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Seriously, man. Lay off with the little "hopeful daddy" billet-doux. And for the love of all that is holy, we're married now. Stop calling me "my lord", even in emails, where the game could, you know, insert my character's name. How about "my lady" or "my love"? That would have been quite in line with his honorific-obsessed awkward-cute personality that initially attracted me. I thought he'd ease up on the crazed military approach to relationships, slowly, but realistically.


I've always taken issues with Bioware romances. Most of the time, the focus seems to be getting laid, rather than being intimate and emotionally attached, but some of us prefer actual romance and forming a virtual bond. They made small strides in this one, but it's still a little robotic and formulaic for my taste.


Still, I began to twitch when Quinn immediately started yapping about children. Shouldn't that have been a discussion we had BEFORE we decided to get married? If I'd known he wanted children so badly, I would have broken it off, and gone stag. Pierce? EW!


And I would never want to hurt a man's feelings that way. Thankfully, I did the SMART thing and discussed the matter with my husband BEFORE we got married. We were in agreement on the "no kids" topic.


But I've watched other romance scenes, and the baby dialog shows up right on schedule. I suppose it ties into future Legacy system features, since the man kept saying the word "legacy" (which I found even more creepy--do you love me or my ability to continue the Quinn line?), but shouldn't there have been an option to let him down easy, thus cutting off any future baby-related notes? It might even be an interesting twist on the romances. Maybe some characters break it off with YOU if you put up the Child Free sign.


I'd be willing to take the risk and avoid the weird feeling I've virtually married my nightmare.


Roleplaying is serious business.

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This all depends on what the expected experience is that you want in the game.


If you like bondage, can you build a story line where your a mistress and have urself a dog to walk around?


They have to disconnect it and call to the masses. Lets be honest, most ppl who play this is guys. Almost all guys (who are over 18) want 2 things...


1) Get laid.

2) Drink beer with his mates.


Once they have families, this adds one more:


3) Spend time with the little one.

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All the romances ask you for marriage, then ask for children right after.


It's like "Slow the hell down. We've been married a couple hours, and I've only even known you a couple months."

Edited by Rojahar
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Not all the romances ask for kids. I don't think that Vector has yet pestered my agent about kids. (Thank the Force.)


I'm kind of weirded out about Quinn and kids, too, from what I've heard. The way it's slanted makes it almost sound like he's planning to steal your birth control. Really, really creepy...

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All the romances ask you for marriage, then ask for children right after.


It's like "Slow the hell down. We've been married a couple hours, and I've only even known you a couple months."


Ashara doesn't even marry the Inquisitor. She can't, unless she gets the Jedi Council's permission. :p


I hope in future content they allow us to go see Master Satele for a bit to get her permission. That would be one laugh riot of an encounter. :D

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Yeah, this baby-thing kinda creeps me out a little too. Straight after marriage. In the third letter.

I didn't even want my toon to get married, this already seemed a little too much. Why isn' there an option to be in a relationship without getting married? For the SW, at least.


And I try to exuse the "my lord" thing with.. how tou know in ancient times women used to call their "important war-lord-knight-whatever" husbands "my lord" on all occasions? Well this is the same situation, only this time his wife is a gosh darn Sith.

Also, calling a Sith by his birth name is.. forbidden? Malgus nearly killed his lover after she did that. But I'm not sure how that system works..

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I didn't even want my toon to get married, this already seemed a little too much. Why isn' there an option to be in a relationship without getting married?

When a man proposes to a woman, and the woman rejects him, it is typically taken that the woman does not wish to be with the man. Hence, ending the relationship. You could freeze your relationship points at a point between marriage and romance...

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Yeah, this baby-thing kinda creeps me out a little too. Straight after marriage. In the third letter.

Also, calling a Sith by his birth name is.. forbidden? Malgus nearly killed his lover after she did that. But I'm not sure how that system works..


If you notice Malgus gets pissy when she does it in from of other Sith. He didn't want her to broadcast how close they had gotten.

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Also, calling a Sith by his birth name is.. forbidden? Malgus nearly killed his lover after she did that. But I'm not sure how that system works..


He didn't nearly kill her he just became a lil pissy afterwards, he killed her because she could be targeted and used against him which tore him up because he really didn't want to kill her(even said that he cried)

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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*sigh* Oh Quinn...


If I get my wish (my big big wish) and my male Sith can wed Quinn, what will he want after marriage?


Do they have adoption in the Empire? Would he want to adopt?




I wonder though, I mean if he'd that insistent on having kids, and the PC knows very little about his past, or his family.


Kinda makes you wonder what his motives are, or the 'real reason'. I know, I know I'm tin hatting here, but I get such a big feeling that Quinn really isn't what he appears to be, I just have this hunch.


I could be wrong but, you really have to wonder about the guy sometimes.

Edited by JediElf
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All the romances ask you for marriage, then ask for children right after.


It's like "Slow the hell down. We've been married a couple hours, and I've only even known you a couple months."


vector never asked about kids, adopted or otherwise, he just mentions trainees.

only one on my ship that mentioned breeding was scorpio

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Not all the romances ask for kids. I don't think that Vector has yet pestered my agent about kids. (Thank the Force.)


I'm kind of weirded out about Quinn and kids, too, from what I've heard. The way it's slanted makes it almost sound like he's planning to steal your birth control. Really, really creepy...




WE INTERRUPT THIS THREAD FOR BREAKING NEWS: In patch 1.3 Quinn steals your birth control!


(Also Ashara becomes corruptible and you get to fight your Legacy rival's companions, but who cares about that?)

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the idea of space combat with a " baby on board" bumper sticker....





on another note...maybe he wants your sith pregnant so he dosent have to deal with a sith wife with PMS for 9 months?

Edited by Crezelle
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This all depends on what the expected experience is that you want in the game.


If you like bondage, can you build a story line where your a mistress and have urself a dog to walk around?


They have to disconnect it and call to the masses. Lets be honest, most ppl who play this is guys. Almost all guys (who are over 18) want 2 things...


1) Get laid.

2) Drink beer with his mates.


Once they have families, this adds one more:


3) Spend time with the little one.


Pardon, I disapprove of your prejudge on my Gender and Age group,


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All the romances ask you for marriage, then ask for children right after.


It's like "Slow the hell down. We've been married a couple hours, and I've only even known you a couple months."


What about Mass Effect?


"We've been hanging out for a few days now and talked six times plus you've invaded my brain a few times, so I was wondering if you'd like to do it in my cabin before we fly to our deaths?"


Seriously? Not a single date. We just talked a few times and all of a sudden you're DTF?

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What about Mass Effect?


"We've been hanging out for a few days now and talked six times plus you've invaded my brain a few times, so I was wondering if you'd like to do it in my cabin before we fly to our deaths?"


Seriously? Not a single date. We just talked a few times and all of a sudden you're DTF?


A lot of time passes off-screen actually. I don't remember exactly, but in the first two games it's about six to twelve months for each.

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This all depends on what the expected experience is that you want in the game.


If you like bondage, can you build a story line where your a mistress and have urself a dog to walk around?


They have to disconnect it and call to the masses. Lets be honest, most ppl who play this is guys. Almost all guys (who are over 18) want 2 things...


1) Get laid.

2) Drink beer with his mates.


Once they have families, this adds one more:


3) Spend time with the little one.


this post is so sexist it hurts...:mad:


but i forgot, its ok for women to be disgustingly sexist, but if a man said something like this about women, people would be outraged.



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I think it's pretty standard on Empire side for aristocrats and Sith to be concerned about their bloodlines. Quinn is from a good imperial family, I assume, since he's an officer and the PC is a Sith so it shouldn't be surprising that there might be some assumption that kids would be on the cards. And since he offers to do all the childcare so you can carry on carving up the galaxy, I don't think he's intended to be getting all pushy about it.


Would have been nice to get a choice though in responses, even if it was just "not yet."

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A lot of time passes off-screen actually. I don't remember exactly, but in the first two games it's about six to twelve months for each.


Most of which spent either chasing Saren or Collectors that leads up to a full scale invasion/war.


Not one cutscene of me taking Ashley to a nice cafe on the Citadel.


Face it: Every character in a Bioware game is easier than Kim Kardashian around NBA Players.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I wonder though, I mean if he'd that insistent on having kids, and the PC knows very little about his past, or his family.


Kinda makes you wonder what his motives are, or the 'real reason'. I know, I know I'm tin hatting here, but I get such a big feeling that Quinn really isn't what he appears to be, I just have this hunch.


I could be wrong but, you really have to wonder about the guy sometimes.


My hypothesis is that Quinn is a reject from Imperial Intelligence's selective breeding program (as exemplified by Agent NPC Watcher "I can plot hyperspace routes in my head" Two). Smart, obedient, compulsive analyst, reasonably physically resilient, not inclined toward sentiment or kindness. But his anger management issues make him a bad candidate for Intelligence. I even suspect his IQ isn't quite up to snuff compared with the likes of Watcher Two. So they dump the less promising specimens into the military, where they still make above-average analysts.


And if you could cross any of those specimens with a Force-sensitive? Pliable, genius Sith. That's somebody's fondest dream. I'm not saying Quinn is pushing to breed optimal Imperial tools...wait a minute that's exactly what I'm saying.


Anyway, if you ever activate the romance at any stage and continue through the conversations, even turning him down every time, the romance will never turn off and you'll get those letters, "let's have kids" included. There's a petition up to stop that nonsense: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=440165

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