fix it before the weekend. I really don't understand why bioware would release 1.2 on a thursday.
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Enough is enough. I've cancelled my subscription twice already, but always found my way back. I really do want to enjoy this game. I really, really do. But with some people getting a free month apparently at random, Bioware not caring about us customers, patches introducing more bugs and glitches than they fixed, important things like a LFG-tool and the Legacy-system taking months to add, flashpoints being dead, Flashpoints being boring and pointless after the initial, actually good FP, companion quests being so bugged it's not possible to complete them and so on and on, I've had enough. For the first time since I got the game, I've uninstalled it and will not be back. Thank you, BioWare. You have gone from the Kings of RPGs to a mediocre game developer, and now finally so far down that I'm extremely skeptical to buying anything from you again. Way to go. Edited by RepublicChicken
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The servers are down till 6pm central time .....What did they hire blizzard devs and techs or what.. this is sounding alot like blizzard ALL OVER AGAIN...


So when a Chevy Breaks down was it because they hired Ford assembly workers?


Nay, its all part of the industry. They are feeling the crunch. QQing won't help.


This is the 1st major crash they've had that I've seen (been playing almost every day since 12/14/11.)

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This is unfortunate...


I keep trying to give BW the benefit of the doubt, even though my class now gets absolutely annihilated in 2 shots, and my DPS spec is no longer viable.


I have tried to look at the positives like, oh the UI improvements are pretty cool, I like the new warzone...


I've even tried to look past the (pretty blatant imo) bait and switch heavy 1.2 Ranked Warzone advertising and hype on Tuesday, but by Thursday it's no longer a possibility and there is no ETA.


Now, I finally have a break from real life to do something I enjoy, as I get Fridays off of work... And the game is going to be down for literally the exact duration I was planning to play.


This is really getting old :(


Hope you guys didn't invest too much into your Guild banks... because that would be sad!


The 1 free month gesture is nice... but what about those that re-subbed (and you KNOW it) specifically to PVP with Ranked Warzones? What good does 30 days of free gameplay do for someone that doesn't want to play your game and is still out another $15?


Lastly, as a business owner and software developer - it saddens me to see the way your outfit is run. It is no easy task, but having several blueprints before you of past games and the potential pitfalls... it's kind of pathetic that we seem to be encountering many of the same mistakes, and several that are even more basic than should ever get past QA.




Are you saying you own a software company? What is it because if you act this way you dont seem to understand how databases work. What is the name of it so I will make sure not to buy it.

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I came back twice, I gave you two chances not to suck completely bioware.


That's two more than I gave Rift and Aion.


SWTOR is officialy crap and dead to me.


Back on playing World of Warcraft for another year... Why only Blizzard can release playble MMOs? Here's to their project Titan..




I sincerely hope this post made you feel better. Sadly you are still no one in a sea of 1.5 million players and your goodbye rant doesn't change it. I won't miss you nor will anyone else.


We all want to feel important though I guess. LOL

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except if they had tested this hotfix it would have deleted stuff on PTS, and they would have known there was a problem.


clearly not what happened. bunch of monkeys working for bioware


You assume it wasn't tested. Perhaps it was. Maybe this bug only exists *gasp* on the live servers which will always be utterly different to a test server environment.


See I can idly speculate about stuff too.

Edited by QuiJonPed
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you just won my argument for me. If you are unhappy with the service you recieve, or if you find a fly/hair in your soup then why would you go back to that resturant. I wouldn't.\


I'm not crying. I have a very vodka soaked grin on my face atm.


I'm here laughing at everyone who is crying about the situation.


I've always done this on forums. I only do it when servers are down because otherwise I am in game and not paying attention to the drama.


The best way to prove how unhappy you are with EA/BioWare is to unsubscribe and not come back.




Dont post another thing on this forum. Just go unsubscribe and never come back to this unfun cestpool of patching doom.


bet you actually quote me in a few, and tell me about how wrong I am.


In the meantime, go read http://trenchescomic.com/comic/post/exile

It's from PVP and Penny Arcade, and it fits this scenerio quite well!



What people end up doing is not your concern, and its not painful to listen too if you don't care about it, but apparently you do because you and many other frustrated nerds decide to troll people complaining about a service they aren't recieving.


Such a thing does not happen in real life, ever.

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During last night's maintenance, some areas of the game were reverted to pre-Game Update 1.2 status. Some areas were 'missing' and characters that were in those areas would be unavailable. We took the live servers offline at approx 9:30AM CDT (Austin time).


Our server and deployment teams are now working to rebuild assets for the live servers, but this is unfortunately not a quick process. We currently estimate that our downtime could be up to eight hours, but that time may be extended.


We are expecting the servers to be available again at 6:00PM CDT (April 14th, 12:00AM BST, 1:00AM CEST, 9:00AM AEST). We'll update you with information in this thread when we have it.


This is just too much roflmfaolol. Just stop BioWare hand the game back to EA and ask for it to reassigned to another studio. You guys are in over your head.

Edited by BCBull
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Lol at "first" screw up. I can name at least 20. My issue with this game is the **** performance and mirco-stuttering that STILL isn't fixed. I love playing with 20FPS in WZs with a HIGH-END computer.


Sorry YOU are having those issues. I never did, none of the guild does. I suggest calling or taking your pc into a shop. Perhaps you have a compatibility issue. Or a piece of other software causing issues. No. Uninstal and move on. If you have an issue with what I said, then I say your issue is not with bioware, or me, but with your own attitude. Thanks.

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Dont they make backups before patching just incase? so that after todays patch they just would up the backup and patch it again next week?


Or would that be to logical?


Its nearly impossible to copy, paste, delete thousands and thousands of code on each server. Best to start over.


Bioware isn't having a good year with game and problems. But they always come back with something extra for the gamers. Sucks until then.

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What people end up doing is not your concern, and its not painful to listen too if you don't care about it, but apparently you do because you and many other frustrated nerds decide to troll people complaining about a service they aren't recieving.


Such a thing does not happen in real life, ever.


Told you that you would quote me! ^.^

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You are really kidding? The only day we can fully fill a group for an ops and you just screw it up not mentioning it's a peak day peak time...give us at least a week of a free game play or i really wish you to keep loosing players. This game should has been improved with the 1.2 patch but it got much worse...why don't you test any upcomming patch first, huh? It would not happen.
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Are you saying you own a software company? What is it because if you act this way you dont seem to understand how databases work. What is the name of it so I will make sure not to buy it.


I have actually worked on databases before. Can you imagine if this was a banking server? Can you imagine the legal ramifications if a banking software rolled back even for a few minutes while their DBMs were trying to patch the server?

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Dont they make backups before patching just incase? so that after todays patch they just would up the backup and patch it again next week?


Or would that be to logical?


The problem isn't in the backups, sure they probably do have backups. The problem actually lies in us. You, Me, and all the other players very likely don't have backups. If they roll back the game, it will cause us to have to re-download the ENTIRE game. I don't know about you but due to my connection speeds and the fact I don't leave my computer online 24/7, a 12 gb download would cause me to be out the entire weekend.


Other folks will be less inconvenienced as they will be able to get it down in less than a day. Still that's likely 2 days, the downtime today to roll it back if thats what they do. Then a day on top of that for most players to download the game again to patch it to Pre-1.2.

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Enough is enough. I've cancelled my subscription twice already, but always found my way back. I really do want to enjoy this game. I really, really do. But with some people getting a free month apparently at random, Bioware not caring about us customers, patches introducing more bugs and glitches than they fixed, important things like a LFG-tool and the Legacy-system taking months to add, flashpoints being dead, Flashpoints being boring and pointless after the initial, actually good FP, companion quests being so bugged it's not possible to complete them and so on and on, I've had enough. For the first time since I got the game, I've uninstalled it and will not be back. Thank you, BioWare. You have gone from the Kings of RPGs to a mediocre game developer, and now finally so far down that I'm extremely skeptical to buying anything from you again. Way to go.


Well that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. Best of luck in the future.

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You know what? I feel you 200% I too was suckered by the Bio-Fail hype (I loved playing the KOTOR games and I love Star Wars). I thought the game was going to be like the movie trailers - to my chagrin - noooooooooooooo!!! Major disapointment. Anyway, one of the failsafes that I have is that I sub to a few games, I like to play games and will be playing on my 50s in Rift today while the Bio-Fail machine tries to salvage what is left of this Fail Sauce of a update lmao! Rift is offering free up to lvl 20. I say, try it out - their graphics engine blows this game away completely. It's a fun game, nice bunch of ppl there, things WORK - funny how that is in a proper MMO. Nothing is instanced out except for dungeons/raids. We have World events, zone events, monsters everywhere, fun prizes, cool mounts and cute fluff - I love pets. If you're familiar with the EQ franchise, I also play EQ2, they have shinies too :D


My advice to all you ppl here is to not get too mad, well I'm pissed off to be sure but go and play something else that's fun and just enjoy yourself trying something new. If you like it, great and if not, well, there are other free to try games and who knows, you may find something you like - fancy that :D


DaddieO had a higher crit on his "Wall Of Text" ability.

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